Starting to think this forum was a mistake

The term Incel today is used by the Radical Left & secular globalist Elites to target any male that does not agree with a society in which females are told to rebel & whore themselves out to liberal universities & corporate America, a society where kids are indoctrinated into becoming trans & has full open border immigration.

It's not a term that we should be throwing out there willy nilly. Trump managed to spin "Fake News" back onto the globalists. But nobody has done so with the term "Incel" yet.

Btw as a History lesson I beleive the first person to identify with the term "Incel" was a woman who did so back in 1995 & even created a website about it?
Hence why I mentioned being more charitable. My attitude, as horrible as it is, has always been any man with a few hundred bucks in his pocket isn’t an incel. It’s the validation and wanting to feel wanted that drives these guys. It’s more of a community problem than anything else and our society thinks cooming is the most important thing ever. I always encourage people who fit the “Elliot Rodger” stereotype to get a church, a gym, and some sort of higher pleasure hobby - think art, music, gardening etc. Usually you can find some sort of belonging there.
In response to the OP, it may seem that there is a lot of "doom and gloom" and blackpill type content on this forum. I choose to see it otherwise, however.

I read something a little while back that said (paraphrasing), "things aren't getting worse; the truth is being revealed." That helped me look at things in a new light, and I think it's an attitude that helps encourage us to keep sharing the truth and the light.

In terms of growing the forum, the switch from RVF to CIC came at a time when I was making some changes in terms of cutting out old habits. Among other things this included cutting back on online-time. When RVF went away, it felt natural to just move on and not try to replace it.
In response to the OP, it may seem that there is a lot of "doom and gloom" and blackpill type content on this forum. I choose to see it otherwise, however.

I read something a little while back that said (paraphrasing), "things aren't getting worse; the truth is being revealed." That helped me look at things in a new light, and I think it's an attitude that helps encourage us to keep sharing the truth and the light.

In terms of growing the forum, the switch from RVF to CIC came at a time when I was making some changes in terms of cutting out old habits. Among other things this included cutting back on online-time. When RVF went away, it felt natural to just move on and not try to replace it.
I agree. I'd also agree with OP that doomscrolling and blackpilling are bad side effects of any kind of truther platform, but I don't really feel we stagnate. or that it's going overboard.
Finding like-minded people, or at least people you can discuss certain thoughts with, can be a pretty important valve for many. I know it was for me over the last few years.

Also, don't forget we still have plenty of threads on self-improvement, which is where the whole thing is supposed to go. I'm still here because I am not really aware of any site that provides the same culture. There are ups and downs, as with any community. I think we're on a pretty decent track after this huge migration.
Haha, where do I begin. Of course it was a mistake! Where do you usually go first when things go south, leadership so let’s start there.

The previous forum under Doosh, oh I mean Roosh, was lead by an egotistical dbag who was totally powerless in real life so he just decided to ban whoever disagreed with him. When he realized his life was going towards failure he converted to Christianity which I still doubt to this day as being real. Back to this forum let’s see who we got moderating it. You got the getchoppa chap who thinks he’s tough and acts all of it online, but he’s another faker and hypocrite who’s entire personality is in a syringe. Don’t listen to this ‘man’, but he’ll keep on telling you what a tough guy he is.

Oh look at me, I’m tired of the Mexicans invading my state, oh by the way, my wife is part Indian Mexican or whatever. Idiot, hypocrite.

You got the Samseau guy, who’s another keyboard warrior and a coward, who likes to pretend to be someone online and is probably Trumps pool boy as a part time job. Another hypocrite who pontificates online cause nobody listens to him in real life.

Who else? Scorpion who writes word salad posts saying things that are totally obvious to anyone with an IQ above 85.

Then there’s the obvious Russian bots who cheerlead for Putin. Didn’t it ever occur to you that part of the Orthobro movement was Russian subversion?? No?? Well it was!

Then there’s the other morons who think everyone is a fed. They watch Tucker and see the NSA read his texts, then they think, the NSA is reading my texts! No, Tucker is a rich celebrity, and you’re a loser with little income, the NSA doesn’t care about you, but keep thinking you’re important!

Who’s next, the flatearthers and other guys who believe everything is fake. Well, I believe their balls are fake and they don’t have any.

