US Military Draft

The scam that is female voting - "I get to vote for the wars, you get to die in them!" Men are absolute suckers.

Only those who are eligible for the draft should be able to vote in matters of foreign policy (i.e. Federal elections).
Even if there were a female draft and they made a show of demonstrating “equality”, everyone knows the hard slog would still be left to the men.

I know this forum has turned to God, like RVF did, but anyone who remembers police responding to nightclub precinct incidents remembers the female cops standing back while the larger male cops did the arrests. Or the female cop/s would barge in at the end to get their action once the person arrested was beyond under control.

The only in-your-face exceptions are those Swedish and other no-go zone examples where it feels like the dispatcher had themselves a laugh and deliberately made sure three female cops were sent to “control” the crazy migrant wielding a two-by-four.

On the draft theme, I’ve been ribbing many a person, especially young Ukrainian women I know, about how the gender diversity stats for combat deaths in eastern Ukraine are going.

“We need 50% female engineers!” and “We need 50% female lawmakers!” never translates into “We need 50% female body bags for the fighting in eastern Ukraine!” and “We need 50% female war amputees!”

When the WSJ ran their article about around 50,000 Ukrainian soldier amputees from the war, they, of course, used a female amputee for the main photo. I’m not discounting her plight, but women are, what, 2-3% tops of military amputees? Probably <1% in Ukraine?

I know Ukraine has a male-only draft, except for safer support positions like nursing and medicine, but a female draft would only shift this somewhat. Men would conveniently find themselves at the front, in the tanks etc., while the women get the plum “civilian liaison”, “logistics officer”, and other roles.
The way I see it is this. We have a few options:

1. Join a non-combat area of the military voluntarily (eg, some non-combat role in the Coast Guard).
Pros: bank account not frozen, passport not canceled, will likely be financially secure.
Cons: will have your life dictated by the govt for a few years. Govt could push jabs.

2. Go to law school or some other further education.
Pros: could lead to career advancement, wouldn't have to go to war, etc.
Cons: rack up debt, but currency will likely be blown to nothing after our 33 trillion in debt explodes to 60 trillion in the event of world war.

3. Cross the southern border illegally like a runnin' gun.
Pros: avoid a worthless and unjustifiable war in which we don't have a side. Explore a new culture.
Cons: Could have bank accounts frozen (and it's very difficult to open a foreign bank account as an American because of FATCA). Could have passport cancelled. Might have to live illegally. May never be able to return to the US to see friends/family. Will be difficult to integrate and find work. If you have a family you have to take care of, you will put them in tremendous economic uncertainty, instability, and hardship.

4. Buy a citizenship (like certain Carribean countries that sell their passports for 50k).
Pros: wouldn't be illegal anymore while travelling to other countries. Could be possible to renounce US citizenship.
Cons: expensive. Still have to find a way to go somewhere foreign and integrate into their economy.

Maybe I'm missing something? Anyone else have any other ideas?
They will enact a draft but like many members have said it will backfire, not just because the mentality and fitness of the average american is different, but because of the modern american family, nowadays people only have one child, any war will become very unpopular the moment families become childless en masse.
So gents, if there's a US draft of all males aged 18-65, where should we go and what should we do? What's the game plan? I'll most likely be in a foreign country if/when its instated, and I'm guessing my passport will get cancelled, etc. Should be pretty interesting.
I’d go to Mexico .

Honestly I doubt they’d ever return the draft. For a number of reasons but anything is possible. They want a competent military , send out best soldiers.
A draft was possible before, as the people were willing to die for the nation, and the nation could exploit that in order to expand the empire (and / or more cynically, to profit via MIC grift to the tune of trillions of dollars).

Neither of these are options anymore.

Would the country resort to a draft to try to salvage parts of its empire that it is losing? That does not make much sense.

Financial grift can be easily obtained through the ZOG finance system we currently have, without need for war.
The GAE is collapsing and the nation lacks the tools to even maintain the existing parts of its empire; it cannot manage expanding it.

And 77% of the general public does not meet the mental and physical criteria for armed service, and most of the remaining ~20% doesn't feel any allegiance to the GAE and does not want to fight for it. Those that do have mostly signed up for the armed services already.

