US College protests -Israel/Palestine

My apologies.

ummm yeah, I'll pass on lumping my voice behind these folks. It's a lose lose.

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Again, false equivalent.... now I'm supposed to support Queers for Palestine because they are protecting my free speech by calling me a white colonizer?

Do you hear yourself? "You need to support Trannys for Palestine because of our free speech man!!!!"

Totally fucking weak and retarded.

How about I condemn the BDS Laws pushed by the ADL AND (novel idea here) condemn a group of lesbian rascist liberals.

Look, if you all want to throw you lot in with these college liberal antifa pukes because of your perception about their ability to challenge the Jews go ahead.

BUT a more obvious apporach is that they are the agitation tool that allows Jews in congress to attempt* to crack down on our freedoms already.

Again, tell me this is all Jewish propoganda all you want. But that doesnt change that the people pushing this are majority liberal.

again.... we are talking about the COLLEGE CAMPUS agenda here.

Those retards can't even get their own self proclaimed "pronouns" straight. They/She makes zero sense. And they want people to take them and their artificial causes seriously. What a joke! Anyone who says these liberal muslim supporters are fighting the corrupt system and are examples of fighting against any oppressive agenda in the US really needs to get their head checked. These are likely the same assholes that looted, rioted, and helped destroy the old standard of life 4 years ago to show their fake support for some habitual offender colored junkie who would've been separated from society in a sane and just world. People didn't approve of their actions back then so why now?

Subconsciously they genuinely don't care. This is nothing more than a way to take a break from classes and their regular "boring" routines while pretending to care about the latest cause. From a young age these nitwits have been taught through school and the media garbage they consume that boring, repetitive, routines are bad and something to be frowned upon. Being spontaneous and exciting is the way to go.

Having properly fouled up their brains growing up due to lazy parenting, literally no hardships growing up, and subversive education these college kids are nothing more than mentally stunted manchildren with a warped worldview looking for their next stimuli fix. They might have "decent" intentions (according to their world view) but in reality all they do is agitate and make matters worse while being easily manipulated from having no actual useful life experience.
The students protesting israel is a good thing, and the students getting their asses kicked by law enforcement for protesting israel is a good thing. So win-win there.

The libtard jews are getting beat up and the libtard trannies are getting beat up (sometimes by each other)... What's not to like?

Can't we all just get along?
Why do I have to accept your narrative and chose a side here...

Haven't pan-arab leagues had multiple opportunities to solve this issue over time?

Why should I involve myself with it.

Can't I say I don't give a shit.

You're missing my assertion... it's not self defense To kill an innocent child. That's commandment number uno.
Is backing women and children into a hospital and then indiscriminately bombing them a narrative?
Is hiding in the shrubs until food trucks open their doors and opening fire on kids a narrative?

Are words like "narrative" in place of "genocide" "murder" or "war crime" anything other than methods of trivializing the evil being done in Judea?

I suppose not everyone has to be an activist about every wrong in the world. Only here, no one is being asked to *do* anything. What is being asked of the US is that it STOP actively supplying bombs and missiles Israelis are using to murder civilians with. Is that really controversial?

[Side Note]
(And of course what makes it almost laughably absurd here is that the US is *illegally* supplying weapons, and the illegality is multifaceted.
For instance, the Biden regime bypassed Congressional approval illegally to send arms to Israel so they could quickly ramp up the killing. That is
wrong and illegal, but it's also illegal for the US to provide economic or military aid to a nuclear country that has not signed anti-proliferation
treaties, which Israel refuses to do.

And maybe the genocide of the Palestinians does not upset you. I *do* kind of have a problem with someone not opposing something which is the most evil thing I have ever seen in my entire life, far more evil than anything the Germans supposedly did during the Evil Natsee War. But I also don't have an immediate response to someone who says they don't care, other than being a bit thunderstruck.

But I am curious how you feel about others taking the same position on issues you *do* care about.

Whether it is abortion, or gun rights, or immigration, or another issue you feel very strongly about, what is your opinion on those who would say, "I don't really care about that issue. It simply doesn't really matter to me." ?

While morally these events are so reprehensible that they violate laws governing something as barbaric as war itself (The Geneva Conventions of 1949), laws which were created by western nations because things like the indiscriminate killing of noncombatants, collective punishment, denial of food, attacks on hospitals, etc. were considered so grossly immoral that even in the midst of warfare they should not be allowed, there is also the practical side.

