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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Israel has internally greenlit the start of military operations in Rafah, which is adjacent to the Philadelphia Corridor/ Egypt. According to some there are between 1 and 1.5 million people in Rafah, mostly internally displaced. The Egyptians have pulled some forces to the border but those are to reinforce the border and keep Gazans out.

Another $14 billion we don't have for a country that is supposed to be winning the war.

As gross as the chew pandering is, it is still 100% the winning move atm. The best possible strategy right now is to cause division within chew ranks, and the fact that a clean aid bill to Israel was rejected by the Dems will seriously rankle some feathers in the Talmud world. We want them to fight each other, it will help us that much more in the long run. Mike Johnson is doing a great job playing his role as an conservative Israel shill, he is useful to us right now.
I have no idea who made this, but it is exploding in popularity on twitter. The satanic elites have gone too far, too many people know and once they know, they talk to others and never forget.

Looks like Cenk Uygur or however you spell it, the fat Turkish communist. Guess he's running for some sort of office. This country is such a mess. This very ad is the product of a millenia old tribal blood feud thousands of miles away.
Looks like Cenk Uygur or however you spell it, the fat Turkish communist. Guess he's running for some sort of office. This country is such a mess. This very ad is the product of a millenia old tribal blood feud thousands of miles away.
It is funny watching the very people the satanic elites imported here to attack Whites, turn around and attack them and then Whites say "yea, screw the satanic elites".

13:35 Lou Dobbs interviews Col Douglas MacGregor interview begins. It got a bit testy which was surprising.

Lou is 100% pro Netanyahu while Col MacGregor warns that the intentional starving of 500,000 humans in Gaza is going to trigger a severe response from the combined neighboring Muslim Countries (Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iran, Iraq etc.), that are armed with tens if not hundreds of thousands of precision guided missiles that can do to Haifa, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, and the entirety of Isrrael what the many 2,000lb bombs did to the cities in Gaza. Col. MacGregor warns that Israel is on the verge of total destruction. Israel then likely deploys its own 100+ F16 deployed Nuclear Warheads kicking off the next major Global Nuclear War cycle - literally Armageddon.

What I would do as a Nuke them all till they Glow and let God sort them out hard case pro-USA Patriot is to let the 2+/- million Gazans escape to the new 8 square mile camp in Egypt where they can get relief food, medicine, clean water and life's essentials and be discretely allowed to "escape" to EU and UK countries for their continued Islamist Cultural Enrichment that the UK and EU natives so love to virtue signal for.

Then any remaining Hamas combatants hiding in the Rafa and Gaza Tunnels networks like sewer-rats can be dealt with without the USA aiding and abetting an Israeli rage fueled Genocide of 2 million+ souls in Gaza.

Curious to know how many Hamas, Hezbollah, Isis and Taliban etc etc Islamic extremists good old Genocide Joe has allowed to slip into the USA among the 10 million+ Cultural Enrichment people that Trump now will have to systematically deport via universal E-Verify. If the illegals cannot legally work or get generous USA welfare support many will steal as much as they can and then self deport.

Of course this will lead to a surge in property crimes, home invasions and street robberies so it is now time to Arm Up, Ammo Up, get USCCA 2A insurance to protect yourselves and families because the Defund Police Left have made sure we are all on our own now.
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Long Island Jew attorney goes inside of an Islamic Center and rants like a disturbed banshee. More true colors keep coming out.

The coward sure seems to know how to pick his mark. We’ve got some mosques out in the northern suburbs of Melbourne with some quite “colourful” muslims that would have very much enjoyed debating him.
The coward sure seems to know how to pick his mark. We’ve got some mosques out in the northern suburbs of Melbourne with some quite “colourful” muslims that would have very much enjoyed debating him.

The whole 'careful not to look at the feral muzzies they'll chop your head of for disrespecting Islam' shtick can be tied up and thrown in the garbage bin. The past 4.5 months have shown that not only are the presumably Islamic countries heavily compromised (and all but a few have at least some tenets of the Shariah in their Constitutions), but so is the body of Muslims worldwide.

Having lived amongst them people like yours truly already knew that Muslims react inversely to a strong pimp hand, but now it's for the world to see. Calling fatwas on Boomer artists and terrorizing atomised & pacified pencil necked Western academics is picking low hanging fruit - a risk free endeavor which wannabee jihadists do no shy away from. Challenging (one of) the strongest militaries in the region - a force that does not abide by the Geneva Conventions, engages in collectieve punishment, sadistic torture, extrajudicial killings abroad and Talmudic imperialism on the other hand.. Err.. Well.. Err... We must pray for Gaza!

It's been a complete demasque of the generic Muslim mentality. 30 000 deaths & 1200 destroyed mosques in Gaza and zero action, but firebombs and death threats when [insert Western nation] police officers accidentally step on a Quran.

They absolutely know when to chimp out and when to stay quiet.


EDIT: Even at the Kaaba in Mecca, the holiest place in Islam, the Muslims seem pretty tame and docile these days.

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The whole 'careful not to look at the feral muzzies they'll chop your head of for disrespecting Islam' shtick can be tied up and thrown in the garbage bin. The past 4.5 months have shown that not only are the presumably Islamic countries heavily compromised (and all but a few have at least some tenets of the Shariah in their Constitutions), but so is the body of Muslims worldwide.

Having lived amongst them people like yours truly already knew that Muslims react inversely to a strong pimp hand, but now it's for the world to see. Calling fatwas on Boomer artists and terrorizing atomised & pacified pencil necked Western academics is picking low hanging fruit - a risk free endeavor which wannabee jihadists do no shy away from. Challenging (one of) the strongest militaries in the region - a force that does not abide by the Geneva Conventions, engages in collectieve punishment, sadistic torture, extrajudicial killings abroad and Talmudic imperialism on the other hand.. Err.. Well.. Err... We must pray for Gaza!

It's been a complete demasque of the generic Muslim mentality. 30 000 deaths & 1200 destroyed mosques in Gaza and zero action, but firebombs and death threats when [insert Western nation] police officers accidentally step on a Quran.

They absolutely know when to chimp out and when to stay quiet.


EDIT: Even at the Kaaba in Mecca, the holiest place in Islam, the Muslims seem pretty tame and docile these days.

Point taken. I still can’t help but feel he would have had the s..t kicked out of him inside of 60 seconds.