US Military Draft

Yes, this is exactly what I'd expect. The actual paid and well-trained army won't do the fighting. They will be the ones killing Americans, threatening families, and kidnapping men off the streets to send them to the frontlines. Just like in Ukraine. The professional soldiers are only there to protect the regime, meanwhile the plebs are the bomb-fodder for the frontlines.

Americans will say, "I have muh guns" but 99% will be too scared to use them, and anyone who tries to fight will have his house blown apart as an example.

They will also increase the draft age up to 60, just like in Ukraine. Like I said on RVF about the Ukrainian War, "Ukraine is the future of the West."
I'm sure if they "blow apart" houses civil war will be right after that. There is no way non city folk will sit idly by and allow it. I won't at the least.
I'm sure if they "blow apart" houses civil war will be right after that. There is no way non city folk will sit idly by and allow it. I won't at the least.

I would hope so, but they will be labeled traitors and anyone who sides with them will also be labeled traitors. 99% of people will submit. Don't expect state governments to lift a finger.
This is why organizing in the real world is so important. And calling groups like Patriot Front, and other groups who speak hardcore truths about the power structure in this country, "Feds", feeds right into the hands of the evil elites.

I will never tell anyone to join any organization, because there will be risks, the will be infiltration by the government. But calling groups who correctly point out the serious problems in our country, "Feds", is very damaging to people protecting themselves.

If we don't want to be drafted, then we have to be organized. Being an individual with some land, and living off the grid, with your assortment of rifles isn't going to keep you safe. You need a large, organized, community of men to have each other's backs.

The online activism is fun and games, but if you are not organized in the real world, then you are a sitting duck.
The sort of global conflict that I see unfolding will definitely require a draft of some sort here in the US. There's a lot of talk about how the US isn't prepared for this. This is very true. Even among our current rank and file, there's an alarming rate of obesity, which reduces combat effectiveness. The pool of human capital that the military would draw from is even worse off in this regard. I've seen estimates as low as 18% of current military-age people, not just men, are unable to simply qualify for military service.

But, this situation isn't just with manpower. We lack industrial capacity, civil defense, and, most of all, money.
@Samseau @It_Is_My_Time @Towgunner great points guys I find it alarming that our manpower is so lacking. The men are weak it's very true. I work with some young 20s guys and they all have these elementary issues. I chalk it up to weak mindset and weak spiritual bonds. I use my military background in the Marines in any job I've ever gone into and it has always done two things. Praise from likeminded folks, or resentment from nonlikeminded individuals. I believe like we have all said before the laziness has been engineered to make Americans weak. But Noone sees it due to comfort and blindness by their on sin.
I would hope so, but they will be labeled traitors and anyone who sides with them will also be labeled traitors. 99% of people will submit. Don't expect state governments to lift a finger.
I personally don't subscribe to federal politics unless it's involves military stuff(yeah I get that's almost an oxymoron but hey I'm trying). I am starting to come involved with local city council where there is still something to work forward that may be positive.
Anyone who thinks a draft is impossible today would have also probably thought a few years ago that shutting down the economy over a flu virus and terrorizing 80% of the population into taking an experimental injection was impossible.

But it happened.

Do not underestimate the effectiveness of propaganda on the minds of the masses. A 9/11 or Pearl Harbor style false flag combined with COVID-level media hysteria is all it would take, and our twisted overlords will not hesitate to go this route if they view it as necessary.
The U.S. population was ~90% against entry into both World War 1 and World War 2 before authorities managed affairs to change their minds. The U.S. population is obese, lazy, and entitled now, with very little patriotism and some degree of greater resistance to globohomo propaganda, but I don’t think it would be too hard to gear the population up for war with a false flag on domestic soil (Cyber Polygon?) or endless propaganda or otherwise (perhaps an end to free speech or an internet shutdown?). As Goering famously said:

“…after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger.”
People are idiots and will always follow leadership during times of perceived danger, the perception of which the media controls.
The U.S. population was ~90% against entry into both World War 1 and World War 2 before authorities managed affairs to change their minds. The U.S. population is obese, lazy, and entitled now, with very little patriotism and some degree of greater resistance to globohomo propaganda, but I don’t think it would be too hard to gear the population up for war with a false flag on domestic soil (Cyber Polygon?) or endless propaganda or otherwise (perhaps an end to free speech or an internet shutdown?). As Goering famously said:

People are idiots and will always follow leadership during times of perceived danger, the perception of which the media controls.

Yep, never underestimate how gullible people are. But the differences between today and WWI and WWII America and The West, are very important to this overall picture. They can create the illusion to get people to accept the draft, in the same way they got people to wear the make.

