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US Military Draft

There is no draft in Russia. The ones who fled Russia are the ones who signed up to be in Russia's military reserve, and then fled when they actually got called up. Seems a lot of them signed up for the benifits because they never thought there would be a real war.

So draft dodgers in Russia aren't even close to dodging the draft as Americans understand it. There is no "draft" in Russia. Still 100% voluntary, except for those who've enlisted within the reserves yet reneged on their deal.

Is this not the case?
Russia has a hybrid - part conscript, part volunteer - system. 20 years ago it was, around, 70/30, before the war in ukraine, around, 40/60, and now, due to the ongoing recruitment campaign, it's close to 20/80. Give or take.
Russian draft - all males at the age of 18 are called to military registration offices, where they get a basic physical exam. Those fit to serve receive a military ID number and are sent back home. After some time, those who don't sign up for college, get a job at a state enterprise, or get some other kind of deferment are called to serve (there are 2 draft seasons a year). No one needs to run abroad to avoid the draft - a simple college admission gets you off the hook. So only those kids who have no clue what to do with their lives after highschool, are the ones who get drafted. Conscripts serve only for a year and it is illegal to send them to fight abroad.
Russian emigrants - There's no data on the military status of those who left Russia after the mobilization was announced. Were some of them in the army reserve and wanted to run away from their duty ? - Most likely yes. Were all of them ? - Most definitely not. As far as I can tell most of the emigrants are middle class, liberal urbanites who run away because they were in opposition to Putin and the SMO.
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Had another russian today doing some manual labour. 30 something years old. And he told me a different story. Normally don´t care for this type of workers because they merely assist the skilled workers.
Anyway this time I asked him some questions. And the first thing he mentioned was Russia is not a well organized state. Things don´t go as the law says. Unless it´s inside the state. Government institutions between themselves follow the law. But they don´t care about law dealing with population.
He didn´t seem to be lying. When he said that conscripts were sent to war in Ukraine. Knew first hand people who were sent to ukraine. The reason why he left was being drafted to serve. Even though he did have an administrative job in a state company but was still called to serve. Last thing he said was money buys everything in Russia. If you have money you don´t serve. Didn´t ask him more questions. But I can ask him if anyone wants. Other workers might get jealous. But I don´t care.
Conscripts serve only for a year and it is illegal to send them to fight abroad.

And this explains why there was a push to formally annex parts of Ukraine, so that conscripts can be sent to fight there because it is now officially Russian territory.

Honestly though - I don't understand the Russian draft dodgers. They are Russians defending Russians. They aren't dying for a foreign country like the average American does. Seems to me they are cowards and sinners.
Had another russian today doing some manual labour. 30 something years old. And he told me a different story. Normally don´t care for this type of workers because they merely assist the skilled workers.
Anyway this time I asked him some questions. And the first thing he mentioned was Russia is not a well organized state. Things don´t go as the law says. Unless it´s inside the state. Government institutions between themselves follow the law. But they don´t care about law dealing with population.
He didn´t seem to be lying. When he said that conscripts were sent to war in Ukraine. Knew first hand people who were sent to ukraine. The reason why he left was being drafted to serve. Even though he did have an administrative job in a state company but was still called to serve. Last thing he said was money buys everything in Russia. If you have money you don´t serve. Didn´t ask him more questions. But I can ask him if anyone wants. Other workers might get jealous. But I don´t care.
Just because something is illegal - like sending conscripts abroad in this case - doesn't mean, it doesnt happen. State institutions will always find a way to abuse power and F the little guy over, regardless of the country.
Another thing are the different types of military service:
Draft/conscription - mandatory military service, for those who are unable to get a deferment (most often enroll in a college) after finishing high school.
Mobilization - calling former contract military personnel back into service.
So in a situation You describe, Your acquaintance is either an ex soldier who doesn't want to go back into active duty, or someone who failed to show up for service way back when he was younger and now has to pay his dues in one way or another.
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Russia has a hybrid - part conscript, part volunteer - system. 20 years ago it was, around, 70/30, before the war in ukraine, around, 40/60, and now, due to the ongoing recruitment campaign, it's close to 20/80. Give or take.
Russian draft - all males at the age of 18 are called to military registration offices, where they get a basic physical exam. Those fit to serve receive a military ID number and are sent back home. After some time, those who don't sign up for college, get a job at a state enterprise, or get some other kind of deferment are called to serve (there are 2 draft seasons a year). No one needs to run abroad to avoid the draft - a simple college admission gets you off the hook. So only those kids who have no clue what to do with their lives after highschool, are the ones who get drafted. Conscripts serve only for a year and it is illegal to send them to fight abroad.
Russian emigrants - There's no data on the military status of those who left Russia after the mobilization was announced. Were some of them in the army reserve and wanted to run away from their duty ? - Most likely yes. Were all of them ? - Most definitely not. As far as I can tell most of the emigrants are middle class, liberal urbanites who run away because they were in opposition to Putin and the SMO.
That's not a draft though. That's compulsory military service after school. A lot of countries do, or have done that.
There are good reasons to take a society's 18 yr old males and instill discipline and fitness into them, whilst teaching them skills.
A draft is selecting groups of military aged males in your society and forcing them to take military training and then sending them to fight in an ongoing war.

