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Search results

  1. eradicator

    Kaveman Crazies: The Bush Era, the 00s.

    Lbj gave us the Vietnam war to kill the youth, the great society to break up families and create future generations of children with no father, Goldwater is a footnote. He is known for being pro gay and having gays in the military “you don’t have to be straight to shoot straight” And...
  2. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    Well step one, Biden would either have to step aside or die. It’s possible one of his speech writers or handlers or even his wife just gets sick of him and kills him in his sleep or uses undetectable poison so it looks like a heart failure Edit, they could drop the poison in his ice cream or...
  3. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    Who do they even put on the ticket? I don’t think Newsome wants it in 2024. Kamala might want it but no one wants her, maybe Whitmer? Aoc?
  4. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    If I had to guess I’d say Biden’s ready to fall over and just grabbing their arm for dear life
  5. eradicator

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Perhaps you could be referring to usdc which does give a return. Like if I turn 10m dollars worth of bitcoin into usdc during the bull run and wait 2 years for Bitcoin to dip and buy more, and I just let the usdc sit in a wallet, I’d collect $400000 per year in cash , or more depending on which...
  6. eradicator

    Degen Meme Coin Thread

    I use phantom wallet and juputer for sol trades
  7. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    I think there’s something to that, I’m a little shocked he didn’t get a nap before the debate
  8. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    Big Mike has always maintained that they are a total introvert, doesn’t like making public speeches or appearances. No interest in running for public office
  9. eradicator

    India - Culture, Politics and Lunacy

    It wasn’t that long ago that Indians would cover their bodies in cow dung and drink cow piss to try to ward off COVID 19 And please don’t try to say the best and brightest that are immigrating to the USA are different. Their best and brightest can still be pretty bad , at least in New York...
  10. eradicator

    Dress Shirts

    I buy used. Falconable hold up pretty well, I think they are made by Nordstrom . Try eBay, buy from sellers with good fb
  11. eradicator

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Do you still consider Bitcoin to be worthless?
  12. eradicator

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    It’s as valid a guess as any. I’m hearing anywhere from late 2024 to late 2025. Obviously the coins that got a late introduction will peak later. Like axie infinity from the last cycle. We simply don’t know yet
  13. eradicator

    Bitcoin and Crypto Thread

    Still an excellent accumulation zone for alt coins. I’m dca buying alph, aitech, Tao, tet, ml,. I’m really hoping to turn 100k into several million from here, a 20x to 30x I’m certainly not going to bank on it and will dca out as the market pumps . But honestly you will likely look back in a...
  14. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    Here’s the puzzling part . To me anyways, this latest performance from Biden is about as bad as the past five years. In the past all of the news media would run cover for him and say how good Biden is doing and how great the country is etc . It’s like something changed in the past 48 hours...
  15. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    Biden probably won’t drop out because he could potentially face legal trouble from the laptop from hell if he loses or drops out
  16. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    I think Biden’s handlers will replace him. Ask him to step aside and if he refuses they kill him and make it look like natural causes
  17. eradicator

    2024 Election Lounge

    My tin foil response? ((( They )))are planning on suiciding Biden this evening and want to make it look like natural causes, and probably have footage ready to air.
  18. eradicator

    Destabilization of US Cities: Crime, Homelessness, Liberalism

    Steven Seagal has never seen a role he didn’t like, and that includes dinner rolls and butter rolls I’m impressed he is still alive despite the massive weight gain.