So for many reasons, a draft will be ineffective, and even counterproductive. It's possible, but unlikely, and I would fully and completely resist / avoid. Under no circumstance would I accept some low risk / non-combat position in an evil war.
A terror attack or similar would make a lot of people jump into enlistment. Blinken said an Hamas attack could happen. From there to a draft would be a small step. Have a back up plan. You don´t need nationality. Residency permit is enough. Many european countries opened residency. But are restricting it since corona. Since Corona everything is possible. I would never believe people standing in a line raining and cold to take an experimental vaccine.
A terror attack or similar would make a lot of people jump into enlistment. Blinken said an Hamas attack could happen. From there to a draft would be a small step. Have a back up plan. You don´t need nationality. Residency permit is enough. Many european countries opened residency. But are restricting it since corona. Since Corona everything is possible. I would never believe people standing in a line raining and cold to take an experimental vaccine.

This makes a lot of sense. And it's, regrettably, still an element among conservative circles. There's still a remainder "rah rah go-team USA" among the right. And that should be no surprise since conservatives have always staffed the military and fought in the wars. Not only that but, I hear this all the time on shows like Jeff Kuhner (New England conservative talk show)...since the Hamas attack, many callers have taken the ardent anti-Arab position and predicted a domestic terror attack. It fits nicely into other narratives such as the open border and years of infiltration etc. That's not to say its not true. The border is wide open and it is a legitimate risk factor for terrorism.

What I'm stuck on is that this could go both ways. Either a legitimate terrorist attack(s) will occur or a false flag. Both scenarios could rouse the conservative fighting spirit and lead to a more effective military draft etc. Then again, patriotic zeal notwithstanding, nothing gets around the fact that about 2 out of every 10 military-age people are unfit for service.

If we are facing terrorist attack(s), I think we can judge if it is a false flag or legitimate by the target(s) chosen. It makes no tactical sense for Hamas or the Arabs to attack a "symbolic" target because all that will do is get the good ole southern boys to fight and they're good at fighting. On the other hand, if they attack key strategic targets that impede our warfighting capability or even other forms of infrastructure consistent with asymmetric warfare, then, it will be legitimate.

Indeed, we do not have the industrial capacity for a world war, or the money for that matter. I could see a scenario using "sleeper cells" of all sorts that could attack our ship-building sites etc. However, once again, it will not matter if the efficacy of the attacks is insufficient. If a car bomb explodes at Newport News facility it will not stop production. They'll need something a lot more powerful in order to be tactically effective, which is to either stop all production or significantly disrupt it. Either way, you're looking a substantial terrorist operations using equally substantial firepower.
nothing gets around the fact that about 2 out of every 10 military-age people are unfit for service.
It's the inverse; about 2 in 10 are fit for service, according to the NYT / Dept of Defense.

A recent report by the US Department of Defense concluded that up to 77% of young people in the United States cannot enlist for a variety of reasons, including being overweight, drug abuse, or having physical or mental impairments
As for the "real" versus fake terror attack, there is basically statistically zero real terrorism.

Even if you believed 911 was real, since then the TSA created the perfect opportunity to maim and kill hundreds if not thousands--the snaking TSA lines at large airports where there is nothing to protect you from shrapnel and bodies are huddled together in a tight radius, and would cause maximum mayhem for weeks. And yet not one airport was ever attacked, despite the USA occupying and murdering a bunch of people in the mideast for 2 decades. Why? Because the ridiculous Jewish idea that some stranger wants to randomly murder you is just false.

So any terror attack outside of these mentally ill people going on rageful shooting rampages is going to be a false flag, 100%. Are the mass shootings real events or MK Ultra? I dunno--this society is very screwed up and I could believe it creates enough mentally disturbed people that we get violent senseless mass shootings every week. But that's not enough to cause a war enlistment.

But the people will believe whatever they are told. I just don't know that a "Pearl Harbor Type Event" would even be the catylist they need at this point... Honestly, ZOG is in a difficult situation.

Yeah you can get all Alex Jones and envision nuclear explosions at home and FEMA camp rollouts--this was even predictively programmed in the CBS series Jericho. But you have to be realistic about what ZOG wants and needs from America--turning it into Mad Max world doesn't help them.
It's the inverse; about 2 in 10 are fit for service, according to the NYT / Dept of Defense.