And for clarity, mobilisation is taking those former military members who have signed up to be in a countries reserve forces and reactivating them for service.
Honestly though - I don't understand the Russian draft dodgers. They are Russians defending Russians. They aren't dying for a foreign country like the average American does. Seems to me they are cowards and sinners.
Some are cowards. My guess is many Russians have also swallowed the Western propaganda saying this is purely a war of aggression. We know that's not true, Russia needs to protect its ethnic population in Ukraine and eliminate the Zelensky regime. But to reach that conclusion you must have a really strong understanding of what's going on in the world today. And your average Joe or Ivan is not necessarily a deep thinker.
And this explains why there was a push to formally annex parts of Ukraine, so that conscripts can be sent to fight there because it is now officially Russian territory.
That's what I thought when the annexation happened, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

Honestly though - I don't understand the Russian draft dodgers. They are Russians defending Russians. They aren't dying for a foreign country like the average American does. Seems to me they are cowards and sinners.
Again, not draft dodgers - those who want to avoid conscription don't have to run away, they can enroll in a college - higher education in Russia is state funded so financial status is not a barrier (having low grades obviously is) - or find another way to postopne their service or get exempt from it. Modern day Russia doesn't need to force everyone into service, they usually draft only 120-150k a season (two draft seasons a year) to fill whatever vacancies they have.
A better term to describe those who run a way, as long as they are members of the army reserve, would be deserters.
Pushed him a little more before he left. His neighbor was 18 and died figthing in ukraine. I asked him why didn´t you pay? System is so corrupted he didn´t knew money would reach the right hands. He also said the russian army practically didn´t exist before Ukraine war. Because of corruption everything was gone. Ukraine has foreign fighters. Russia was only using nationals. Ukrainians are like brothers to russians. It doesn´t make sense to kill them. And in Russia they say the war was planned long ago. Which is also my opinion. This is all elites fabricated bullshit. It´s their fun. And only the innocents lose. This war was planned. Actually a developer from Dubai which has inside info told me last year. This war would not escalate. A lot of people would die. It would take a while. But this war wouldn´t escalate.

I had 3 russians working here. Now I know they all knew each other because they were footbal hooligans. And fought each other when their teams played. I knew one of them was an hooligan. Because he did Muay Thai and boxing. But didn´t knew the first one was. He seemed a really chilled and peaceful guy. Russian football hooligans are not exactly cowards.

Russians have an incredible work ethic. If it wasn´t for communism. They seem to enjoy more demolishing stuff than building though.
And this explains why there was a push to formally annex parts of Ukraine, so that conscripts can be sent to fight there because it is now officially Russian territory.

Honestly though - I don't understand the Russian draft dodgers. They are Russians defending Russians. They aren't dying for a foreign country like the average American does. Seems to me they are cowards and sinners.
The drafted men are being handed a rusty ride home and send to a meat grinder to die. Which part is difficult to understand?
Great post by John Carter on the U.S. military, how globohomo is trying to entice white man to go die for them and how they might do a false flag attack upcoming to try to entice them further. His basic point is: don't fall for it. https://barsoom.substack.com/p/the-bud-light-military

Really great top comment:

I'm retired USAF. I turned down a promotion and got out in 2005 because one day, while I was suffering thru the Weekly Bloodlet (Wing CC's staff meeting), I realized that in these meetings, the trolls of the recently created "Social Actions" office were taking larger and larger blocks of time out of my life while going on and on and on about This History Month, or That History Month, or Sexual Harassment Awareness Training, etc., and that their attendant Powerpoint presentations were getting longer and longer and longer and becoming ever more strident in proselytizing the new Catechism of "Diversity" while achieving the net effect of becoming more and more divisive. That day, when it was my turn to talk about the goings on of the office I was responsible for, I brought the meeting to a stop when I asked the Social Actions lady when the German/Irish History Month was going to be because I wanted to celebrate my heritage also. This was met with a glacially stony silence and a look that would have left me bleeding out on the floor if it had had physical force. After the meeting, many of the participants privately told me they thought my comment was hilarious but then they also said they were afraid to laugh. I told them I was not trying to be funny.

