US College protests -Israel/Palestine

Im not an American but the fact that the Palestinians were celebrating the death of Americans during 9/11 shows me that is the roles were reversed and it was the Jews being killed they would not be crying genocide and I highly doubt the Islamic world would be having protests in their country to free Israel the same way we see happening in the west, Egypt wont even help the people in Gaza they lock out their brothers and sisters, if they treat each other like that imagine infidels. If I was in US government I would not allow Palestinians on US property to be protesting in public, waving their foreign flag on my soil, they havent even be protesting in a respectable way they are inconveniencing Americans while they are doing it by blocking roads and disturbing classes.

I also think its ridiculous that USA is sending money to Israel, its supposed to be the other way around if you want my help you should be paying me so this is a sign that the governemt of USA are not interested in the American empire but their loyalty lies in foreign countries when its supposed to be expanding the American empire and strengthening it.
Sorry my friend but I think you are totally missing it.

My point is that both are wrong. I'm not saying Jewish invasion is anything other than a travesty. It's terrible.

But implying, as a Christian, that it's justifiable for one group to commit murder/rape/kidnapping out of retaliation in "self defense" is one of the most ludicrous things I've read from a Mod on a Christian Forum.

I don't like Hamas, I don't like Israeli government. I hate what's going there by both parties.

It's possible to say both are bad and this should end immediately with out having to make excuses for one group committing atrocities while condemning the other.

I think what Israel has done to the Palestinians is equally awful.

Stop trying to make me come me off like I'm defending the Israeli government when I'm pointing out a fact that both sides are doing terrible things and I can't in good conscience support Hamas any more than Israel.

And yes you are still making a moral equivalency argument.

No, you continue to make the moral equivalency fallacy... 1 rape does not equal 100 rapes. 1 death does not equal 1000 deaths. It's absurd to say both sides are bad.

It's like comparing the Italian mafia to the Talmudic mafia, saying "both are bad," which is just insane. It's like saying the since the flu kills people, and cancer kills people, both are the same because both are bad.
If you're supporting that and expecting a heritage American to be aligned... you're fucking high. Doesn't mean I cant lament death on all sides. But I want NOTHING to do with it, and I dont want to have to chose between one group full of douche bags against another group full of douche bags and be told I'm supposed to take a side. No thanks...

If you want nothing to do with it then you should be supporting protests against Isreal, think real politic. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Kick out Israel and we save America hundreds of billions per year.

Why do I have to support rapists/kidnappers/murders just because they raped/Killed/murdered the innocent of their enemies?

Why are you judging people who've been brutalized?

I leave it to the Bishops and Metropolitans to tell us how we could accomplish that... But until then... It's all academic.

The Antiochian Church is 100% against Israel and on the side of Palestinians. They don't support Hamas or talk about them because it's a non-issue, the same way no one talks about random African gangs that go around kidnapping and murdering people. Hamas crimes are small stuff, just like thousands of gangs across the world from Latin America to Southeast Asia.

But the unbelievable demonic energy emanating from Israel, which is 100% AntiChrist, has earned the full condemnation of the Antiochian Church from our Patriarchs, Bishops, and Metropolitans as a war criminal state. Israel is responsible for ISIS as well, which has killed of two of our Bishops in the last 10 years in Syria. Hamas hasn't done anything except try to survive.

Hamas isn't doing stuff like this:

It's not academic. Our Church leadership, which understands the faith better than any of us, have condemned Israel as a war criminal state and has only mentioned Hamas in the same way you condemn any other petty criminal. To equivocate the two, and say "both sides are bad," is absolutely insane.

Setting up shanty towns on campus and creating tent cities isn't a form of free speech or peaceful demonstration.

Considering they pay a ridiculous amount for their degree, due to Talmudic usury, logically it's their university and one of the most legitimate places any student can protest. They aren't disrupting anyone's classes, they setup in the center of campus on the lawn. It's peaceful and completely justified.

The problem is that it is visible, which is a big no no for Mr. Talmud.

Im not an American but the fact that the Palestinians were celebrating the death of Americans during 9/11
So were Talmuds, google "dancing Israelis." Talmudic Jews did 9/11, this is common knowledge but apparently many here do not know. A 9/11 thread will be made soon.
Im not an American but the fact that the Palestinians were celebrating the death of Americans during 9/11

Newsflash: So were the Israelis.

Palestinians don't like the US because the US government is funding Israeli occupation and land theft. That is all they have against the US. And who can blame them?

