Why Voting Is Worth It

Not all of us are rootless cosmopolitans.

Some of us have long heritage and history in our country and are going to take the hard path of fighting by all means possible.

Why should I leave and let others destroy that which my family has spent generations building just because times are challenging.
If you are an American your ancestors settled in U.S.A. to escape whatever country they came from and seek a better life. So if times have changed why can't you do the same as your ancestors and seek a better life elsewhere?
Fair point.

When you have family entrenched in your state, and still have relative freedom, why would you leave?

I don't believe there is better opportunity outside of America for my family.

Sure i would love out California or New York or what ever so I get your point... But other countries provide significantly less financial and personal freedom than Red states.

I still participate in the system because I've seen impact in my life via local politics.
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But other countries provide significantly less financial and personal freedom than Red states.
I am not an American and you know more about your country than I do, but I would be surprised if that were true. Yes in U.S.A. you can earn more than other places if you are a high income earner but if you already have enough wealth there are many countries where you could be retired and upgrade your lifestyle.
If you are an American your ancestors settled in U.S.A. to escape whatever country they came from and seek a better life. So if times have changed why can't you do the same as your ancestors and seek a better life elsewhere?
You could, for sure, if moving your family to another country seems like a good move.

Thing is, it's a lot of effort and life in the US isn't nearly as bad as the black pilled, doom and gloom guys make it out to be. Sure, if you're aggressively average, clueless and just go with the flow or just black pilled, you'll probably have a bad time here. You shouldn't be a typical, clueless normie though. In this corner of the Internet you'll frequently see childless middle aged men whine about how it's impossible to meet a good woman and raise children here, while oblivious to the fact that this is a personal failure on their part and many of us are doing just that. The Orthobros in particular sometimes seem to believe that you must move your family to based, Orthodox Russia immediately or the Juice will turn your kids into trannies, or some other horrible fate. Again, these are unmarried, childless guys who have no clue that your influence as a parent is vastly stronger than that of the fat, green-haired white woman SJW foot soldiers who, to be fair, do really want to chop your son's dick off. I just home school my kids and tell them that "some people will tell you boys can be girls and girls can be boys, but that's wrong" and so far, so good. No need to move to Russia or some other country where my wife and kids don't speak the language and, at the end of the day, we're not one of them.
I am not an American and you know more about your country than I do, but I would be surprised if that were true. Yes in U.S.A. you can earn more than other places if you are a high income earner but if you already have enough wealth there are many countries where you could be retired and upgrade your lifestyle.
Land, guns, and freedom are much better here than anywhere else unless you're super rich.

I was in Scotland and Portugal this year.
The regulation on engine size along would make my pick up truck taxed at a rate that it would be impossible to own.

Never mind my armory of guns.... Or the acreage or the house compared to things found elsewhere.
Land, guns, and freedom are much better here than anywhere else unless you're super rich.

I was in Scotland and Portugal this year.
The regulation on engine size along would make my pick up truck taxed at a rate that it would be impossible to own.

Never mind my armory of guns.... Or the acreage or the house compared to things found elsewhere.
Yes, the sheer space available in the US is a big advantage. I just live in a condo for now and even then, I have a room dedicated to working out where I've got my weights and other equipment. It would be very difficult to pull that off in Europe with the size of apartments there. Maybe not in Australia though, I imagine house sizes there are similar to the US.
Land, guns, and freedom are much better here than anywhere else unless you're super rich.

I was in Scotland and Portugal this year.
The regulation on engine size along would make my pick up truck taxed at a rate that it would be impossible to own.

Never mind my armory of guns.... Or the acreage or the house compared to things found elsewhere.
Guns are less meaningful than people think. If you live in a safe country you don't need guns to defend yourself from other citizens. And in terms of defending yourself from the government (the biggest long-term threat) guns are wholly inadequate in most countries. In terms of land even many countries in Asia and Europe that are overpopulated still have areas where rural blocks of land are still affordable. You can go to Bulgaria, Italy etc and buy a big of land with a house for modest sum of money in the country side.

Yes taxes are one element of cost of living but sometimes higher taxes are more than offset by most other things being cheaper. Also some higher tax countries save you expenses on things like healthcare etc which are more socialized.

