US College protests -Israel/Palestine

I got so annoyed by the Israel cuck I responded to that I deleted it. But it's in the quote still.
I think you should copy that quote and post it as a fresh new post with a preamble about the self-censorship in the name of free speech.

The biggest issue in my opinion is that America the land of the free has been hijacked to support this whole Israel project at all costs. I'm sure both sides over there would happily see the other side genocided out of existence but one of those two sides is backed by a superpower when it could probably manage on its own anyway and if it can't why should it be America or the West's problem.
So which Fund are you supporting with your money?

Obviously none because our enemies have the printing press and the tax purse, so throwing away money is pointless. However I use my considerable real world voice to get people against Israel all the time within my Church community, as well as outside of it, during business or pleasure. This topic comes up regularly, I make sure I push them in the anti-Israel direction.

This war can only be won with hearts, and it's going to take generations. But what you see me do online is a small reflection of who I am IRL.

I encourage everyone here to do the same; the more anti-Talmud feeling we create in America the better off it will be for our children and grandchildren.

Also, pray, pray everyday for freedom from our genocidal usurious overlords.
Ok Max. Youre quite a bore.

I've said I don't support Palestinians genocide by Israel and the Gaza invasions are wrong. Many times I've said that.

These college student protest are funded by open society foundation NGOs and radical lesbians, and antifa types to divide and split us up.
I wouldn't say the conversation is boring as much as tedious.

It's tedious because we are talking past each other instead of engaging on the thread topic.
Which is US College Protests.
The college students are asking US Universities to divest (remove financial support from) Israeli products and services.
Because the US is directly funding and arming Israelis in the midst of a genocide.

If you are in favor of stopping financial and military support to Israel because they are genociding people, then we are all in agreement.

If you are not, then I'm curious to know the answers
to the unanswered questions I've posited because I sincerely do not understand where such a position comes from without asking more questions. Not because I want to change your mind or win a debate or embarass you or anything sophomoric. We ask questions to learn and to discuss ideas. Otherwise the forum because a ridiculous polling site of "EVERYONE COME IN HERE AND YELL ABOUT HOW YOU PERSONALLY FEEL ABOUT X!" which is just silly and boring.

1) Should the Samaritan have asked the injured traveler about his country's form of government before aiding him?
2) Is there a point where a government of a people can commit acts so egregious that the neighbor in the parable above should not be aided?
3) Do you support someone remaining silent / neutral about abortion because he just doesn't care if others get abortions?
4) Do you support someone remaining silent about gun rights because he is unarmed and doesn't see a need for guns?
5) Do you support someone remaining neutral about immigration because immigrants don't really move in to his community?

Israel has already doomed themselves by these actions. The Holocaust narrative that they have used for decades to sail through any criticism, is no longer a carte blanche and the multicultural and Marxist ideas that they have put into the zeitgeist are now backfiring, as they have successfully taught Americans that Might Doesnt Make Right, Diversity Is a Strength, The Weak and Different Should Be Protected, Women and Children Matter, Race Isn't Real, and All Voices Should Be Heard. Now Americans are applying those same ideals to the Israel question and their own ideology is backfiring.

The only question is do they fail quickly (US withdraws financial and military support) or slowly (US continues aiding and abetting the killing which results in Israel stealing more land, and the slow loss of global US moral authority). In either case, Israel is doomed. The only degree to which the BDS question matters is whether it happens quickly or slowly.

Why are conservatives so garbage at strategy? How do you expect to win if you cannot even do the most basic of chess moves?
They have been losing for my entire life. Really for the past 400 years, all over the world. It's infuriating. They build this leviathan government that is the most powerful entity on the planet and then refuse to use it to benefit them in any way whatsoever because they suddenly discover a "principle" (that they immediately forget when they lose power).
Who cares if these guys were against us in the past?
This is probably the 2nd biggest error conservatives make. They are constantly making their own people into an "enemy." The youth of our country, no matter how brainwashed or damaged or perverted or sexualized, are not our enemy. They *ARE* us. They are our future, and our *ONLY* future. Painting them as an "enemy" means complete and total capitulation. The ONLY way to victory is THROUGH our youth, not against them. How this isn't obvious is beyond me.
Of course the college students should be supported.

It's so obvious, I can't believe it even needs to be said.
I feel stupid having to type anything here at all. Agree a million percent.

