The truest test of overall strength and fitness, imo, are ATG squats, deadlifts, pullups, dips, and your ability to do sprints, and probably your overall cardio fitness and flexibility as well.Bench press is the most overrated lift. How often are you on your back pushing something off of you in nature and not using your hips/legs? Almost never. Bench press is largely an ego lift. How many guys can bench like you claim but when shtf can't run and jump into a fox hole to dodge incoming? How many have achillies that would rip in two the first time they really have to use them?
Bench matters not at all, most lifting matters not at all, if you are not doing plyometrics, jump training, sprinting, ect. If you only lift and don't do these functional exercises, it is a waste of time and you are training your body to be fragile.
I've noticed the majority of the big chested benchers straight up refuse to squat due to "bad knees" ok, that means you're not healthy. Many of them don't do any cardio/HIIT either. Good luck in a street fight if you can't even stay on your feet or get winded after 4 punches.
Some of the biggest test indicators of health and longevity (heard this from Peter Attia and Huberman), is your waist size, grip strength, and quickness in standing up from a seated position. A few others like that I don't recall off the top of my head. Grip strength is probably the biggest single indicator since lacking grip strength is directly correlated with risk of injury since poor grip strength prevents you from moving any weight properly. I'd imagine that your knee strength also matters a lot too but I'm not sure what the data says on that.
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