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US Military Draft

Actually that failed perspective is exactly how NATO is getting its a** kicked right now. While the U.S. and European forces relied on technology and supposed advanced warfare to squash Russia, Putin and his advisors are basically executing a strategic slow motion exhaustion campaign, which is something Russians are very good at (which incidentally goes back to German strategist Carl von Clausewitz). They are also repeating what Stalin did, meaning focusing on building up their manufacture of military equipment and of course ammunition. It took them two years but while the West is basically running out of equipment and armaments the Russians are just getting warmed up. Stalin followed a similar strategy after early losses with put the Germans in visual vicinity of Moscow. In the end however they lost, admittedly also aided by the brutal Russian winter which they were completely unprepared for. A similar situation is unfolding right now right during the распутица (rasputitsa) which supposedly makes troop movements impossible, however the Russians are slowly advancing despite that.

Anyway, 'modern warfare' is obviously our new reality (i.e. guides missiles, satellite surveillance, drones, etc.) but it's not everything. In the end there is no substitute for having competent, well trained, and determined units on the ground.

exactly how NATO is getting its a** kicked right now.

Where is that happening? In an alternative universe?

Sorry, the rest of your post did not make any sense , either...or even have any relevance whatsoever. Yep, Russians have no regard for human life and well-being including their own people). We already know that - however, I don't think that something to be copied. The US (and their allies, including Israel) value their own people's lives (certainly more than the Russians value their own people's lives). Hence, they have the most advanced military technology, to reduce casualties on their own military personnel and own civilians. . Reagan won the Cold War - and it was through superior military technology, not through draft. Israel's defense force will always be superior to their Arab neighbors armed forces - again, not because of numbers. I think you see my point.
Let's get back to the OP's post:
The point still stands. There is not going to be any draft in the US anytime soon, for the two reasons I outlined in my original comment.
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The point still stands. There is not going to be any draft in the US anytime soon, for the two reasons I outlined in my original comment.

I don't think there will be any draft anytime soon.

1. War is increasingly about technology, not about a number of the men on the ground.
Example; drones can be "driven" by IT geeks. They do not need a jacked up pilot to do that.
And this increasingly true for other aspects of modern warfare, too.
The current generation of drones has its limits. They're vulnerable to air defense systems due to low maneuverability and the lack of countermeasures - just a few weeks ago an MQ-9 Reaper was shot down by the Yemeni Houthis. And every remotely operated system is vulnerable to electronic warfare interference. The obvious solution to those problems is the use of advanced, fully autonomous AI, capable of performing evasive maneuvers, but this brings in a completely new set of challenges and threats.

2. The US government is trying to remove guns from citizens - the opposite of giving them arms and military training.
The most oppressive regimes in the world, like N. Korea or Eritrea, have mandatory military service and strict gun control laws at the same time, so this argument is invalid.

Thus the draft is unlikely.
There was a paper, published by the US Army War College a few months ago, that suggests, among other things, a hybrid - part volunteer, part conscript - system for any future high intensity conflict. Already posted it before, but I'll repost it again, in case You've missed it:
Not so long ago, the US Army War College published a paper on lessons from the war in ukraine, which points out that the current model of all-volunteer force would be unsustainable during a high intensity conflict.

So if we ever try to tackle a serious opponent, the draft will be necessary.
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Russia isn't flooding my country with violent third world people who come here and attack and kill my people. Who come here to take jobs from my people. To drive down wages, to drive up COL and to make a decent and holy life all but impossible. Russia isn't making it illegal to discriminate against me in college applications and job hiring. Russia isn't pushing BLM and phony court cases and causing our justice system to become a joke. Russia isn't passing laws to make transgender children not only legal, but if a parent disagrees, they lose custody to their own children. Russia isn't causing crime to skyrocket, to the point I am numb to hearing gun shots off in the distance. Russia didn't give satanic Blackrock Financial $5 trillion to bail them out, from our tax dollars.

