Stew Peters Thread


I don't know much about this guy. But yesterday on Infowars he was succinctly going off on the JQ. I was literally flabbergasted on the amount of ground he was covering in such a short amount of time (I wish I knew how to cut and paste clips of the hard ZOG truths he was spitting). Alex even said, "You're on fire today." Over the last week or two Alex has been struggling with the JQ. He's constantly referring to them as "globalists" and "elites" without naming names [JQ owned Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, "Ethical" Capitol Partners (owners of Mindgeek & Pornhub), etc.].

Anyhow, if anyone has more info on this guy (clips, tweets, memes, etc.) please post them here. I'm curious to get everyone's take on him (controlled opposition or legit?).

If he's some evil doer and this is seen as a junk thread then please feel free to delete.
Personally, I like his no-holds-barred approach, and he clearly is a high-T male. That being said, his ideas and analysis have been spotty in the past, such as his "venom in the jabs" hysteria last year. However, so long as he makes it clear that things are his personal views and not "truth", I am fine with it. That is the difference with MSM analysis: it's spouted as absolute truth that cannot be challenged.

Here is his Wiki page, which as we know should always be taken with a grain of salt.

Personally, I like his no-holds-barred approach, and he clearly is a high-T male. That being said, his ideas and analysis have been spotty in the past, such as his "venom in the jabs" hysteria last year. However, so long as he makes it clear that things are his personal views and not "truth", I am fine with it. That is the difference with MSM analysis: it's spouted as absolute truth that cannot be challenged.

Here is his Wiki page, which as we know should always be taken with a grain of salt.

I'm pretty pumped that he was a "bounty hunter" 😂 Thanks for the info.
I'm gaining more and more respect for Stew Peters. He is a directly over the target on the JQ and social degeneracy in America. A strong masculine figure, well-spoken, and who doesn't pull his punches. Here, his JQ segment starts at 43:50.

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I'm wondering if we are on the cusp of a massive societal pendulum swing in the other direction. And this time it's going to be global. Good folks have had enough. These purveyors of filth and degeneracy never know when to stop, do they? They also don't know how to change their MO...they just recycle their attempts from previous history, hoping enough people have forgotten, or are too stupid to know or care.

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I'm wondering if we are on the cusp of a massive societal pendulum swing in the other direction. And this time it's going to be global. Good folks have had enough. These purveyors of filth and degeneracy never know when to stop, do they? They also don't know how to change their MO...they just recycle their attempts from previous history, hoping enough people have forgotten, or are too stupid to know or care.

Does this video contain commercials?
I don't know much about this guy. But yesterday on Infowars he was succinctly going off on the JQ. I was literally flabbergasted on the amount of ground he was covering in such a short amount of time (I wish I knew how to cut and paste clips of the hard ZOG truths he was spitting). Alex even said, "You're on fire today." Over the last week or two Alex has been struggling with the JQ. He's constantly referring to them as "globalists" and "elites" without naming names [JQ owned Blackrock, State Street, Vanguard, "Ethical" Capitol Partners (owners of Mindgeek & Pornhub), etc.].

Anyhow, if anyone has more info on this guy (clips, tweets, memes, etc.) please post them here. I'm curious to get everyone's take on him (controlled opposition or legit?).

If he's some evil doer and this is seen as a junk thread then please feel free to delete.
He actually has a good Instagram page stew peters network he interviews a lot of good guys, watch his interview with brother nathanel kapner about the jews, he also made 2 really good documentaries that I watched, died suddenly and watch the waters its worth the watch.
If you haven't seen his latest documentary, you should. It was an interesting watch (and free of commercials).

I watched it and found it to be very laughable. He is claiming that because we don't build giant cathedrals and magnificent architecture today, that it must have been recently built by giants, but The Man is suppressing that information from us.

He neglects to consider some important things:
- we have architectural drawings and blueprints from these places
- giant cathedrals were usually built over 300-500 years or more, and financed by kings and emperors
- likewise, more recent mega-architecture in the USA was financed by robber-barons like JP Morgen and Carnegie, etc. who had tons of money to throw at such ego-building projects
- cathedrals, including their giant doors were built to reflect the love, awe, and glory we give to did not mean that big doors=hidden giants built them 🤣
- the main reason we don't build beautiful architecture today is due to our degenerate modern spiritual state. We create grotesque brutalist architecture, because people are fatalistic, increasingly ignorant, and have no inclination to God or higher things. Roger Scruton talked about this at length in his great video called "Why Beauty Matters", already posted elsewhere on this forum.

I could go on, but you get the point. Stew is solid on many things, like the JQ, but he needs to just stay in that lane, because otherwise he just comes across as ignorant with this sort of pablum for the low-IQ crowd.
I watched it and found it to be very laughable. He is claiming that because we don't build giant cathedrals and magnificent architecture today, that it must have been recently built by giants, but The Man is suppressing that information from us.