Practically speaking, sitting aside while a violent and evil enemy consolidates power and eliminates smaller enemies only makes it more difficult if not impossible to defeat them at a later date. There should be no doubt that the goal of Israel is the destruction of white western society--they openly claim they want this and that they will be the ones leading the cause of our destruction. The same people who are enticing teenage girls to do pornography, do drugs, and have half breed children out of wedlock, are going to more openly begin attacking Americans and stealing our land in the same manner. And they have said as much. By allowing them to literally get away with murder today, it will be extremely difficult to stop them in the future.

The bottom line is you don't have to DO anything to stop the killing other than stop giving the killers the means to do so. If you are standing right next to a thug rapist in the ghettho and placing knife after knife in his hand while he goes from street to street stabbing and raping women, and when asked to stop doing that you answer "I 'm kinda too busy to worry about stopping the supply of knives to these rapists, just can't care enough about it, sorry." are you not also responsible? That is what America is doing in Israel.
Yes... And through their infinite ability to strike at the Jews.... Ensure their own destruction while fomenting a disruptive campaign that allows Jews more power globally.

Some of you here need to read that again.

Congress is controlled by Jews. So what. We can kick them out... maybe ...God willing....But regardless... So what? Your point is we should champion one side that commits murder, kidnap, and rape because it's against the side we disagree with?

Why do I have to support rapists/kidnappers/murders just because they raped/Killed/murdered the innocent of their enemies?

This is totally an illogical argument.

Again. I 0say the point is to avoid entanglement with Jews and Arabs alike on this subject and focus on yourself. I like a muscular Christian belief that demonstrated my values and worth through my work.

Jesus wasn't necessarily striving to be logical. He was Good, and Righteous and Merciful.

Chops, I gotta say I found this whole line of backbending rationalization bizarre. I've always found the whole charge of "victim blaming" to be quite ridiculous but here it really does seem as if the Gazans need to meet some kind of purity test before the person killing them can be condemned for doing evil. Where does this qualification of ethics come from? It's certainly not biblical.

Remember when Jesus was asked "But Who Is My Neighbor"?
Can you imagine The Good Samaritan stopping at the the writing body of the beaten traveler and telling him "I mean you probably deserve this, you're also a pretty bad man, and even if you're not I just really can't be bothered to care about this. I've got a wife and kids at home. (The traveler was Jewish BTW.)

Who Is The Good Neighbor?:

"He who showed mercy on him."
Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[a] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

It seems you are trying to come up with reasons to purposefully not be merciful.

Plus you've made me violate my cardinal sin on the forum which is not to respond directly to a poster individually, (but here the issue really is your personal views on opposing genocide) so I'm a bit peeved ;)

If I knew you personally, I could probably challenge you on some issues like "But you don't feel that way about the Russians in Ukraine" or something, but I think if you explore this you'll find there's really no way to use pilpul to justify quietly allowing a genocide because you have other things going on today and Literally Just Can't Even Right Now.

I'm just kinda like. Genocide, Dude. Genocide.

The bottom line is you don't have to DO anything to stop the killing other than stop giving the killers the means to do so.
If only it were that easy. There are larger JQ forces at play. As individual Americans all we can do without destroying our own lives is cheat a bit on our taxes (so there is less money to go to israel and Ukraine) and vote for politicians who are against America going to war or funding other countries wars. And even then, good luck with that. These endless, unnecessary wars are for profit and planned meticulously in advance for maximum JQ financial gain.

I 'm kinda too busy to worry about stopping the supply of knives to these rapists, just can't care enough about it, sorry." are you not also responsible?
No. An individual American can care but refuse to get involved because they aren't willing to take a bullet (or worse) for the highly-suspect Palestinian "team."

That is what America is doing in Israel.
Yes, but America is run by jews, not Get2Choppaaa.
Purple, could I not say the same thing about any other issue you care about? It's pointless and Jews control everything so stop whining about it. If you did have any success they would just kill you. You're against people standing up against evil because the world is doomed?

Okayyyy, sure, but then you also want to condemn others who don't also feel the same nihilism? I guess that's the part I really don't get. Are we concern trolling for the libtarded genderfluid college kids of America now?!?
Jesus wasn't necessarily striving to be logical. He was Good, and Righteous and Merciful.

