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Goyslop - Colors, Additives, Radiation, Sugar and Other Perils

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"Chilli Con Cricket"

In a recent podcast I listened to a Croatian lady doctor said something that immediately struck a chord. She said that in communist times people ate a very high carbohydrate diet (pierogis, pasta, bread, etc.) but almost all people were slim, especially youths. That was pretty true of the English too ( just go look at 70s soccer matches on YT and see for yourself) .

Her theory is that modern agricultural practices (the use of glyphosate, GMOs, etc) have somehow radically changed our microbiome and, consequently, our metabolic processing of carbohydrates.

Everything in a packet, can or canister is suspect.

Why not just use coconut oil? Why mix it with those other horrible oils?

And if they're trying to cut costs, you wonder why they'd include coconut oil in the first place.
We all know seed oils are contributing massively to obesity.

But the other important point about the above graph is how they are defining sugar. For example is high fructose corn syrup classified as sugar? Is Agave syrup classified as sugar? etc.
That's a good question. We would also need to look at the trends for prevalence of seed oils, GMOs, pesticides and other chemicals in the food to determine what is contributing most to the obesity. I would venture to guess it's not the sugar. In the EU they also have greatly increased their sugar intake since the 80s, but they don't put as much of the other garbage in the food and people are much thinner than in the US. Living in Europe, I would eat sweets all the time but they didn't bloat me as much as the junk food here does, and I didn't get fat there but I certainly did in the US.

Why not just use coconut oil? Why mix it with those other horrible oils?

And if they're trying to cut costs, you wonder why they'd include coconut oil in the first place.
Women who don't breastfeed are doing a huge disservice to their kids. The only reason to use formula is if the mother dies or has some serious health issue. And even then I'm not convinced it's better than goat milk.