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Candace Owens

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Really. Is this where we're at on this forum, quoting David Icke, someone who has likely harvested more souls for Satan than anyone in the "truther community". The levels of suspicion and paranoia with some on this forum is off the charts and it's not very Christian either.

Accusing those people of being controlled opposition, without hard evidence, is calumny. It's a sin. We ought to be praising the Lord for saving the souls of such influential people, who will likely win many more souls. But no, the thread turns into more Catholic bashing instead.
Really. Is this where we're at on this forum, quoting David Icke, someone who has likely harvested more souls for Satan than anyone in the "truther community". The levels of suspicion and paranoia with some on this forum is off the charts and it's not very Christian either.

Accusing those people of being controlled opposition, without hard evidence, is calumny. It's a sin. We ought to be praising the Lord for saving the souls of such influential people, who will likely win many more souls. But no, the thread turns into more Catholic bashing instead.
Yeah, @Samseau can we "clean thus thread up" and move @MrRedsquare's original "Candace is a freemason" post, that 5 hour freemason video (which is interesting), the David Icke post, and that last Catholic x freemason article into a Freemason/Controlled Opposition Thread? @Vas Incrementum has a point about "Catholic bashing" (which, as a paranoid Catholic I thoroughly enjoy), but this thread is also getting off the topic of Candace Owens.
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Nothing here is off-topic, if people want to try and out someone as controlled oppo then they should be allowed. Better to expose fakes than be deceived, that said, if you disagree with someone just make your case why. So far this isn't a big deal because people aren't simply spamming their opinions. People make their case and others respond. That's how a conversation should look like.

If Candace is controlled oppo, however, we'll know as the years roll on and people can point back to this as saying, "Darn, should have noticed the signs."

Otherwise, if she goes down the path of martyrdom, we can say the opposite.
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Do you think it's a concidence showing the black an white masoncic floor in the picture? what a joke.

After Roosh pointed out in his book about his senses going haywire when being around or in a masonic church, I'm the same - It literally makes my skin crawl.

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Establishment actors are well and truly planted.

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It's a big club and they're all in it.

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Just messing about with thier hands? No they have to do this no exceptions.

And here's the latest from the so called "Christian"

New Age Owens.jpg

Christ conciousness huh? Can't wait for the downvotes and rationaliztions on that one.

New Age Masonic decievers are nothing new under the sun.
I think the jews are very aware of their need to provide their own 'anti-jewish' opposition before the real thing can develop organically.
Look for example at the UK where the 'based' conservatives thrown up as an alternative to jewish Boris Johnson, useless Liz Truss and finance-golem Rishi Sunak are... brown woman Suella Braverman (who is an acquaintance of friends of mine) and black woman Kemi Badenoch.
In the US and around the worlds media we have 'based' black woman Candace Owens. No coincidence.
Notice they don't like white male based types.For example there were many white males who were stronger critics of Israel in the past, so the world got Zionist trained intelligence plant Noam Chomsky, a jew, instead.

The jews love this "Christian countersemitism" angle as it gets a faction of Christians very excited while a larger faction remain horrified that Christians would criticise the 'chosen people'. Meanwhile non christians of all stripes look on dumbfounded as they have no skin in the game and it all seems very weird to them.
The jews can then play the "irrational christian prejudice" card and invoke the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Witch Burning etc. and most normies will lap it up, thinking that christian 'anti semitism' being deployed by fringe characters like Candace Owens, who they barely follow, is just another hangover from 'medieval' and 'superstitious' Christianity. (not MY opinion but you can see how it works in jewish minds).
Theres even people who style themselves as senior members on here and on RVF who tried to claim all manner of things about jews and judaism which were nonsense-babble and yet which received no pushback whatsoever - and that's in here, so imagine how insulated the average normie is against all this stuff.

Candace, to me, is an operative who is just obeying instructions. ts likely, from many sources, that she got her start on the jewish casting couch. NOW she's trying to claim that 'little Benny' tried to get her on his yacht when she signed with the Daily Wire? X to doubt.
I think a lot happened in Candace's very early career - even just based on the fact that the likes of (jew worshipping) Nigel Farage lies so often about how she got her start.
She'd already consummated her arranged marriage by the point that lil Benny supposedly tried to seduce her on his Gangster Yacht - imagine Peewee Herman trying to seduce Harambe the gorilla on a well appointed yacht..
whose safety would you fear for? I don't believe her when she says that.
As far as her marriage - nothing about that marriage seemed happenstance and organic to me.

