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Armenia-Azerbaijan: Ethnic-Cultural-Territorial-Political War


Oriental Orthodox
It’s a Watershed Moment in Armenia right now!
France has stepped up its play tremendously by signing a number of long-term defense contracts with Armenia featuring weapons and equipment sales, trainings, consultation and audits, and Strategic Cooperation.

According to multiple unconfirmed sources including the State Dept., Azerbaijan and Turkey are preparing for a large-scale invasion of the South part of Sovereign Armenia’s territory.

In spite of the quadrupled Armenophobia within Azerbaijan since the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War, as well as the very recent ethnic cleansing of more than 100,000 Christian Armenians we witnessed last month, there’s a reasonable concern that Azerbaijan and Turkey will want to attack Armenia now rather than later.
Now that Russia is conquering land from Ukraine, and now that China is widely expected to reclaim control of Taiwan, countries all over the world are looking to see if they can conquer some disputed territory. Obviously Israel has decided to start working on Greater Israel. Azerbaijan has already taken Nagorno-Karabakh successfully, and is thinking they can keep going.

I wonder what other contested territories might be open for conquest?

Edit: Here is one list I found

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France has stepped up its play tremendously by signing a number of long-term defense contracts with Armenia featuring weapons and equipment sales, trainings, consultation and audits, and Strategic Cooperation.

Isn't this just part of Armenian's take over as a globo-homo colony under Pashinyan?

The UN's goals:

towards achieving the Agenda 2030 in line with national development priorities. Twenty UN agencies, funds and programmes deliver a broad range of programmes in areas such as gender equality, climate action, youth empowerment, education, health, employment, nutrition and food security, migration, governance, and human rights.

Here is what the Council of Europe has come up with -

This is essentially a list of instructions for Armenia to copy EU law, including DEI.

Pashinyan has towards 0% support. The country has been taken over and Russia is not going to help.
Isn't this just part of Armenian's take over as a globo-homo colony under Pashinyan?

The UN's goals:

Here is what the Council of Europe has come up with -

This is essentially a list of instructions for Armenia to copy EU law, including DEI.

Pashinyan has towards 0% support. The country has been taken over and Russia is not going to help.
No it’s not. It’s part of the acquisition of advanced weapons & equipment which Armenia is in dire need of.
A) Armenia has been unsuccessful in finding trustworthy sellers, and b) transportation routes via road and air are limited due to Turkic blockade, and the remaining open ones periodically close down thanks to Russia.

Not only Russia has been unable to supply Armenia with weapons since the 2020 War, but also refuses to honor deposits prompting Yerevan to ask the $400M deposit back

Sure, Pashinyan’s manipulations are on another level and I think the public is pretty aware of that. The question is, Armenia must acquire those weapon systems as well as the equipment by all means to defend itself.
No it’s not. It’s part of the acquisition of advanced weapons & equipment which Armenia is in dire need of.
A) Armenia has been unsuccessful in finding trustworthy sellers, and b) transportation routes via road and air are limited due to Turkic blockade, and the remaining open ones periodically close down thanks to Russia.

Not only Russia has been unable to supply Armenia with weapons since the 2020 War, but also refuses to honor deposits prompting Yerevan to ask the $400M deposit back

Sure, Pashinyan’s manipulations are on another level and I think the public is pretty aware of that. The question is, Armenia must acquire those weapon systems as well as the equipment by all means to defend itself.

Let's take that angle: Russia hasn't been a very reliable ally, even before Pashinyan. No argument there. What's next? In the event of a conflict with Azerbaijan/Turkey, France is going to guarantee a constant flow of armaments to Armenia . . . how? Through what transportation route?

You may very well remember that during the 2020 war, Georgia conveniently closed its airspace to military cargo flights from Armenia and Russia. Russia was forced to fly over Iranian airspace to deliver ammunition, while Armenia chartered passenger planes to double as small cargo flights that flew a few times a day to Mineralnye Vody in Russia, so much so that it became jokingly known as the "Mineralnye Vody Express". Everyone knew its purpose, but since it was flagging itself as a commercial charter, Georgia legally could not ban the flights.

Back to the possible future conflict with Azerbaijan/Turkey: France, or the EU or the US, will deliver armaments via . . . ?