But, what's going to matter a lot more is the type and quality of the individual that will be called up. That, and many other things, such as industrial capacity and money. Drafting lots of men is one thing, replacing and building a military that is equipped to fight this war is another, and I see us lacking on that front. Not so much of the other side.
Yep, never underestimate how gullible people are. But the differences between today and WWI and WWII America and The West, are very important to this overall picture. They can create the illusion to get people to accept the draft, in the same way they got people to wear the make.

But, what's going to matter a lot more is the type and quality of the individual that will be called up. That, and many other things, such as industrial capacity and money. Drafting lots of men is one thing, replacing and building a military that is equipped to fight this war is another, and I see us lacking on that front. Not so much of the other side.

That's exactly what I believe too. They will draft us by the hundreds of millions and we will get slaughtered and lose.

Keep in mind that warfare today is all about drones. It is like playing a video game. Being strong and fast means nothing. Doesn't matter if you are 18 or 60, all our government needs is men in the trenches manning machineguns. They will be targets for the actual army of drones and artillery warfare.

Doesn't matter how strong or fast you are, if a drone spots you then you're already dead. Artillery fire will hit you within inches of your location within 20 seconds. You will be blown apart no matter what you are made of. The only solution is to live underground in the trenches and hide like a rat every single day.

It's worse than WW1, because in WW1 you could hear the bombardments starting and then retreat to the foxholes. In WW3 all you have is dead silence, then suddenly BOOOM and you or your mate just got droned into hell. Absolutely no warning and spotting drones a mile above you is almost impossible.

If your fighting force doesn't have sophisticated anti-drone tech, then you will get slaughtered like the Ukrainians are. The US has this tech, but not enough so they will make up for it with superior drafted numbers. Meanwhile China probably already has plans for mass production of billions of drones. I really don't see how the USA can win this one, but that doesn't mean they won't try and get a billion people killed in the process.
I'm sure if they "blow apart" houses civil war will be right after that. There is no way non city folk will sit idly by and allow it. I won't at the least.

I agree. The thing is that the government doesn't really need to resort to that sort of physical violence in order to coerce people. Not anymore. I think if they really wanted to force people to show up for the draft you'd see something more along the lines of how the Canadian government dealt with the truckers' Freedom Convoy during Covid. They froze their bank accounts. I think that would take the wind out of people's sails very quickly.

It would be hard to live on a day to day basis without any sort of banking, credit card transactions, ability to withdraw cash, etc. How are you going to buy food, put gas in your car, etc if they shut you down financially. Most Americans would be dead in the water. They already have your information thanks to Selective Service. They could make your life, and your family's life, exceedingly difficult without ever having to physically show up at your door.
I agree. The thing is that the government doesn't really need to resort to that sort of physical violence in order to coerce people. Not anymore. I think if they really wanted to force people to show up for the draft you'd see something more along the lines of how the Canadian government dealt with the truckers' Freedom Convoy during Covid. They froze their bank accounts. I think that would take the wind out of people's sails very quickly.

It would be hard to live on a day to day basis without any sort of banking, credit card transactions, ability to withdraw cash, etc. How are you going to buy food, put gas in your car, etc if they shut you down financially. Most Americans would be dead in the water. They already have your information thanks to Selective Service. They could make your life, and your family's life, exceedingly difficult without ever having to physically show up at your door.
Super tough to break away from the financial system. I think about that factor quite alot. If we reach a scenario and the choices are "you fight war for Israel or whatever plot of land for way from your wife and kids or we shut off your finances." It would be mayham. I would hope a light bulb would flip is folks mind if that's the case but who knows.
I agree. The thing is that the government doesn't really need to resort to that sort of physical violence in order to coerce people. Not anymore. I think if they really wanted to force people to show up for the draft you'd see something more along the lines of how the Canadian government dealt with the truckers' Freedom Convoy during Covid. They froze their bank accounts. I think that would take the wind out of people's sails very quickly.

It would be hard to live on a day to day basis without any sort of banking, credit card transactions, ability to withdraw cash, etc. How are you going to buy food, put gas in your car, etc if they shut you down financially. Most Americans would be dead in the water. They already have your information thanks to Selective Service. They could make your life, and your family's life, exceedingly difficult without ever having to physically show up at your door.

Yes, which is why I said 99% won't resist. I understand they will use the same coercive measures as they did in the COVID years, but even more hardcore.

And you disproved your point with your own example: Look at the Canadian Truckers. Those 1% that kept resisting after bank accounts were shut down:


Likewise in America anyone that holes up in their house or resists beyond what the state will tolerate will just have his house blown apart. The government will be dealing with too much to try and siege people out of their houses. Resistance will get trampled, one way or another, as they always do in times of war.
I feel like there will be massive backlash from the people. I also find it hard for our government to find a way to unify people to go along with it. I think most will say no thanks and I would be interested to see how far our government will go to get folks to go. Are they going to kick doors in and drag men to fight a war?
They’ll use economic and social coercion in collusion with national businesses like they did with Covid and the vaccine, but I’d imagine far more intense. Draft dodgers would get blacklisted in some form. Banks would drop their accounts, refuse to give them loans. I could see them passing laws allowing stores to legally refuse to sell to you, or companies to refuse to hire you (or fire you), or laws to allow the banks or the police to put a lien on property or even outright seize the property. Or perhaps they could allow your wages to be garnished as a draft dodger tax to fund their war effort. I could see them publishing lists of resister’s identities and having people harass you like those rotten Jews at Harvard are presently doing to people who don’t like their war.