Chops, I gotta say I found this whole line of backbending rationalization bizarre. I've always found the whole charge of "victim blaming" to be quite ridiculous but here it really does seem as if the Gazans need to meet some kind of purity test before the person killing them can be condemned for doing evil. Where does this qualification of ethics come from? It's certainly not biblical.

Remember when Jesus was asked "But Who Is My Neighbor"?
Can you imagine The Good Samaritan stopping at the the writing body of the beaten traveler and telling him "I mean you probably deserve this, you're also a pretty bad man, and even if you're not I just really can't be bothered to care about this. I've got a wife and kids at home. (The traveler was Jewish BTW.)

Who Is The Good Neighbor?:

"He who showed mercy on him."
Then Jesus said to him, "Go and do likewise."

It seems you are trying to come up with reasons to purposefully not be merciful.

Plus you've made me violate my cardinal sin on the forum which is not to respond directly to a poster individually, (but here the issue really is your personal views on opposing genocide) so I'm a bit peeved ;)

If I knew you personally, I could probably challenge you on some issues like "But you don't feel that way about the Russians in Ukraine" or something, but I think if you explore this you'll find there's really no way to use pilpul to justify quietly allowing a genocide because you have other things going on today and Literally Just Can't Even Right Now.

I'm just kinda like. Genocide, Dude. Genocide.


Where did I excuse genocide? Ive condemned Israel also. Multiple multiple multiple times.

Stop projecting this.

I simply said I refuse to support the college antifa campus faggots and I am not going to support Hamas government.

Nowhere am I saying what is going on over there is ok.

If you want to misconstrue my point or project whatever Israeli point on to it.... That's fine, but not what I've said.
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Stop projecting this.

I simply said I refuse to support the college antifa campus faggots and I am not going to support Hamas government.
This is a strawman. No one in any venue, even in some weird out of context right wing "gotcha" video, has discovered anyone asking Americans to pledge support to Hamas. In fact, the "do you support Hamas tho" retort is a really pathetic way the establishment has been refusing to take a position on the issue, by making people feel like they must be Islamist polygamist burka wearing female mutilation supporters in order to take a position on what Israel is doing. One does not need to know or care anything about the government of Palestine to oppose the genocide going on with the civilians in Palestine, who constitute 99.9% of the deaths. This is what the protests are about.

A strawman is inventing an argument no one is legitimately making and then successfully attacking it. Hamas is nowhere near the levels of evil of Israel, but that's totally irrelevant because no one is asking for one to support Hamas. In fact, assuming Hamas is as ontologically evil as the public thought Al Queda on 9/12 was, makes zero difference to the question, which is what is being done to the Palestinian civilians.

The college students are asking that financial and military support for the genocidal Israelis be stopped.
Pretending that there is some invisible requirement that one cannot be allowed to do that unless one takes a pledge to support the Hamas government of Israel is Lindsay Graham tier levels of retarded. But not even Lindsay Graham is claiming that so where are you even getting this from?

Anyway, if this is about choppa's personal feelings on the issue, instead of redirecting to the questioner, or statements about what choppa nebulously *doesnt* believe in, or *hasn't* said, why not just affirmatively state what your position *is* on genocide? It sounds like you may be on the same page as the rest of us and if you'll just clear it up for those of us who keep purposefully misinterpreting you or are too dumb to understand, or whatever you believe is going on, I think we can stop the ambiguous bickering.

Telling us what you *don't* believe in doesn't contribute meaningfully to the dialogue.
I never. You are misconstruing. You are projecting. I'm not saying that.
Is saying nothing meaningful.

We already don't know who you are -- we are all anonymous avatars. Anonymous avatars arguing about things they never said and do not believe in is... well...
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This is a strawman. No one in any venue, even in some weird out of context right wing "gotcha" video, has discovered anyone asking Americans to pledge support to Hamas. In fact, the "do you support Hamas tho" retort is a really pathetic way the establishment has been refusing to take a position on the issue, by making people feel like they must be Islamist polygamist burka wearing female mutilation supporters in order to take a position on what Israel is doing. One does not need to know or care anything about the government of Palestine to oppose the genocide going on with the civilians in Palestine, who constitute 99.9% of the deaths. This is what the protests are about.