Whats interesting is that someone said that she was in a based Roman Catholic marriage. All I ever saw was a Public Relations exercise, just as Hollywood actors get married and have kids as PR exercises when their real private lives are kept out of all the papers.
Lets look at that marriage though. Candace had a whirlwind romance, married this guy and popped out a few kids whilst, seemingly, not letting it interfere with her busy media role - I found it quite amazing how she was able to raise a young family whilst - seemingly - spending so much time away from her husband and her young family and focusing on her media career as a priority instead.

But lets just say she found a way to take her husband and kids with her and fulfil those roles whilst appearing on various TV and internet channels.
She has this "anti semitism" row and retreats back to her based Catholic marriage and in-law family.. what then?
because no-one has mentioned that her Father in Law is Baron Farmer, the British Lord and son of a (((metals trader))) and either a Boss Jew or the biggest Shabbos Goy imaginable depending on his real ethnicity..
Farmer was on the Zionist jewish dominated Conservative select-committee.
He was also part of the Conservative Treasury committee which was a jewish run operation and at one point was THE Treasurer of the Conservative party. There is no more zionist or jewish group in UK politics.
Baron Farmer also set up "Turning Point UK" - you know Turning Point of Charlie Kirk fame? Charlie Kirk the guy who said he would do anything for Israel? Charlie Kirk who attended her hastily arranged wedding on Trump property?
Baron Farmer - her Father in Law - was made the Christian deputy chair of the Council of Christians and Jews in 2016. If you dismiss the fact that he and Candace's husband are crypto jews on account of the 'metals trading' father/grandfather then there is still no more philo-semitic career, and connected to the centres of zionist power, possible for Candace's father in law.
What on earth does she talk to him about when she goes home, fired for supposed 'anti semitism'?
George Farmer, her Husband, was made CEO of Parler when it launched. Remember how Andrew Torba of GAB had said that whatever platform Trump wanted to go to, that his people demanded censorship and a hard no countersemitism rule before he would join.
Parler was fine on that account - it seems that Georeg farmer was more than happy to go along with it all. He is from very jew-friendly and zoo-friendly stock after all.
Another guy involved with Parler was Dan Bongino. Remember how Rush Limbaugh was replaced by an actual Intel operative?
And a key Boomer entertainer during the Trump years was Dan Bongino, ex- Secret Service operative, who is so Zio-Friendly that it is untrue.
Everything about Parler and George Farmer reeked of Shabbos Goy and Phil-semitism.
And Candace is now retreating from those Creepy Jews to the arms of .. a bunch of people who couldn't be any more embedded in the jewish power-structure if they tried..
Look at Suella (((Braverman))) married to a high up jew.
Also, involved initially with the "Triratna FWBO" Buddhist Cult which was run from top to bottom by jews like Vishvapani Blomfeld.
"Beg your pardon Sir? Sir wants a based Black/Brown Woman? Those only come with jewish strings attached sir, Im afraid.."

Thats one more reason why I don't see her as genuine. The CIA cultivated hippy and feminist freaks like Jerry Garcia and Gloria Steinem and the ex Beat Poet and hippy Allen Ginsberg as assets That would have blown the mind of most beat poet or Ginsberg fans and "deadheads".. and anoying feminists.. yet controlled opposition they were.
But somehow its not possible that the jews are using Candace as a long game plant who will eventually discredit "Christian countersemitism" and whose ubiquitousness allows them to prevent a REAL christian anti semitism movement from evolving.
Well. it is possible and its what I see happening with jew-embedded Candace who has relied on jews at every stage of her career so far.

See also jewish James (((O Keefe))) ho never tells us what his real name is.
Steve piecznik who told us what a based jew he was ,and he was on our side - and then came out with the water marks nonsense post 2020 election steal, thus hamstringing the resistance.
Or based Tucker who kidded us all on and then, just at the crucial time, told us that there "was no election-steal" in 2020. Turn coat Tucker.
Or the Russian MP Zhirinovsky. Based anti-jewish meme man. who actually told the world the date of Russia's invasion of the Ukraine, and then promptly got FSB'ed/Died. He was jewish but he always evaded the question.

