I don't truly care about any issues that aren't immediately in front of me in real time (unlike yourself who has all these theories about how to save "innocent" Palestinians from evil jews).
I don't have any theories other than the obvious, stop giving missiles to people who are launching missiles. That's not theoretical.
Some people are neutral on the conflict. Some are even in favor of it. I get that.
But this hyper emotional fetishizing of the murder of civilians halfway across the planet is just... extremely bizarre.
It's kind of surreal reading it on a Christian forum.
And where is this hostility towards *ME* coming from, for asking questions about it? If it's that disturbing, let's just leave this thread and move on. It shouldn't be something that causes emotional reaction and name calling amongst CiK members. I was curious to see some questions answered, but if that cannot be done (none of the questions I have posed have been answered) and results in name calling let's just leave the whole thread behind. It's not worth destroying our community.
I can understand the college kids having an emotional reaction to the war--they are responding to pictures of mutilated babies and are at a passionate point in their life. What I don't get is this ultra emotional PRO-Israeli point of view from a few on the forum. Extreme excitement for genocide.
You're putting words in my mouth. I never said this. I said that personally I'm not interested in Israel or Palestine and that I hope they annihilate each other. I can't stand these people and I'm sick of hearing about their self-inflicted problems over and over again for the last 40-years already.
No one is restricted to only discussing ideas which you have thought of or said previously. In fact, this conflict has nothing at all to do with you, or any of us. I don't care whether you said or didn't say an idea, I'm interested in the idea and whether it is valid or not. I honestly didn't realize you were even *in* this thread until just now when you made this so personal and emotiona, I'm just seeing ideas and responding to them. I'm not attributing anything to you, mostly because I don't care whether an idea came from you or not. If you feel I have incorrectly labeled you, then I humbly apologize. But for the record I have no opinion on your thoughts or viewpoints, and am not calling you any names, nor attributing any ideas to you personally. I simply don't debate that way, and personalities are not important to me.
If you can't quote me correctly then please stop trying to tell me what I'm for and against. I didn't start this war, I have nothing to do with it, so stop virtue signalling that its somehow on me to get involved. You obviously have some vested interest in Palestine (are you Arab or do you have Arab relatives?), so go for it, put your life on the line for this cause you are so passionate about. Personally, I've got some things I would die for, but Palestinians are not one of them. Sue me.
Purple, you need to calm down.
I have not falsely created any quotes.
I have no opinion on what you are for or against, and spent no time pondering it, as I didn't realize you were my "opponent" until right now.
We are discussing world events here.
Why are you so angered by questions or discussions around it?
Why are you insulting a fellow brother in Christ on a Christian forum for posing difficult questions?
If you cannot or don't want to answer a question, you are under no obligation, but this bizarre EFF YOU YOU CURIOUS CHRISTIAN BROTHER HOW DARE YOU POSE IDEAS THAT I HAVEN"T THOUGHT OF BEFORE attitude is bizarre and irrational.
Ideas do not need to be attributed to you , or anyone else, to be fair game for discussion.
For the last time, I am not a nihilist, if your judgment wasn't so clouded by your passionate fervor for Palestine then you would have a better memory for the entire context of my posting history on this forum. And, I haven't been "condemning" anyone (unlike yourself), I've been arguing counter points in good faith.
Purple. I am not making any direct accusations against you. I'm sorry if you feel offended. I didn't even realize we were on opposing sides of this issue until this post where you made it so publicly personal and emotional and then I noticed "Ah, PurpleUrkel. Apparently he doesn't like me". Mostly because I don't look at threads here based on "WHO POSTED THEM". Maybe I should, because it seems that is very important to some people here. But if you are going to engage in discussion, then you owe all of us on the forum a level of decency, respect, and objectivity.
At least the jews, as much as I despise them, are fighting a proper war, which by definition requires high amounts of civillian casualties. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
This is unhinged lunacy.
There are only 3 positions on the conflict:
1) Oppose the Biden regime's supply of money and weaponry to Israel which is being used to kill indiscriminately, and commit war crimes.
2) Support the Biden regime's supply of money and weaponry to Israel, our greatest ally (boomers, Christian Zionists, Jews).
3) Not care one way or the other.
If we cannot discuss which of the 3 positions we hold calmly and rationally, then let's stop discussion completely. This thread has become a disaster.
First thing's first, you know nothing about me as we've never met so don't go flinging baseless accusations and labels like some deranged liberal. I can say you remind me of conservatives who are uppity and pompous because man have I met many, but I don't. You might come off that way online but perhaps its just your writing style. Or maybe you are one, I don't know and quite frankly don't care too much.
Does anyone other than the poster feel this contributes meaningfully to ANYTHING?
I think we need to seriously revisit some basic ground rules for the forum.
I haven't seen any personal accusations in this thread (with the exception of a minority of posters who are making their personal beliefs the subject of the thread and then accusing others of comitting violations against them when ideas that make them uncomfortable are challenged), but this type of talk has no place whatsoever in rational discussion. Whether someone is a "deranged liberal" or not is irrelevant; deranged liberals exist, and some of them say things that are true, so this is a complete non-sequitor. (for the record
@Samseau is quite the opposite of one, which makes the comment all the more absurd, but again is irrelevant to his statement). But the level of discussion created with this absurd namecalling is well below reddit-tier and has already lead to several prominent members leaving. MOSTLY BECAUSE IT IS BORING. NO ONE CARES ABOUT READING PERSONALITY ATTACKS AGAINST TWO STRANGERS THEY HAVE NEVER MET. But also because it genuinely upsets people.
We are sinking below the level of feminists, when we are failing to abide by the rules they themselves have stated (credit to Eleanor Roosevelt):
Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People
I don't mind occasionally discussing events here. This is a good site to learn about news that is not reported elsewhere, but we should strive for the discussion of ideas and ban the discussion of people or personality. Roosh was a bit more free with the ban hammer and this type of pettiness was rightly nipped in the bud.