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2024 Election Lounge

The "con artist" has paid a higher personal price for his efforts to stop the all out destruction of America than any other politician I can think of. Some of the posts in this thread are getting ridiculous: 'Jew wanted Biden then switched to Trump because Trump likes Jew more.' Jew only gave Biden half the dose of drugs because Jew stopped liking Biden and wanted him to fail.' 'Trump is CONTROLLED OPPOSITION just like everyone else.' 'everyone is lying because they are CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and Jew told them to lie.' "Trump only likes Israel and doesn't really care about America.' 'It doesn't matter who wins because of Jew.'
Thats a very good point. If Trump did not care and was not a patriot why would he go up against the globalist establishment like this. I am not from USA so I don't know but seems to me he and his family is paying a huge cost and as far as I can see his presidency seemed pretty moderate, his sin is really going against globalism. Just my opinion, really interested in what others think in this regard.


Here you go - remember they called themselves the resistance. Does anyone besides me remember pre Covid?

I agree with EuropeanCanon. Trump was VERY moderate. He was just a huge pain in the back ends of the globalists. Ironically, their reaction to him has kind of shot globalism in the foot. Instead of seeing globohomo, the worlds now in 3 camps:

The hedgers - they just want to play every angle and come out on top. Think India and Erdogan.

The west - a gay version of the Soviet Union

The BRICS - rejectors of the Soviet-esque meddling of the west and want to keep their traditional values. They’re a legitimate threat to the west so the west can’t let them develop their own exchange.

It’s just the Cold War but america and the Soviet Union switched sides. They’re hoping if there’s rainbow flags everywhere nobody will notice.
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Even after witnessing the despicable authoritarian behavior displayed by leftists during COVID, it's still shocking to see them blithely and openly calling for Biden to kill his political rival and declare a de facto military dictatorship in the process.

I honestly wonder sometimes if these 'people' are even human. Their bloodlust and will to power at the expense of all reason and principle is utterly demonic.
“Our democracy” lefties stfu. I’d respect them more if they just flat out said “you guys don’t get to exist and here’s our explanation of why”
Well step one, Biden would either have to step aside or die. It’s possible one of his speech writers or handlers or even his wife just gets sick of him and kills him in his sleep or uses undetectable poison so it looks like a heart failure

Edit, they could drop the poison in his ice cream or in whatever he’s drinking for dinner . He wouldn’t notice. If it’s undetectable poison then Biden dies in his sleep and it looks like natural causes. You know this is the sort of conversation the (((deep state))) is having after the debate. I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop
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Eh they should have gone with Aoc. At least the average leftist likes her. And enough independents know who she is . And she’s not old, in fact would barely meet the age minimum to be president

Speaking to Newsweek, William Hill spokesperson Lee Phelps said: "A huge shift in the U.S. Presidential election market this morning has seen Kamala Harris leap ahead of Joe Biden as the most likely Democrat candidate.
Eh they should have gone with Aoc. At least the average leftist likes her. And enough independents know who she is . And she’s not old, in fact would barely meet the age minimum to be president
I know this is faint praise, but she is better than Kamala!

I obviously wouldn't vote for her, but I bet if the Dems put her up as the candidate, she would get more votes than Kamala would.

As far as doing the job, both would be extreme woke leftist disasters, but again, I think AOC might at be better that than Kamala. On a scale of 1 to 10, Kamala might be a 1, and AOC would be a 2!

I don't see any other potential Dem candidates that I'd rate much higher.