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India - Culture, Politics and Lunacy

that in 2016 even some Americans called him with titles such as God-Emperor and Donaldus Triumphus.

Pretty sure those guys were just making jokes and memes.

The ones who took Trump too seriously are the ones who believed in the Q lies.

This Indian guy worshipping Trump is clearly on another level. However, I remember seeing this guy years ago, so I assume the video is years old. I wonder what he's up to after Trump lost? Is he worshipping Biden now?
It wasn’t that long ago that Indians would cover their bodies in cow dung and drink cow piss to try to ward off COVID 19

And please don’t try to say the best and brightest that are immigrating to the USA are different. Their best and brightest can still be pretty bad , at least in New York , I can’t speak for all cities.

To be fair most Indians born in USA are like your average millennials for better or worse