I don't think your arguments are as sound or clear cut as you make them out to be.
Guns are less meaningful than people think. If you live in a safe country you don't need guns to defend yourself from other citizens. And in terms of defending yourself from the government (the biggest long-term threat) guns are wholly inadequate in most countries. In terms of land even many countries in Asia and Europe that are overpopulated still have areas where rural blocks of land are still affordable. You can go to Bulgaria, Italy etc and buy a big of land with a house for modest sum of money in the country side.
And do what in italy or bulgaria? Make dogshit money doing a nothing job that doesnt provide for a family?

With respect, I completely disagree with all of this. Where is there a "safe country" that you speak of that doenst have gun ownership?

Have you seen whats going on in Brittain right now? How about Ireland?

Its not my first rodeo dude. I've been to a lot of countries myself, and seen some "safe ones" and some shitholes too.

The right and ability to carry a fire arm everywhere you go is a freedom that those in countries with out it seem to not appreciate to their fullest extent.

It's quite ironic an Australian is saying you dont need guns.... we saw how gun confiscation completely allowed for the pushing of Covid vaccine mandates on their population.

Yes taxes are one element of cost of living but sometimes higher taxes are more than offset by most other things being cheaper. Also some higher tax countries save you expenses on things like healthcare etc which are more socialized.

I don't think your arguments are as sound or clear cut as you make them out to be.
Your common man doesnt have the access to capital or the de-regulated society that you do have in America. Socialized health care is shit world wide. Everyone knows this. Today I had to go to the ER for pain medicine for my back (an injury sustained from active duty in the Marine Corps) I was seen in 15 minutes of arrival, my insurance was billed and i was in and out in 5 hours feeling much better.

Canada has socialized health care. There's a reason people from Canada come to the USA for medical care.

UK has laws against certain dog breeds. (My breed of American Bulldog, which is not a Bully XL, gets identified with that dog often and would be illegal)

Europeans are completely subjugated by their government. Thats a result of their feudal system history and they are all subject to the Suzerain that is the EU.

My arguments are completely straightforward. If you value freedoms such as gun ownership, a deregulated ownership of vehicles, animals, land ownership, and financial opportunity, there is no comparison.

This is also reflected in captial flowing out of Europe and into the USA over the last several years.
It's quite ironic an Australian is saying you dont need guns.... we saw how gun confiscation completely allowed for the pushing of Covid vaccine mandates on their population.
That is nonsense even if people had guns do you think that would have stopped the government imposing vaccine mandates on the populace? As if people are going to resist the national military with guns due to a vaccine mandate. There were many states in the U.S. where vaccine mandates were imposed on the populace despite widespread gun ownership. And I live in Australia and managed to avoid taking the Coivd Vaccine.
That is nonsense even if people had guns do you think that would have stopped the government imposing vaccine mandates on the populace? As if people are going to resist the national military with guns due to a vaccine mandate. There were many states in the U.S. where vaccine mandates were imposed on the populace despite widespread gun ownership. And I live in Australia and managed to avoid taking the Coivd Vaccine.
No military here was setting up vaccine checkpoints, nor confiscating children and vaccinating them like in Australia. Yes, I do believe the threat of armed confilict is the deterrent against the governement.

Are you suggesting that the vaccine mandates in Australia weren't orders of magnitude more draconian in Australia than the US? If that's an argument you're making because of your n of 1 experience, this is in fact nonsense.

The fact that I can own all the guns I want of all different calibers is the significant thing. I can own suppressors, I can own machine guns, I can own cannons. You cant do that. So yes more freedom.

Again, financial capital accessibility for your common man is obviously more advantageous in America than anywhere else. Suggesting otherwise is silly.

And you still didnt address the healthcare reality.

SO you vote to ensure you protect the above elements.
With respect, I completely disagree with all of this. Where is there a "safe country" that you speak of that doenst have gun ownership?

Its laughable if you are trying to claim that American healthcare is good. Its only good for wealthy people. AT least 80% of the population in the U.S. receive terrible quality healthcare. I have relatives living in The U.S.A. and I have relatives living in Europe also. Countries like Italy or France have much better healthcare than the U.S.A. And U.S.A spends a higher proportion of GDP on healthcare than any other country in the world yet Americans have poor health. U.S.A. has the worst bang for buck healthcare system in the world. Sure if you are wealthy in the U.S.A. you cna receive world class healthcare but for the vast majority of Americans its a horrible system.

Its laughable that you are trying to claim the U.S.A is safe. Its widely regarded as a high crime country despite the high gun ownership. In fact widespread gun ownership is necessary because of high crime.