So which Fund are you supporting with your money?
No one is soliciting support for Hamas. In fact the entire issue is the STOPPING of money abroad used to kill and maim.

Everyone can we please tone down the emotions? I realize we are talking about genocide but we should be able to discuss ideas rationally and calmly and objectively like men. This petty bickering and feminine argumentation is a huge turn off. Either discuss ideas calmly and respectfully like Christian men or I'm out.
Purple, could I not say the same thing about any other issue you care about?
I don't truly care about any issues that aren't immediately in front of me in real time (unlike yourself who has all these theories about how to save "innocent" Palestinians from evil jews). My only true concern at this juncture of my life is improving my economic status and my faith. I spent a large portion of my life "caring" and trying to help others. You know what I learned? That 9 out of 10 times, "no good deed shall go unpunished." I spent 10+ years as a social worker (and had my life seriously threatened several times). I protested the post-911 commencement of the Iraq War and got arrested at Berkley (a lot of good that did). I've saved the lives of at least 3 people from drowning in the ocean (one almost killed me, and another was so embarrassed that he didn't even say "thank you"). I once rescued a woman who was being severly beaten in a parking lot only to have her insult me at a later date. Not much, but it's something. Been there, done that. Hard pass on "caring" and "helping others."
It's pointless and Jews control everything so stop whining about it.
You're putting words in my mouth. I never said this. I said that personally I'm not interested in Israel or Palestine and that I hope they annihilate each other. I can't stand these people and I'm sick of hearing about their self-inflicted problems over and over again for the last 40-years already.

It's great to see someone finally kicking these backwards-ass muslim's asses. My only regret is that it's the jews doing it and not American Christians who went to the Middle East for 25 years to play "nice" war and got their asses handed to them. At least the jews, as much as I despise them, are fighting a proper war, which by definition requires high amounts of civillian casualties. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
If you did have any success they would just kill you. You're against people standing up against evil because the world is doomed?
If you can't quote me correctly then please stop trying to tell me what I'm for and against. I didn't start this war, I have nothing to do with it, so stop virtue signalling that its somehow on me to get involved. You obviously have some vested interest in Palestine (are you Arab or do you have Arab relatives?), so go for it, put your life on the line for this cause you are so passionate about. Personally, I've got some things I would die for, but Palestinians are not one of them. Sue me.
Okayyyy, sure, but then you also want to condemn others who don't also feel the same nihilism?
For the last time, I am not a nihilist, if your judgment wasn't so clouded by your passionate fervor for Palestine then you would have a better memory for the entire context of my posting history on this forum. And, I haven't been "condemning" anyone (unlike yourself), I've been arguing counter points in good faith.
I guess that's the part I really don't get. Are we concern trolling for the libtarded genderfluid college kids of America now?!?
Get out of here with this BS. You know better than this. Hardly anybody here (if anyone) gives two f*cks about these tranny college kids. I hope they continue to protest the jews, and also hope that they continue to get their asses beaten for protesting the jews.
I'd like to see the '23 and me' dna profile of the Palestinians to find out why this is such a unique group that the word genocide keeps getting thrown around. They are no different than most people in that region. This is what war looks like unfortunately and I don't support either side. Hamas was stupid to attack Israel on 10/07 and the Palestinians were stupid to support Hamas.
I'll leave you with some stark and sobering comments by Lt. General Curtis Lemay USAF:

"There are no innocent civilians. It is their government and you are fighting a people, you are not trying to fight an armed force anymore. So it doesn't bother me so much to be killing the so-called innocent bystanders."

"Every soldier thinks something of the moral aspects of what he is doing. But all war is immoral and if you let that bother you, you're not a good soldier."

I'll tell you what war is about, you've got to kill people, and when you've killed enough they stop fighting."

That's the reality of it. I want no part of their conflict and we shouldn't financially support either side. I'm going to keep saying it. If Trump was president this would not be happening.
Because our enemies fighting each other is good for us.

Why are conservatives so garbage at strategy? How do you expect to win if you cannot even do the most basic of chess moves?

I see conservatives like you all the time too wrapped up in pride and ego, losing sight of the big picture. Who cares if these guys were against us in the past? Now they can serve as pawns to be devoured by the monster they created. They can fight their own (((Frankenstein))) and hurt our much larger (((enemy))).

Of course the college students should be supported.

