Hmm. Well, I can try.
I know this might be hard for you to believe, but the college protests you dislike so much now represent the very last glimmers of American freedom and autonomy.
You see, while your and Get2choppaaa's generation were asleep at the wheel, America was hijacked and became a puppet state of Israel. America is now under full control of Israel (save the few university holdouts, which will be crushed soon enough).
You never found it strange that presidential candidates have to swear undying allegiance to Israel in presidential debates? You never found it odd that the majority of US states have made it illegal for suppliers to boycott or even critizise Israel? Meanwhile, you are free to boycott and criticize every other country in the world, including America.
You think you have freedom of speech and expression without the Government coming for you? OK, try criticizing Israel then. Jimmy Carter and George Bush Sr. tried to challenge Israel, and they were thrown out of office after 1 term. JFK also tried to challenge them... Eisenhower was the first and last president to challenge Israel and get away with it.
The reason Israel has been so efficient in their subterfuge, is because they have managed to convince a large part of the American public that Israel and the US have aligning interests, hence the "Greatest Friend and Ally" moniker. They have managed to convince the American public that the enemies of Israel are the enemies of America (and of "freedom"). Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. The Arabs and the people in the Middle East didn't give two shits about America until we started meddling there on Israel's behalf. Did you ever read Bin Laden's letter to America?
Somehow, Israel has managed to convince the American people that it is their interest to pay for free healtcare and free college tuition for Israeli citizens, and to send them tens of billions of dollars in aid every year.
It's hard to notice that you are on a leash as long as you follow the same path as the Master.
Since US policy regarding Israel has never been subject to a substantial debate, let alone protests, it has been hard to spot how tightly controlled the country actually is.
But now as there is actual debate and protests, the attack dogs are let out. Riot police are storming universities, and Congress is putting in place new laws to shut down all this troublesome dissent.
So in closing, if you actually support American freedom and liberties, not to mention Christianity itself - you should support the protesters.