As for the "real" versus fake terror attack, there is basically statistically zero real terrorism.

Even if you believed 911 was real, since then the TSA created the perfect opportunity to maim and kill hundreds if not thousands--the snaking TSA lines at large airports where there is nothing to protect you from shrapnel and bodies are huddled together in a tight radius, and would cause maximum mayhem for weeks. And yet not one airport was ever attacked, despite the USA occupying and murdering a bunch of people in the mideast for 2 decades. Why? Because the ridiculous Jewish idea that some stranger wants to randomly murder you is just false.

So any terror attack outside of these mentally ill people going on rageful shooting rampages is going to be a false flag, 100%. Are the mass shootings real events or MK Ultra? I dunno--this society is very screwed up and I could believe it creates enough mentally disturbed people that we get violent senseless mass shootings every week. But that's not enough to cause a war enlistment.

But the people will believe whatever they are told. I just don't know that a "Pearl Harbor Type Event" would even be the catylist they need at this point... Honestly, ZOG is in a difficult situation.

Yeah you can get all Alex Jones and envision nuclear explosions at home and FEMA camp rollouts--this was even predictively programmed in the CBS series Jericho. But you have to be realistic about what ZOG wants and needs from America--turning it into Mad Max world doesn't help them.
Turning America into a Mad Max world seems to be what they want. Have you spent any time recently in an American city? Crime (including violent crime) is exploding and criminals are not being held accountable in any way. If you are of a certain demographic, you can do pretty much whatever you want with no consequences. Here's one example of sadly very many:
Met some russians who fled from the war. They are ok. Of course some left nice jobs to do lower manual labour. But it´s better than losing a leg, an arm or dying for nothing. I doubt they have second thoughts about leaving. One of them saw the writing on the wall and moved 5 years ago. He did some manual labour in my property. He as now opened a bar and do surf lessons. Married an european. He doesn´t regret his decision.

For an american you always have english lessons. Leave. Don´t have second thoughts. Leave. Or go to jail. Wars nowadays are nothing more than ritual sacrifices of innocent people. And money making for the merchants of death. Think of the draft like taking the covid vaccine. The society pressure will be as unbearable as then.

There was a post on 4chan (I read a telegram channel which posts all 4chan discussions above a number of posts) about the stages of implementation of draft. But I believe. When you hear any high level politician starting to deny the need for a draft. It´s when they will create it. If you hear: "we are not contemplating reinstating any mandatory draft in the foreseeable future" Leave. Leave by any means possible.

I´m not against military or fighting wars. But there needs to be a clear and valid threat. After the vaccine hoax. Everything to me is nothing more than schemes to control and exploit common people by elites. Don´t fall for their schemes.
Mind sharing this telegram channel? Sounds quite interesting.
Mind sharing this telegram channel? Sounds quite interesting.

Threads reaching 300 replies get posted. Older threads get nuked. Don´t know how much time older threads stay online.

Some thread info:

"Last year, the US Army missed its enlistment goals by 25 percent,prompting concerns that the service might shrink to 445,000 by theend of this year. The shortfalls are particularly serious in combatarms, most notably armor and infantry. Retired Lieutenant GeneralDavid W. Barno, no alarmist, warned, “The all-volunteer forcemay finally have reached its breaking point.”

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Met some russians who fled from the war. They are ok. Of course some left nice jobs to do lower manual labour. But it´s better than losing a leg, an arm or dying for nothing. I doubt they have second thoughts about leaving. One of them saw the writing on the wall and moved 5 years ago. He did some manual labour in my property. He as now opened a bar and do surf lessons. Married an european. He doesn´t regret his decision.

For an american you always have english lessons. Leave. Don´t have second thoughts. Leave. Or go to jail. Wars nowadays are nothing more than ritual sacrifices of innocent people. And money making for the merchants of death. Think of the draft like taking the covid vaccine. The society pressure will be as unbearable as then.

There was a post on 4chan (I read a telegram channel which posts all 4chan discussions above a number of posts) about the stages of implementation of draft. But I believe. When you hear any high level politician starting to deny the need for a draft. It´s when they will create it. If you hear: "we are not contemplating reinstating any mandatory draft in the foreseeable future" Leave. Leave by any means possible.