It's so obvious, I can't believe it even needs to be said.
First thing's first, you know nothing about me as we've never met so don't go flinging baseless accusations and labels like some deranged liberal. I can say you remind me of conservatives who are uppity and pompous because man have I met many, but I don't. You might come off that way online but perhaps its just your writing style. Or maybe you are one, I don't know and quite frankly don't care too much. Even decent people have their flaws.

Second off, there are no shortage of pawns on this specific chess board. One group gets eliminated and you'll simply get another worse one pop up. And every replacement will likely be more feral and less reserved on their intentions and actions than the former ones. Even if by some lucky chance every cannon fodder enemy of Caucasians and/or Christians were eliminated you still now have the big leagues to contend with: every powerful fraternal order in existence that directly opposes God and anything Holy. Be that elitist jews, freemasons, luciferians, globalists, WEF, illuminati, skull & bones, whatever. The ones pulling the strings that have the wealth, influence, and direct access to every deadly modern weapon of warfare to completely annihilate anyone they want. And with no need for other distractions they now will have their sights set on you.

To think you have ANY influential control of the chess board at play here is sheer arrogance. Unless you are in command of a large military presence, political influence, and vast amounts of wealth consider yourself a pawn on the board. Even having all three hardly guarantees you protection against any motovated stronger pieces. This isn't some ordinary spat between different factions of people with opposing political ideals. This is now an all out spiritual war. Your adversaries at this point are similar to spiritually void husks. At best the majority are being demonically influenced without realizing it. At worst, they are under actual demonic possesion. Any human victory or loss is determined and allowed by God.

This isnt meant to discourage anybody but if you think any victory is done by your power or the power of any group you can muster on your own you're sadly mistaken. God knows his true people will continue fighting Satan until the very end but also knows that they arent immune to Satan's extraordinary ability of persuasion/influence. This is the reason He will have to step in otherwise no one would be saved. God's return IS the big picture.
I don't truly care about any issues that aren't immediately in front of me in real time (unlike yourself who has all these theories about how to save "innocent" Palestinians from evil jews).
I don't have any theories other than the obvious, stop giving missiles to people who are launching missiles. That's not theoretical.

Some people are neutral on the conflict. Some are even in favor of it. I get that.
But this hyper emotional fetishizing of the murder of civilians halfway across the planet is just... extremely bizarre.
It's kind of surreal reading it on a Christian forum.

And where is this hostility towards *ME* coming from, for asking questions about it? If it's that disturbing, let's just leave this thread and move on. It shouldn't be something that causes emotional reaction and name calling amongst CiK members. I was curious to see some questions answered, but if that cannot be done (none of the questions I have posed have been answered) and results in name calling let's just leave the whole thread behind. It's not worth destroying our community.

I can understand the college kids having an emotional reaction to the war--they are responding to pictures of mutilated babies and are at a passionate point in their life. What I don't get is this ultra emotional PRO-Israeli point of view from a few on the forum. Extreme excitement for genocide.

You're putting words in my mouth. I never said this. I said that personally I'm not interested in Israel or Palestine and that I hope they annihilate each other. I can't stand these people and I'm sick of hearing about their self-inflicted problems over and over again for the last 40-years already.
No one is restricted to only discussing ideas which you have thought of or said previously. In fact, this conflict has nothing at all to do with you, or any of us. I don't care whether you said or didn't say an idea, I'm interested in the idea and whether it is valid or not. I honestly didn't realize you were even *in* this thread until just now when you made this so personal and emotiona, I'm just seeing ideas and responding to them. I'm not attributing anything to you, mostly because I don't care whether an idea came from you or not. If you feel I have incorrectly labeled you, then I humbly apologize. But for the record I have no opinion on your thoughts or viewpoints, and am not calling you any names, nor attributing any ideas to you personally. I simply don't debate that way, and personalities are not important to me.

If you can't quote me correctly then please stop trying to tell me what I'm for and against. I didn't start this war, I have nothing to do with it, so stop virtue signalling that its somehow on me to get involved. You obviously have some vested interest in Palestine (are you Arab or do you have Arab relatives?), so go for it, put your life on the line for this cause you are so passionate about. Personally, I've got some things I would die for, but Palestinians are not one of them. Sue me.
Purple, you need to calm down.
I have not falsely created any quotes.
I have no opinion on what you are for or against, and spent no time pondering it, as I didn't realize you were my "opponent" until right now.
We are discussing world events here.
Why are you so angered by questions or discussions around it?
Why are you insulting a fellow brother in Christ on a Christian forum for posing difficult questions?
If you cannot or don't want to answer a question, you are under no obligation, but this bizarre EFF YOU YOU CURIOUS CHRISTIAN BROTHER HOW DARE YOU POSE IDEAS THAT I HAVEN"T THOUGHT OF BEFORE attitude is bizarre and irrational.