What has been consistently sold to the Armenian people as a great partnership, has always lacked long-term commitments for munitions. Sure, Russia provided Iskander TELs to Armenia in 2016, but it came with limitation and conditions: Russia would only supply 20 ballistic missiles, and launches have to be approved by or coordinated with Russia.

And now is the same story with France. Armenia gets to sell the population on these nice sounding French named air defense systems, and they may receive an initial batch of munitions. During a war, however, those munitions may be used up within the first day or two. What next? Does Russia manufacture aftermarket Mistral missiles? Does Iran? Can Armenia?

That's the underlying issue. Armenia doesn't even mass produce a domestic machine gun. For over 30 years (including the current Pashinyan regime) it has always been a song and dance of such and such partner or ally is giving us this cool toy. And then what?
Neither I nor you will know via which routes exactly, for that there’s the Armenian Government and State Institutions as well as their counterpart France’s.

As an educated guess, I think via Iran and if need be Georgia (through American soft power).

You’re right about all aforementioned, however I’d like to point to the differences in the issues:
In one case there was the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict which I think was indirectly green-lighted by all the major players, and I mean all mainly on the grounds of territorial integrity.
In this other hypothetical future scenario, however, as long as Armenia remains within the “Democratic Sphere” I doubt the Western powers will allow Georgia to act independently and block routes. Moreover, out of all the western states the only one that Iran maintains normal relationships with including some economic is France.

But for the matter in the question, I think it’s amazing that France will be supplying much needed weaponry and equipment to Armenian through strategic cooperation.
It’s a Watershed Moment in Armenia right now!
France has stepped up its play tremendously by signing a number of long-term defense contracts with Armenia featuring weapons and equipment sales, trainings, consultation and audits, and Strategic Cooperation.

According to multiple unconfirmed sources including the State Dept., Azerbaijan and Turkey are preparing for a large-scale invasion of the South part of Sovereign Armenia’s territory.

In spite of the quadrupled Armenophobia within Azerbaijan since the 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh War, as well as the very recent ethnic cleansing of more than 100,000 Christian Armenians we witnessed last month, there’s a reasonable concern that Azerbaijan and Turkey will want to attack Armenia now rather than later.
What are the 'unconfirmed sources', and why do you think it will happen now?

Also what is the mood in Armenia right now (assuming you are from there)?

And what do you think of the recent Iranian set up to build a 7 lane highway on its territory on the Iran- Armenia border, thereby delegitimizing the Azeri/Turkish argument that the Armenians are not holding up to their end of the deal which is the Zangezur Corridor?

Also what is the mood in Armenia right now (assuming you are from there)?

I was there recently. There are various protests that happen quite regularly - pro-West, anti-Putin, anti-Pashinyan. The latter are huge, the former a small. I don't think anyone likes Pashinyan and the sense of betrayal is huge.
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Rybar came out today with a report on Armenia selling/donating its Soviet gear to Ukraine.

It was on the cards for much longer, but this will be the fork in the road moment. CSTO exit and removal of Russian military bases are next.

Rybar came out today with a report on Armenia selling/donating its Soviet gear to Ukraine.

It was on the cards for much longer, but this will be the fork in the road moment. CSTO exit and removal of Russian military bases are next.

Wasn't Ukraine supplying Azerbaijan in the 2020 conflict?
Hate to take sides on this conflict...but at point my position is the same as that of the governments of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and Romania (all three of them Eastern Orthodox majority countries if that is important to you):
I support Azerbaijan's right to restore its territorial integrity and to protect its internationally recognized borders.

PS Its embarrassing that some of our American posters need to be reminded : the Azeris were OUR guys in this past conflict, not the "Artsakh" rebels.
Wasn't Ukraine supplying Azerbaijan in the 2020 conflict?

From Rybar's TG channel.


Here's another example of how OSINT plays a crucial role in obtaining vital information in today's world: a Ukrainian activist recently revealed that a certain "partner country" was involved in the production of 122 mm shells and shared footage from the workshops.

However, a journalist from the RTVI channel noticed something interesting in the footage and photos - information stands with the symbols of Palladium Defense and Security Solutions, an Azerbaijani company based in Baku. This company is officially partnered with Ukroboronprom, as stated on their official website.

