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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

@Cooper @LaAguilaNegra Nice dialectic you have going on.

1 says: bad gay communist antifa
1 says: bad Jews because kill babies, anyhow bad

Who is the good guy?

Which side you pick brother?

It's just theater for us to pick a side and get engaged in this dumbest new divisionary theater piece.


And I could paint the russian flag, the trump flag in the same pictures.

Making us care about things we can not influence and don't matter but divide us and that are largely fake.

Who cares about a few square miles of sand?

You are being played. Don't step out of the frame. Pick your side, but dont step out.
Totally made up nonsense - you're trying to configure a somewhat coherent frame just to have it all make sense inside your head. Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir) was a Christ hating anti-White Bolshevik BLM tranny simping pronounfaggot ANTIFA operative and none of your lousy deflections and made up BS is going to change that fact.

Aaron Bushnell's Reddit posts mirror everything I’ve said above, ie his anti-Israel sentiment is motivated by anti-White hatred and the (inaccurate) perception is that Israeli Jews are White supremacist settlers who maintain an imperial outpost on behalf of the evil, racist West (quoted post).

He was a severely deranged individual & danger to society and no more than that. Who in the fokkin' world sincerely writes down that he would have his own family murdered by the Browns and Blacks as payback for muh colonialism ?

Answer: Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir).

But I got to give it to his fans, he was a busy man indeed and actually tried to make a difference. If the wasn't fantasizing about Bolshevik revolutions and committing violence against ' duh racist West he was out there furthering his cause, which is actually CIK's cause too as I have just learned.


A true hero indeed.
Well will you look at that....what a terrible person- feeding the homeless!
@Cooper @LaAguilaNegra Nice dialectic you have going on.

1 says: bad gay communist antifa
1 says: bad Jews because kill babies, anyhow bad

Who is the good guy?

Which side you pick brother?

It's just theater for us to pick a side and get engaged in this dumbest new divisionary theater piece.


And I could paint the russian flag, the trump flag in the same pictures.

Making us care about things we can not influence and don't matter but divide us and that are largely fake.

Who cares about a few square miles of sand?

You are being played. Don't step out of the frame. Pick your side, but dont step out.

Read my posts a bit better please.

There are a lot of undercurrents missing in places like this due to restricted and narrow info feeds aka ideology driven tunnel vision. The case of leftwing pro Palestine trantifa nutjobs is just one aspect but an important one - they have been getting support from Soros and a wide range of other (often) wealthy Reform Jews for decades on end.

I've stated on several occasions that one dimensional thinking regarding Jewish Power is a dead end street and that Bolshevism and Political Zionism balance each other out. This inter Jewish strife is close to a century old bytheway. Hence ((Antifa)) acting against Political Zionism isn't worthy of praise and support, and the Political Zionist establishment acting against ((Antifa)) isn't worthy of praise and support either.

Ergo just because one acts against Political Zionism from the frame of Bolshevism doesn't make the latter based, nor vice versa. Because both have a long history of hostile, subversive and belligerent behaviour towards especially Christians and native Europeans.

Note that I am not yet touching on the issue of the ((International Banking Cartel)) which to some extent controls these two poles. There is also a lot of narrative pushing going on right now which is making me suspicious although it's too early to tell what this will allude too - even so I am sure you have noticed the same.

Hope I have made myself clearer this way.
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Well will you look at that....what a terrible person- feeding the homeless!

Unless you are a White Christian male of course (literally the devil according to people like Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir)). Then you get either send away or the rat poisoned goyslop variant .

Seriously, stop simping for people that hate you and want you dead. It makes you look silly at best.

Anyway, election season is at best 3-4 months out so in a short while we'll be 'enjoying' videos of Aaron's buddies roughening up churchgoers, intimidating pro-life marches, shooting Trump supporters and burning down churches again.

I am not looking forward to it, but it does have the added bonus of all the Christ hating, anti-White Bolsheviks BLM tranny self proclaimed Antifa revolutionaries appreciating CIK brothers toning it down a notch or two.
Unless you are a White Christian male of course (literally the devil according to people like Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir)). Then you get either send away or the rat poisoned goyslop variant .

Seriously, stop simping for people that hate you and want you dead. It makes you look silly at best.

Anyway, election season is at best 3-4 months out so in a short while we'll be 'enjoying' videos of Aaron's buddies roughening up churchgoers, intimidating pro-life marches, shooting Trump supporters and burning down churches again.