Not long after this, a friend was driven out of the USAF via the Social Actions meatfgrinder after he was overheard telling an "offensive" joke by an eavesdropper he didn't know was there, much less listening. This person demanded redress for her bent feelings and she got it in the form of his professional body. I knew then, it was time for me to go, and everything I've seen since has reinforced the correctness of my decision. In subsequent years, I watched some friends buy into the crap and others give it lipservice, all in order to pursue promotion. It destroyed them all and one by one, they fell away. Some of them I miss, some I don't.

They forgot that the reason for the existence of the military is the protection of the Constitution and of our Nation. They forgot the words they spoke in swearing their Oath of office. They lost sight of the greater externality of the mission and sank into a small and very dark internecine morass of fear, compliance, and doublethink. And so today, we have a military filled with people who either don't trust the person next to them because they might get ratted out, or are the people they would get ratted out to. They have learned to say what is accepted instead of what needs to be said. The result is that our military has selected for those who have become a bunch of inwardly focused smart-phone dependent DEI rainbowed pussies, who unknowingly lie to themselves and to every one around them out of belief in an inbred ideology that leaves them mentally neutered and incapable of independent thought and action. Those even remotely capable of leadership or possess the drive for it were selected out or driven out, and we are left with diversity hires who masquerade as leadership in the form people like Miley and Franchetti. Our military has no balls and the rest of the world knows it. This has become (embarrassingly) literal as military physicians now willingly and presumably cheerfully, will cut them off.

Finally, as a former USAF pilot, I have often wondered what happened to the crewmembers of that C-17 who in following orders, taxied over those people, crushing some of them, and then got airborne with others clinging to its side and who fell to their deaths. I wonder if those kids have managed to come to terms with what they were told to do. I wonder if it wakes them up at 3am where the only company to be found is in the aloneness of their thoughts. What they had to do occasionally wakes me up.

Ok. Thus endeth the rant.

If veterans won't speak up for the service, then no amount of recruiting ads will change anyone's mind.

It's funny, white males have never been more united. Most of White history are the men killing each other over petty nonsense. But due to diversity, men have been pushed into a corner and it's united them like never before. Probably less than 20% of White men will vote Democrat next election. I think the amount of times white men have been 80% united on something, anything, you can count on one hand in the past 2000 years. It's that rare.

So pray, because there definitely is hope for the future. I still expect them to try a draft and make life hell for us. But perhaps we can just turn all the prisons into the world's greatest frat houses as we pull an Achilles and resist.
Do you all think there will be the need for a modern draft if conflicts continue to escalate? I've seen some rumblings about it in the media as a possibility due to very low enlistment numbers.

It would be an interesting spectacle since, due to 'equality' and the battle of the sexes, I think you'd have some pushback among those young men called up. Not to mention the politicization of the current conflicts. I think the idea of adding women to the Selective Service requirement was rejected a few times, yet they continue to 'remove barriers to entry' for female recruits who join voluntarily. Benefits with no obligations, nothing new here. I don't expect a requirement for women to ever become a reality.

You still see MSM articles touting the lack of diversity in the military especially in Marine pilots for example. Is this a subversive tactic to lure more minorities to the service?

They've certainly burned their bridges with veterans and many currently enlisted men who are likely willing to earn a paycheck but may find a way out if deployment looks imminent.
I don't think there will be any draft anytime soon.

1. War is increasingly about technology, not about a number of the men on the ground.
Example; drones can be "driven" by IT geeks. They do not need a jacked up pilot to do that.
And this increasingly true for other aspects of modern warfare, too.
2. The US government is trying to remove guns from citizens - the opposite of giving them arms and military training. Thus the draft is unlikely.
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Yesterday I spotted this freight train rolling through my city carrying hundreds of armor units. Stretched all the way down the horizon, maybe a mile long...