"The United States ranked 131st in the Global Peace Ranking for 2023. The United States' ranking has fallen every year since 2016, a drop usually attributed to a decrease in life satisfaction, rising political division, and an increasing wealth gap.|

You can see where U.S.A. ranks on global crime and safety (very poorly).

rankings https://www.numbeo.com/crime/rankings_by_country.jsp
Are you suggesting that the vaccine mandates in Australia weren't orders of magnitude more draconian in Australia than the US? If that's an argument you're making because of your n of 1 experience, this is in fact nonsense.
In the U.S. system state governments have a lot more autonomy than most countries and so the variation is huge on a state by state basis. Some states in U.S.A. were quite free but other states were every bit as draconian in regards to covid as the worst places in Australia. And you make it sound as if every kid was hunted down and vaccinated forcibly in Australia. Yes there were some fringe cases where school kids were vaccinated without parental permission but by no means was it widespread. I personally know plenty of unvaccinated children in Australia.
The fact that I can own all the guns I want of all different calibers is the significant thing. I can own suppressors, I can own machine guns, I can own cannons. You cant do that. So yes more freedom.
Are your guns going to stop the U.S.A. military from sending drones to bomb your house?
And as if the U.S.A. is not a tyrannical country, have you forgotten what its like to go through an American airport?

Not to mention U.S.A. is the only country in the world that I am aware of that makes international travelers get a visa just to transit through the airport!!

Not to mention the U.S.A. government is the only country in the world along with Eritrea that permanently taxes citizens residing overseas on their worldwide income!! Talk about tyrannical!!

"Only the U.S. and eritrea. Several countries tax non-residents for a short period after they move abroad. For example, an individual who leaves a country may continue to be taxed until he has been a non-resident for at least 6 months or a year. But permanent, lifelong taxation regardless of residency is extremely rare."

You are just so blinded by your American pride that you believe all the propaganda that U.S.A. is the greatest country in the world.

What about FATCA legislation where the U.S.A. govenrment bullies banks, financial institutions and govenrments around the world to comply with their reporting reuqirements. Its so onerous that many banks in other countries will not allow U.S.A. citizens to open bank accounts with them and also due to SEC regulations in many countries Initial Public Offerings will disqualify U.S.A. citizens as indivudals from participating in the IPO.
Its laughable if you are trying to claim that American healthcare is good. Its only good for wealthy people. AT least 80% of the population in the U.S. receive terrible quality healthcare. I have relatives living in The U.S.A. and I have relatives living in Europe also. Countries like Italy or France have much better healthcare than the U.S.A. And U.S.A spends a higher proportion of GDP on healthcare than any other country in the world yet Americans have poor health. U.S.A. has the worst bang for buck healthcare system in the world. Sure if you are wealthy in the U.S.A. you cna receive world class healthcare but for the vast majority of Americans its a horrible system.

Its laughable that you are trying to claim the U.S.A is safe. Its widely regarded as a high crime country despite the high gun ownership. In fact widespread gun ownership is necessary because of high crime.

"The United States ranked 131st in the Global Peace Ranking for 2023. The United States' ranking has fallen every year since 2016, a drop usually attributed to a decrease in life satisfaction, rising political division, and an increasing wealth gap.|

You can see where U.S.A. ranks on global crime and safety (very poorly).

rankings https://www.numbeo.com/crime/rankings_by_country.jsp
American Healthcare is responsive. you are able to get seen for serious issues in a timely manner. I have no idea where you're coming up with some random 80% number like I'm supposed to accept that as gospel.

US Healthcare could use some reform. But a single payer socialized system is not it. Trust me, as a veteran who's used the VA for lots of things util Trump opened up reforms allowing outside referrals, a single option for healthcare aint it.

On crime....You're making arguments that liberals make. The high crime areas are those with large black/hispanic populations.

Please don't make a fool of yourself by making me go through the FBI crime statistics to explain all this to you.

In the U.S. system state governments have a lot more autonomy than most countries and so the variation is huge on a state by state basis. Some states in U.S.A. were quite free but other states were every bit as draconian in regards to covid as the worst places in Australia. And you make it sound as if every kid was hunted down and vaccinated forcibly in Australia. Yes there were some fringe cases where school kids were vaccinated without parental permission but by no means was it widespread. I personally know plenty of unvaccinated children in Australia.
Yes, it differed by state. correct. NY and California were bad. agreed.