Russia isn't close to who is destroying the west. In fact, of all the countries in the world, one of the few to point all these things out is Russia. And Russia is keeping this filth out of their country. God bless them for fighting to give their people a better future. I wish my govt. cared that much about me.
Dear IMMT,
As someone who grew up in the former "Eastern Bloc" and as someone who also visited Russian - I disagree.
The Russian have their hands in all of those thing you have mentioned.
Follow the trail of money. Third world immigrant coming to the US? Who do you think is financing them / (Yep, the Russian government).
BLM, alt-right and other destructive elements (that may talk about real problems but give all the wrong answers). Yep, the Russians are behind those.
The pushing of transgenderism (yep, the KGB is financing that lobby, too).

Similarly in the UK - the pro-Brexit clowns (Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage) that lead the UK to an economic disaster were paid by the Russians, too.
As for the "Russians keeping the filth out of their own country". Nope, Russia has more immigrant than the UK, France and Germany ...just the Russian propaganda doesn't tell you that. High percentage of Russian men don't reach their 50s - they are dying of malnutrition, alcoholism, drug abuse, cancer, AIDS, or interpersonal violence (Russian's murder rate is six items higher than that of France or the UK) Again the Russian propaganda machine won't tell you that. See further details on this on my replies on the "Criticism of Russia" thread.

Please check this interview from 1988.

Wally George (1931-2003) the renowned conservative journalist meets Tom Metzger (1938-2020) white separatist activist (who was notorious at the time).
Wally George was a great American citizen ...Metzger was just a troublemaker paid by the Russians (when he start talking about "150 million White Aryan people in the Soviet Union" is a dead giveaway). To be fair with Metzger, after the 1990 verdict (which made his organization bankrupt) and the drying up of KGB-money in the early 1990s he mellowed out (contrast this interview with the one done by Oprah in 1992)

My grand-grandfather was a mailman. The occupying Russian troop mistook his mailman uniform for a army uniform - he was sent to the GULAG - alongside with his cousin who was a tailor. He was allowed to return in 1953, barely. (Sadly his cousins did not come back alive).
If he saw this footage - he was 91 at the time - (and someone translated this for him as most of us did not have a chance to learn English in countries under Russian occupation) I am sure he would have said the following:
"Mr Wally George is a great man and he is right in what he is saying. That Metzger guy is just a fool and he is probably paid by the Russian".

The memory of my late grand-grandfather (1897-1989) motivates me to do my online activism and fight against Russian misinformation online. Once the public will be well-informed the war against Russian influence can be won.
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Dear IMMT,
As someone who grew up in the former "Eastern Bloc" and as someone who also visited Russian - I disagree.
The Russian have their hands in all of those thing you have mentioned.
Follow the trail of money. Third world immigrant coming to the US? Who do you think is financing them / (Yep, the Russian government).
BLM, alt-right and other destructive elements (that may talk about real problems but give all the wrong answers). Yep, the Russians are behind those.
The pushing of transgenderism (yep, the KGB is financing that lobby, too).

Similarly in the UK - the pro-Brexit clowns (Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage) that lead the UK to an economic disaster were paid by the Russians, too.
As for the "Russians keeping the filth out of their own country". Nope, Russia has more immigrant than the UK, France and Germany ...just the Russian propaganda doesn't tell you that. High percentage of Russian men don't reach their 50s - they are dying of malnutrition, alcoholism, drug abuse, cancer, AIDS, or interpersonal violence (Russian's murder rate is six items higher than that of France or the UK) Again the Russian propaganda machine won't tell you that. See further details on this on my replies on the "Criticism of Russia" thread.

Please check this interview from 1988.

Wally George (1931-2003) the renowned conservative journalist meets Tom Metzger (1938-2020) white separatist activist (who was notorious at the time).
Wally George was a great American citizen ...Metzger was just a troublemaker paid by the Russians (when he start talking about "150 million White Aryan people in the Soviet Union" is a dead giveaway). To be fair with Metzger, after the 1990 verdict (which made his organization bankrupt) and the drying up of KGB-money in the early 1990s he mellowed out (contrast this interview with the one done by Oprah in 1992)

My grand-grandfather was a mailman. The occupying Russian troop mistook his mailman uniform for a army uniform - he was sent to the GULAG - alongside with his cousin who was a tailor. He was allowed to return in 1953, barely. (Sadly his cousins did not come back alive).
If he saw this footage - he was 91 at the time - (and someone translated this for him as most of us did not have a chance to learn English in countries under Russian occupation) I am sure he would have said the following:
"Mr Wally George is a great man and he is right in what he is saying. That Metzger guy is just a fool and he is probably paid by the Russian".

