The Hot-Holy Matrix

I've thought about this extensively, and there must be an X factor that influences whether someone can find and marry a good woman. Individuals with seemingly extraordinary skills, such as Roosh V, Samseau, and Scorpion, are not married yet. However, if we look around us, we will find many people who don't even lift, have mediocre careers and education, earn minimum wages, yet are able to marry good women. There is something missing in our knowledge of getting women.
This is the important part here. Any man can get married if his standards are low enough. And many men have no standards at all. Guys like Roosh, Samseau and Scorpion and myself have much higher standards of a potential wife than most normies.

Obviously if you have higher standards its harder to get married. Do you know that these women are actually good women? How well do you really know those women?

Also the other important factor is the country you live in. There is a pretty good chance if Roosh, Samseau or Scorpion had been living in rural Russia or rural Belarus for the last 10 years they would already be married with kids. Its much harder to find a wifeable woman when you are living in a country like Australia, USA, Canada, England etc.
It would be unwise for any of us to awaken a sleeping giant.

I have no idea what you are talking about. With all respect, when I read your posts you seem too young to understand how certain things work in the real world.

I've thought about this extensively, and there must be an X factor that influences whether someone can find and marry a good woman. Individuals with seemingly extraordinary skills, such as Roosh V, Samseau, and Scorpion, are not married yet. However, if we look around us, we will find many people who don't even lift, have mediocre careers and education, earn minimum wages, yet are able to marry good women. There is something missing in our knowledge of getting women.

Because the process is supposed to be organic and is much more similar to making genuine friends than spamming 600 approaches. Which, by the way, you used as proof that the Bizet guy in this thread was some type of authority. Yours and others obsession with rank on an Internet forum, I also find extremely weird.

If someone approached that many women and they are still single they failed at their goal. There’s no other way to sugar coat it.

Back in mid-2024, I made a post asking if there are prayers that grant supernatural powers to attract women. I began to think this way because, around my place, despite having no intention to get married, Catholic priests and seminarians are very popular among women. This might sound outlandish, but I’ve seen it with my own eyes. The logic is that there is something irresistible about Catholic priests and seminarians that attracts women without them even trying. If we can analyze and extract the mechanism of this attraction, I believe we will have game-changing abilities.

Or maybe it’s because they are in positions of authority and are in a culture that respects them?

One of the most astounding stories is that of Nick Vujicic, a man with disabilities, marrying a beautiful young woman. What did he do to attract such a wife? How can this be?

I briefly looked him up and he seems to be a guy on TV with an evangelical platform. There’s your answer.

I believe the "smoking gun" is that Nick Vujicic is a Christian evangelist.

Or again he’s a guy on TV with a large platform. Just like the Hollywood actor who’s probably a dirtbag, but can get almost any woman he wants.

Famous men have easier access to women, this isn’t a novel concept.

I am convinced that the God factor is the most crucial element in finding a wife. You can do everything right, like Roosh V, Samseau, and Scorpion, but if God has not willed it yet, they will not find a good wife.

What do you mean by ‘do everything right’? I bet if you asked any of the guys above, they are self aware enough to realize they made tons of mistakes in the process, and are probably continuing to make mistakes now. That’s how you learn and grow in life.
He really doesn't care because he wrote all that text to make sure that we know that he doesn't care ok?

I wrote one sentence about it, but your reading comprehension seems quite poor since the rest of the post was unrelated. Go back and read it again, I know you can do it, you super highly ranked guy you.
... if we look around us, we will find many people who don't even lift, have mediocre careers and education, earn minimum wages, yet are able to marry good women.
There are plenty of good women out there. They are all around us. They are just behaving badly because they don't know any better and because they have been socially engineered/programmed to do so. And so I, personally, am not attracted to them. But I'm sure if I was in a social setting where I could get to know them better by breaking through their hypergamous, status seeking, social conditioning and getting more to the core of who they are I could find a good one. However, I've completely lost interest in society and women in particular, and therefore no longer even look at women, much less talk to them. I have no interest in changing this because I have found more productive, more enjoyable ways to spend my time.

I only wish God would take away my libido as I still catch myself swivel necking when a hot woman enters the room. What a cruel trick. Women truly are kryptonite.
Back in mid-2024, I made a post asking if there are prayers that grant supernatural powers to attract women.
Sure thing Zoomer, try harder next time.