He neglects to consider some important things:
- we have architectural drawings and blueprints from these places
- giant cathedrals were usually built over 300-500 years or more, and financed by kings and emperors
- likewise, more recent mega-architecture in the USA was financed by robber-barons like JP Morgen and Carnegie, etc. who had tons of money to throw at such ego-building projects
- cathedrals, including their giant doors were built to reflect the love, awe, and glory we give to did not mean that big doors=hidden giants built them 🤣
- the main reason we don't build beautiful architecture today is due to our degenerate modern spiritual state. We create grotesque brutalist architecture, because people are fatalistic, increasingly ignorant, and have no inclination to God or higher things. Roger Scruton talked about this at length in his great video called "Why Beauty Matters", already posted elsewhere on this forum.

I could go on, but you get the point. Stew is solid on many things, like the JQ, but he needs to just stay in that lane, because otherwise he just comes across as ignorant with this sort of pablum for the low-IQ crowd.
Yeah he's hopping on the Tartaria train without getting off to stop and analyze all of it. The giant doors, giant roads, giant steps, giant skeletons are a huge mystery, there are lots of buildings that are not Cathedrals that also have giant doors in Europe's older structures.

These Tartaria / Old World theories are huge on telegram channels, not so much on gab, but the premise it that there were ancient civilizations that existed outside the scope of our understanding of chronological history and their technology was all based on free energy similar to Nikola Tesla's rediscoveries. Most of these advancements were destroyed by the coming of the parasites (jews likely) and the older structures were buried in mud and earth, which sounds ridiculous but I've seen many strange things in some of these cities that are over a millennia old in terms of the differences in architectural styles that are buried level by level and how they change over the centuries.

I find them to be harmlessly amusing, some of the mysteries of the earth can't be pigeon-holed into a single theory, but if anything, the older world was more spiritual and connected to God than the new world is. Therefore I can see things existing eons ago which are not around today, and their mythology passing down through the ages to become the fiction of the present.

If he looked into the World Fair of 1893 he would have more material, and therefore more credibility to talk about these mysterious technologies and the sacred geometries which also formed the construction of many Basilicas and Cathedrals. In Spain, King Charles V in the 16th century specifically constructed many holy buildings using astronomy and sacred geometry / sacred ratio architecture. Just north of Madrid there is a town that is full of it. San Lorenzo de El Escorial. I could produce a series of books worth of content just from this place alone.

The good thing about Stew is he seems to not really have much of an agenda that is ulterior and esoteric against his audience like Alex Jones or David Icke do, he seems to just like ringing alarm bells and the current forecast is jewish tyranny exposure for the foreseeable future.
These Tartaria / Old World theories are huge on telegram channels, not so much on gab, but the premise it that there were ancient civilizations that existed outside the scope of our understanding of chronological history and their technology was all based on free energy similar to Nikola Tesla's rediscoveries.
I have no problem with all this pre/lost history, because obviously we see the megalithic architecture all over the world. But Stew specifically talked about how it was recent history, i.e. within the last 200-300 years. That is what I cannot accept.
- giant cathedrals were usually built over 300-500 years or more, and financed by kings and emperors
- likewise, more recent mega-architecture in the USA was financed by robber-barons like JP Morgen and Carnegie, etc. who had tons of money to throw at such ego-building projects
- cathedrals, including their giant doors were built to reflect the love, awe, and glory we give to did not mean that big doors=hidden giants built them
None of this explains why such constructions were possible in the first place. I mean, some people had to do the construction, no matter who financed it or what intentions they had in building it.
That is what I cannot accept.
So I guess you can falsify his claims with facts, right?
None of this explains why such constructions were possible in the first place. I mean, some people had to do the construction, no matter who financed it or what intentions they had in building it.

So I guess you can falsify his claims with facts, right?
Did you see what I wrote before? We literally have the sketches and blueprints from cathedrals and such places, all over Europe, just as one example. Also, advanced stonemasonry was a highly skilled art in the past, passed from father to son and through labor guilds. This is basic western history. I'm sorry, but I think you are just trolling at this point. Please DYOR. I'm done talking about it.
@Christos_NIKA and @Bird

I don't think anyone's trolling, but I will say that most Americans, and even Europeans would not have access to Cathedral architectural blueprints unless they went looking for them. I've only seen two original plans, one in France, and one in Spain, and that was after I was pressing the workers at one for more information, and the other was available to be viewed upon request of a specific tour of a specific place in Spain. They do not build anything like this in the present, the entire modern architectural weltanschauung is a brutalist secular nightmare.

The reason why Stew talked about it as being recent comes from some of the more fringe Tartaria premises that a great reset happened in the 1850s, I know which sources he is consuming if that is what he is talking about. I would have considered these too if it were not for my extensive traveling and research in genetics, geopolitics, and languages. It would have to be a very matrix-like situation if our history is indeed being rewritten every several hundred years because humans figure out how to escape the prison, revolt, a war is fought, and then a reset happens with the parasites in control again. A lot of the Tartarian proponents thinking is oversimplified, but they do point out many flaws in our existing consciousness of the world (sequential history especially).

I think Stew needs to do more research before he talks about this stuff and not devolve into a mix of Joe Rogan / Alex Jones level of half-baked sensationalism.