Digital nomad jobs


The straw that broke the camels back dropped today and I want out of the US. I feel the best way to do this would be to work as a digital nomad. I’m an Industrial worker. I need to figure out how to convert from working in a “show up every day, factory-like setting” to being able to work from anywhere as fast as possible.

I am clueless on how to do this. Any good career paths or suggestions on where I would begin if I want to make the switch? I know this forum has been home to many digital nomads. I’m all ears. The faster I can make the switch, the better. I’d rather not spend 4 years in school retooling. I’m thinking more like boot camps, certificates, etc.
If you already have a skill set, doing consulting in that space would be a good foray into location independence. If you need help in creating a website or with marketing that consultancy etc, feel free to reach out.

A word on "getting into tech" as it is a common suggestion for those that want nomadic lifestyle - just build stuff. Don't get a certificate or go to school for it. Build a portfolio, show that you are capable, and that is all you need.
I'm also starting to seriously consider moving abroad. Trouble is I love my career and it can't be done online. If there's a way to get paid in US dollars, or just go to one of the better countries in Europe and get paid in their currency. One of these countries would have to be interested in having me live there in the first place. Don't even know where to start.

My brother teaches English in Vietnam and it has gone very well for him. Has a Vietnamese wife (she's much nicer than Western women), two sons and lives decent on a modest income. Their food is a lot healthier too. Life isn't perfect there but it still sounds pretty nice.
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Why do you want out of the US what are the problems you are facing there?

You could live well in most countries if you could find a way of earning your money in dollars while living outside of America because of the exchange rate.

Im worried that if you move to another country to work a salary job in their country you might not be used to their standard of living compared to USA as you guys have quite a high standard of living.
What was the straw that dropped? Many of us are considering the same thing. Keep in mind that for the most part you can earn way more money in the US. So bank the money, have zero debt, and get out.

The limiting factor is financial and family in my opinion.

Do you have aging parents or relatives? Are you ok leaving them behind? If it weren’t for elderly family members I’d be gone as I already have the financial resources to exit to a LatAM or SE Asian country. Even parts of Europe are on the list.
What was the straw that dropped? Many of us are considering the same thing. Keep in mind that for the most part you can earn way more money in the US. So bank the money, have zero debt, and get out.

The limiting factor is financial and family in my opinion.

Do you have aging parents or relatives? Are you ok leaving them behind? If it weren’t for elderly family members I’d be gone as I already have the financial resources to exit to a LatAM or SE Asian country. Even parts of Europe are on the list.
So just wanted to ask why are Americans thinking of leaving US, Im considering leaving South Africa and coming to US, Am I making a mistake?
So just wanted to ask why are Americans thinking of leaving US, Im considering leaving South Africa and coming to US, Am I making a mistake?

Well, I nor anyone here can tell you if you’re making the right decision or a mistake. That’s a big life decision for you to think deeply through, pray, and decide on.

Cultural degradation is the biggest one in my opinion. There are weird things going on here like diversity initiatives, gender garbage, mass immigration, and just a feeling of tiredness and people checking out or giving up in the culture.

You can build your own community of friends away from it to a certain extent, but if you’re plugged in at all it’s difficult to totally avoid.
Anyone thinking of leaving the US to flee clown world would do much better simply moving to a more rural area in a red state. The idea of expatriating is more of a romantic than a practical notion, especially if one has zero contacts or attachments overseas.
This is a great point showing why it is critical for anyone thinking of leaving for another country to really do their research before going too far without all necessary knowledge. Unless you are sitting on a pile of cash to supplement what you can earn outside the US, you must be willing to accept a drastically lower standard of living for a time.

Many people do not understand just how much variation in society and economics there is here. Even in a blue or purple state, there are places where life can be much different and better than in major metropolitan areas. Not that anyone should consider New York or California, but states like Maine, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Michigan have pockets of society that can be as nice as anywhere in the world. Almost every state has screwed up areas and nice areas.
Why do you want out of the US what are the problems you are facing there?
Mostly cost of living combined with no relief in taxes. I swear they’re trying to tax me out of my home. Plus I had a nasty break up in 2022: girlfriend abandoned me and her sudden disappearance led to my neighbor calling the cops on me. Luckily they were cool and like “well turns out some people watch too much true crime.” Turns out they were keeping tabs on me. I literally talked to her the other month! Plus she accused me of narcissism. After an accusation like that I have 0 romantic prospects. I should probably sue her or something. Would that count as “false accusation of a loathsome disease” under state code? Plus i feel like Americas turning into a gay version of the Soviet Union. Cops enforce laws democrats make despite what they look like. I’ve had enough and I want Portugal, Thailand, Philippines, Romania etc.
Mostly cost of living combined with no relief in taxes. I swear they’re trying to tax me out of my home. Plus I had a nasty break up in 2022: girlfriend abandoned me and her sudden disappearance led to my neighbor calling the cops on me. Luckily they were cool and like “well turns out some people watch too much true crime.” Turns out they were keeping tabs on me. I literally talked to her the other month! Plus she accused me of narcissism. After an accusation like that I have 0 romantic prospects. I should probably sue her or something. Would that count as “false accusation of a loathsome disease” under state code? Plus i feel like Americas turning into a gay version of the Soviet Union. I’ve had enough and I want Portugal, Thailand, Philippines, Romania etc.
Have you considered moving to a location with better opportunity and financial freedom than your current location?