Nah, don’t need to. I hate to call out a member, but what I think happened is that me quoting the retirement savings thing made you feel insecure, so you had to make an unrelated snarky comment to respond. Too bad. Next time stay on topic and add value to the discussion instead of trying to be a tough old man online.
However, if we look around us, we will find many people who don't even lift, have mediocre careers and education, earn minimum wages, yet are able to marry good women.
If I look around me, almost no one is marrying, and when it does happen, those women aren't good, let's just be real here.

I have yet to meet a young (under 50) married man who is happy. They are not happy, because their women treat them like shit and their lives are full of bitter bickering. Their women are unwilling to do anything for them, and yet keep asking more and more of them. Women behave this way today because they know they can get away with it, and the entire society strongly encourages it.

Now, what you're saying is true of older couples. My grandfather was a bricklayer and he married a young virgin who was loyal to him. But those were very different times. Completely different. Not even similar in basic form.

One of the most astounding stories is that of Nick Vujicic, a man with disabilities, marrying a beautiful young woman. What did he do to attract such a wife? How can this be?

I believe the "smoking gun" is that Nick Vujicic is a Christian evangelist.
He's got a lot of money, he's famous, he appears to be funny and charismatic as far as I can tell, and the fact that he has such a striking disability means she gets some kind of social status from being "the virtuous woman who loves him in spite of his looks." We also don't know what their married life is like behind closed doors.

I am convinced that the God factor is the most crucial element in finding a wife. You can do everything right, like Roosh V, Samseau, and Scorpion, but if God has not willed it yet, they will not find a good wife. However, if God has willed it, no matter who you are—whether you are an average person or Nick Vujicic—you will find a good wife.
Yet we cannot account for divine intervention in our calculations. We put in the work and hope for the best. That is all.

The big question now is how to get God to grant us the results we want.
I don't like the way you're framing this. He is not a genie. You pray with humility, always adding that His will be done above yours, and whether or not He answers your prayers, you do your best with what you have. He could have a plethora of reasons not to answer your prayers. Maybe what you're asking for would destroy you in a way you cannot foresee.
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Not you again. Be honest, how many accounts have you had here? I'm counting five, not including all the accounts with the word "cat" in them.

I’ve only had this account and I don’t know what you mean by cat. He came into a thread and made a snarky comment, then you piled on about internet ‘rank’ which to me is pointless. To each their own, but it seems I don’t have to communicate or read posts from members I don’t want to. Best of luck brother.
Brother I have met many seminarians who are bitterly single. Some Orthodox ones refuse to be ordained until they find a wife.

But Catholics require celibacy so I have no idea why you believe being a Catholic seminarian is good for finding a wife. You'd spend years at Seminary, only to get married and be stuck with a degree with no economic value and a wife to provide for (if she doesn't outright dump you for being broke)?
Let me be clear: I am neither drunk nor high when I say that Catholic priests and seminarians are irresistible to women. I know this might sound as unbelievable as claiming Bigfoot is real, but I have seen it with my own eyes. Even from minor seminary, they are perceived as more attractive by female students of their age.

Father, I did not recommend that anyone purposefully become a Catholic priest or seminarian to find a wife. I merely suggested that we deconstruct the mechanisms that make them attractive to women. It seems that praying a lot and becoming close to God fills us with powerful positive energy. This same energy enables saints to predict the future, heal the sick, and speak with animals. It is not surprising if this same energy enables women to be attracted to men of God.

Interestingly, in Orthodoxy, this attractiveness often does not manifest itself. I agree with you. Here’s a real-world story: Late last year, a visiting priest from Palembang came to my parish. Despite not being a hieromonk and having a stable job at a state-owned oil company, he chose to remain celibate. I asked him why he made such a strong decision. He said that during his high school years, he had a girlfriend who told him she didn't want to compete with God, leading them to break up. Much later, when he was nearing ordination, he had another girlfriend, but that relationship also did not work out, and he was left alone. With no other choice, he continued to be ordained without a wife and became celibate.

This is the important part here. Any man can get married if his standards are low enough. And many men have no standards at all. Guys like Roosh, Samseau and Scorpion and myself have much higher standards of a potential wife than most normies.
It seems we need to compromise on our standards, as we can't have it all. Like the "fast, cheap, good" triangle, we can only pick two, and there are no perfect options. Perhaps in regard to relationships, we need to prioritize what we want in a partner and be prepared to sacrifice other traits.