I am not looking forward to it, but it does have the added bonus of all the Christ hating, anti-White Bolsheviks BLM tranny self proclaimed Antifa revolutionaries appreciating CIK brothers toning it down a notch or two.
You do realize he was from a devout Christian family right? He was influenced heavily by Christianity...and it seems he was still close to his family
You do realize he was from a devout Christian family right? He was influenced heavily by Christianity...and it seems he was still close to his family

And? Stalin grew up in a nominally Christian upbringing too (even though his mother was likely Jewish) and spent part of his childhood in Orthodox Seminary. I am sure he too was 'close to his family' whatever that's supposed to mean.

I have to ask, are you trolling?

Bushnell's entire social media presence is floating on the web right now - of which I have posted a minor anthology so far. Tied to several Antifa outfits, pronounfaggot, blind on Jewish Power but big on muh White supremacy, ideological follower of Lenin, Marx and Bakunin, full on anti-White Critical Race Theory, pro BLM, talks of the need to orchestrate a Bolshevik revolution in the US, hates Jesus Christ, etc.

It's the entire bingo card. Literally the worst of the worst (((leftie))) out there. Malign, cunning, subversive, dedicated and smart.
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Well will you look at that....what a terrible person- feeding the homeless!

It says it's a Queer organization that decided to help the poor one day.

Faith without works is dead, but works without faith is perhaps even worse because it deceives people into thinking false causes are righteous.

This guy Bushnell wasn't donating because he was a Christian, that's for sure. Why didn't he promote the Church in his online postings? Instead he promotes Queer organizations? Not surprising he set himself on fire, he was obviously under the thrall of demonic forces.

That said, I think people in here should relax. Who cares who Aaron Bushnell is? Absolutely no reason to get angry with each other over this. This is trivial, even if his death is tragic and horrific.
The massacre of tens of thousands of innocent people is not a trivial matter, that is what propelled Bushnell to commit his act of desperation.
The massacre of tens of thousands of innocent people is not a trivial matter, that is what propelled Bushnell to commit his act of desperation.
Setting yourself on fire is not an appropriate response to bad things happening on the other side of the globe. Even now, I think there are numerous other violent conflicts occurring around the world that are less news worthy than Israel and Gaza. There always are. Until Christ returns and establishes his rule, there always will be. The events in Gaza are just same old, same old.

Setting yourself on fire is always a messed up thing, and can't be justified by the various current events in the news.

Bushnell is not an admirable person for setting himself on fire, and it looks like he was not an admirable person before he struck the match.

Edit: It looks like there are 110 violent conflicts going on today. Gaza is just one more, that gets more hype than the rest.

Setting yourself on fire is not an appropriate response to bad things happening on the other side of the globe. Even now, I think there are numerous other violent conflicts occurring around the world that are less news worthy than Israel and Gaza. There always are. Until Christ returns and establishes his rule, there always will be. The events in Gaza are just same old, same old.

Setting yourself on fire is always a messed up thing, and can't be justified by the various current events in the news.

Bushnell is not an admirable person for setting himself on fire, and it looks like he was not an admirable person before he struck the match.

Edit: It looks like there are 110 violent conflicts going on today. Gaza is just one more, that gets more hype than the rest.

Which ongoing conflicts have resulted in the deaths of 10,000 civilians per month? Was the US, and the USAF intel division, to which Bushnell belonged, directly involved in any of these mass slaughters?

The events in Gaza are not "same old", they are unprecedented in Palestine since 1948. The USAF was complicit in all other mass slaughter events in the region as a whole.

There are 8,000 US vets who commit suicide every year, the burden of having carried deeply unjust wars and violent acts on locals is a major factor in their act of final desperation.
Which ongoing conflicts have resulted in the deaths of 10,000 civilians per month? Was the US, and the USAF intel division, to which Bushnell belonged, directly involved in any of these mass slaughters?

The events in Gaza are not "same old", they are unprecedented in Palestine since 1948. The USAF was complicit in all other mass slaughter events in the region as a whole.

There are 8,000 US vets who commit suicide every year, the burden of having carried deeply unjust wars and violent acts on locals is a major factor in their act of final desperation.
I guess 10000 is a lot for a month. It is a 50th of estimates for Ukraine, where they round up boys and old men to be shoved to the front with a few days training. They are like civilians.