This is actually the first concrete evidence of Azerbaijan's production and supply of ammunition for the Kyiv regime. It is highly likely that this is also happening with the support of British funding: based on the same pattern highlighted in another case, the Azerbaijanis have previously sent mine clearance equipment to the AFU.

It's worth noting that the position of the authorities in Baku regarding SMO has been known for a while. It is unrealistic to expect any changes, especially considering the lack of response from domestic departments and ministries, who have not taken any action even after the recent arrest of pro-Russian journalists in the country.

Also the rumour that in 2020 Ukraine provided prohibited white phosphorous ammunition to Azerbaijan was denied by both Ukraine and Azerbaijan but if true both would have motives to lie about it. The rumour originated with an Armenian journo called Sarik Andreasyan and was then picked up by US senator Rob Menendez.

On November 16, while speaking at a hearing on the review of US policy in the Caucasus, Senator Menendez did accuse Azerbaijan of violating humanitarian law during the 2020 Armenian-Azerbaijani war, including the use of munitions containing white phosphorus. “Unfortunately, (these munitions were – ed.) supplied by Ukraine,” the politician said. To which Philip Ricker, State Department Senior Adviser on negotiations in the Caucasus, replied that he knew nothing about this.

During his speech, Menendez never specified what he was referring to, nor did he provide any evidence that Ukraine transferred banned weapons to Azerbaijan. The politician only added that in the fall of 2020, this topic was “widely covered” in the media.
Russia, a CIS member state detained an Azerbaijani citizen by the request of Armenia, another CIS member on the grounds of multiple war crimes a day ago. The citizen, was a former fitness coach and has conducted multiple executions of war prisoners while filming and spreading it online.


In one case, he executed a young and an elderly men while handcuffed and wrapped in Armenian Flags. The other war crimes include beheading two elderly civilians in their own village. Everything was recorded and streamed online.

Earlier today, however, after a day-long agreements and deals reached to conclusion with the Azerbaijani government, the Russian Authorities released the detainee.
Russia, a CIS member state detained an Azerbaijani citizen by the request of Armenia, another CIS member on the grounds of multiple war crimes a day ago. The citizen, was a former fitness coach and has conducted multiple executions of war prisoners while filming and spreading it online.


In one case, he executed a young and an elderly men while handcuffed and wrapped in Armenian Flags. The other war crimes include beheading two elderly civilians in their own village. Everything was recorded and streamed online.

Earlier today, however, after a day-long agreements and deals reached to conclusion with the Azerbaijani government, the Russian Authorities released the detainee.

With video and proverbial hero's arrival at Baku Airport.

Not surprised the least that this has happened bytheway. Kavkaz gangsters have been getting the silk gloves treatment for decades by Russian authorities, at the expense of Russian citizens and even veterans.

Point in case is Mikhail Turkanov, who goes by the callsign 'Pitbull'. Turkanov has been on the frontline since the early days with his group Espanola, mostly consisting of rightwing Zenit football hooligans. One day Turkanov made a comment on Azeri gangs terrorizing his native SPB and promptly his family received death threats from said mobsters. The local police wasn't really interested in protecting Turkanov's family so SMO veterans and Zenit hooligans had to patrol the house of Turkanov 24/7 to avoid bad things from happening.


Another example of Azeri misbehavior in Russia

Russian commander of the volunteer Rusich Brigade Alexei Milchakov on Azeris, Kavkaz (and Central Asians) coming into the 5 Oblasts and misbehaving so badly that some of his fighters defect to the Ukrainian side.

Thank you to posters in this thread. Lots of old World things happening beyond my understanding.

What a strange turn of events. Russia releasing an Azeri goon of such order? Armenia abandoning CSTO... What do they all expect to get out of this?

What good comes to Armenia from a Zelensky visit? "Here's how I dismantled my heritage Christian country using one simple trick! Antagonize Russia!"

Is Pashinyan a color revolution product? Or is he just a western puppet, in place to supervise the destruction of a Christian nation at clown world's direction?