All of USA's problems in the Middle East and with muslims in general is solely because of Israel. Nothing would be better for the US and for Americans in general than to cut all ties with that evil country.
No, you continue to make the moral equivalency fallacy... 1 rape does not equal 100 rapes. 1 death does not equal 1000 deaths. It's absurd to say both sides are bad.

It's like comparing the Italian mafia to the Talmudic mafia, saying "both are bad," which is just insane. It's like saying the since the flu kills people, and cancer kills people, both are the same because both are bad.

If you want nothing to do with it then you should be supporting protests against Isreal, think real politic. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Kick out Israel and we save America hundreds of billions per year.

Why are you judging people who've been brutalized?

The Antiochian Church is 100% against Israel and on the side of Palestinians. They don't support Hamas or talk about them because it's a non-issue, the same way no one talks about random African gangs that go around kidnapping and murdering people. Hamas crimes are small stuff, just like thousands of gangs across the world from Latin America to Southeast Asia.

But the unbelievable demonic energy emanating from Israel, which is 100% AntiChrist, has earned the full condemnation of the Antiochian Church from our Patriarchs, Bishops, and Metropolitans as a war criminal state. Israel is responsible for ISIS as well, which has killed of two of our Bishops in the last 10 years in Syria. Hamas hasn't done anything except try to survive.

Hamas isn't doing stuff like this:

It's not academic. Our Church leadership, which understands the faith better than any of us, have condemned Israel as a war criminal state and has only mentioned Hamas in the same way you condemn any other petty criminal. To equivocate the two, and say "both sides are bad," is absolutely insane.

Considering they pay a ridiculous amount for their degree, due to Talmudic usury, logically it's their university and one of the most legitimate places any student can protest. They aren't disrupting anyone's classes, they setup in the center of campus on the lawn. It's peaceful and completely justified.

The problem is that it is visible, which is a big no no for Mr. Talmud.

So were Talmuds, google "dancing Israelis." Talmudic Jews did 9/11, this is common knowledge but apparently many here do not know. A 9/11 thread will be made soon.
This "why are you judging people whom have been brutalized" trope is my issue with your comment.

I can separate the suffering people from the government organization that they have mistakenly elected.

Just like the concept that I can separate the negative things American governments have done from the Americans.

Just like I can separate Ukrainian people from the Zelensky regime. I can condemn Azov and still recognize that some Ukrainian harbor deep cultural antipathy towards the Russians due to Bolshevik Holodomor.

It would be a false moral equivalency to say that because the Holodomor happened, it's ok for Russians to be persecuted by Ukraines.

Again it is a moral equivalency to say " well they are raping less so we should support them and we can't condemn them because they've been brutalized".
There seems to be a disconnect here which I can't really understand.

A "moral equivalence" is a form of argument that seeks to compare two or more different and unrelated things in order to argue that one is "just as bad" or "just as good" as the other. These kinds of statements occur whenever someone argues that one is "just as good" or "just as bad" or "not as bad as" something else. In the field of philosophy, this kind of argumentation, despite its popularity in political debates, is considered a logical fallacy of equivocation. This is just another way of saying that it is an error in reasoning to alternate between the different meanings that a single word can have in different contexts. An example of moral equivalence would be the following statement: "vaping is bad, but it isn't as bad as smoking tobacco." This kind of argument is an especially popular way to obscure or downplay a subject's actions or beliefs.

You've admitted that members of Hamas have raped Killed and tortured. That means they are worthy of condemnation. Israelis have done the same. That is worthy of condemnation.

This it is a false moral equivalent argument to say that because Jews Terrorize Palestinians, I should support Hamas, who terrorizes (from a lessor degree) Jews. They are both commiting an action and that is immoral and thus both deserve condemnation.

I can agree with the Church's position that Israel has brutalized the Palestinians. I don't have to agree to support the political factions on either side.

The inability to differentiate between the people suffering and the political bodies is the issue here that people supporting Hamas seem to have. Nowhere did I say that I support what Israel is doing.
^ The fact you're even bringing Hamas into the issue shows you are buying into propaganda and falling for moral equivalency.

It doesn't matter who Hamas is or what they've done, because they are a tiny group with virtually no impact. That they are used as an excuse to commit genocide of Christians and mass slaughter of Muslims is pretty much the only part where Hamas needs to be mentioned.

"Saying, I don't approve of Israel's actions but..." is 100% moral equivalency fallacy. You're the one making it, unintentionally, along with half of America, due to Talmudic propaganda and brainwashing.

