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The Israel-Hamas War Lounge

Good to see more and more waking up. Give Israel another $14 billion, elect Trump so he takes the $60 billion from Ukraine and gives it to Israel instead, which is why the elites want him in power, it doesn't matter, it is over for the satanic elites. Too many know.

The reaction by the authorities sums up America's answer to everything: Violent State Force.
They pointed a gun at a burning man.
America will shoot you while you are burning to death.

This genocide against Palestinians is the most evil thing I've seen in my entire lifetime. I can't really read about it. I can't post much about it. I can't even express my feelings about it. It is just too terribly, extremely, horribly evil for me to even bear thinking about too much.

It drove this one man to take the most extreme measure. It's easy to write this off as "wow, killing yourself, that's extreme and probably indicates some mental illness." Well, when things get so far out of your control and you have no ability to stop or change them, many will take extreme actions. It happens in cases of divorce, even, where the wife steals all the money and home and even the sons of the man, and he is powerless to do anything about it. So he makes a statement.

When you consider that this man chose a career of killing, working every day as a member of the US air force, and probably entered under all sorts of good feelings of patriotism, and service, and honor, and duty, and then sees his role is to help innocent kids be bombed and murdered, well, his decision is understandable by me, if an unproductive exit strategy.

Every day in Palestine is far worse than even the most extreme fantasy fabrications about the Holocaux in the final days of the war when things were desperate all around. No one was seeking out children to murder. No one was saying "here's a safe area for refugees to go" and then lobbing bombs and missiles on that area. No one was attacking hospitals or journalists or gleefully celebrating the death of civilians. No one.

Jews are doing this every single day.
It is the most evil act of our generation. And our government is fully supporting it.
Jews have turned me, a former liberal, into a lifelong countersemite. There is nothing they can do to redeem themselves in my eyes (hopefully some of them can convert and God can forgive them but I never will). I know some good Jews, but unless one identifies immediately as an Anti-Zionist Jew in the midst of all this, then I don't care what bad thing happens to them when one day they finally push too far. I . Will. Not. Care.
Good to see more and more waking up. Give Israel another $14 billion, elect Trump so he takes the $60 billion from Ukraine and gives it to Israel instead, which is why the elites want him in power, it doesn't matter, it is over for the satanic elites. Too many know.

Mossad Commentary is a parody account.

On Aaron Bushnell, he was either associated with Antifa or simply supportive of their actions. Sent an email to Antifa outfit Crimethinc the day before self-immolating himself.

Great to know my commie-radar is still watertight. Once he mentioned 'colonialism' in his statement I turned off the video instantly. Try going for Amalek, Greater Israel, Oded Yinon, Chabadniks, AIPAC/ADL, 15 million illegals under Biden, tranny-ism, usury and many other Halakhic-Talmudic shenanigans next time.

Setting yourself on fire achieving nothing is a sign of mental illness anyway - something which is extremely prevalent under commies.

That's an extremely disrespectful way to speak of a man who is no longer with us, and felt so passionately about this issue that he ended his life over it. The point was to bring attention to the genocide going on in Palestine, not to criticize his personal beliefs.

And Jews love to hide behind the "I was just joking tee hee. It's just satire!"

These Jews were worried enough to delete the tweet after making it, and you saw several despicable Jews like Laura Loomer echo the sentiments that the US armed forces are the "enemy" of Israel, so the point stands, they hate us, they hate our troops, they view us as Goy (cattle).
I think "Aaron Bushnell" is a hoax, a psy-op.

I think northern Gaza is currently mostly a movie set to perpetuate this thought of the endless war; finding dusty babies under rubble everywhere, hi-jacked models on scooters in Israel by evil islam "extremists".

The goal of the conflict is to get us in camp "Palestine" or camp "Israel". Basically to become part of this frame and to think it really matters.
Same as they did with Corona; the Vax saves of the Vax kills; while nothing is going on, there was no pandemic.

I think nobody died, no Aaron, I think we see CGI,

Aaron gathered the Israelites' golden earrings and ornaments, constructed a "molten calf" and he declared, "'This is your god, O Israel, who brought you out of the land of Egypt!'

And then the Aaron put himself on fire. Bringing his holocaust, the burning sacrifice, lighting the bushnell before the embassy of Israel. 😂

I'm convinced we see theater, 25 year old boys don't set themselves on fire for a fake political everlasting 'conflict" in Israel/Gaza and stream it on Twitch which gets dowloaded perfectly so we can all see it across the whole world.

It's hyperreality. The neverending stream of newsporn to keep us engaged and talk about places far away instead of focusing on God and our families and friends.

It's all so tiring and dumb.

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That's an extremely disrespectful way to speak of a man who is no longer with us, and felt so passionately about this issue that he ended his life over it. The point was to bring attention to the genocide going on in Palestine, not to criticize his personal beliefs.