I dont know, ive seen so much video in Australia that I think the vast majority of the country suffered on the draconian side, and the outliers were able to escape that.

Which again is the opposite of what you saw in America as far as the governement policy was concerned.

Are your guns going to stop the U.S.A. military from sending drones to bomb your house?

The US is not going to use its own military on its own people. That's a stupid talk. Being a veteran and knowing how this works I can tell you this wont happen.

A couple of complex ambushes on the national guardsmen trying to confiscate or do whatever and the whole door falls out. There's just not enough resources in the USA to actively monitor the entire us population.

And as if the U.S.A. is not a tyrannical country, have you forgotten what its like to go through an American airport?
I've traveled through european airports, not significantly different. The bigger issue with American Airports is the black contingent throwing a fit over luggage.
Not to mention U.S.A. is the only country in the world that I am aware of that makes international travelers get a visa just to transit through the airport!!
Dont care.
Not to mention the U.S.A. government is the only country in the world along with Eritrea that permanently taxes citizens residing overseas on their worldwide income!! Talk about tyrannical!!
So renounce your US citizenship if you need to. For wealthy Expats who do this line of work in the Oil and Gas space this is all factored into the job.

"Only the U.S. and eritrea. Several countries tax non-residents for a short period after they move abroad. For example, an individual who leaves a country may continue to be taxed until he has been a non-resident for at least 6 months or a year. But permanent, lifelong taxation regardless of residency is extremely rare."

You are just so blinded by your American pride that you believe all the propaganda that U.S.A. is the greatest country in the world.

What about FATCA legislation where the U.S.A. govenrment bullies banks, financial institutions and govenrments around the world to comply with their reporting reuqirements. Its so onerous that many banks in other countries will not allow U.S.A. citizens to open bank accounts with them and also due to SEC regulations in many countries Initial Public Offerings will disqualify U.S.A. citizens as indivudals from participating in the IPO.
America is the greatest country in the world for freedoms and financial opportunity. I've seen this by my own world travels globally to good countries AND to shit hole countries.

It's not a perfect country and we have TONS of the same problems other countries have also. The difference is our geographic size and split allows for upward mobility in a way that no-where else does.
U.S.A. is a high crime country, there are many American cities where you simply cannot walk around late at night without substantial risk of getting robbed, stabbed or shot. There are many countries where this is not the case. Sure there are safe areas of the U.S.A. but overall its not a safe country.
I've traveled through european airports, not significantly different. The bigger issue with American Airports is the black contingent throwing a fit over luggage.
U.S.A. is significantly different because they treat transiting through the U.S.A. airport as if you are entering the country. Its completely retarded, unnecessary, tyrannical and no other country in the world does it. They make you get a visa, go through customs and recheck your luggage etc. Not te mention absurdly slow processing times in U.S.A. airports due to the draconian but useless security theater. Its so bad that I go out of my way to avoid transiting through the U.S.A. and will pay more to do so and know many other travelers who are the same.
On crime....You're making arguments that liberals make. The high crime areas are those with large black/hispanic populations.
So in other words fuck the plebs who can't afford to live in rich white neighborhoods in places like Connecticut? Point is the whole country on average is not safe. Sure if you have money you can hole yourself up in a gated community in a wealthy white neighborhood which by the way is what rich people in countries like Brazil do.....

And its not only black areas that are high crime. Where poor white rednecks live (trailer trash, junkies, etc) like the Appalachia region crime levels are also high.
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Sure its nice to live in a place that has strong gun rights. But if I have a choice between living in a safe place where 12 year old kids walk around with alone with their friends at midnight (I have been to places like that) where you cannot own guns and a high crime shit-hole place where gun ownership is allowed I will choose the safe place and forego gun ownership. Being able to own guns does not make up for the lack of general safety in the U.S.A.

Just to give you some idea (a bunch of countries chosen at random) of how U.S.A. compares in terms of homicides per 100,000 inhabitants:

U.S.A. 6.383
Estonia 1.508
Australia 0.833
Argentina 4.309
Albania 1.654
Armenia 2.186
Chile 6.744
France 1.560
Montenegro 2.551
New Zealand 1.111
Morocco 1.705
Lebanon 2.260
India 2.832
Philippines 4.316
Turkey 2.670
Thailand 4.813
Zimbabwe 6.654