I only wish God would take away my libido as I still catch myself swivel necking when a hot woman enters the room. What a cruel trick. Women truly are kryptonite.
I respect your decision, but I think it is not that simple. I once succeeded in eliminating my lust through consistent prayer and fasting. However, I had an epiphany: my lust and I are inseparable; it is a part of who I am, just as Georges Bizet is inseparable from his music. From that time onward, despite being deeply addicted to my lust and always feeling aroused, I feel in control of myself. Being lustful drives me to self-improve and become a better man.

If I look around me, almost no one is marrying, and when it does happen, those women aren't good, let's just be real here.

I have yet to meet a young (under 50) married man who is happy. They are not happy, because their women treat them like shit and their lives are full of bitter bickering. Their women are unwilling to do anything for them, and yet keep asking more and more of them. Women behave this way today because they know they can get away with it, and the entire society strongly encourages it.
Hmm, then your experience is the opposite of mine. When I look around, I see uneducated truck drivers, who are lucky if they even earn minimum wage, having loyal wives. Instead of leaving them for men of higher standing, their wives get jobs to help support their families. I also see school security guards with loyal wives.

Strangely, from the middle class and above, the women at these levels offer very little return on investment. They are very demanding with little to offer themselves, and they overprice themselves.
If you are a single Orthodox man, start serving in your Church. This will benefit you spirituality, and I believe will help you find a wife. Women in your Church, or visiting will see that you take your faith seriously. You do not have to be married to be minor clergy, such as a reader. You will be doing a service to your Church and to yourself (and your future wife). When you are wearing a Cassock entering the Church, and at coffee hour, women will notice. The Cassock is not for attracting women, but it has that effect. Serve your Church Brothers.
Because the process is supposed to be organic and is much more similar to making genuine friends than spamming 600 approaches. Which, by the way, you used as proof that the Bizet guy in this thread was some type of authority. Yours and others obsession with rank on an Internet forum, I also find extremely weird.

Except very few do "organic" meeting anymore - something like 60% of new relationships nowadays are through online dating apps. 600 approaches for a single girlfriend sounds pretty average to me in any big blue city. And it probably won't last either, as most relationships today do not last. Hence the plummeting marriage rates and eye-watering birth rates.
Hence the plummeting marriage rates and eye-watering birth rates.
They really are eye-watering. I remember when I was a kid, it was fairly common to see pregnant women or women with babies in strollers. It was an everyday thing, even. Now? I don't think I've seen a single baby anywhere in perhaps months. And I go out a lot to places like shopping malls and public parks, you'd think I'd see them sometimes, but no.

I saw a lady with a stroller the other day. But the stroller did not contain a baby, it was a dog.

I don't even think the birthrate numbers they give us are accurate. I think the reality is significantly worse. Imagine that. Babies, the most precious thing in the world, seemingly just gone.

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Let me be clear: I am neither drunk nor high when I say that Catholic priests and seminarians are irresistible to women. I know this might sound as unbelievable as claiming Bigfoot is real, but I have seen it with my own eyes. Even from minor seminary, they are perceived as more attractive by female students of their age.
Situational status plays a huge part here.

Just as there are many women who sleep with their manager at work a woman who attends a church might be interested in the priest at her church because he socially outranks her and other people in the church environment. It does not mean that outside of that particular church women are anymore interested in that priest. If the same priest was invited to a weekend barbecue with people not from his church who would get no more attention than any other man at the place.
However, if we look around us, we will find many people who don't even lift, have mediocre careers and education, earn minimum wages, yet are able to marry good women.
Point of view. Perhaps. I doubt it.
I began to think this way because, around my place, despite having no intention to get married, Catholic priests and seminarians are very popular among women.
It could be, but it also could be a forbidden fruit thing. I'm surprised no one has mentioned that yet. Women have weird instincts like that often (like prison guys, outlaws, etc ones you "shouldn't" touch).
However, if God has willed it, no matter who you are—whether you are an average person or Nick Vujicic—you will find a good wife.
Irresistible wife grace?
There are plenty of good women out there. They are all around us. They are just behaving badly because they don't know any better and because they have been socially engineered/programmed to do so
You contradict this within 2 and 3 sentences after. Good women that behave badly? lol