And Jews love to hide behind the "I was just joking tee hee. It's just satire!"

These Jews were worried enough to delete the tweet after making it, and you saw several despicable Jews like Laura Loomer echo the sentiments that the US armed forces are the "enemy" of Israel, so the point stands, they hate us, they hate our troops, they view us as Goy (cattle).

Self immolation is a symptom of severe mental illness and suicide considered a grave sin in each and every Christian denomination.

His political antecedents speak for themselves - although I did notice that you conveniently skipped that part and went straight for the low hanging fruit aka virtue signalling on the basis of emotions.

Your attempts to somehow elevate an Antifa sympathizer/terrorist to martyrdom status because he engaged in an extreme act of self-harm, sinful behaviour on top of that, is both bizarre and pathetic at the same time.

I personally couldn't care less about Aaron Bushnell and his delusions, but the glaring hypocrisy still deserves to be called out.
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I think "Aaron Bushnell" is a hoax, a psy-op.

I think northern Gaza is currently mostly a movie set to perpetuate this thought of the endless war; finding dusty babies under rubble everywhere, hi-jacked models on scooters in Israel by evil islam "extremists".

The goal of the conflict is to get us in camp "Palestine" or camp "Israel". Basically to become part of this frame and to think it really matters.
Same as they did with Corona; the Vax saves of the Vax kills; while nothing is going on, there was no pandemic.

I think nobody died, no Aaron, I think we see CGI,

And then the Aaron put himself on fire. Bringing his holocaust, the burning sacrifice, lighting the bushnell before the embassy of Israel. 😂

I'm convinced we see theater, 25 year old boys don't set themselves on fire for a fake political everlasting 'conflict" in Israel/Gaza and stream it on Twitch which gets dowloaded perfectly so we can all see it across the whole world.

It's hyperreality. The neverending stream of newsporn to keep us engaged and talk about places far away instead of focusing on God and our families and friends.

It's all so tiring and dumb.

It is theater, manipulated, and produced, but it's not all CGI. Real people are suffering and dying in the productions of elites.
Jake Shields

"What Aaron Bushnell did was stupid but you need to realize some people aren’t built for the evils of the world.

Aaron joined the military to protect democracy and fight for freedom In the past few months he witnessed the biggest massacre since Pol Pot Not only did America not step in to stop the massacre we actively helped Israel.

Realizing that he had fought on the side of evil and there is nothing he can do to prevent it was more than he could handle.

RIP Aaron"

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His political antecedents speak for themselves - although I did notice that you conveniently skipped that part
You already mentioned them.
and went straight for the low hanging fruit aka virtue signalling on the basis of emotions.

Your attempts to somehow elevate an Antifa sympathizer/terrorist to martyrdom status because he engaged in an extreme act of self-harm, sinful behaviour on top of that, is both bizarre and pathetic at the same time.

I personally couldn't care less about Aaron Bushnell and his delusions, but the glaring hypocrisy still deserves to be called out.
Then why the repeated posts about him?

A general rule is that any post full of I, I, I, me, me, me, you, you, you is a general sign of emotion, lacking facts and reasoning.

There are a lot of threads I don't have opinions on. And I.. wait for it.. don't post them. Do you really have no opinion here?

Anyway, In this case, the old adage, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" is relevant.

And the bizarre and pathetic namecalling... that's really uncalled for and ridiculous. It's bizarre to have sympathy for a man who was so upset that he killed himself? It's pathetic to use this act to bring more attention to the genocide in Palestine? I don't personally care about name calling from anonymous users online but given the recent issues here and the destruction of the level of discourse, particularly considering your past informative posts, I'm reporting this to mods.

Also, for the record, if you're going to insult someone, it's generally wise to get the grammar right. Your attempts ARE both bizarre and pathetic. Attempts Are.

To the rest of the group, sorry for the pedantic directed reply to Aguila that is probably not of interest to anyone else, but we need to get this forum back on the rails. Anyone who wants to insult me or talk about my feelings, or shame me into having sympathy for a dead man because he did wrongthink is free to start a PM in my inbox, but it doesn't belong in the forums. My feelings just aren't that important or interesting (and here are completely misidentified).
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You already mentioned them.

Then why the repeated posts about him?

A general rule is that any post full of I, I, I, me, me, me, you, you, you is a general sign of emotion, lacking facts and reasoning.

There are a lot of threads I don't have opinions on. And I.. wait for it.. don't post them. Do you really have no opinion here?

Anyway, In this case, the old adage, "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" is relevant.

And the bizarre and pathetic namecalling... that's really uncalled for and ridiculous. It's bizarre to have sympathy for a man who was so upset that he killed himself? It's pathetic to use this act to bring more attention to the genocide in Palestine? I don't personally care about name calling from anonymous users online but given the recent issues here and the destruction of the level of discourse, particularly considering your past informative posts, I'm reporting this to mods.

