It would be unwise for any of us to awaken a sleeping giant.
I've thought about this extensively, and there must be an X factor that influences whether someone can find and marry a good woman. Individuals with seemingly extraordinary skills, such as Roosh V, Samseau, and Scorpion, are not married yet. However, if we look around us, we will find many people who don't even lift, have mediocre careers and education, earn minimum wages, yet are able to marry good women. There is something missing in our knowledge of getting women.
Back in mid-2024, I made a post asking if there are prayers that grant supernatural powers to attract women. I began to think this way because, around my place, despite having no intention to get married, Catholic priests and seminarians are very popular among women. This might sound outlandish, but I’ve seen it with my own eyes. The logic is that there is something irresistible about Catholic priests and seminarians that attracts women without them even trying. If we can analyze and extract the mechanism of this attraction, I believe we will have game-changing abilities.
One of the most astounding stories is that of Nick Vujicic, a man with disabilities, marrying a beautiful young woman. What did he do to attract such a wife? How can this be?
I believe the "smoking gun" is that Nick Vujicic is a Christian evangelist.
I am convinced that the God factor is the most crucial element in finding a wife. You can do everything right, like Roosh V, Samseau, and Scorpion, but if God has not willed it yet, they will not find a good wife. However, if God has willed it, no matter who you are—whether you are an average person or Nick Vujicic—you will find a good wife.
The big question now is how to get God to grant us the results we want. He is selective with His powers; for instance, Daniel survived being thrown into the lions' den, but Ignatius of Antioch was eaten to death despite being a man of God.