There isn't even a need to bring up Hamas to protest Israel and Talmuds. Hamas is irrelevant, and it is logically irrelevant to the discussion, due to the moral equivalency.

Is it Hamas destroying Christians in the middle east? Is it Hamas slaughtering Gaza? Is it Hamas controlling our Congress and President? Why are people even talking about Hamas, they are a bunch of nobodies.

Stop buying into the Isreali/Talmud frame, it's a moral equivalency fallacy.
Stop buying into the Isreali/Talmud frame, it's a moral equivalency fallacy.
This is ridiculous. Very few here (if anybody) are buying into anything. We dislike jews and israel and we also dislike militant-muzzie-civilian-combatants who claim apolitical "innocence" while strapping nails and dynamite to their chest and blowing themselves up in your face. Nobody is saying our dislike is "equal." If made to choose between jews and muzzies we'd go with muzzies (lesser of two evils), but to say that members here are buying into the "Talmud frame" is insulting.
All due respect to Mr. Choppaa but I don't follow his logic that because a military/paramilitary force has committed crimes, therefore they/who they represent/the cause they fight for cannot be supported or condoned in any facet.

Show me a military force that has never committed murder, rape, or war crimes of any variety and I'll show you a diamond-encrusted unicorn.
No, you continue to make the moral equivalency fallacy... 1 rape does not equal 100 rapes. 1 death does not equal 1000 deaths. It's absurd to say both sides are bad.

It's like comparing the Italian mafia to the Talmudic mafia, saying "both are bad," which is just insane. It's like saying the since the flu kills people, and cancer kills people, both are the same because both are bad.

If you want nothing to do with it then you should be supporting protests against Isreal, think real politic. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. Kick out Israel and we save America hundreds of billions per year.

Why are you judging people who've been brutalized?

The Antiochian Church is 100% against Israel and on the side of Palestinians. They don't support Hamas or talk about them because it's a non-issue, the same way no one talks about random African gangs that go around kidnapping and murdering people. Hamas crimes are small stuff, just like thousands of gangs across the world from Latin America to Southeast Asia.

But the unbelievable demonic energy emanating from Israel, which is 100% AntiChrist, has earned the full condemnation of the Antiochian Church from our Patriarchs, Bishops, and Metropolitans as a war criminal state. Israel is responsible for ISIS as well, which has killed of two of our Bishops in the last 10 years in Syria. Hamas hasn't done anything except try to survive.

Hamas isn't doing stuff like this:

It's not academic. Our Church leadership, which understands the faith better than any of us, have condemned Israel as a war criminal state and has only mentioned Hamas in the same way you condemn any other petty criminal. To equivocate the two, and say "both sides are bad," is absolutely insane.

Considering they pay a ridiculous amount for their degree, due to Talmudic usury, logically it's their university and one of the most legitimate places any student can protest. They aren't disrupting anyone's classes, they setup in the center of campus on the lawn. It's peaceful and completely justified.

The problem is that it is visible, which is a big no no for Mr. Talmud.

So were Talmuds, google "dancing Israelis." Talmudic Jews did 9/11, this is common knowledge but apparently many here do not know. A 9/11 thread will be made soon.
I already said the Jews I would make they pay me to protect them not the other way around
Newsflash: So were the Israelis.

Palestinians don't like the US because the US government is funding Israeli occupation and land theft. That is all they have against the US. And who can blame them?

All of USA's problems in the Middle East and with muslims in general is solely because of Israel. Nothing would be better for the US and for Americans in general than to cut all ties with that evil country.
Thats why I said the Israelies should be paying US and not the other way around, anyway right now its the Palestinians protesting in America so they are the issue and I dont think they should be complaining because they believe in the right to conquest and Israel has conquered them, I dont support the Jews either but I dont really have an issue on how they got their land in Israel I really dont its called thw right of conquest and they didnt even really use any violence to get it which is quite a unique thing compared to the rest of the world, compared to when Turkey got Israel.
^ The fact you're even bringing Hamas into the issue shows you are buying into propaganda and falling for moral equivalency.

It doesn't matter who Hamas is or what they've done, because they are a tiny group with virtually no impact. That they are used as an excuse to commit genocide of Christians and mass slaughter of Muslims is pretty much the only part where Hamas needs to be mentioned.

