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Search results

  1. Vas Incrementum

    Hitler versus Rothschild: the Logistics and Background of World War Two

    He writes prior to the poem, "here's a little poem the boys will often say". That's quite something. I do wonder if that was a common sentiment among the hardened troops.
  2. Vas Incrementum

    Property / Real Estate As An Investment

    One of these sea front properties in England might make a good group buy for some lads.
  3. Vas Incrementum


    People who know me from RVF, know that I live frugally. I don't like eating out in restaurants and tipping is a large part of that, but so is the whole restaurant experience. I'm a peasant and am content to be one, so having a waiter putting on a performance for me in order that I might tip him...
  4. Vas Incrementum


    I thought that it benefited employers too, it likely did when the tips as wages culture started, but it's now systemic and therefore it would be difficult to buck the trend. A restauranteur could open a bistro and decide to pay his waiting staff a living wage, but that would be reflected in...
  5. Vas Incrementum

    Did Pope Francis Allow Priests to Bless Same-Sex Relationships?

    The plot thickens. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cpvvyxr79glo
  6. Vas Incrementum

    Goyslop - Colors, Additives, Radiation, Sugar and Other Perils

    In a recent podcast I listened to a Croatian lady doctor said something that immediately struck a chord. She said that in communist times people ate a very high carbohydrate diet (pierogis, pasta, bread, etc.) but almost all people were slim, especially youths. That was pretty true of the...
  7. Vas Incrementum

    Latest UK Lunacy

    If the children lose their mother, as William lost his mother Diana, then it's beyond tragic. Could it be a generational curse for involvement in Freemasonry and other nefarious ventures? Such spiritual matters are often not taken into consideration these days.
  8. Vas Incrementum


    Tipping in America is a pain. As a rule I leave 10%, but that's considered mean in the US. I remember tipping a dollar, which was over 10% for breakfast in a Brooklyn diner and the waitress curling her lip up at me. And that's me being generous.
  9. Vas Incrementum

    Died Suddenly (SADS)

    A chap I know who ran a motorbike forum died suddenly this week. No history of heart disease, taken to hospital and had a couple of stents put in, but died nevertheless. A non believer who fell for the covid caper, gone. He was popular and a bit of a character who has left a lot of sad and...
  10. Vas Incrementum

    What are you currently reading?

    I've just finished reading Father Arseny, 1893-1973: Priest, Prisoner, Spiritual Father and Father Arseny: A Cloud of Witnesses. I've been profoundly moved by both books. Father Arseny was a Hieromonk who was a living example of faith, hope and charity in the Siberian gulag he was imprisoned in...
  11. Vas Incrementum

    Current Events in Russia

    There you go again with your egocentric gushings. Do you think your ideas are so noble and wise that people will give up their time to wade through these large tracts of text? You was called out for posting a false portrayal of race mixing in Russia. So, yes, you're a liar for posting such a...
  12. Vas Incrementum

    Current Events in Russia

    That's not what's being argued here. My preferences are no different to yours. What I and others object to is MFTP spinning fake and/or distorted narratives with triggering photos and videos in order to manipulate forum members emotionally. That's his modus operandi. As a Christian I am...
  13. Vas Incrementum

    Current Events in Russia

    This is pure sophistry. All you've done is to post your usual verbose justifications with bible verses and your own meta narrative added to suit your ideology.
  14. Vas Incrementum

    Current Events in Russia

    Take this or leave it, but you need to find a spiritual director ASAP, because you don't understand Christianity. Mathew 16:26
  15. Vas Incrementum

    Current Events in Russia

    That post of Music's reminds me of my Alt-Right days. It looks so dated now. The black men with white women is one of those oft used tropes that play on European men's fears and since it's meant to elicit hatred, it's bemusing to me how someone who professes to be Christian can justify such a...
  16. Vas Incrementum

    Boxing & MMA

    Great fight. It didn't go anything like I expected. Fury dominated the mid rounds, obscuring clever shots with his jab and outwitting Uzyk. Then Uzyk summoned up a storm of aggression and went for broke and very nearly won by knock out. Crazy. In the end Uzyk didn't outbox Fury, he just had the...
  17. Vas Incrementum

    Boxing & MMA

    Fury's weight means he's not got any silly ideas of leaning on or rough housing Usyk, so that's one positive. Usyk is too quick and mobile for that sort of tactic. So, since he can't outbox Uzyk, Fury's probably looking for a knock out. Good luck with that. Unless he thinks he can outbox Uzyk...
  18. Vas Incrementum

    Boxing & MMA

    I'll check in Sunday morning to read your excuses.
  19. Vas Incrementum

    Boxing & MMA

    It will go the 12 rounds. Uzyk will use his amateur experience, speed and agility to out point Fury.
  20. Vas Incrementum

    Candace Owens

    Well, she is the queen of Ethiopia and a queen is entitled to a royal fee (Acts 8:27)