US College protests -Israel/Palestine

Note: For those who are unaware, Dick Van Dyke is 97 years old. (He'll be 98 in December.)


The way back from this is George Soros dies from old age and his inept gay son squanders the family fortune. When the money dries up then the revolution ends.

All of the Soros backed district attorneys would need to be ousted, other lawmen can try running on platforms to make the streets safe.

The current thing, there won’t be a puppet master or organization in place to disrupt the USA.

Then ship all of the illegals out(easier said than done but if the organization sending them here dries up then that’s a start )

Then again maybe Soros has a plan to keep all of this going after he dies? Who knows

"The American Frat Boys fighting H amas on college campuses" phenomenon is just another psyop. ASU got it started (Below Left) UNC kicked it into high gear (Below Right) Their purpose is to drive Whites & conservatives back into the arms of the pro-Israel/pro-zionism cause. Don't fall for it. We can reject support for zionism & its occupation of our government without embracing the anti-White sentiments of the pro-Palestinian protesters who rightly reject zionism's occupation of our government & Israel's genocide."

I was thinking the same thing watching the UNC event…don’t drag white America into this antifa vs antifa factions squabble. Bringing down the American flag and running up the Palestinian flag is just a deliberate attempt to trigger the MAGA southern frat boys at UNC into responding so leftie media can do their spin. If anyone has kids at college or knows kids in college should advise them to stay away and not engage in any of this protest/anti protest crap about a foreign conflict that has no impact on them (besides our tax money being flushed away).

Professional protestors of Texas unmasked: Elementary school teacher, costumer designer and Palestinian store-owner among adults who infiltrated University of Austin demo​

  • In Austin protests, 45 of 79 protestors arrested Monday are not students
  • One protestor is a well-known local agitator with eight previous arrests
  • UT Austin found guns, buckets of large rocks, bricks, steel enforced wood planks, mallets, chains at protest

Such an ill-informed, boomer take on the situation.

I guess decades of zionist propaganda is hard to shake off.

Please shake me from my malaise then. I'm no ideologue. Your critique of my opinions are nothing more than buzzwords from a red pill, alt right past that you've bought in to but you're late to the game except for the Jew part.
I reject the notion that Israel is committing genocide. I remember wanting blood after 9/11 and Israel probably feels the same way after 10/7. Further, I reject funding Israel, Ukraine or any other foreign war at this point. They can fight it out themselves. Maybe it's not very Christian of me but I don't give a damn what happens to those people in Gaza. If you pick a fight with the biggest guy on the block and get your azz kicked then that's on you not him. The demonstrators are embarrassingly stupid. I'd give them 'till midnight to clear out their shanty town then I'd open skulls with billy clubs.

I downvoted this because we are being forced to fund this genocide with our tax dollars. If it was simply a conflict on the other side of the world, then yes we could say it's none of our business. But since WE are funding this war, it IS our problem and it doesn't matter what happened on 10/7. 10/7 was not some random unprovoked attack, it was the result of 50 years of America funding Israel, a satanic state based on the rejection of Jesus and the ultimate goal of reconstructing the 3rd temple by genociding and ethnically cleansing the Middle East, because there is an insane belief that a new messiah may come.

America's blind support of Talmudism is manifested in wars and genocides in the Middle East. This is not the same thing as a war between, say, India and China, which is absolutely none of our business. These wars and genocides are a direct result of supporting one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, evil in the world, the Jews who've built their identity on rejecting the messiah, known as the Talmudic Jews.

To the extent America funds Talmuds is the extent we are responsible for the crucifixion and ongoing persecution of Christ, and Christians in the Middle East, is there any other greater evil? Since the creation of Israel no other group in the Middle East has suffered like Christians. This is not an accident, Christians are the real target while normiecons are fed lies about it being a war against Muslims (who are a joke and haven't be a real force in centuries).
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I reject the notion that Israel is committing genocide. I remember wanting blood after 9/11 and Israel probably feels the same way after 10/7. Further, I reject funding Israel, Ukraine or any other foreign war at this point. They can fight it out themselves. Maybe it's not very Christian of me but I don't give a damn what happens to those people in Gaza. If you pick a fight with the biggest guy on the block and get your azz kicked then that's on you not him. The demonstrators are embarrassingly stupid. I'd give them 'till midnight to clear out their shanty town then I'd open skulls with billy clubs.
I will say you’re morally consistent considering the general wish to restore order and deport the invaders in white countries. The problem is you’re forming your own morality and not thinking about it like a metaphysical concept originating from God. It doesn’t matter whether I feel I’m right, or how I feel about Israel, it’s my duty as a human being who fears God to question all actions, my own and others and whether they’re favorable in the eyes of God. No one expects you to cry into the pillow about Palestinians but you are expected to show good will towards all life. If you’re unable to show good will then that’s the absence of God, of goodness, or anything righteous.
Hmm. Well, I can try.