I´m not against military or fighting wars. But there needs to be a clear and valid threat. After the vaccine hoax. Everything to me is nothing more than schemes to control and exploit common people by elites. Don´t fall for their schemes.
While I understand and do not judge Russian men who escaped the draft on a personal level, it is a heavy burden of shame and judgement to carry forever, for any Russian man and the mark of traitorship placed upon a person. Opened a bar and married a European woman...that's what Soros wanted Russians and Ukrainians to do all along. It's a bad life of being judged for being Russian, also, among foreigners forever and being openly spat upon in hostile countries like Georgia, often living like a second class person and being considered a coward. Nothing to envy.

Back in the 70s, Afghanistan, of all places, was an American hippie and drug user mecca, people flocked there running from the draft. Hard to imagine this now in Afghanistan...countries sureley change.

But the war is a calling and one has to have a gift for it, I believe. If someone fears war the best is to leave in case of the draft, but at least not go to a hostile country.
While I understand and do not judge Russian men who escaped the draft on a personal level, it is a heavy burden of shame and judgement to carry forever, for any Russian man and the mark of traitorship placed upon a person. Opened a bar and married a European woman...that's what Soros wanted Russians and Ukrainians to do all along. It's a bad life of being judged for being Russian, also, among foreigners forever and being openly spat upon in hostile countries like Georgia, often living like a second class person and being considered a coward. Nothing to envy.

Back in the 70s, Afghanistan, of all places, was an American hippie and drug user mecca, people flocked there running from the draft. Hard to imagine this now in Afghanistan...countries sureley change.

But the war is a calling and one has to have a gift for it, I believe. If someone fears war the best is to leave in case of the draft, but at least not go to a hostile country.

Russia Ukrainian war might be nice to comment from a keyboard. But people who are in favor of it. Should jump from the keyboard and enlist. There are many foreign soldiers being blown to pieces. If you are in favor. Go for it.

Muhammad Ali refused to go to war. One of the greatest boxer ever lived. He was not an hippie. People who dodged the draft were forgiven by the US government. Because it was a war of elites. Just like the Russian-Ukraine war is.

Soros wants russian and ukranians to marry europeans and open bars??? I actually meant EU not europe. Russia (partially) and ukraine are european countries.
It´s the complete opposite of what your saying. Soros wants to mix europeans with arabs and africans. And dilute european heritage. Not mix europeans. The guy married a baltic. How does this further Soros plans???? Soros and his gang are using soft (feminism, gays, etc) and hard power (war, pandemic, etc) to extinguish european/western race.

Russia Ukraine war is an elite war. Where are Putin daughters? For sure in the war giving non combat assistance.

There´s the instagrams of the children of russian elite.

You know what wifes of ukranian soldiers are doing for a living? Cleaning or Prostitution.

It´s a game. A theatre. Except for the innocent. Just pawns being moved in great Israel chessboard. I´m not a pawn.
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A terror attack or similar would make a lot of people jump into enlistment. Blinken said an Hamas attack could happen. From there to a draft would be a small step. Have a back up plan. You don´t need nationality. Residency permit is enough. Many european countries opened residency. But are restricting it since corona. Since Corona everything is possible. I would never believe people standing in a line raining and cold to take an experimental vaccine.
If they were able to pull off another false flag style attack ala 9/11, I think a lot of people, especially young conservative men (the demographic they need to go kick down doors in Gaza) would be very skeptical. This is a very different world compared to the US circa 2001...

The boomers that binge on TV and MSM and believe every scrap of alphabet propaganda still have all of the institutional power, and that's a big reason why we saw the covid craziness reach the point that it did, but getting young men to go fight and die in a foreign war after being treated like dirt and replaced in their own countries is a much taller order. I think if they attempted a draft it would backfire in their faces hugely. For the average young man, there's simply nothing here worth fighting for. That's not a problem that they can easily fix.
Russia Ukrainian war might be nice to comment from a keyboard. But people who are in favor of it. Should jump from the keyboard and enlist. There are many foreign soldiers being blown to pieces. If you are in favor. Go for it.

Muhammad Ali refused to go to war. One of the greatest boxer ever lived. He was not an hippie. People who dodged the draft were forgiven by the US government. Because it was a war of elites. Just like the Russian-Ukraine war is.