Look man, real people with real connections and friends in real life do not spend thousands of hours congregating and posting on forums with other rejects. They live there lives succeed and make things happen, so yes the forum was a mistake.

There are a few legit guys on here from lurking and reading. Cobra who if what he is saying is true actually lives in the real world. Augustine, who seems like a fine devoted chap, and Bladerunner who has a deep understanding of human relationships. Have them run this place, but the current mods? Keyboard warriors and hypocrites. Now ban me, I don’t give a damn.
Haha, where do I begin. Of course it was a mistake! Where do you usually go first when things go south, leadership so let’s start there.

The previous forum under Doosh, oh I mean Roosh, was lead by an egotistical dbag who was totally powerless in real life so he just decided to ban whoever disagreed with him. When he realized his life was going towards failure he converted to Christianity which I still doubt to this day as being real. Back to this forum let’s see who we got moderating it. You got the getchoppa chap who thinks he’s tough and acts all of it online, but he’s another faker and hypocrite who’s entire personality is in a syringe. Don’t listen to this ‘man’, but he’ll keep on telling you what a tough guy he is.

Oh look at me, I’m tired of the Mexicans invading my state, oh by the way, my wife is part Indian Mexican or whatever. Idiot, hypocrite.

You got the Samseau guy, who’s another keyboard warrior and a coward, who likes to pretend to be someone online and is probably Trumps pool boy as a part time job. Another hypocrite who pontificates online cause nobody listens to him in real life.

Who else? Scorpion who writes word salad posts saying things that are totally obvious to anyone with an IQ above 85.

Then there’s the obvious Russian bots who cheerlead for Putin. Didn’t it ever occur to you that part of the Orthobro movement was Russian subversion?? No?? Well it was!

Then there’s the other morons who think everyone is a fed. They watch Tucker and see the NSA read his texts, then they think, the NSA is reading my texts! No, Tucker is a rich celebrity, and you’re a loser with little income, the NSA doesn’t care about you, but keep thinking you’re important!

Who’s next, the flatearthers and other guys who believe everything is fake. Well, I believe their balls are fake and they don’t have any.

Look man, real people with real connections and friends in real life do not spend thousands of hours congregating and posting on forums with other rejects. They live there lives succeed and make things happen, so yes the forum was a mistake.

There are a few legit guys on here from lurking and reading. Cobra who if what he is saying is true actually lives in the real world. Augustine, who seems like a fine devoted chap, and Bladerunner who has a deep understanding of human relationships. Have them run this place, but the current mods? Keyboard warriors and hypocrites. Now ban me, I don’t give a damn.
Yet here you are...
Haha, where do I begin. Of course it was a mistake! Where do you usually go first when things go south, leadership so let’s start there.

The previous forum under Doosh, oh I mean Roosh, was lead by an egotistical dbag who was totally powerless in real life so he just decided to ban whoever disagreed with him. When he realized his life was going towards failure he converted to Christianity which I still doubt to this day as being real. Back to this forum let’s see who we got moderating it. You got the getchoppa chap who thinks he’s tough and acts all of it online, but he’s another faker and hypocrite who’s entire personality is in a syringe. Don’t listen to this ‘man’, but he’ll keep on telling you what a tough guy he is.

Oh look at me, I’m tired of the Mexicans invading my state, oh by the way, my wife is part Indian Mexican or whatever. Idiot, hypocrite.

You got the Samseau guy, who’s another keyboard warrior and a coward, who likes to pretend to be someone online and is probably Trumps pool boy as a part time job. Another hypocrite who pontificates online cause nobody listens to him in real life.

Who else? Scorpion who writes word salad posts saying things that are totally obvious to anyone with an IQ above 85.

Then there’s the obvious Russian bots who cheerlead for Putin. Didn’t it ever occur to you that part of the Orthobro movement was Russian subversion?? No?? Well it was!

Then there’s the other morons who think everyone is a fed. They watch Tucker and see the NSA read his texts, then they think, the NSA is reading my texts! No, Tucker is a rich celebrity, and you’re a loser with little income, the NSA doesn’t care about you, but keep thinking you’re important!

Who’s next, the flatearthers and other guys who believe everything is fake. Well, I believe their balls are fake and they don’t have any.

Look man, real people with real connections and friends in real life do not spend thousands of hours congregating and posting on forums with other rejects. They live there lives succeed and make things happen, so yes the forum was a mistake.

