US Border Crisis

And I find it crazy to think we’re in this mess because people don’t want to keep their families intact and scream for welfare to fill the void.

Well immigrants don't have that issue, they keep their communities intact for better or worse but the new ones still leech everything they can so it's a double whammy.

It started with politicians giving handouts to worthless Americans to buy votes but that's an afterthought now as they don't fall for it as much. So theyre now importing votes and giving those votes incentive to stay and keep voting for the handouts.

I've had more than one level headed conversation with hoodrat black people about how the handouts actually hold their people back and they understood, but it wasn't because they saw the light it was more "yea bad whitey". I've also had the conversation with jobless obese white people and they actually get upset, they think they are entitled to the handout. It's a strange dynamic to say the least, both think they are entitled to handouts but for different reasons. Blacks because they are black and they have been trained that the world owes them everything and white people because of a myriad of excuses from physical disabilities to mental health bs, bad parents and everything in between. One group is angry for no reason and the other group just wallows in self pity.....both worthless to society.

So now you have the recent influx of immigrants, I remember not too long ago seeing a woman in a hijab in my area was a shock, but now they're everywhere. These people have no interest in becoming Americans they are only here to be leeches and that's how the politicians want it....they imported their votes because the old method dried up.

But you're right it originates back to the family unit and support from a village, that has decayed severely for most Americans other than maybe first or second gen immigrants.
But you're right it originates back to the family unit and support from a village, that has decayed severely for most Americans other than maybe first or second gen immigrants.
So the question becomes how do we reinstitute it? I think the two options are libertarian paradise or Nordic model. In libertarian paradise there is no support. Be useful or starve. Make friends and make friends soon. Sure for the disabled disabled there’d be something. Like I’m talking too old or not able to work. The mental health and obesity stuff overcome or starve. Or have family and friends you can depend on. The other option is to start squeezing the poors and make them pay for their own benefits a la Nordic model. I think even though I am religious and would like to see a resurgence of the family and local support systems, most Americans aren’t. I think a way we could get younger people on board is by flat out saying “boomers bankrupted the country. You need to start building your own support networks and see to yourself, country’s insolvent. Sorry guys” that’s if we go the libertarian route.

Other option which I seriously believe in is “fat tax, single mom tax, unemployed tax, not here legally tax, filed for a divorce tax, tranny tax” just a general unhealthy life choices excise tax. This could refund and build back up some sort of welfare state. This has always been my gripe with the Bush era conservatives. You can’t legislate morality. But you can make the immoral foot the bill for it. And use the cash to build the Norwegian style welfare state they beg for so much.

Edit - it’s important to keep this in mind however, none of these solutions are politically viable under our government, the US will have to completely tank before any major changes can ever be implemented. Everyone’s too comfortable now and I think you need to reach a tipping point before change is in the air. Think the old Soviet Union.
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