When Dublin rioted some on here said that Conor MacGregor would lead a genuine uprising.
Conor Macgregor in the pay of (((Dana White))) who is in turn in the pay of (((Ari Emmanuel))?
Im still waiting for that uprising based celebrity Macgregor was about to lead..

I await with far more confidence Candace's based anti semitism going precisely nowhere and Candace herself somehow letting us down just as Pieczenik and Tucker Carlson and Zhirinovsky had done before.

And then she does a big tweet about her loyalty to the Catholic Church with photos covered everywhere with the Kabbalah black and white checker pattern? Its just so on the (((Nose)))..
And who puts out these freemason themed pictures? the Freemason controlled opposition David Icke.

Mileage will Vary so ignore the below if you want:
as was stated previously The BBC harboured and abetted Jimmy Saville a serial pedophile rapist and abuser
Presenter Jill Dando was shot for trying to reveal some of those dark secrets.
Who wasn't shot? The most famous BBC face of the 1980s Terry Wogan. Long before the Saville story broke (after he was conveniently dead) Wogan was actually confronted by a brave journalist who listed all the pedophilia attached to the BBC and Jimmy Saville. Why didn't Wogan say anything? Wogan's response was to shove him aside and say as he pushed past "that's your job."

Well ,who did freemason Icke work for in his career?
After his football career was over he became a freemason BBC staff member and a freemason BBC presenter - long before his massively publicised, at the time, 1991 'conspiracy appearance' on a prime time chat show.
Who's chat show? Terry Wogan. There was absolutely no reason for the BBC to feature Icke on that show.
A less than C list celebrity, an unknown, babbling nonsense about energy and earthquakes? No other BBC employee indulging conspiracy theories has ever been put out front and centre to the public like that.
Plenty of ex BBC employees who could tell truth to power are not allowed anywhere near a microphone.
Again, Jill Dando got shot.
But Icke was pushed upon a confused public and the booking of Hollywood stars in town to plug their movies and national icons had to take a back seat in 1991 when he was an unknown. Nobody ever seems to 'notice' that.
Icke claimed Saddam Hussein was already dead despite his TV appearances and that was about to be revealed.
Icke claimed that freak geological catastrophe would happen within the year and if it didn’t then the world itself would be destroyed.
When asked about seeded media reports saying that Icke believed he was Jesus and the son of god, Icke did not deny it and repeatedly compared himself to Jesus and said that he was being treated as Jesus was treated and that Jesus similarly did not know he was the “Son of God” and that instead it was gradually revealed to him, just as Icke said he was having things gradually revealed to him.
AND he mentioned “Light” “the Light” (occult freemasonry) and Lucifer (light bringer) a fair amount. Typical freemason gnostic stuff.
And look at the first question that Wogan asked weird nobody icke “Turquoise, you’re wearing Turquoise, what’s with the Turquoise?”
Now if we are interested in the ritual advertisement of 9-11 to an unsuspecting public complete with all manner of occult imagery then one can look at the "Illuminati Card Game" first released in the late 1970s "Illuminati Card Game" which accurately predicted the images we later saw of the 9/11 bombings, Pentagon strike etc. and which predicted Covid and seeded the idea of the medical establishment and authorities being subverted and acting as evil enemies of the people. The other thing that the Illuminati Card Game predicted was the CanadianTruckers Strike. Spooky.
Well guess what a card is in that game is. "Deep Agent" With a likeness of David Icke, or a fair haired man, with one eye shadowed (occult freemason sign) wearing a turquoise (same colour Icke wore) shirt and throwing the same freemason finger positions that Icke threw in his Terry Wogan interview.
Icke was always on the side of our oppressors.