Also, for the record, if you're going to insult someone, it's generally wise to get the grammar right. Your attempts ARE both bizarre and pathetic. Attempts Are.

To the rest of the group, sorry for the pedantic directed reply to Aguila that is probably not of interest to anyone else, but we need to get this forum back on the rails. Anyone who wants to insult me or talk about my feelings, or shame me into having sympathy for a dead man because he did wrongthink is free to start a PM in my inbox, but it doesn't belong in the forums. My feelings just aren't that important or interesting (and here are completely misidentified).

Damn, you sent straight from arrogant & haughty paternalistic morality-posting and acting as some sort of self-appointed High Judge about what others can or can't say on the bases of your feefees to a zero content and estrogen oozing wall of text on how you're so victimized and simply care about the people of Palestine.

Usually we say going from 0 to 100, but you went from 100 to 0. It's called backpedalling. Gaslighting is off the charts too. You started this by making totally unwanted comments in bad faith, remember?

That's right, I didn't care at all about Aaron Bushnell [ze/ zir]. However after having learnt that he was an anti-White, anti-Christian, tranny-simping, BLM supporting, death of US servicemen celebrating (((Bolshevik ANTIFA))) operative I cared.. even less.

These are his redditposts from the last month. I'll repeat. The last month only. Describing him as a thoroughly sick individual doesn't quite cut it.

From Thuletide.

I predicted that Aaron Bushnell, who completed the #SelfImmolateForPalestine challenge, was "a mentally ill Communist who just wanted to kill himself in the most performative way possible (to earn Reddit Gold in death)."

Lo and behold, Bushnell's recent Reddit posts:

"Sanity is a myth constructed to justify brainwashing and marginalization of people who cannot or will not conform."
28 days ago

"I highly recommend The Bolsheviks and Worker’s Control to anyone interested in the history of Lenin’s praxis"
23 days ago

"Black power and worker’s power are not at odds with each other, but if they were… Black power >>> worker’s power"
25 days ago

"'Common sense gun control' should mean disarming the police and military first. Which means abolishing them. Which means doing a revolution."
4 days ago

"You know what’s cringey af? Fatphobia"
4 days ago

9 days ago

"Whiteness erases culture. [...] conforming to an authoritarian, prescribed culture such as, I dunno, settler colonial culture, requires the sacrifice of ethnic culture and the autonomy that creates it."
3 days ago

"The Real Jesus™️ only looks like a half-decent role model compared to the monstrosity that his followers created. But the seeds of the monstrosity were there from the beginning [...] Jesus can fuck off"
20 days ago

Finally, here are his opinions on Israel:

"Israel is a white supremacist, ethnonationalist, settler-colonial apartheid state. It was created by the UK 75 years ago and is propped up by US support. It has no right to exist. It constantly attacks the Palestinian people to gain more lebensraum for its own people, who come from primarily white imperialist nations to settle there. [...] Israelis are settler-colonizers illegally occupying Palestinian land. Violence against people who are invading your home is self-defense"
24 days ago

"There are no Israeli "civilians" or tourists who have no part in the oppression of Palestine. [...] "A music festival! How could it get more innocent than a music festival!?" That music festival was happening just three miles from Gaza, within site of the border wall. Imagine a similar event happening in the early days of the colonization of North America. Can you or I really say that Indigenous people are wrong for retaliating against colonizers who are rubbing their domination in their face?
4 months ago

I was vindicated again. What a surprise. Everybody on the Right who praised this freak failed a very simple test - they have terrible instincts. If this mutant didn't kill himself he probably would've conducted an anti-White mass shooting

Bizarre and pathetic that some want to pull this man onto the pedestal. Per necessary addendum, Bushnell [ze/ zir] didn't hate Israel because it is Jewish, he hated it because he considered Jews White.
Damn, you sent straight from arrogant & haughty paternalistic morality-posting and acting as some sort of self-appointed High Judge about what others can or can't say on the bases of your feefees to a zero content and estrogen oozing wall of text on how you're so victimized and simply care about the people of Palestine.


Bizarre and pathetic that some want to pull this man onto the pedestal. Per necessary addendum, Bushnell [ze/ zir] didn't hate Israel because it is Jewish, he hated it because he considered Jews White.

Wrong, he hated Israel because they were slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children, and that this genocide is actively enabled by a military force to which he belongs.
Wrong, he hated Israel because they were slaughtering tens of thousands of innocent men, women and children, and that this genocide is actively enabled by a military force to which he belongs.

He's pinning the Gaza massacre on muh White supremacy and muh colonialism.

Literally running the most insidious ((scapegoating game)) out there but some continue to willfully keep their sands in the sand.