Ideas do not need to be attributed to you , or anyone else, to be fair game for discussion.

For the last time, I am not a nihilist, if your judgment wasn't so clouded by your passionate fervor for Palestine then you would have a better memory for the entire context of my posting history on this forum. And, I haven't been "condemning" anyone (unlike yourself), I've been arguing counter points in good faith.

Purple. I am not making any direct accusations against you. I'm sorry if you feel offended. I didn't even realize we were on opposing sides of this issue until this post where you made it so publicly personal and emotional and then I noticed "Ah, PurpleUrkel. Apparently he doesn't like me". Mostly because I don't look at threads here based on "WHO POSTED THEM". Maybe I should, because it seems that is very important to some people here. But if you are going to engage in discussion, then you owe all of us on the forum a level of decency, respect, and objectivity.

At least the jews, as much as I despise them, are fighting a proper war, which by definition requires high amounts of civillian casualties. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
This is unhinged lunacy.

There are only 3 positions on the conflict:

1) Oppose the Biden regime's supply of money and weaponry to Israel which is being used to kill indiscriminately, and commit war crimes.
2) Support the Biden regime's supply of money and weaponry to Israel, our greatest ally (boomers, Christian Zionists, Jews).
3) Not care one way or the other.

If we cannot discuss which of the 3 positions we hold calmly and rationally, then let's stop discussion completely. This thread has become a disaster.

First thing's first, you know nothing about me as we've never met so don't go flinging baseless accusations and labels like some deranged liberal. I can say you remind me of conservatives who are uppity and pompous because man have I met many, but I don't. You might come off that way online but perhaps its just your writing style. Or maybe you are one, I don't know and quite frankly don't care too much.

Does anyone other than the poster feel this contributes meaningfully to ANYTHING?

I think we need to seriously revisit some basic ground rules for the forum.
I haven't seen any personal accusations in this thread (with the exception of a minority of posters who are making their personal beliefs the subject of the thread and then accusing others of comitting violations against them when ideas that make them uncomfortable are challenged), but this type of talk has no place whatsoever in rational discussion. Whether someone is a "deranged liberal" or not is irrelevant; deranged liberals exist, and some of them say things that are true, so this is a complete non-sequitor. (for the record @Samseau is quite the opposite of one, which makes the comment all the more absurd, but again is irrelevant to his statement). But the level of discussion created with this absurd namecalling is well below reddit-tier and has already lead to several prominent members leaving. MOSTLY BECAUSE IT IS BORING. NO ONE CARES ABOUT READING PERSONALITY ATTACKS AGAINST TWO STRANGERS THEY HAVE NEVER MET. But also because it genuinely upsets people.

We are sinking below the level of feminists, when we are failing to abide by the rules they themselves have stated (credit to Eleanor Roosevelt):

Great Minds Discuss Ideas; Average Minds Discuss Events; Small Minds Discuss People​

I don't mind occasionally discussing events here. This is a good site to learn about news that is not reported elsewhere, but we should strive for the discussion of ideas and ban the discussion of people or personality. Roosh was a bit more free with the ban hammer and this type of pettiness was rightly nipped in the bud.
Jews wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire

Muslims wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire

Antifags wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire

Let them do whatever they want to each other and we can sit back and enjoy. Not my monkeys not my circus, don't care for any of them but happy to see perhaps the Jews not just getting away with their shady Jew garbage like they are used to, that part is nice.
Jews wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire

Muslims wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire

Antifags wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire

Let them do whatever they want to each other and we can sit back and enjoy. Not my monkeys not my circus, don't care for any of them but happy to see perhaps the Jews not just getting away with their shady Jew garbage like they are used to, that part is nice.

Correct, none of them are our Neighbors, however, Talmuds are the ones infiltrating our society, because they are the richest people in the world, paying off our fellow citizens into becoming traitors and backstabbers who open the gates to foreigners, destroy our schools and youth (and by extension the women), and completely dismantle our industry.

People completely fail at threat evaluation if they think the three above are equal in any way. Talmuds are so far above the other two it's not even a contest. Talmuds are the reason the other two groups exist and are currently flooding into our countries.