Icke is a member of Ryde Freemason lodge and was a member at the same time, 9-11 2001, that fellow member Gordon Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer, (and prime minister in waiting and fellow mason/lodge member David Cameron was also PM in waiting).
Icke brought out his first 9-11 Truth book very quickly after 9-11, spookily quickly.
Brown, in turn, was bankrolled and controlled by Lord Ronald Cohen, The Egyptian-born Cohen was described as "Sir Ronald Cohen, the daddy of England‘s private equity industry and a bosom buddy of Prime Minister Gordon Brown."
In the British press Cohen was portrayed as a wealthy Jewish supporter of Brown and New Labour. Cohen's third wife, the Los Angeles-born Sharon Harel-Cohen, is usually described as a film producer whose father, Yossi Harel, commanded the Jewish refugee ship that became known as Exodus in 1947. Her Israeli nationality is seldom discussed.
What the controlled media doesn't tell us about Sharon Harel-Cohen is that Isser Harel, her father was one of the main long term architects of 9-11 and was fingered by sources as involved in planning the murder of 3,000 Americans as early as 1979.
She was an Israeli-American whose father was one of the founding chiefs of the Mossad and Israeli military intelligence until his death in April 2008. This means the daughter of one of the founders of Israeli intelligence is part of the team controlling the British prime minister. The link was the connection that gave Israeli intelligence control over the heads of the British government, something they have had since at least the 1990s and taken the United States and Britain into two costly and disastrous wars in the Middle East.

Israeli intelligence control of just Gordon Brown, Tony Blair and David Cameron?
Step forward zionist freemason David Icke
, formerly of the BBC..
When former German intelligence agents discussed 9-11 they said that what impressed them was the the "years of planning" involved. That such a "sophisticated operation" required a "fixed frame of a state intelligence organisation."
How does this relate to David Icke?
Because they Weren't talking about getting the bombs into place or carting off the remaining steel (evidence) to (supposed enemy) China the very next day.
They were talking about media control.
German MP Andreas von Bulow, a former head of German intelligence, said that 95% of intelligence agencies work is around the world is ensuring that a narrative is shaped in various media channels and widely propagated across western media such that whatever is discussed in the West is the accepted version of events that ZOG and the spooks want. They had to rush out not just the mainstream version of 9-11 .. but also rush out the “conspiracy version” of 9-11.
Step forward zionist freemason controlled op David Icke.
They needed the focus to be on bad evil President Bush and Donald Rumsfeld and AWAy from the Israelis.
Again as Guyenot said, if Alex Jones had simply compared 9/11 to the USS Liberty false flag, the Israeli attack instead of comparing it to Operation Northwoods - all of the sizeable amount of Alex Jones followers would have gone in a much different direction in their skepticism and the overall conversation would have been much much different.
But by making the Operation Northwoods comparison, they were safely led down a dead-end.

Same for zionist freemason David Icke in his role as controlled opposition: read the 9-11 ExPoSe that he and his Israeli intelligence handlers rushed out. I can share it in the chat.
All about “Colin Powell!!” and “Donald Rumsfeld!!” and “Aspartane!”.. Yayyy! Icke playing his role as controlled opposition. The guy is a freemason controlled opposition scumbag.

David Icke appeared on a UK ex-Forces channel that usually interviews veterans on the anniversary of whichever conflict they fought in but that also flirts with Conspiracy Thinking..
David Icke appeared on it and we were fed the "Khazarian Mafia" heat trap. (Close enough to seem like the target but not the reality of jewish power - at all)
"It ISNT the jews! “The Rothschilds hate the jews!!" (same as Alex Jones the CIA man)
Very conspiratorial and smiley grins and nods to camera, "the KM, if you don't know what "the KM" means, then join us over on Locals dot com where we can (((speak freely))."
ie: YOU can be surveilled.
Also mentioned how evil the Nazis were and how the Holocaust was very, very real. David Icke is a liar.
David Icke is some brave truth teller who is 'banned' from various countries and YET he is allowed to sell out Wembley Arena multiple times over and more he goes on all manner of YouTube 'risky' 'truth telling' channels these days talking about the "Khazarian Mafia" (its Not the Jews everybody! etc) - all of these channels and interviews that have Icke on stay up and stay monetised by YouTube.
Its a joke.
David Icke is an exBBC freemason and Israeli controlled op, he’s a freemason liar.