"Saying, I don't approve of Israel's actions but..." is 100% moral equivalency fallacy. You're the one making it, unintentionally, along with half of America, due to Talmudic propaganda and brainwashing.

There isn't even a need to bring up Hamas to protest Israel and Talmuds. Hamas is irrelevant, and it is logically irrelevant to the discussion, due to the moral equivalency.

Is it Hamas destroying Christians in the middle east? Is it Hamas slaughtering Gaza? Is it Hamas controlling our Congress and President? Why are people even talking about Hamas, they are a bunch of nobodies.

Stop buying into the Isreali/Talmud frame, it's a moral equivalency fallacy.

I think we are talking past each other still but I'll make one more note....

These are 2 different things. Bear with me now ....
1) Israeli invasion and acts of genocide.
2) support for the political body and military body of the people of Gaza.

The fact that this distinction isn't being recognized is seriously baffling.

Hamas IS the government and military body of Gaza/ Palestinians correct?

I don't want Palestinians in my country, I don't want to give them money, and I don't want their influenced being peddled as Arab anti -colonial sentiment that is ultimately turned against white people (funded by Soros et Al)

I also don't want them to be genocided and I recognize what the Israelis have done to Palestinians is pretty terrible.

Again, my position is that I'm not inclined to endorse the current Hamas governmental authority which is in control of the Palestinian people's government.

The issue I have is you're conflating bringing up Hamas (the government of the Palestinians) as some sort of pass on Israel. As @purple said, none here are unaware of the Talmudic agenda.

A simple statement that I don't support either party is what I've been saying.

All due respect to Mr. Choppaa but I don't follow his logic that because a military/paramilitary force has committed crimes, therefore they/who they represent/the cause they fight for cannot be supported or condoned in any facet.

Show me a military force that has never committed murder, rape, or war crimes of any variety and I'll show you a diamond-encrusted unicorn.
Yes... Very well aware of this conceptually from first hand experiences. I've literally seen mother's blow up their own children.

The party that defines a war crime differs based off of who's in power.

If a common TTP (tactic training and procedure) of a military, which is represented by the political government is to use suicide bombers, kidnappings and rape... Then yeah... You can absolutely make the discernment to withdraw support of their political agenda.

Same argument can be made against an expansionists Israeli government, and their treatment of the Jews.

Again, my point is why do I have to support either group? Can't I condemn both for bad actions and feel sorry for innocents on both sides?
I dont support the Jews either but I dont really have an issue on how they got their land in Israel I really dont its called thw right of conquest and they didnt even really use any violence to get it which is quite a unique thing compared to the rest of the world, compared to when Turkey got Israel.

This isn't true. Look up Nakba day. Hamas exists because of previous genocides committed against Palestinians.

The Talmuds have always been this way, it's just that now with the internet and cell phones people actually know what's going on.
Show me a military force that has never committed murder, rape, or war crimes.
Sure, historically, 100%. But the thesis is "War Is So 20th Century." In a 2024 world where most of its occupants have electricity (90+%), running water (75+%), and access to penicillin and the internet and cell phones there is NO excuse for physical violence, much less all out war.

In 2024, if you are an active participant in war then you are an ungrateful caveman who deserves to die. There is literally no longer a need for macro-system violence (just micro-system violence for individual acts of self-defense). With electricity, running water, antibiotics, and a cellphone, anybody with a will can peacefully succeed in this modern life. There is no longer a need to kill others for more land and gold. This unnecessary war is orchestrated to the core, and none of its participants should be defended, much less celebrated.

To hell with them all.
I think we are talking past each other still but I'll make one more note....

These are 2 different things. Bear with me now ....
1) Israeli invasion and acts of genocide.
2) support for the political body and military body of the people of Gaza.

The fact that this distinction isn't being recognized is seriously baffling.

Hamas IS the government and military body of Gaza/ Palestinians correct?

I don't want Palestinians in my country, I don't want to give them money, and I don't want their influenced being peddled as Arab anti -colonial sentiment that is ultimately turned against white people (funded by Soros et Al)

I also don't want them to be genocided and I recognize what the Israelis have done to Palestinians is pretty terrible.

Again, my position is that I'm not inclined to endorse the current Hamas governmental authority which is in control of the Palestinian people's government.

The issue I have is you're conflating bringing up Hamas (the government of the Palestinians) as some sort of pass on Israel. As @purple said, none here are unaware of the Talmudic agenda.

A simple statement that I don't support either party is what I've been saying.

Yes... Very well aware of this conceptually from first hand experiences. I've literally seen mother's blow up their own children.