Had another russian today doing some manual labour. 30 something years old. And he told me a different story. Normally don´t care for this type of workers because they merely assist the skilled workers.
Anyway this time I asked him some questions. And the first thing he mentioned was Russia is not a well organized state. Things don´t go as the law says. Unless it´s inside the state. Government institutions between themselves follow the law. But they don´t care about law dealing with population.
He didn´t seem to be lying. When he said that conscripts were sent to war in Ukraine. Knew first hand people who were sent to ukraine. The reason why he left was being drafted to serve. Even though he did have an administrative job in a state company but was still called to serve. Last thing he said was money buys everything in Russia. If you have money you don´t serve. Didn´t ask him more questions. But I can ask him if anyone wants. Other workers might get jealous. But I don´t care.
Thanks for this report. So basically it's about the same in Russia as US where if you got the money to grease the fingers not even big brother government will bother you?
1. War is increasingly about technology, not about a number of the men on the ground.
Example; drones can be "driven" by IT geeks. They do not need a jacked up pilot to do that.
And this increasingly true for other aspects of modern warfare, too.
2. The US government is trying to remove guns from citizens - the opposite of giving them arms and military training. Thus the draft is unlikely.

Actually that failed perspective is exactly how NATO is getting its a** kicked right now. While the U.S. and European forces relied on technology and supposed advanced warfare to squash Russia, Putin and his advisors are basically executing a strategic slow motion exhaustion campaign, which is something Russians are very good at (which incidentally goes back to German strategist Carl von Clausewitz). They are also repeating what Stalin did, meaning focusing on building up their manufacture of military equipment and of course ammunition. It took them two years but while the West is basically running out of equipment and armaments the Russians are just getting warmed up. Stalin followed a similar strategy after early losses with put the Germans in visual vicinity of Moscow. In the end however they lost, admittedly also aided by the brutal Russian winter which they were completely unprepared for. A similar situation is unfolding right now right during the распутица (rasputitsa) which supposedly makes troop movements impossible, however the Russians are slowly advancing despite that.

Anyway, 'modern warfare' is obviously our new reality (i.e. guides missiles, satellite surveillance, drones, etc.) but it's not everything. In the end there is no substitute for having competent, well trained, and determined units on the ground.
Actually that failed perspective is exactly how NATO is getting its a** kicked right now. While the U.S. and European forces relied on technology and supposed advanced warfare to squash Russia, Putin and his advisors are basically executing a strategic slow motion exhaustion campaign, which is something Russians are very good at (which incidentally goes back to German strategist Carl von Clausewitz). They are also repeating what Stalin did, meaning focusing on building up their manufacture of military equipment and of course ammunition. It took them two years but while the West is basically running out of equipment and armaments the Russians are just getting warmed up. Stalin followed a similar strategy after early losses with put the Germans in visual vicinity of Moscow. In the end however they lost, admittedly also aided by the brutal Russian winter which they were completely unprepared for. A similar situation is unfolding right now right during the распутица (rasputitsa) which supposedly makes troop movements impossible, however the Russians are slowly advancing despite that.

Anyway, 'modern warfare' is obviously our new reality (i.e. guides missiles, satellite surveillance, drones, etc.) but it's not everything. In the end there is no substitute for having competent, well trained, and determined units on the ground.
I think that Israel in Gaza is a better example. Having technological supremacy in every measurable aspect, every precision munition one can think of ("harop" kamikazed drones, "excalibur" guided artillery shells, "iron sting" guided mortar rounds, spike NLOS ATGMs, just to name a few) and uncontested air supremacy, they still have to put boots on the ground. Long range precision fires can wipe enemy position clean, level entire neighborhoods, but at the end of the day grunts will have to come in and secure the area.
I'm all in favor of a draft for young men in this country. With all of the fat, tattooed whores we have here in the US, there's already a huge imbalance of marryable men to marryable women. At least this would thin out the herd and restore the balance to what it once was so older guys like me have a chance at marrying a decent-looking woman.
I'm all in favor of a draft for young men in this country. With all of the fat, tattooed whores we have here in the US, there's already a huge imbalance of marryable men to marryable women. At least this would thin out the herd and restore the balance to what it once was so older guys like me have a chance at marrying a decent-looking woman.
Sorry man, don’t feel like dying for Israel. No Hamas member or Russian ever called me toxic. And I don’t think that will work out the way you think it will. Besides, all we have to do about the fat tattooed whores is stop banging em. The only reason they’re like that is cos we’re ok with it. Once we walk away (and all men have to do this at once, not just a few) watch the weight melt off and style change.