And imagine people's surprise when a member of the Zionist Freemason deceivers put out a Tweet about another Zionist Freemason deceiver, Candace, covered in tell-tale chessboard patterns.
Its just so (((on the Nose))) ...
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I haven't read your post in detail, as it's too long and I am at work, but taking that church floor as evidence of masonic signaling is simply far too weak and inconclusive a basis to discredit her as controlled opposition.
"haven't read your post in detail, as it's too long and I am at work" - There's no hurry.

"but taking that church floor as evidence of masonic signaling is simply far too weak and inconclusive a basis to discredit her as controlled opposition." - then read the rest of what I wrote.
You may not agree, but we are all free to state our case.. and my case doesn't just rely on one symbol.
Really. Is this where we're at on this forum, quoting David Icke, someone who has likely harvested more souls for Satan than anyone in the "truther community".
Icke wrote about Candace Owens as well as others in his tweet. Why should we not discuss Icke's reaction to Candace Owens?

The levels of suspicion and paranoia with some on this forum is off the charts and it's not very Christian either.
Disagreed. This is not about paranoia. It is more about suspicion. Look at what happened to past history of various churches - i.e., Roman Catholic Churches, Eastern Orthodox Churches, Protestant Churches, etc. - that were taken over and destroyed by the ((()))s via secrecy, deception and infiltration.

Accusing those people of being controlled opposition, without hard evidence, is calumny. It's a sin.
Candace and her husband are a powerful couple with lots of money and connections. It is not a sin to question anything and everything. See Matthew 7:15.

We ought to be praising the Lord for saving the souls of such influential people, who will likely win many more souls.
Agreed. In the Icke's tweet, Eva Vlaar is authentic and she wrote about her journey to Catholicism. I don't know much about Jordan Peterson's wife Tammy.

But no, the thread turns into more Catholic bashing instead.
Not the "Catholic bashing" card again. This is getting silly.

We aren't bashing the Catholic Church; we are questioning and/or discussing whether if there were any connections between Freemason and a Church (i.e. Catholic Church). Apparently, there are connections that not many people are aware of. Also, if I'm not mistaken, Freemasonry is a ((()))ish institution so it is used as deception and infiltration tactics.

For example, there was a former high ranking Freemason officer in France who converted to Catholicism when he was involved in Masonic activities. He realized what they were doing were incompatible with the Christian faith. He genuinely thought he was doing the right thing for a good cause as a Freemason officer/master until he experienced a sudden conversion at the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes.

Edit. Re: Influential people...this is what we want to see more of. And it is what triggered David Icke.

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I haven't read your post in detail, as it's too long and I am at work, but taking that church floor as evidence of masonic signaling is simply far too weak and inconclusive a basis to discredit her as controlled opposition.
What about the New Age "Christ consciousness" post she made on X?

New Age Owens.jpg

I find it amazing that no one has addressed that.
You know, I do enjoy being more a "wait and see" kinda guy when it comes to public figures. Their inner lives are opaque to us anyway, and there are too many factors of influence involved in their lives to really be understood well from the outside.

I think there is much more value to fostering your own worldview and how it plays into public discourse and politics than to constantly get drawn into convoluted debates about all the conspiracies another person might be involved in. Particularly because I noticed that these debates are typically had by people who are totally politically apathetic otherwise.

Like, what are you doing, supporting Candace financially? Are you betting your life savings on her being the right wing messiah? Are you going into a business venture with her?

I don't hold any views because Candace told me to hold them, I look favorably at her because she said something I think is important to say.
When she starts shilling Straussianism (which she doesn't seem to do, all the well-known Straussians seem to hate her) or other kinds of errors and degeneracy, we can all dislike her again.

The many possibilities and probabilities of her being involved with shady characters don't really have any effect, unless you are inclined or forced to receive all your takes from her, which is hardly the case for anyone. It appears to be the dissident right wing version of guilt by association, where you have these endless discussions about whom people are involved with and which ambivalent symbols they made use of.

Candace could be a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite mason, and her take on J-Mafia matters would still be correct. You don't have to marry her.
I'm not that easily triggered. I would say I'm just kind of bored by the typical responses usually from the Protestant or Evangelical base. Everything is a "conspiracy".
No wonder the "whore" thread did so well.
It's easy to label someting you don't agree with as a "conspiracy".