Let's have a thought experiment. How many people out there know that the Transatlantic slave trade was a Jewish endeavor? Now apply that dynamic unto Aaron Bushnell's whitewashing of Halakhic-Talmudic crimes to see if you can connect the dots.
He's pinning the Gaza massacre on muh White supremacy and muh colonialism.

Literally running the most insidious ((scapegoating game)) out there but some continue to willfully keep their sands in the sand.

Let's have a thought experiment. How many people out there know that the Transatlantic slave trade was a Jewish endeavor? Now apply that dynamic unto Aaron Bushnell's whitewashing of Halakhic-Talmudic crimes to see if you can connect the dots.

Few people actually know that the transatlantic slave trade was as Jewish as Hollywood or the diamond trade. The fact that you're somehow smearing Bushnell's character because as a 24yo soldier he didn"t have the full picture of the transatlantic slave trade and other issues is both ridiculous and spiteful.

Fact is, most anti-war protestors and anti-war circles have been leftists, ever since the Vietnam War, and those were the people Bushnell has been exposed to and with whom he has shared his deep grief at the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. The right wing establishment is still under the throes of zionist gaslighting. Perhaps if our views were less marginal within the right, someone like Bushnell might have been able to see the full picture. But to mock and discredit him for this, as you did, is downright disgraceful.
Few people actually know that the transatlantic slave trade was as Jewish as Hollywood or the diamond trade. The fact that you're somehow smearing Bushnell's character because as a 24yo soldier he didn"t have the full picture of the transatlantic slave trade and other issues is both ridiculous and spiteful.

Fact is, most anti-war protestors and anti-war circles have been leftists, ever since the Vietnam War, and those were the people Bushnell has been exposed to and with whom he has shared his deep grief at the ongoing slaughter in Gaza. The right wing establishment is still under the throes of zionist gaslighting. Perhaps if our views were less marginal within the right, someone like Bushnell might have been able to see the full picture. But to mock and discredit him for this, as you did, is downright disgraceful.

Pure projection. The only ridiculous narrative pushing is your continuous defense of a self proclaimed Christ hater, ((Bolshevik revolutionary)) and anti-White ANTIFA operative. One ply thinking and falling for even the simplest of Jewish dichotomies (ie Bolshevism vs Zionism) is not to be considered a recommendation.

Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir) is not some misguided teenager, he is a grown man on the right side of the IQ bell curve that spent most his life furthering the ((causes)) of everything this forum stands against, eventually succumbing in a bizarre display of White Guilt by proxy. No doubt spurred on by mental illness.

The fact that you continue to laud and praise this man even after all the above is by now public knowledge is testimony to your at best shaky moral compass and debatable political ideology.

Bizarre and pathetic indeed. Keep digging that hole.
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Pure projection. The only ridiculous narrative pushing is your continuous defense of a self proclaimed Christ hater, ((Bolshevik revolutionary)) and anti-White ANTIFA operative. One ply thinking and falling for even the simplest of Jewish dichotomies (ie Bolshevism vs Zionism) is not to be considered a recommendation.

Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir) is not some misguided teenager, he is a grown man on the right side of the IQ bell curve that spent most his life furthering the ((causes)) of everything this forum stands against, eventually succumbing in a bizarre display of White Guilt by proxy. No doubt spurred on by mental illness.

The fact that you continue to laud and praise this man even after all the above is by now public knowledge is testimony to your at best shaky moral compass and debatable political ideology.

Bizarre and pathetic indeed. Keep digging that hole.

You're dead wrong about this, Bushnell's main cause was being against ZOG forever wars, a cause with which this forum is fully aligned.
You're dead wrong about this, Bushnell's main cause was being against ZOG forever wars, a cause with which this forum is fully aligned.

Totally made up nonsense - you're trying to configure a somewhat coherent frame just to have it all make sense inside your head. Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir) was a Christ hating anti-White Bolshevik BLM tranny simping pronounfaggot ANTIFA operative and none of your lousy deflections and made up BS is going to change that fact.

Aaron Bushnell's Reddit posts mirror everything I’ve said above, ie his anti-Israel sentiment is motivated by anti-White hatred and the (inaccurate) perception is that Israeli Jews are White supremacist settlers who maintain an imperial outpost on behalf of the evil, racist West (quoted post).

He was a severely deranged individual & danger to society and no more than that. Who in the fokkin' world sincerely writes down that he would have his own family murdered by the Browns and Blacks as payback for muh colonialism ?

Answer: Aaron Bushnell (ze/zir).

But I got to give it to his fans, he was a busy man indeed and actually tried to make a difference. If the wasn't fantasizing about Bolshevik revolutions and committing violence against ' duh racist West he was out there furthering his cause, which is actually CIK's cause too as I have just learned.


A true hero indeed.