US Military Draft

I feel like there will be massive backlash from the people. I also find it hard for our government to find a way to unify people to go along with it. I think most will say no thanks and I would be interested to see how far our government will go to get folks to go. Are they going to kick doors in and drag men to fight a war?
Do you all think there will be the need for a modern draft if conflicts continue to escalate? I've seen some rumblings about it in the media as a possibility due to very low enlistment numbers.

It would be an interesting spectacle since, due to 'equality' and the battle of the sexes, I think you'd have some pushback among those young men called up. Not to mention the politicization of the current conflicts. I think the idea of adding women to the Selective Service requirement was rejected a few times, yet they continue to 'remove barriers to entry' for female recruits who join voluntarily. Benefits with no obligations, nothing new here. I don't expect a requirement for women to ever become a reality.

You still see MSM articles touting the lack of diversity in the military especially in Marine pilots for example. Is this a subversive tactic to lure more minorities to the service?

They've certainly burned their bridges with veterans and many currently enlisted men who are likely willing to earn a paycheck but may find a way out if deployment looks imminent.
Not so long ago, the US Army War College published a paper on lessons from the war in ukraine, which points out that the current model of all-volunteer force would be unsustainable during a high intensity conflict.

So if we ever try to tackle a serious opponent, the draft will be necessary.
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Anyone who thinks a draft is impossible today would have also probably thought a few years ago that shutting down the economy over a flu virus and terrorizing 80% of the population into taking an experimental injection was impossible.

But it happened.

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of propaganda on the minds of the masses. A 9/11 or Pearl Harbor style false flag combined with COVID-level media hysteria is all it would take, and our twisted overlords will not hesitate to go this route if they view it as necessary.
Anyone who thinks a draft is impossible today would have also probably thought a few years ago that shutting down the economy over a flu virus and terrorizing 80% of the population into taking an experimental injection was impossible.

But it happened.

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of propaganda on the minds of the masses. A 9/11 or Pearl Harbor style false flag combined with COVID-level media hysteria is all it would take, and our twisted overlords will not hesitate to go this route if they view it as necessary.

I think it might be a bit more difficult. As an example, you can see what has happened in Russia, maybe 3 million people have left the country to avoid the draft. I don't think there is anything on that scale that has happened before. And Russians are maybe more ceaselessly propagandised about Nazis than Americans.

I think there is such a breakdown in the natural hierarchy, and movement towards smoke and mirrors, feminine behaviour, soi bois and anti-nationalism that the draft in Western countries is now a very different prospect. And increasingly heritage populations see the state as an occupying force and the army as a crazy house.

I've seen a few videos of the primarily foreign, female, gay, fat US army recruits, and their reasons for joining are not what you'd have historically found - to protect the homeland, patriotism etc. They're there for money, to prove women are better than men, other leftist positions or simply as they have nothing better to do.

The US army has had a bad showing for some time. It will be interested in how it fares under the leadership of inadequate leftists.

It's hard to see why either those on the right or left would want to fight in any upcoming wars. And surely the morale, determination and confidence will be low.
Anyone who thinks a draft is impossible today would have also probably thought a few years ago that shutting down the economy over a flu virus and terrorizing 80% of the population into taking an experimental injection was impossible.

But it happened.

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of propaganda on the minds of the masses. A 9/11 or Pearl Harbor style false flag combined with COVID-level media hysteria is all it would take, and our twisted overlords will not hesitate to go this route if they view it as necessary.

The convid hysteria was to stay at home and play Call of Duty online yelling at other clowns through their headphones. Actually going to war and being blown up because you're a blob is a whole different story, and they know that.

Edit; I guess a digital game erasing "Pearl Harbor" could work.

They'll send Gen Y from what I've heard.
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Figured this belongs here. People actually believe this stuff.
I used to think Bat Boy was real, but I was like 5 years old at the time. The Sun reminds me a lot of the Weekly World News, and I bet the authors of that rag take about as many creative liberties.