Wait I have been here before a few year ago during the pandemic - showing friends and loved ones evidence of the Bolshevik Lockdowns and data of the unsafe injections and the harms of wearing masks. You know what happened? They didn't listen. Loads had heart attacks, strokes and dropped dead.

Newsflash - I didn't pose for a photo doing a masonic hand sign, I didn't pose for another photo doing an illuminated triangle.

And the last one - I didn't post on Social Media as an influencer with 5 million followers and promote "Christ conciousness" a New Age false light deception.

This is not just aimed at you, but all of you guys here - Do yourselves a favour an wake up.

Don't shoot the messanger.
Icke wrote about Candace Owens as well as others in his tweet. Why should we not discuss Icke's reaction to Candace Owens?

Disagreed. This is not about paranoia. It is more about suspicion. Look at what happened to past history of various churches - i.e., Roman Catholic Churches, Eastern Orthodox Churches, Protestant Churches, etc. - that were taken over and destroyed by the ((()))s via secrecy, deception and infiltration.

Candace and her husband are a powerful couple with lots of money and connections. It is not a sin to question anything and everything. See Matthew 7:15.

Agreed. In the Icke's tweet, Eva Vlaar is authentic and she wrote about her journey to Catholicism. I don't know much about Jordan Peterson's wife Tammy.

Eva Vlaar is a Dutch liberal, a bit too lenient on feminism and homosexuality, I would also guess pro-zionist. Here she is recently boosting Lauren Southern:

The stances that Candace Owens took the last few months are far and beyond those of the usual "conservative" high profile pundits.

On August 16, 1944, an American colonel Welborn Barton Griffith Jr. was given an order to target a Catholic Cathedral in France— which allegedly had Nazis inside. His gut told him this order was odd—so he questioned it, volunteering himself to cross enemy lines to see if the Nazis were in fact inside. Accompanied by another soldier, they learned that the intelligence they had received was wrong, the Cathedral was empty. They rang the Cathedral bell to signal to their fellow Americans not to attack. This is not the first time that Americans were inexplicably told to bomb and/or destroy Churches and monasteries at the end of the war…Yesterday we arrived 20,000 strong at the Chartes Cathedral, still standing. After having walked 60 miles in 3 days through rain, mud, and scorching sun, some arrived being carried by others—most of us limping with blisters and bruising. But what a sight. To see the spires of the Cathedral—the French citizens of this small town lined up on their lawns waving their flags, applauding to greet us, holding their children, and joining in Latin prayer is something I will never forget.

On August 16, 1944, an American colonel Welborn Barton Griffith Jr. was given an order to target a Catholic Cathedral in France— which allegedly had Nazis inside. His gut told him this order was odd—so he questioned it, volunteering himself to cross enemy lines to see if the Nazis were in fact inside. Accompanied by another soldier, they learned that the intelligence they had received was wrong, the Cathedral was empty. They rang the Cathedral bell to signal to their fellow Americans not to attack. This is not the first time that Americans were inexplicably told to bomb and/or destroy Churches and monasteries at the end of the war…Yesterday we arrived 20,000 strong at the Chartes Cathedral, still standing. After having walked 60 miles in 3 days through rain, mud, and scorching sun, some arrived being carried by others—most of us limping with blisters and bruising. But what a sight. To see the spires of the Cathedral—the French citizens of this small town lined up on their lawns waving their flags, applauding to greet us, holding their children, and joining in Latin prayer is something I will never forget.

Who knew I would ever become this appreciative of an angry Black woman giving everyone around her tha bidness. Just goes to show you that most of the things we find annoying in others is actually just a good trait created by God, but used for evil.
I am extremely surprised by her refusal to cave in, she's putting up a far better fight than Ye.
She's unstoppable!

The ADL was literally created to cover for a wealthy pedophile murderer named Leo Frank, who raped and killed a 13 year old little girl then tried to blame it on a poor black illiterate janitor who worked for him.

This was in 1913 in the racist segregated south. The evidence was so overwhelming that they convicted him wealthy Leo Frank despite his attempts to plant evidence on other people.

The ADL now refers to Leo Frank as a “victim of countersemitism”. They are sick, perverted defenders of pedophilia and murder. Every single person should study the Leo Frank case and ask yourself why the ADL has so much pull in our government.
