US College protests -Israel/Palestine

Those college students are being educated on the brutality of the Zionist state that is shutting them down with state violence. They now can see their “compassionate” Jewish leftist college professors support Israel’s murder of civilians. The mask has been taken off. This is real education. To change the world takes action. Sitting on one’s ass and making critical comments on a forum doesn’t change anything. Let’s appreciate the students who are actually demanding disinvestment from Israel. Check around some of the forums on the Internet and you can see they aren’t happy about this.
They are in fact protesting against the government.

You want them suspended and expelled for protesting against the government.
They can do that on their own time off of campus property. If you owned a business or company would you want your employees (who represent you) acting like idiots inside your building or on property? The point is the majority dont know what they're protesting. All they know is to follow and mimic the crowds and feed their need to be a part of "something" and play the hero like in all those movies and shows they rot their brain with.

In reality they aren't doing anything other than showing naive support towards a country, government, and people that would like nothing better than to eliminate them and every other infidel should they be given free reign to do as they please. Do you honestly think any muslim or middle easterner will ally themselves with western society without any nefarious ulterior motive or end goal? These types have already made their moves on US soil taking political positions, opening companies, and hiring their own. They have slowly started changing demographics of chosen towns and cities. They are no paragons of virtue.

You bitch and moan about Fallen Jews and their tactics but they wont have the balls to outright kill you. They reached their fallen status by rejecting God and replacing him with mammon. Same with this country and it's satanic state. The more people believe they can be self reliant with the creations of their hands and own intelligence the more they turn away from God, essentially worshipping themselves. No allyship with other people's will save the West.

Only God can be trusted.
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The more people believe they can be self reliant with the creations of their hands and own intelligence the more they turn away from God...
I was going to hit red pill for your post until this. I gave your post a thumbs up anyhow because your take on muzzies in America is spot on (though I do have a personal Muslim-American friend who is an exception to this rule).

What you say above is not always true... "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." One thing that keeps the Amish close to God is their high level of skill and craftsmanship with their hands which makes them self-reliant and thus semi-free of the demonic "modern" world.
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Future cannon fodder for Israel's wars:


Whites are ONLY allowed to organize together if it is to defend Israel. Pretty amazing.
This photo has been passed around by boomers on social media as proof of some sort of "Look! Murica!" meme but as Nick Fuentes proves in the video below, these "frat boys" are actually Jews and if you zoom out a couple of inches in the photo they are surrounded by Israeli flags. Faux News even interviews one of these frat boys and asks him why they decided to come out and unfurl the American flag and his answer is "I was really there for our country of Israel."


And of course there is massive grift going on with conservatards raising over $300,000 for these supposed American patriots.
Here are some Jews bragging to other jews about it (J for J media is the best way to analyze them):

There really must be something done about the boomer. He is so gullible and stupid.
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On a serious note, in a sane world all those students would be suspended or expelled. 99% of students at these universities are children of rich parents who didn't properly raise their little brats if at all.
They should also get off your lawn, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and stop complaining about their dating prospects, right?

GTFO with this censorship attitude. Expell a student for having an opinion about genocide. Lol. Do we have Hasbara trolls infecting the forum now?

Of course it's not only perfectly fine, but good (and quite surprising) that we still have Americans that care about things like opposing the murder of babies, fomenting the next world war, and resisting an ongoing genocide.

Christ teaches that we have a duty to oppose Satan, and where Christians withdraw, Satan expands. The European Christian world simply won't exist in another hundred years if the American / Israeli Zionists rule it. They have only been in power for 50 years and just look at the entire western world, outside Russia.

Our college students may have a lot of problems, but they are way better than our actual adults running things that they supposedly should shut up and listen to.
I was going to hit red pill for your post until this. I gave your post a thumbs up anyhow because your take on muzzies in America is spot on (though I do have a personal Muslim-American friend who is an exception to this rule).

What you say above is not always true... "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." One thing that keeps the Amish close to God is their high level of skill and craftsmanship with their hands which makes them self-reliant and thus semi-free of the demonic "modern" world.
When I wrote "creations of their hands" I was specifying in terms of science and technology. Every few years there are major advances that "improve" people's daily lives.

For example:

Medicine and medical procedures to eliminate or treat more and more ailments that extend our living years.

Increasing knowledge of the scientific world and how to manipulate its properties for our benefit. Think of stem cell research, cloning, creating genetically modified organs. In a way trying to imperfectly create life.

Inventions that have eliminated and automated many manual, physical jobs of the past such as majority of factory workers. Some of the digital sector is possibly at risk with AI. Plenty of things you can do with a computer can also be automated.

Software and supercomputers that can process and analyze various types of information and data constantly.

All of these things make modern humans think they have everything figured out and that no reliance on a higher power is needed.
Interesting and poignant observation and potential prediction on behalf of Heartiste about these events:

He is saying that the jews will now tribe-up if they see that they can maneuver their golems back under their control against the heritage Whites of America.
Guess who keeps pulling you into ethnic conflicts on the other side of the world.

You seem to have major cognitive dissonance regarding this subject.

No. You seem to not have read what I've said.

I'm merely saying that I don't like them. Shove off with your passive aggressive quips, I'm fully aware of what's going on here.

What's your beef with Hamas?
They are a disruptive organization that is on the same side of political weaponized movements like antifa.

Hamas folks aren't any more like me than the Jews. And while I feel for Palestinian Christians.... The Hamas elements also have tons of nasty people. They're a subversion group too.
They should also get off your lawn, pull themselves up by their bootstraps, and stop complaining about their dating prospects, right?

GTFO with this censorship attitude. Expell a student for having an opinion about genocide. Lol. Do we have Hasbara trolls infecting the forum now?

Of course it's not only perfectly fine, but good (and quite surprising) that we still have Americans that care about things like opposing the murder of babies, fomenting the next world war, and resisting an ongoing genocide.

Christ teaches that we have a duty to oppose Satan, and where Christians withdraw, Satan expands. The European Christian world simply won't exist in another hundred years if the American / Israeli Zionists rule it. They have only been in power for 50 years and just look at the entire western world, outside Russia.

Our college students may have a lot of problems, but they are way better than our actual adults running things that they supposedly should shut up and listen to.

Here's your problem:

"The number of right-wing media outlets that are systematically, fanatically "pro-Israel" is actually astonishing:-Fox News-Daily Wire-Newsmax-The Post Millennial-PragerU-Breitbart-Washington Free Beacon-Rebel News-Epoch Times-Babylon Bee-New York Post-National Review-WorldNetDaily-Washington Times-Washington Examiner-One America News-Real America's Voice-Christian Broadcasting Network-The Blaze-Daily Mail-The Free Press-The Federalist-Gateway Pundit-Salem Radio Network-Right Side Broadcasting Network-Western Journal-Human Events-RedState-PJ Media-Hot Air-Twitchy-Townhall-Drudge Report-Daily Caller"
Again, not even close. Hamas are defending the homes they've lived in for centuries. They have skin in the game. Antifa are generally dumb college kids who take up a political cause to make up for the lack of any religious cause in their lives.
When it comes to Palestine support, I'd suggest you're making a distinction with out a difference.

To majority of Americans, they don't know or care about the difference between a pro-Hamas, and pro Palestinians protestor.

Hamas isn't without bloodshed either. One puts themselves on the wrong side of the moral argument trying to defend them also.