Apologies, but there is a lot happening here that is beyond my simple American understanding.
Politico celebrating France planting "their" (whose? ZOG's?) flag in Armenia. Yes, the famously dependable French military has Armenia's back.

It's all just conspiracy. Please do not ask why these people are moving to a vulnerable, low income Christian country in the South Caucasus that, according to the ADL, has one of the highest "anti–Semitism" index scores outside the Arab world (and on par with Iran's).

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Thank you to posters in this thread. Lots of old World things happening beyond my understanding.

What a strange turn of events. Russia releasing an Azeri goon of such order? Armenia abandoning CSTO... What do they all expect to get out of this?

What good comes to Armenia from a Zelensky visit? "Here's how I dismantled my heritage Christian country using one simple trick! Antagonize Russia!"

Is Pashinyan a color revolution product? Or is he just a western puppet, in place to supervise the destruction of a Christian nation at clown world's direction?

Apologies, but there is a lot happening here that is beyond my simple American understanding.

Been waiting for a couple of days for the Armenian members to answer this question as I don't like to speak for others on their own country. Yet so far nothing so here is my take.

Overarching geopolitical dynamics are of the following and well known. Every single Kremlin tied media outfit pushes this narrative that there is a multi-decade project to lift Armenia out of the Russian sphere of influence and into the Turkish/French/EU/American (+ Iran and Indian) sphere of influence by use of the Pashinyan government and the shady 2018 soft coup, and that the Pashinyan government is playing foul and has been double gaming their own population regarding Nagorno Karabakh and many of its previous promises.

This is all true, but there is more.

Russia has a long history of miscalculations in the Southern Caucasus, not honoring its treaties and negating Armenian interests. From my understanding the vast majority of ordinary Armenians are ready to ditch Russia and move on - whether that will be an independent path or pro-Western path. This sentiment is across the board, and if liberals, conservatives, nationalists, religious people, non religious people, etc are all somewhat united in their desire to diminish Russian influence than Russia is not without blame itself.

Armenian grievances run from the Russian dealing with the Gyumri massacre - where a Russian serviceman killed a family of 7 including a 6 month old after which the Russian military over at the 102nd base initially refused to hand over the perp, to continuous Russian interference in Armenian domestic affairs, to a lack of Russian/CSTO interference concerning Azeri aggression, to the massive arms deals the Russians keep signing with Azerbaijan, etc.

Point in case, on September 14, 2022 Armenia officially activated the CSTO's Article 4 (equivalent of NATOs Article 5) after yet another Azeri ground incursion into Armenia proper. During 3 days of fighting more than 200 Armenian soldiers were killed. The CSTO's under its Russian head Zas refused to answer the Armenian calls and when it eventually did Zas ruled. out sending CSTO troups - and sent a 'fact-finding mission' instead. Russia did eventually manage to broker a ceasefire but the Azeri military is still on Armenian soil and lethal clashes are frequent.

It should be obvious how events like these work against Russia in the eyes of the Armenian public.

Two maps on the current Armenian territory occupied by Azerbaijan.

images - 2024-02-28T133157.111.jpeg

However due to Armenia's geo-strategic realities it's wiggling room is limited - even though it has a NATO member (Turkey) and aspirant NATO member (Georgia) on its border. Iran would not favor a strong switch towards NATO and neither would Russia like to see the Southern Caucasus become contested. There are also the economic levers, which favor Russia. Russia holds a lot of economic weight over Armenia, and many of Armenia's power and energy sources are Russian.

In my opinion Armenia will keep moving West but only to a certain extent. Russian army bases will eventually be ordered to evacuate and the Russian soldiers will repatriate. But not before the Armenians will have some sort of security guarantees from its new Western partners. I can't see France or the US moving into Armenia beyond ceremonial trainings missions etc, which is problematic for Pashinyan. Iran isn't interested in Azeri adventures in Syunik either, and has said that it will not tolerate reshaping of the Caucausus.

Right now is a dangerous time. Aliyev and Erdogan are sensing weakness and a window of opportunity. The Russians after all that has happened will not get involved to save Armenian territorial integrity (and Karabakh Armenians) - just like they didn't in 2020, 2022 and 2023. New security agreements have yet to be signed and Aliyev is since February 2022 big buddies with the EU.
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