Soros wants russian and ukranians to marry europeans and open bars??? I actually meant EU not europe. Russia (partially) and ukraine are european countries.
It´s the complete opposite of what your saying. Soros wants to mix europeans with arabs and africans. And dilute european heritage. Not mix europeans. The guy married a baltic. How does this further Soros plans???? Soros and his gang are using soft (feminism, gays, etc) and hard power (war, pandemic, etc) to extinguish european/western race.

Russia Ukraine war is an elite war. Where are Putin daughters? For sure in the war giving non combat assistance.

There´s the instagrams of the children of russian elite.

You know what wifes of ukranian soldiers are doing for a living? Cleaning or Prostitution.

It´s a game. A theatre. Except for the innocent. Just pawns being moved in great Israel chessboard. I´m not a pawn.

There is no draft in Russia. The ones who fled Russia are the ones who signed up to be in Russia's military reserve, and then fled when they actually got called up. Seems a lot of them signed up for the benifits because they never thought there would be a real war.

So draft dodgers in Russia aren't even close to dodging the draft as Americans understand it. There is no "draft" in Russia. Still 100% voluntary, except for those who've enlisted within the reserves yet reneged on their deal.

Is this not the case?
There is no draft in Russia. The ones who fled Russia are the ones who signed up to be in Russia's military reserve, and then fled when they actually got called up. Seems a lot of them signed up for the benifits because they never thought there would be a real war.

So draft dodgers in Russia aren't even close to dodging the draft as Americans understand it. There is no "draft" in Russia. Still 100% voluntary, except for those who've enlisted within the reserves yet reneged on their deal.

Is this not the case?

Perhaps a sizable group is indeed those who had enlisted in the reserves. I have family in Armenia, where a lot of such Russians fled to immediately after the start of the war. Based on what I hear, they are mostly young, hipster, techie, liberal, and cosmopolitan types. The kind of people who would ditch Armenia in an instant if someone offered them a Schengen or US visa and employment opportunities. Most of those don't sound like people who would sign up for any military service (benefits or not) unless absolutely forced to do so.
There is no draft in Russia. The ones who fled Russia are the ones who signed up to be in Russia's military reserve, and then fled when they actually got called up. Seems a lot of them signed up for the benifits because they never thought there would be a real war.

So draft dodgers in Russia aren't even close to dodging the draft as Americans understand it. There is no "draft" in Russia. Still 100% voluntary, except for those who've enlisted within the reserves yet reneged on their deal.

Is this not the case?
I´m no expert in russian military law. Formally there wasn´t a draft/conscription/mobilization in Russia. Because they didn´t need to make one. They already have mandatory military service. All men aged X-X. Need to do compulsory military training for 1 year.
It was the same until recently in Europe. Now only Greece and some other countries have compulsory military service.

If you are forced to do a mandatory military service which implies going to a real hot war scenario. You are being drafted for a war. An average 19 year old russian was forced to enter the army and fight in Ukraine. This is being drafted. If you are serving in a war against your will. Formally one can call it whatever they want. Draft/mobilization/conscription etc. Label is irrelevant. Serving against your will in a war is what counts.

In US probably since they don´t have compulsory military service. You will have a mobilization. Which is basically the same. As war effort increases. Mobilization age limit raises. Because one age bracket gets wiped out.

There is a diference between people who serve in the army and people who decide wars. Army personnel/vets deserve the biggest honors. Vets should be treated like royalty. In the past you were given titles and became a noble for military deeds. The crest was the symbol of your army. Not by lending money to governments.
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If they were able to pull off another false flag style attack ala 9/11, I think a lot of people, especially young conservative men (the demographic they need to go kick down doors in Gaza) would be very skeptical. This is a very different world compared to the US circa 2001...

The boomers that binge on TV and MSM and believe every scrap of alphabet propaganda still have all of the institutional power, and that's a big reason why we saw the covid craziness reach the point that it did, but getting young men to go fight and die in a foreign war after being treated like dirt and replaced in their own countries is a much taller order. I think if they attempted a draft it would backfire in their faces hugely. For the average young man, there's simply nothing here worth fighting for. That's not a problem that they can easily fix.
While I think this is a good argument, the power of social media, mass psychosis and wanting to be part of the crowd (more so today) leaves me skeptical and think that a false flag even would trigger them to join.

I hope I'm wrong on all accounts.