I’m sure they’d also send their alphabet squads out to kick in a few doors here and there just to make an example of some men, get the media behind it to stir up fear among the dissidents. I don’t think men could just refuse a draft and expect to keep on living a normal life. It would have to be something actively and forcefully resisted and en masse.

Edit: I didn’t see Samseau’s post above before I replied. What he said.
So gents, if there's a US draft of all males aged 18-65, where should we go and what should we do? What's the game plan? I'll most likely be in a foreign country if/when its instated, and I'm guessing my passport will get cancelled, etc. Should be pretty interesting.
Yeah, I had to go to Wal-Mart today to buy some engine oil... all I can say is if they try and institute a draft they've certainly got their work cut out for them. Half of the country are straight up lard asses who can't push a shopping cart down an aisle without getting winded.
So gents, if there's a US draft of all males aged 18-65, where should we go and what should we do? What's the game plan? I'll most likely be in a foreign country if/when its instated, and I'm guessing my passport will get cancelled, etc. Should be pretty interesting.

Yeah, they'll have to finish the wall to keep millions of Americans from disappearing into South America.
Compelling a reluctant population into the draft is the easy part. "They" can just issue the decree. It will not be the first time disgruntled men get forced into service. What matters is the type of man and attitude they bring. Despite the majority opinion on the eve of WW2 to not get involved, once war was declared, men were throwing themselves at conscription. Boys were falsifying their age to join early. Men who were denied service for whatever reason, flat feet, resorted to suicide.

That's not our situation at all today. As noted, we have a very fat, lazy, and entitled population. Plus, be it radical left or normal conservative, we're all hostile to the country right now. Let's not lose sight of the fact that for every despondent leftiod that screeches about how they won't go, you'll find just as much, if not more, enthusiasm from people like us, who are and will be the backbone of our forces in this war.

I'm a veteran and served in war. I would never serve today because I refuse to die for two or more men to engage in sodomy or to groom children into their terrible way of life.

It might seem misleading given how woke things are, but, when the chips are down and you're facing being cooked alive by thermobaric weapons these things matter greatly. Men will die for Mom, Susie, God, and Country, but, they will not die so entitled arrogant selfish people can fulfill their fleeting and perverted sexual desires that they choose to not control.

Even if you press these people into service they will bring that reluctance and bitterness all the way to the battlefield and it will make a difference. The Soviet Union experienced this firsthand in both World Wars at the onset. Both times their military had terrible morale as well as a lot of other similar issues, such as, incompetent leadership. Of course, Russia just resorted to throwing men at the enemy and had their winter to turn the tide. We have neither of those advantages.
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Absolutely. American morale will be absolutely horrible, which will be a major part of why we will lose. Morale is huge in war. Muslims are broke, have terrible weapons, but they have numbers and morale. Look at how much damage they can do. Even if they lose they'll keep coming back generation after generation. Morale like that has a high chance of success in the long run.
Yeah, they'll have to finish the wall to keep millions of Americans from disappearing into South America.

What if they freeze your bank account or other assets? What if you have to stay as an illegal alien in some South American country for the rest of your life? Are you prepared for that?
What if they freeze your bank account or other assets? What if you have to stay as an illegal alien in some South American country for the rest of your life? Are you prepared for that?
Met some russians who fled from the war. They are ok. Of course some left nice jobs to do lower manual labour. But it´s better than losing a leg, an arm or dying for nothing. I doubt they have second thoughts about leaving. One of them saw the writing on the wall and moved 5 years ago. He did some manual labour in my property. He as now opened a bar and do surf lessons. Married an european. He doesn´t regret his decision.

For an american you always have english lessons. Leave. Don´t have second thoughts. Leave. Or go to jail. Wars nowadays are nothing more than ritual sacrifices of innocent people. And money making for the merchants of death. Think of the draft like taking the covid vaccine. The society pressure will be as unbearable as then.

There was a post on 4chan (I read a telegram channel which posts all 4chan discussions above a number of posts) about the stages of implementation of draft. But I believe. When you hear any high level politician starting to deny the need for a draft. It´s when they will create it. If you hear: "we are not contemplating reinstating any mandatory draft in the foreseeable future" Leave. Leave by any means possible.

I´m not against military or fighting wars. But there needs to be a clear and valid threat. After the vaccine hoax. Everything to me is nothing more than schemes to control and exploit common people by elites. Don´t fall for their schemes.