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Search results

  1. LaAguilaNegra

    Tucker Carlson Thread

    His name was Bill Cooper. https://www.everand.com/podcast/625644858/Classic-Audio-Bill-Cooper-s-Epic-9-11-Broadcast-Part-2-Part-2-of-Bill-Cooper-s-9-11-broadcast-On-June-28th-2001-Bill-told-the-public-to-expect-so
  2. LaAguilaNegra

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    It's worse than that. The 2020 Iranian response to Soleimani's assassination was communicated 24+ hours in advance to the Americans. It was also conveyed that Iran was not looking for a conflict yet had to retaliate to save face - and that the missiles would be launched towards the perimeter of...
  3. LaAguilaNegra

    Transnistria / Pridnestrovie Situation

    Official contents of the resolution adopted by the 7th Congres of Transnistrian elected officials: 1. Apply to the Federation Council and the State Duma of Russia with a request to implement measures to protect Transnistria in the face of increasing pressure from Moldova. More than 220 thousand...
  4. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    And? Stalin grew up in a nominally Christian upbringing too (even though his mother was likely Jewish) and spent part of his childhood in Orthodox Seminary. I am sure he too was 'close to his family' whatever that's supposed to mean. I have to ask, are you trolling? Bushnell's entire social...
  5. LaAguilaNegra

    Armenia-Azerbaijan: Ethnic-Cultural-Territorial-Political War

    Alen Simonyan, Armenia's Assembly speaker says that Russian troops have to leave Zvartnots Airport. There have been quite a few Indian-Armenian weapon deals lately.
  6. LaAguilaNegra

    Armenia-Azerbaijan: Ethnic-Cultural-Territorial-Political War

    Been waiting for a couple of days for the Armenian members to answer this question as I don't like to speak for others on their own country. Yet so far nothing so here is my take. Overarching geopolitical dynamics are of the following and well known. Every single Kremlin tied media outfit...
  7. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Unless you are a White Christian male of course (literally the devil according to people like Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir)). Then you get either send away or the rat poisoned goyslop variant . Seriously, stop simping for people that hate you and want you dead. It makes you look silly at best...
  8. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Read my posts a bit better please. There are a lot of undercurrents missing in places like this due to restricted and narrow info feeds aka ideology driven tunnel vision. The case of leftwing pro Palestine trantifa nutjobs is just one aspect but an important one - they have been getting support...
  9. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Totally made up nonsense - you're trying to configure a somewhat coherent frame just to have it all make sense inside your head. Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir) was a Christ hating anti-White Bolshevik BLM tranny simping pronounfaggot ANTIFA operative and none of your lousy deflections and made up BS is...
  10. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Pure projection. The only ridiculous narrative pushing is your continuous defense of a self proclaimed Christ hater, ((Bolshevik revolutionary)) and anti-White ANTIFA operative. One ply thinking and falling for even the simplest of Jewish dichotomies (ie Bolshevism vs Zionism) is not to be...
  11. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    He's pinning the Gaza massacre on muh White supremacy and muh colonialism. Literally running the most insidious ((scapegoating game)) out there but some continue to willfully keep their sands in the sand. Let's have a thought experiment. How many people out there know that the Transatlantic...
  12. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Damn, you sent straight from arrogant & haughty paternalistic morality-posting and acting as some sort of self-appointed High Judge about what others can or can't say on the bases of your feefees to a zero content and estrogen oozing wall of text on how you're so victimized and simply care about...
  13. LaAguilaNegra

    The Jewish Question (JQ)

    What did all the early leaders of the KPD and other Marxist and anarchist splinter parties in Germany have in common?
  14. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Self immolation is a symptom of severe mental illness and suicide considered a grave sin in each and every Christian denomination. His political antecedents speak for themselves - although I did notice that you conveniently skipped that part and went straight for the low hanging fruit aka...
  15. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    Mossad Commentary is a parody account. On Aaron Bushnell, he was either associated with Antifa or simply supportive of their actions. Sent an email to Antifa outfit Crimethinc the day before self-immolating himself. Great to know my commie-radar is still watertight. Once he mentioned...
  16. LaAguilaNegra

    Latest UK Lunacy

    Bald and Bankrupt visited the more run down parts of the UK in his latest travel vlog. Enjoyed watching it.
  17. LaAguilaNegra

    Situation in the Red Sea

    It's a matter of time before the naval drone technology gets proliferated and perfected. Ukraine's usage of unmanned naval drones shows gigantic potential. The Russian Black Sea feet has suffered significant losses and is held at bay (basically circling the same patrol routes close to Russian...
  18. LaAguilaNegra

    The Iran and Wider Middle East Thread

    Iranian military operations in the Pakistani borderlands have been common practice for long - it's just that last month they decided to use the big missiles and advertise the results to their domestic public hence the Pakistani junta was more or less obliged to settle the score. The Iranians...
  19. LaAguilaNegra

    The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

    The whole 'careful not to look at the feral muzzies they'll chop your head of for disrespecting Islam' shtick can be tied up and thrown in the garbage bin. The past 4.5 months have shown that not only are the presumably Islamic countries heavily compromised (and all but a few have at least some...
  20. LaAguilaNegra

    Situation in the Red Sea

    The Rubymar has started leaking oil and is carrying toxic cargo. Best thing would be to tug it to Djibouti.