A $60k job in San Diego is way different than a $60k job in San Antonio or Oklahoma City.
Western and Northern Michigan in particular have very nice and affordable places to live. I have family in the area and always enjoy being there. Even consider settling in the area sometimes. Beaches, forests, lakes, outdoor sports, nice people, clean and safe cities for the most part. Very right-wing and Christian. If you can tolerate the cold, it's one of the gems of the US.
Anyone thinking of leaving the US to flee clown world would do much better simply moving to a more rural area in a red state. The idea of expatriating is more of a romantic than a practical notion, especially if one has zero contacts or attachments overseas.
Ok, that might be a very real option. Ditch the area, Just get a plant job in the intermountain northwest or south. You’re right though. I’d be the migrant if I did that and I’m sure the Portuguese and Thai have their own hang ups with migrants fleeing Clown world like we do migrants fleeing poverty.

But fleeing to a red state does = no weed 🚭. Idk, I’d gladly give it up if it increased quality of life. And yes, before anyone says anything I’m well aware those listed countries are redder than America. It’s something I could live without.
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Ok, that might be a very real option. Ditch the area, Just get a plant job in the intermountain northwest or south. You’re right though. I’d be the migrant if I did that and I’m sure the Portuguese and Thai have their own hang ups with migrants fleeing Clown world like we do migrants fleeing poverty.

But fleeing to a red state does = no weed 🚭. Idk, I’d gladly give it up if it increased quality of life. And yes, before anyone says anything I’m well aware those listed countries are redder than America. It’s something I could live without.


Give up the devil’s lettuce brother. I smoked in the past and it’s even semi-legal in my state, but I haven’t touched the stuff in very long time. Using it is covering for some past issues, and in the long run it’s better to work them out instead.

Give up the devil’s lettuce brother. I smoked in the past and it’s even semi-legal in my state, but I haven’t touched the stuff in very long time. Using it is covering for some past issues, and in the long run it’s better to work them out instead.
She won’t talk to me. I got another thread about this. I’m trying to be proactive about this and even chatted with my subdeacon about it.
Mostly cost of living combined with no relief in taxes. I swear they’re trying to tax me out of my home. Plus I had a nasty break up in 2022: girlfriend abandoned me and her sudden disappearance led to my neighbor calling the cops on me. Luckily they were cool and like “well turns out some people watch too much true crime.” Turns out they were keeping tabs on me. I literally talked to her the other month! Plus she accused me of narcissism. After an accusation like that I have 0 romantic prospects. I should probably sue her or something. Would that count as “false accusation of a loathsome disease” under state code? Plus i feel like Americas turning into a gay version of the Soviet Union. Cops enforce laws democrats make despite what they look like. I’ve had enough and I want Portugal, Thailand, Philippines, Romania etc.
Good Lord...what a horrible neighbor. I'd mention her actions to the other neighbors on your street. Pretty soon, no one will want anything to do with her.
The straw that broke the camels back dropped today and I want out of the US. I feel the best way to do this would be to work as a digital nomad. I’m an Industrial worker. I need to figure out how to convert from working in a “show up every day, factory-like setting” to being able to work from anywhere as fast as possible.

I am clueless on how to do this. Any good career paths or suggestions on where I would begin if I want to make the switch? I know this forum has been home to many digital nomads. I’m all ears. The faster I can make the switch, the better. I’d rather not spend 4 years in school retooling. I’m thinking more like boot camps, certificates, etc.

Does your background allow you to advise others in your field? If so, maybe you could start a YouTube channel.

Or can you sell products related to your field online? If the answer is yes, you could start an e-commerce store and run it from another country.
Anyone thinking of leaving the US to flee clown world would do much better simply moving to a more rural area in a red state. The idea of expatriating is more of a romantic than a practical notion, especially if one has zero contacts or attachments overseas.
I have had this sentiment about Canada, but for us I think it necessary to leave the country - we're just a little more clownish than you guys to the south. To the extent that I have friends that think the end goal is to expatriate to the US... Lord have mercy.