A strawman is inventing an argument no one is legitimately making and then successfully attacking it. Hamas is nowhere near the levels of evil of Israel, but that's totally irrelevant because no one is asking for one to support Hamas. In fact, assuming Hamas is as ontologically evil as the public thought Al Queda on 9/12 was, makes zero difference to the question, which is what is being done to the Palestinian civilians.

The college students are asking that financial and military support for the genocidal Israelis be stopped.
Pretending that there is some invisible requirement that one cannot be allowed to do that unless one takes a pledge to support the Hamas government of Israel is Lindsay Graham tier levels of retarded. But not even Lindsay Graham is claiming that so where are you even getting this from?

Anyway, if this is about choppa's personal feelings on the issue, instead of redirecting to the questioner, or statements about what choppa nebulously *doesnt* believe in, or *hasn't* said, why not just affirmatively state what your position *is* on genocide? It sounds like you are on the same page as the rest of us and if you'll just clear it up for those of us who keep purposefully misinterpreting you or are too dumb to understand, or whatever you believe is going on, I think we can stop the ambiguous bickering.

Telling us what you *don't* believe in doesn't contribute meaningfully to the dialogue.

Is saying nothing meaningful.

We already don't know who you are -- we are all anonymous avatars. Anonymous avatars arguing about things they never said and do not believe in is... well...
Ok Max. Youre quite a bore.

I've said I don't support Palestinians genocide by Israel and the Gaza invasions are wrong. Many times I've said that.

I've made all these clarifications many times in many threads.

These college student protest are funded by open society foundation NGOs and radical lesbians, and antifa types to divide and split us up.

I don't support them any more than I support the Jewish factions proclaiming abortion as a Jewish sacrament.

When two sides are both against me, I want nothing to do with either of them.

This isn't about the Palestinians genocide. This is about the fact that these college students that are protesting are not our friends.
a lenghty, well-articulated post
What happened to @Aldebaran post, did you delete it or was it deleted by the mods? Can't find it in this thread anymore..

Oh dear, those of us not in America are not even aware of the extent of this, American politicians swearing something or other about Israel as they are inaugurated.

Heard EMJ on a recent podcast saying that american police are being sent to Israel to be trained with skills to handle protesters as if they were Palestinians.
People didn't approve of their actions back then so why now?

Because our enemies fighting each other is good for us.

Why are conservatives so garbage at strategy? How do you expect to win if you cannot even do the most basic of chess moves?

I see conservatives like you all the time too wrapped up in pride and ego, losing sight of the big picture. Who cares if these guys were against us in the past? Now they can serve as pawns to be devoured by the monster they created. They can fight their own (((Frankenstein))) and hurt our much larger (((enemy))).

Of course the college students should be supported.

It's so obvious, I can't believe it even needs to be said.
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Hamas is questionable, even if they are acting in defense of Palestinian people. Much of this war seems phony, except for the part of all the non-jewish children and other innocent people being bombed to oblivion. Everything is the Hegelian Dialectic with these people, create an entity, file it away in a locked cabinet, take it out 40 years later, run with it, when it dries up, pull out another file, problem reaction solution, reaction solution, ad infinitum. The holes in this patchwork quilt of lies are being covered with incessant kvetching, media distractions, and anti-Christ legislation. The jews will expand their unholy imperial claims to the greater Levant by any means available to them.

All of these Middle Eastern politics are exhausting. I'm not expecting any real resistance to them any time soon beyond rebel groups. I remain on the fence with Iran. The old Shah wouldn't sit for this, but son sold the country out to Churchill and Stalin in 1941, and what changed with the "coup" in 1979 other than the lack of a Rothschild bank was merely a surface texture. Saddam and Qaddafi were the last two genuine leaders who weren't part of some puppet dialogue.
Because our enemies fighting each other is good for us.

Why are conservatives so garbage at strategy? How do you expect to win if you cannot even do the most basic of chess moves?

I see conservatives like you all the time too wrapped up in pride and ego, losing sight of the big picture. Who cares if these guys were against us in the past? Now they can serve as pawns to be devoured by the monster they created. They can fight their own (((Frankenstein))) and hurt our much larger (((enemy))).

Of course the college students should be supported.

It's so obvious, I can't believe it even needs to be said.
So which Fund are you supporting with your money?