There are a few legit guys on here from lurking and reading. Cobra who if what he is saying is true actually lives in the real world. Augustine, who seems like a fine devoted chap, and Bladerunner who has a deep understanding of human relationships. Have them run this place, but the current mods? Keyboard warriors and hypocrites. Now ban me, I don’t give a damn.

CogDis this You ?
j walking in v2.gif
Not bad, you have some potential as a comedian.

He stole my line from the last time he attempted to sew chaos and division where I said his brain was fake.

And yes, he's probably both a Jew and a Fed. Go back to Haifa, Chaim.

Regarding the data collection by govt agencies - they collect and keep it and have it to use against anyone if need be in the future. So while they might not be targeting everyday people at a particular time, if you step out of line in whatever way they deem scary, they DO have data on you that can be searched.
Regarding the data collection by govt agencies - they collect and keep it and have it to use against anyone if need be in the future. So while they might not be targeting everyday people at a particular time, if you step out of line in whatever way they deem scary, they DO have data on you that can be searched.
Bring it b**ch! Martyrdom is part of my faiths tradition. This is sad, it really is. A nation founded on citizen rule is now ruling its citizens. Yay… this should be proof the enlightenment was a failure.
Haha, where do I begin. Of course it was a mistake! Where do you usually go first when things go south, leadership so let’s start there.

The previous forum under Doosh, oh I mean Roosh, was lead by an egotistical dbag who was totally powerless in real life so he just decided to ban whoever disagreed with him. When he realized his life was going towards failure he converted to Christianity which I still doubt to this day as being real. Back to this forum let’s see who we got moderating it. You got the getchoppa chap who thinks he’s tough and acts all of it online, but he’s another faker and hypocrite who’s entire personality is in a syringe. Don’t listen to this ‘man’, but he’ll keep on telling you what a tough guy he is.

Oh look at me, I’m tired of the Mexicans invading my state, oh by the way, my wife is part Indian Mexican or whatever. Idiot, hypocrite.

You got the Samseau guy, who’s another keyboard warrior and a coward, who likes to pretend to be someone online and is probably Trumps pool boy as a part time job. Another hypocrite who pontificates online cause nobody listens to him in real life.

Who else? Scorpion who writes word salad posts saying things that are totally obvious to anyone with an IQ above 85.

Then there’s the obvious Russian bots who cheerlead for Putin. Didn’t it ever occur to you that part of the Orthobro movement was Russian subversion?? No?? Well it was!

Then there’s the other morons who think everyone is a fed. They watch Tucker and see the NSA read his texts, then they think, the NSA is reading my texts! No, Tucker is a rich celebrity, and you’re a loser with little income, the NSA doesn’t care about you, but keep thinking you’re important!

Who’s next, the flatearthers and other guys who believe everything is fake. Well, I believe their balls are fake and they don’t have any.

Look man, real people with real connections and friends in real life do not spend thousands of hours congregating and posting on forums with other rejects. They live there lives succeed and make things happen, so yes the forum was a mistake.

There are a few legit guys on here from lurking and reading. Cobra who if what he is saying is true actually lives in the real world. Augustine, who seems like a fine devoted chap, and Bladerunner who has a deep understanding of human relationships. Have them run this place, but the current mods? Keyboard warriors and hypocrites. Now ban me, I don’t give a damn.
😂 Do well adjusted people also troll small Christian forums? Tell me, son, are you winning?
Kaveman has real friends - he just turns here cos everyone would hate him if they knew he knew.

This is dumb. Everyone’s on here because of the forums title and they figured out the entry level 10% of the truth. This forums here to guide us so we can get passes that 10% entry level. Honestly I come here for news. I don’t trust anything I see on the internet.
Doom and gloom is a term used when someone doesn’t like the discussion others are having. Nonetheless it is still just a discussion.

People talk about the west falling apart because the west is falling apart.

If OP wants to start a forum on the joys of harvesting tomatoes, go ahead. Forgive those of us who don’t participate because we feel there are more pressing issues to debate.

As for incel, my initial reaction to anyone using that term is they live in their parents basement. I have two kids and I didn’t buy them at Lowe’s or order them at Chipotle. Should we have the where do babies come from talk?
Haha, where do I begin. Of course it was a mistake! Where do you usually go first when things go south, leadership so let’s start there.