In comparison the Gazans are willing to stand up to Israel and accept the risk of death as the price of being confrontational. They are like partisan combatants.

Lots of conflicts around the world have racked up numbers much higher than 10000 in recent decades, most of them entirely out of the news. Christians being killed in Nigeria are an example. 62,000 since the year 2000, but not in the news.

Just because Gaza is in the news doesn't make it unique to me.
I guess 10000 is a lot for a month. It is a 50th of estimates for Ukraine, where they round up boys and old men to be shoved to the front with a few days training. They are like civilians.

In comparison the Gazans are willing to stand up to Israel and accept the risk of death as the price of being confrontational. They are like partisan combatants.

Lots of conflicts around the world have racked up numbers much higher than 10000 in recent decades, most of them entirely out of the news. Christians being killed in Nigeria are an example. 62,000 since the year 2000, but not in the news.

Just because Gaza is in the news doesn't make it unique to me.

-The Russians have used 5 million shells in Ukraine and only killed less than 10,000 civilians, mostly by mistake, in 2 years. 97% of Russian killed were military. The Israelis have actively targeted civilans, who made up around 95% of their kills in gaza.

-60,000 killed in the span of a quarter century in Nigeria is not the same as 50,000 killed in less than 4 months.

-Those killed in Gaza were courtesy of US funding and ammunition airlift.

-The Gazans are not "being confrontational", they are being exterminated and ethnically cleansed in a naked land and resource grab. Greater Israel plan, and plenty of natural gas in the Gaza territorial waters.
Apparently, Biden's administration decided that US will build a temporary port in the Gaza Strip to provide humanitarian aid.

The US military will construct a port in Gaza to get more humanitarian aid into the territory by sea, President Joe Biden has announced.
The temporary port will increase the amount of humanitarian assistance to Palestinians by "hundreds of additional truckloads" per day, officials say.
Mr Biden added that no US troops would land in Gaza. The UK said it would work with the US to set up a sea corridor.

You might wonder if it's doable ? And the answer is (mostly) yes - the Army's 7th Brigade can deploy a floating, modular pier from the sea.
trident pier 1.JPG

trident pier 2.jpg

This would still require sending engineering teams ashore, with no guarantees that they, or the tugboats, won't come under attack, so someone is going to have to protect them. And even when the pier is put in place, it will still require American personnel (maybe civilian contractors) to operate and maintain it - and they will need a security detail.
Apparently, Biden's administration decided that US will build a temporary port in the Gaza Strip to provide humanitarian aid.

You might wonder if it's doable ? And the answer is (mostly) yes - the Army's 7th Brigade can deploy a floating, modular pier from the sea.
trident pier 1.JPG

trident pier 2.jpg

This would still require sending engineering teams ashore, with no guarantees that they, or the tugboats, won't come under attack, so someone is going to have to protect them. And even when the pier is put in place, it will still require American personnel (maybe civilian contractors) to operate and maintain it - and they will need a security detail.

This is a PR stunt and stall tactic, the US could easily tell Israel to let through the 700-1000 trucks stuck at the Egyptian border.

Which BTW would also end the Houthi blockade as well...

This is just grandstanding in order to stop the electoral bleeding from Democrats being turned off by the ongoing slaughter and mass starvation of Gazans.
This is a PR stunt and stall tactic, the US could easily tell Israel to let through the 700-1000 trucks stuck at the Egyptian border.

Which BTW would also end the Houthi blockade as well...

This is just grandstanding in order to stop the electoral bleeding from Democrats being turned off by the ongoing slaughter and mass starvation of Gazans.
Honestly, I don't particularly care about Biden's motives - well, I find it distasteful (to put it mildly) that the very same government which provided weapons that Israelis used to destroy Gaza, is now, supposedly, concerned about the humanitarian crisis.
I'm worried about the safety of American citizens (both soldiers and contractors) that will be put in harms way - let's ignore for a moment the likelihood of an Israeli false flag, or even a genuine Hamas terror attack, and think what can happen when thousands of desperate, starving people rush towards the first food shipment that arrives at this pier.
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Israel directed people to a food line and then opened fire on them, killing over 100.