I know this might be hard for you to believe, but the college protests you dislike so much now represent the very last glimmers of American freedom and autonomy.

You see, while your and Get2choppaaa's generation were asleep at the wheel, America was hijacked and became a puppet state of Israel. America is now under full control of Israel (save the few university holdouts, which will be crushed soon enough).

You never found it strange that presidential candidates have to swear undying allegiance to Israel in presidential debates? You never found it odd that the majority of US states have made it illegal for suppliers to boycott or even critizise Israel? Meanwhile, you are free to boycott and criticize every other country in the world, including America.

You think you have freedom of speech and expression without the Government coming for you? OK, try criticizing Israel then. Jimmy Carter and George Bush Sr. tried to challenge Israel, and they were thrown out of office after 1 term. JFK also tried to challenge them... Eisenhower was the first and last president to challenge Israel and get away with it.

The reason Israel has been so efficient in their subterfuge, is because they have managed to convince a large part of the American public that Israel and the US have aligning interests, hence the "Greatest Friend and Ally" moniker. They have managed to convince the American public that the enemies of Israel are the enemies of America (and of "freedom"). Of course, nothing could be further from the truth. The Arabs and the people in the Middle East didn't give two shits about America until we started meddling there on Israel's behalf. Did you ever read Bin Laden's letter to America?

Somehow, Israel has managed to convince the American people that it is their interest to pay for free healtcare and free college tuition for Israeli citizens, and to send them tens of billions of dollars in aid every year.

It's hard to notice that you are on a leash as long as you follow the same path as the Master.

Since US policy regarding Israel has never been subject to a substantial debate, let alone protests, it has been hard to spot how tightly controlled the country actually is.

But now as there is actual debate and protests, the attack dogs are let out. Riot police are storming universities, and Congress is putting in place new laws to shut down all this troublesome dissent.

So in closing, if you actually support American freedom and liberties, not to mention Christianity itself - you should support the protesters.
LOL, what are you even doing on this forum.

Sorry that my post had to many words for you. Keep supporting your greatest friend and ally.
I've been here since 2013 I'm not on this forum to change anyone's mind or argue with fools. You don't know me.

"The American Frat Boys fighting H amas on college campuses" phenomenon is just another psyop. ASU got it started (Below Left) UNC kicked it into high gear (Below Right) Their purpose is to drive Whites & conservatives back into the arms of the pro-Israel/pro-zionism cause. Don't fall for it. We can reject support for zionism & its occupation of our government without embracing the anti-White sentiments of the pro-Palestinian protesters who rightly reject zionism's occupation of our government & Israel's genocide."

I thought you were debating in good faith. My bad. Keep fighting for those Judeo-Christian values.

I'm not debating at all is my point. Especially someone with four months on the forum who uses terms like LOL and my bad. *Blocked*
No time and patience for the nonsense. Sorry for the thread hyjack guys, carry 0n...
On a serious note, in a sane world all those students would be suspended or expelled. 99% of students at these universities are children of rich parents who didn't properly raise their little brats if at all. Growing up without any legitimate worries or hardships and having all needs and wants constantly satisfied stunts a person's mental growth and gives them a child like view of the world well into adulthood. Universities are supposed to be an institution for learning, networking, critical thinking, and preparation into adult life and the workforce. Every western influenced university today has utterly FAILED at that. Instead they create lazy , government obedient, tax paying sheep.
Especially someone with four months on the forum who uses terms like LOL and my bad. *Blocked*
No time and patience for the nonsense.

That is pretty rich coming from someone who responded to a lenghty, well-articulated post with "TLDR".

Of course, I wouldn't have bothered replying if I had known that he is a self-admitted member of "Christians United for Israel" (according to his posts).

Dude is literally this meme:


Aaanyways, moving on. Sorry for the derailment.
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I'm not debating at all is my point. Especially someone with four months on the forum who uses terms like LOL and my bad. *Blocked*
No time and patience for the nonsense. Sorry for the thread hyjack guys, carry 0n...

No one is forcing you to respond to the noob. I gave you a perfectly logical response yet you focus on attacking the noob.

@adlebaran - you don't need to respond to everyone. Make your point (which you've done) and move on.