The party that defines a war crime differs based off of who's in power.

If a common TTP (tactic training and procedure) of a military, which is represented by the political government is to use suicide bombers, kidnappings and rape... Then yeah... You can absolutely make the discernment to withdraw support of their political agenda.

Same argument can be made against an expansionists Israeli government, and their treatment of the Jews.

Again, my point is why do I have to support either group? Can't I condemn both for bad actions and feel sorry for innocents on both sides?

I'm not trying to tell you who you have to support, my disagreement is with the position that they're just as bad as each other and that because there's evil taking place to some degree on both sides that there's no interest in Americans supporting one or the other.
Sure, historically, 100%. But the thesis is "War Is So 20th Century." In a 2024 world where most of its occupants have electricity (90+%), running water (75+%), and access to penicillin and the internet and cell phones there is NO excuse for physical violence, much less all out war.

In 2024, if you are an active participant in war then you are an ungrateful caveman who deserves to die. There is literally no longer a need for macro-system violence (just micro-system violence for individual acts of self-defense). With electricity, running water, antibiotics, and a cellphone, anybody with a will can peacefully succeed in this modern life. There is no longer a need to kill others for more land and gold. This unnecessary war is orchestrated to the core, and none of its participants should be defended, much less celebrated.

To hell with them all.

We don't live in a different world from the world of the past, this I a bit of wishful thinking in my eyes, no offense. There are a lot of pretensions about how we're more civilized than in the past but it's just lip service. The modern order is still enforced and backed up by the projection of military and economic power, you need to look no further than the enforcement of the US dollar by our military intervention to know that this is the case. You sound like someone who is blessed to be in a place where you don't have to defend you and yours by force and you think that because that's the case, no one else in the world needs to either.
I'm not trying to tell you who you have to support, my disagreement is with the position that they're just as bad as each other and that because there's evil taking place to some degree on both sides that there's no interest in Americans supporting one or the other.

We don't live in a different world from the world of the past, this I a bit of wishful thinking in my eyes, no offense. There are a lot of pretensions about how we're more civilized than in the past but it's just lip service. The modern order is still enforced and backed up by the projection of military and economic power, you need to look no further than the enforcement of the US dollar by our military intervention to know that this is the case. You sound like someone who is blessed to be in a place where you don't have to defend you and yours by force and you think that because that's the case, no one else in the world needs to either.

Respectfully, I have no idea where you think that I am unaware of the concept of self defense or defense or ones nation as a necessity... Or the notion that one might have to defend ones country or territory. I live in Texas where there's an invasion currently of migrants.

I have also carried a gun professionally in foreign lands, and privately here in the US daily. Again I'm keenly well aware, guaranteed I know this as well or better than anyone here on the forum.

Again the topic is the college Palestinians support on campus.

I don't want to support leftist antifa goons masquerading as victims who don't like me for be a white Christan male any more than the Jewish monied interests who mock my faith.

If you want to stand for Queers for Palestinians go ahead.

I want no money to either side. No troops to either side. What is your alternative? What would you suggest I do with my "support" and how?
I think we are talking past each other still but I'll make one more note....
Again, my point is why do I have to support either group? Can't I condemn both for bad actions and feel sorry for innocents on both sides?

The one key aspect that you are missing here is that the ADLs and their bought authorities want to shut them down just as much as they want to shut us down. They don't just want to go after the anti-Israel protests, they want to censor and prosecute as hate crime things like saying the Jews killed Jesus.

It's not just about being pro-Palestine vs pro-Israel, it's just as much about being pro-1st amendment/free speech.
Respectfully, I have no idea where you think that I am unaware of the concept of self defense or defense or ones nation as a necessity... Or the notion that one might have to defend ones country or territory. I live in Texas where there's an invasion currently of migrants.

I have also carried a gun professionally in foreign lands, and privately here in the US daily. Again I'm keenly well aware, guaranteed I know this as well or better than anyone here on the forum.

Again the topic is the college Palestinians support on campus.

I don't want to support leftist antifa goons masquerading as victims who don't like me for be a white Christan male any more than the Jewish monied interests who mock my faith.

If you want to stand for Queers for Palestinians go ahead.