The memory of my late grand-grandfather (1897-1989) motivates me to do my online activism and fight against Russian misinformation online. Once the public will be well-informed the war against Russian influence can be won.

You are probably on the wrong forum then. No one here believes it is Russia funding the 3rd world invasion and the push for degeneracy in the west. Hell, the people who do it brag about it and they are not Russians. More so, there was no Russia in those years, it was the Soviet Union and it was run by people with a deep and dark hatred of Russian people and starved millions of them to death.
I'm all in favor of a draft for young men in this country. With all of the fat, tattooed whores we have here in the US, there's already a huge imbalance of marryable men to marryable women. At least this would thin out the herd and restore the balance to what it once was so older guys like me have a chance at marrying a decent-looking woman.

How about you make yourself more valuable to a potential good spouse instead of just trying to lower the bar by hoping your countrymen die?
You are probably on the wrong forum then. No one here believes it is Russia funding the 3rd world invasion and the push for degeneracy in the west. Hell, the people who do it brag about it and they are not Russians. More so, there was no Russia in those years, it was the Soviet Union and it was run by people with a deep and dark hatred of Russian people and starved millions of them to death.
More so, there was no Russia in those years, it was the Soviet Union and it was run by people with a deep and dark hatred of Russian people and starved millions of them to death.

More so, there was no Russia in those years, it was the Soviet Union and it was run by people with a deep and dark hatred of Russian people and starved millions of them to death.

The Soviet Union is just the continuation of the tsarist Russia. The same way the current putinist Russia is the continuation of the Soviet Union. Same old book, with a new cover.
Anyone who is telling you otherwise is a liar.
The Soviet Union is just the continuation of the tsarist Russia. The same way the current putinist Russia is the continuation of the Soviet Union. Same old book, with a new cover.
Anyone who is telling you otherwise is a liar.
The Soviet Union, which revolved against the king and installed a very foreign govt., run by foreign people, is a continuation of tsarist Russia?

No one here is going to believe this. I'm sorry, you are on the wrong forum.
The Soviet Union is just the continuation of the tsarist Russia. The same way the current putinist Russia is the continuation of the Soviet Union. Same old book, with a new cover.
Anyone who is telling you otherwise is a liar.

If people do not agree with you, then let it be brother. No need to have "I'm right you're wrong" contests on this forum. Make your points and move on.
How about you make yourself more valuable to a potential good spouse instead of just trying to lower the bar by hoping your countrymen die?
Nobody said you or anyone else had to die, Francis. Just sign on the dotted line to go over to Israel, pretend you give a crap, and find a way to stay out of harm's way. Maybe you'll meet a nice Jewish girl over there during the war while you're on leave and can convert her to Christianity. :p
Nobody said you or anyone else had to die, Francis. Just sign on the dotted line to go over to Israel, pretend you give a crap, and find a way to stay out of harm's way. Maybe you'll meet a nice Jewish girl over there during the war while you're on leave and can convert her to Christianity. :p

Pretty sure you said you were in favor of a draft in order to thin out the competition.....

Jew broads are terrible all the stereotypes are real, learned that a long time ago.
Oh, not you guys of course. You can stay here and take care of the women and children. ;)
Or they can join a local militia and protect their own kin, rather than the interests of a hostile tribe of parasites 😑

Nobody said you or anyone else had to die, Francis. Just sign on the dotted line to go over to Israel, pretend you give a crap, and find a way to stay out of harm's way. Maybe you'll meet a nice Jewish girl over there during the war while you're on leave and can convert her to Christianity. :p
sad jewish noises.jpg
Maybe you'll meet a nice Jewish girl over there during the war while you're on leave and can convert her to Christianity. :p
Been there did that. Except the last part. Could’ve should’ve 😕.

Why lie? They’re nice to look at but after the full onslaught of clown world I’m out. If that’s what you want though, you do you.