The previous forum under Doosh, oh I mean Roosh, was lead by an egotistical dbag who was totally powerless in real life so he just decided to ban whoever disagreed with him. When he realized his life was going towards failure he converted to Christianity which I still doubt to this day as being real. Back to this forum let’s see who we got moderating it. You got the getchoppa chap who thinks he’s tough and acts all of it online, but he’s another faker and hypocrite who’s entire personality is in a syringe. Don’t listen to this ‘man’, but he’ll keep on telling you what a tough guy he is.

Oh look at me, I’m tired of the Mexicans invading my state, oh by the way, my wife is part Indian Mexican or whatever. Idiot, hypocrite.

You got the Samseau guy, who’s another keyboard warrior and a coward, who likes to pretend to be someone online and is probably Trumps pool boy as a part time job. Another hypocrite who pontificates online cause nobody listens to him in real life.

Who else? Scorpion who writes word salad posts saying things that are totally obvious to anyone with an IQ above 85.

Then there’s the obvious Russian bots who cheerlead for Putin. Didn’t it ever occur to you that part of the Orthobro movement was Russian subversion?? No?? Well it was!

Then there’s the other morons who think everyone is a fed. They watch Tucker and see the NSA read his texts, then they think, the NSA is reading my texts! No, Tucker is a rich celebrity, and you’re a loser with little income, the NSA doesn’t care about you, but keep thinking you’re important!

Who’s next, the flatearthers and other guys who believe everything is fake. Well, I believe their balls are fake and they don’t have any.

Look man, real people with real connections and friends in real life do not spend thousands of hours congregating and posting on forums with other rejects. They live there lives succeed and make things happen, so yes the forum was a mistake.

There are a few legit guys on here from lurking and reading. Cobra who if what he is saying is true actually lives in the real world. Augustine, who seems like a fine devoted chap, and Bladerunner who has a deep understanding of human relationships. Have them run this place, but the current mods? Keyboard warriors and hypocrites. Now ban me, I don’t give a damn.

I think many issues are resolved by taking a royal path approach.

The fact of the matter is; the Western world is pretty far gone on the way to destruction.

Sitting and crying about that is not a solution, but neither is coping and ignoring it.

Also what does it do to sit and complain about people black pilling? If you want to inject hope and positivity in the forum then go and do that, going to post about how the forum has gone to pot because of everyone being hopeless and blackpilling is adding to the problem.

Blackpilling is against the forum rules. So it is also possible that what is being permitted is just being interpreted as such. A mere statement of fact or a post grappling with an issue is not inherently blackpilling. I'd consider it more like someone going to spread doom and bleakness like a disease.
I think the main challenge the forum is facing, is attracting new members. We all know each other for quite some time, and can easily guess, in advance, what anyone of us will post. We need fresh blood to stir the pot.
Honestly, it should be a lot easier. Roosh is great and all, but his moderation towards the end was too inconsistent and weird. Some fresh blood will liven things up a bit.
He stole my line from the last time he attempted to sew chaos and division where I said his brain was fake.

And yes, he's probably both a Jew and a Fed. Go back to Haifa, Chaim.

Regarding the data collection by govt agencies - they collect and keep it and have it to use against anyone if need be in the future. So while they might not be targeting everyday people at a particular time, if you step out of line in whatever way they deem scary, they DO have data on you that can be searched.

They might collect data on people that matter, you know people high on the social strata not losers like you who have no logic and believe anything the internet tells them. What is your yearly income? An anonymized screenshot would be nice or are you too busy collecting your food stamps? If what you puppet is true then NSA has all the info they need on you so why are you posting? Idiot.
They might collect data on people that matter, you know people high on the social strata not losers like you who have no logic and believe anything the internet tells them. What is your yearly income? An anonymized screenshot would be nice or are you too busy collecting your food stamps? If what you puppet is true then NSA has all the info they need on you so why are you posting? Idiot.
What an unbelievable fag you are.
They might collect data on people that matter, you know people high on the social strata not losers like you who have no logic and believe anything the internet tells them. What is your yearly income? An anonymized screenshot would be nice or are you too busy collecting your food stamps? If what you puppet is true then NSA has all the info they need on you so why are you posting? Idiot.
Nice flex, bro