I feel like there will be massive backlash from the people. I also find it hard for our government to find a way to unify people to go along with it. I think most will say no thanks and I would be interested to see how far our government will go to get folks to go. Are they going to kick doors in and drag men to fight a war?
I hope because it is becoming apparent why the powers-that-be which are behind the military-industrial-complex needed Covid during an election year and to ensure that they won the election by nook or by crook.
Anyone who thinks a draft is impossible today would have also probably thought a few years ago that shutting down the economy over a flu virus and terrorizing 80% of the population into taking an experimental injection was impossible.

But it happened.

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of propaganda on the minds of the masses. A 9/11 or Pearl Harbor style false flag combined with COVID-level media hysteria is all it would take, and our twisted overlords will not hesitate to go this route if they view it as necessary.
Correct and voting blue or red isn't going to slow it down one bit. If boss Israel demands we have a draft, we will have a draft.

It will take real world activism. I have heard that the NJP plans to have protests at army recruiting centers across the country if the US gets involved. That is the kind of activity it is going to take. Peaceful protests, writing our representatives letters, calling their phones, and real-world organization.
I hope because it is becoming apparent why the powers-that-be which are behind the military-industrial-complex needed Covid during an election year and to ensure that they won the election by nook or by crook.
Could you elaborate more on this thought? Maybe I am missing your statements intent. Are you saying the military will use fear tactics like covid used to give them a sense of "I am better because I fought in a war?". Just like "I got my booster so I'm better than you."
I used to think Bat Boy was real, but I was like 5 years old at the time. The Sun reminds me a lot of the Weekly World News, and I bet the authors of that rag take about as many creative liberties.

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I had no idea Edwin Newman did this show! He was one of the most respected reporters from the golden age of US TV news. Apparently it was completely tongue in cheek.

Could you elaborate more on this thought? Maybe I am missing your statements intent. Are you saying the military will use fear tactics like covid used to give them a sense of "I am better because I fought in a war?". Just like "I got my booster so I'm better than you."

It seems to be becoming more clear (to me at least) that there was more to the last US presidential election than simply getting rid of the Orange Man, which required the Covid Wars at the very least and electoral fraud at the very most. Ever since the CFR and the NGOs got O'Biden in, there has been a disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan (resulting in a geopolitical power vacuum); war in the Ukraine; inflation; the rise of the BRICS; intensified migrant invasions of the US, EU and UK, and the prospect of a hot war in Eastern Europe and the geopolitical Transjordan.
@N°6 that was a fine write up. I agree with you, the election still does not seem right to me personally. I wonder what the next one will play out like and will draft be a presidential debate topic or will there be one decreed by that time.
I feel like there will be massive backlash from the people. I also find it hard for our government to find a way to unify people to go along with it. I think most will say no thanks and I would be interested to see how far our government will go to get folks to go. Are they going to kick doors in and drag men to fight a war?

Yes, this is exactly what I'd expect. The actual paid and well-trained army won't do the fighting. They will be the ones killing Americans, threatening families, and kidnapping men off the streets to send them to the frontlines. Just like in Ukraine. The professional soldiers are only there to protect the regime, meanwhile the plebs are the bomb-fodder for the frontlines.

Americans will say, "I have muh guns" but 99% will be too scared to use them, and anyone who tries to fight will have his house blown apart as an example.

They will also increase the draft age up to 60, just like in Ukraine. Like I said on RVF about the Ukrainian War, "Ukraine is the future of the West."
Don't think you'll fight in a draft? If you couldn't resist a MEASILY vaccine, you will NEVER be able to resist the pressure of going off to fight the next great Hitler. Those who object to the war will be imprisoned, their families shamed if not directly physically attacked by the brainwashed masses, banned from work and banking, and forced to beg for food to survive. It's exactly the same playbook they used to take down Hitler.

I wonder if Putin has a plan around all of this, because when Putin says the West needs a "change of Elites," he's really talking about our chewish parasites forcing us into a kamikaze with Russia. What you see happening to the Ukrainian people, will in fact be coming to Europe and America within the following 5 years.

The only thing that stops this is if there is peace, but I don't see our leaders backing down, ever. When the stakes are this high, surrender is never an option for them. They want to rule it all and will see us all die before anything comes in their way.
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