The head of the Seder Yeshiva in Jaffa gave a speech saying every non Jew should be murdered:

according to the halakhic principle, all residents of Gaza should be killed. When asked specifically about the elderly and babies, he replied: "Same thing." [machine translation]

When people say The Holocaust accusations are just Jewish projection, this is why.
Every time you hear some bizarre and extreme claim, like "there were masturbation machines that jerked off Jews in concentration camps until they died" or "lampshades made out of our skin" or "their doctors sewed heads of one person onto another" you have to realize this is ALL Jewish projection. In the history of warfare, Europeans have never acted such. These stories which seem like Hollywood scenes (hmmm) all spring from the minds of the Jew.

The idea of Genocide is purely Jewish.
It is Jews that want to exterminate an entire race.
Not ANYONE else.

Even the atrocious behavior of US servicemen at Abu Ghraib prison (while not to be excused in any way) was inspired and planned by Jews.
You see, it's Jews that think it's funny to connect your balls to a car battery. Or have a woman take a dump on your chest. Or have a dog bite you until your heart fails and you bleed out, urinating on open wounds. These are all jewish tactics, in sharp contrast to the notion of honor, even in war, that Europeans have had for centuries.

Israel and the torture techniques its intelligence services pioneered over decades of occupation played an important and largely overlooked role in the 2004 Abu Ghraib prison scandal, most notably through the use of sexual humiliation and rape.

interrogators in Iraq were taught to use a torture device known as the “Palestinian chair” by the Israeli military during a joint training exercise.

Brigadier General Karpinski also noted the presence of Israeli interrogators in Iraq. She explained that at a Baghdad intelligence facility, “I saw an individual there that I hadn’t had the opportunity to meet before, and I asked him what did he do there.” He answered, “Well, I do some of the interrogation here. I speak Arabic, but I’m not an Arab; I’m from Israel.”

Remember, Israel wasn't attacked at all during the period before or after September 11, nor was it part of the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan. There was no reason for Israeli soldiers or government workers to be present at torture camps, except to gleefully act out their cruel and genocidal fantasies.

They put a hard core Israel First Zionist in charge of the whole program:

Like Feith, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz, Cambone was a pro-Israel neoconservative who had worked for the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), a US think tank that hosted Republican neocons out of government during the Clinton presidency in the 1990s.

Israeli interrogators were teaching US contractors and MPs torture techniques that Israel has long used against Palestinians and other Arabs.
In November 2003, as Cambone was lauding Israel for its assistance in Iraq, The Guardian published a report detailing the torture Israel subjected prisoners to at a secret prison known as 'Facility 1391.'

In a speech to the UN, Michael Fakhri, speaking for the UN Right to Food stated that Israel destroyed all the fishing boats in Gaza so that the people there will starve to death.

n his speech to the 47-member Geneva council, he alleged that Israel is targeting small-scale fishermen by denying them access to the sea and destroying boats and shacks.

Around 80% of Gaza’s fishing sector has been destroyed since Oct. 7, he said, adding that every boat had been demolished by Israeli forces in the main port of Gaza City.

And then they dropped a bunch of mines that are disguised as food tins, hoping hungry children will find them, open them, and get blown to shreds.

Jews are baby killers.
Jews are genociders.
Jews are atheists.
Jews are sodomites.
Jews are perverts.
Jews are murderers.
Jews are liars.
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Apparently, Biden's administration decided that US will build a temporary port in the Gaza Strip to provide humanitarian aid.

"The US military will construct a port in Gaza to get more humanitarian aid into the territory by sea, President Joe Biden has announced.
The temporary port will increase the amount of humanitarian assistance to Palestinians by "hundreds of additional truckloads" per day, officials say.
Mr Biden added that no US troops would land in Gaza. The UK said it would work with the US to set up a sea corridor."

You might wonder if it's doable ? And the answer is (mostly) yes - the Army's 7th Brigade can deploy a floating, modular pier from the sea.
trident pier 1.JPG

trident pier 2.jpg

This would still require sending engineering teams ashore, with no guarantees that they, or the tugboats, won't come under attack, so someone is going to have to protect them. And even when the pier is put in place, it will still require American personnel (maybe civilian contractors) to operate and maintain it - and they will need a security detail.

Looks like we are going to have to rely on our "greatest ally" to secure the landing site.
Although the massive U.S. military operation will involve both soldiers and sailors, the U.S. military will not be deploying troops ashore - even temporarily to anchor the dock to the beach, said Pentagon spokesperson Air Force Major General Patrick Ryder.
It is unclear who would secure the landing site for the port system, and Ryder said only that Washington was working through the details with partner nations including Israel.