You are making the same moral equivocation fallacy that Get2DeChopper, AlphaZero, and others are making about this. It is totally illogical to put a master class level of evil on the same plane as the other two.
Correct, none of them are our Neighbors, however, Talmuds are the ones infiltrating our society, because they are the richest people in the world, paying off our fellow citizens into becoming traitors and backstabbers who open the gates to foreigners, destroy our schools and youth (and by extension the women), and completely dismantle our industry.

People completely fail at threat evaluation if they think the three above are equal in any way. Talmuds are so far above the other two it's not even a contest. Talmuds are the reason the other two groups exist and are currently flooding into our countries.

You are making the same moral equivocation fallacy that Get2DeChopper, AlphaZero, and others are making about this. It is totally illogical to put a master class level of evil on the same plane as the other two.

One may be worse than the other in regards to how their action affect us negatively and I agree that is indeed the case but it doesn't make what I said untrue.
One may be worse than the other in regards to how their action affect us negatively and I agree that is indeed the case but it doesn't make what I said untrue.

It does make it untrue, because it's not a matter of "I don't care what they do to each other." It's a matter of, "We need to kill the bosses at the top or we all perish."

So we can't just sit back and enjoy. Not going to work that way. If we let the Talmuds destroy Antifa and other Leftists, we'll be next on the chopping block. United we stand, divided we fall. Don't just sit there and let the enemy pick us off one by one. Losing strategy.
It does make it untrue, because it's not a matter of "I don't care what they do to each other." It's a matter of, "We need to kill the bosses at the top or we all perish."

So we can't just sit back and enjoy. Not going to work that way. If we let the Talmuds destroy Antifa and other Leftists, we'll be next on the chopping block. United we stand, divided we fall. Don't just sit there and let the enemy pick us off one by one. Losing strategy.

Well I do agree, if I had to choose one group to go down it would be the Jews but I'm not so sure that would make the other groups allies. I don't think they would ever see us as allies...

I understand your point fully and it's valid, I think it's just a very convoluted circumstance.
Well I do agree, if I had to choose one group to go down it would be the Jews but I'm not so sure that would make the other groups allies. I don't think they would ever see us as allies...

I understand your point fully and it's valid, I think it's just a very convoluted circumstance.

Because those other groups would be nothing with Talmudic backing, and would quickly disintegrate over time.
Because those other groups would be nothing with Talmudic backing, and would quickly disintegrate over time.

Okay you know what, that right there changes my stance. I did not consider that and you are absolutely right, Muslims would not hate us if it weren't for Jews and antifags wouldn't exist if it weren't for Jews trying to sabotage the country for their gain.

Thank you sincerely for this insight brother
Muslims would not hate us if it weren't for Jews and antifags wouldn't exist if it weren't for Jews trying to sabotage the country for their gain.
I think it even more basic than this: these groups get a tremendous amount of funding and support from Talmuds.

Talmuds move muslims into our countries against our will. Talmuds are the ones who setup the current Islamic oil kingdoms after WW2, and did so in way that would be disadvantageous to Christians. Talmuds sell our military tech to Muslims as well!

Antifa is 100% funded, educated, and supplied by left-wing Talmudic orgs. It's not even debatable. That Antifa turns on Israel is really just a flaw of their design, it's their own attack dog coming back to bite them. Same thing happened with Janissaries in the Ottoman empire.

The Talmuds are the central nervous system of the enemies arrayed against Christians. Remove it and the rest of the enemies lose command, become disorganized and underfunded, and collapse naturally with little effort on our part.
I think it even more basic than this: these groups get a tremendous amount of funding and support from Talmuds.

Talmuds move muslims into our countries against our will. Talmuds are the ones who setup the current Islamic oil kingdoms after WW2, and did so in way that would be disadvantageous to Christians. Talmuds sell our military tech to Muslims as well!

Antifa is 100% funded, educated, and supplied by left-wing Talmudic orgs. It's not even debatable. That Antifa turns on Israel is really just a flaw of their design, it's their own attack dog coming back to bite them. Same thing happened with Janissaries in the Ottoman empire.

The Talmuds are the central nervous system of the enemies arrayed against Christians. Remove it and the rest of the enemies lose command, become disorganized and underfunded, and collapse naturally with little effort on our part.

So jews are pretty much the spider mastermind boss in doom once they are gone all the demons lose control, that works I see it!!!