I want no money to either side. No troops to either side. What is your alternative? What would you suggest I do with my "support" and how?
I think you may have misinterpreted part of my message which was addressed at PurpleUrkel not you, I don't think you've said anything that indicates you're not aware of the necessity of forceful defense and what have you. Personally I would say that if it's important to you that we stop funding Israel then there's it's a great thing that people are vigorously protesting the funding of Israel but no doubt that those folks largely have different interests and principles that our own. It's academic at any rate as you've said.
I think you may have misinterpreted part of my message which was addressed at PurpleUrkel not you, I don't think you've said anything that indicates you're not aware of the necessity of forceful defense and what have you. Personally I would say that if it's important to you that we stop funding Israel then there's it's a great thing that people are vigorously protesting the funding of Israel but no doubt that those folks largely have different interests and principles that our own. It's academic at any rate as you've said.
My apologies.

ummm yeah, I'll pass on lumping my voice behind these folks. It's a lose lose.


The one key aspect that you are missing here is that the ADLs and their bought authorities want to shut them down just as much as they want to shut us down. They don't just want to go after the anti-Israel protests, they want to censor and prosecute as hate crime things like saying the Jews killed Jesus.

It's not just about being pro-Palestine vs pro-Israel, it's just as much about being pro-1st amendment/free speech.
Again, false equivalent.... now I'm supposed to support Queers for Palestine because they are protecting my free speech by calling me a white colonizer?

Do you hear yourself? "You need to support Trannys for Palestine because of our free speech man!!!!"

Totally fucking weak and retarded.

How about I condemn the BDS Laws pushed by the ADL AND (novel idea here) condemn a group of lesbian rascist liberals.

Look, if you all want to throw you lot in with these college liberal antifa pukes because of your perception about their ability to challenge the Jews go ahead.

BUT a more obvious apporach is that they are the agitation tool that allows Jews in congress to attempt* to crack down on our freedoms already.

Again, tell me this is all Jewish propoganda all you want. But that doesnt change that the people pushing this are majority liberal.

again.... we are talking about the COLLEGE CAMPUS agenda here.
This isn't true. Look up Nakba day. Hamas exists because of previous genocides committed against Palestinians.

The Talmuds have always been this way, it's just that now with the internet and cell phones people actually know what's going on.
I will look it up, but I dont buy that Hamas exists because of previous genocides, it seems like its other countries who are also sending them money and weapons and they obviously give it to people who already have the desire to want to kill but dont have the means, we must keep in mind that Israel and Jerusalem are very important places for Muslims to conquer and own as we have seen in the past so they definately want it again, the fact that the Islamic world is not taking in Palestinian refugees and keep the border of Egypt closed is proof of this to me.

Many other groups of people have gone through genocides and they havent formed terrorist groups that attack civilians so previous genocides cant be the cause, Im sure some day the tables will turn and we will see Israel taking the higher casualties and I gaurantee you that the Islamic world will be cheering them on I will be very suprised if they dont, for example we dont even hear the Islamic world talk against anything hamas does but they complain when Israel does something which is fine because they cheering for their team but the deceiving part to me is that they put pressure of the west to feel guilty and sad, its a form of manipulation to help their team win, you either at war or you not, both of them are full of s***

Yes I hear about the dancing Jews that some lady filmed from her balcony and she suspected that they were the ones who commutted the attacks and called the cops.
the fact that the Islamic world is not taking in Palestinian refugees and keep the border of Egypt closed is proof of this to me.

They don't take them in because then they'd be complicit in the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestine. Why should they take them in, and help Israel take the land? What right does Israel have to those lands, from an Arab perspective?

As soon as one country starts to take them in, Israel will simply invade a new place, and demand neighboring countries take in those people, etc, ad infinitum. The idea Israel will stop with Gaza is flatly contradicted by history.
They don't take them in because then they'd be complicit in the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestine. Why should they take them in, and help Israel take the land? What right does Israel have to those lands, from an Arab perspective?

As soon as one country starts to take them in, Israel will simply invade a new place, and demand neighboring countries take in those people, etc, ad infinitum. The idea Israel will stop with Gaza is flatly contradicted by history.
Correct, the Islamic world would rather have their brothers and sisters die than to lose that strategic land I know thats why, because any other arab country that gets bombed have you noticed that the people are not fighting to stay, they fighting to leave, look at Syria for example, then we ask them "why are you going to the west" they say "because they bombed our country", by that same logic why they not also goig to move next door to Jews in Israel, since they bombed them? Its very suspecious behaviour and looking at this from the outside it seems like the arab world wants them there because they want to capture Jerusalem too thats prized land.

Anyway I watching the people who call me goyim and infidel fighting each other☕