US Border Crisis

What does being a santuary city have to do with anything?
It does have to do with everything.

Who is dumping illegal migrants in a Red State (or Red City) that is not part of the Democrats' "Sanctuary City/State" agenda? Same thing is happening in Alabama as well.

A group of Haitians were dropped off in Sylacauga Alabama seemingly overnight. They came by way of the Biden parole program into this small town in Alabama. When citizens asked for details they were told to shut up. The mayor is saying the governor assured him they were there for work. The governor of Alabama said he has no idea what they are there for and was never informed by the Biden administration of anything. How is this happening in America?

Alabama city council meeting comes to abrupt close after questions about Haitian immigrants​

A Sylacauga City Council meeting was cut short after only 20 minutes Thursday following questions from several residents about recent Haitian immigration to the area.

Council President Tiffany Nix brought the meeting to a close after several residents asked questions about how the city knew workers coming there were legal immigrants, who had determined this, and what effect they were having on crime and housing.

After three residents asked questions during the meeting, Nix brought it to a close. “I’m going to cut it off,” she said.

One resident, saying she was concerned, asked “who is heading up watching over this situation?”


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Is what Patrick Crusius did something that was for good or was that counterproductive?
That's a complicated answer, even more so in today's social climate that places emotion and feelings over common sense and logic.

The simple answer to your question is I don't know if what he did was good or counterproductive.

At face value, he went to Walmart and did what he did to those people. Now, what we don't know is whether these were "mostly" innocent people caught in the crossfire, people who he had prior experiences with, or whether some of those people were actual criminals behind the scenes. We'll never know. But you can be sure that people treaded somewhat lightly in the days following the incident. Fear of someone or something often brings better behavior and like I mentioned in a separate post recently the only thing third worlders respect is power, money, and violence.

I dont condone cold blooded murder but if Americans (to the common man up to elected officials) actually stood up to these barbarians (and whatever shadow figures or organizations bringing them in and protecting them) united as a group there would be less problems. If they called out bad behavior when it occurred, stood their ground on the basis of American interests, and were willing to get physical (not murder) when there was resistance from these people there would be a lower level of tension and people wouldnt reach a boiling point like Patrick did.

What he did was labeled a hate crime but havent govt, politicians, and corporations been operating on discrimatory policies since at least the Obama presidency? Affirmative action, DEI practice, preferential treatment on the basis of the color of your skin or who you have sex with, all while putting one specific race and skin color. To add insult to injury, they claim equal opportunity as a cover up. Because of these practices well deserving whites who dont come from money (and may not specifically adhere to such nonsense practices) have been denied opportunities in education, benefits, healthcare and job opportunities in favor of someone with a darker skin color. If you ask me that's a hate crime on a national scale. But again though this only happens when the people divided allow it to happen.

I can understand Patricks motives but his execution in resolution was in poor taste.
Great talking point for anyone talking to someone that isn't an anti-White libtard. You can't afford to see a doctor, or you may not even be able to do so without seeing a bunch of nurses first. Most of the country is full of neglected infrastructure. Parks that are run down, sidewalks that are crumbling, roads that are patched together and cause damage to vehicles due to the lack of road maintenance. People can't afford to buy groceries, keep the lights on, and send their kids to college. Yet they are get taxed 10's of thousands a year. Where does all that money go? To fund your replacement to the delight of the satanic elite.

Another day in the USA and the whole west. Things that will permanently disadvantage/harm you for the foreseeable future keep magically happening at an industrial scale in an organized, efficient manner with cooperation between the public and private sector.

Yet you go on twitter and you hear things like “woke”, “Biden administration”, “Soro’s judges” and my favorite “finally someone is speaking out”. Is the woke virus in the room with us right now? I hope Trump will roll out a vaccine for this virus. Sounds serious.

The only conclusion an intelligent man can come to is clearly the fact that the border is wide open. Someone forgot to lock the gate. Luckily we have a man speaking out. Trump will finally close that gate, Sleepy Joe couldn’t be bothered. Sickening negligence.

Basically we have a situation where a huge part of the US population is non-European. These people might dislike the open border policy but we have to use common sense.

This is something not talked about enough.

The issue with the illegals for every single non-white person in America and the west is the lack of “assimilation” and “fairness”.

If you’re a white American the issue with the illegals is a race issue. By the jew definition that would make you racist and by this point you should be embracing it. If you’re a white liberal you’re basically in the non-white camp.

That’s a huge problem. The difference between the camps.

The non-white camp doesn’t have an issue with them being hispanics or Africans. They’re very sympathetic to each other. Almost all regions of the world have impoverished, dirty, stupid people in their ranks, that resemble any stereotype of an African. A white man will never be able to rally a multiracial “anti-black” movement for that reason, even if you think everyone hates blacks. The non-whites have an issue with the details in regards to migration. They’re coming too quickly, they don’t speak English, there should be a process, or they shouldn’t get free money.

You, white man, have an issue with their race. Even if you try to deny it, it wont matter. That’s what it’s going to come down to at the end of the day. It will come down to race. Even if the migration was done as painlessly as possible you will still suffer. It’s called replacement for a reason. Even if they’re nice people now.

What I’m saying is very well understood by the non-white camp. They know that all these anti-illegal whites have only one card to play. Our only card is “send them back, they don’t belong here”. It’s a race card, like it or not.

The non-whites will never co-sign such a movement and the more us whites move in that direction with the cat jokes the more we’re going to start losing the non-white support.

I hope my comment helped someone understand Trump’s behavior and why not everyone is jumping for joy.
This man’s precious son was killed by this Haitian n!gg3r and he wishes the killer was white.

View attachment 12224

Just looking at this and other photos of him, he looks like a borderline Mongoloid. Oh well, to keep him is no benefit, to destroy him is no loss.
Another day in the USA and the whole west. Things that will permanently disadvantage/harm you for the foreseeable future keep magically happening at an industrial scale in an organized, efficient manner with cooperation between the public and private sector.

Yet you go on twitter and you hear things like “woke”, “Biden administration”, “Soro’s judges” and my favorite “finally someone is speaking out”. Is the woke virus in the room with us right now? I hope Trump will roll out a vaccine for this virus. Sounds serious.

The only conclusion an intelligent man can come to is clearly the fact that the border is wide open. Someone forgot to lock the gate. Luckily we have a man speaking out. Trump will finally close that gate, Sleepy Joe couldn’t be bothered. Sickening negligence.

Basically we have a situation where a huge part of the US population is non-European. These people might dislike the open border policy but we have to use common sense.

This is something not talked about enough.

The issue with the illegals for every single non-white person in America and the west is the lack of “assimilation” and “fairness”.

If you’re a white American the issue with the illegals is a race issue. By the jew definition that would make you racist and by this point you should be embracing it. If you’re a white liberal you’re basically in the non-white camp.

That’s a huge problem. The difference between the camps.

The non-white camp doesn’t have an issue with them being hispanics or Africans. They’re very sympathetic to each other. Almost all regions of the world have impoverished, dirty, stupid people in their ranks, that resemble any stereotype of an African. A white man will never be able to rally a multiracial “anti-black” movement for that reason, even if you think everyone hates blacks. The non-whites have an issue with the details in regards to migration. They’re coming too quickly, they don’t speak English, there should be a process, or they shouldn’t get free money.

You, white man, have an issue with their race. Even if you try to deny it, it wont matter. That’s what it’s going to come down to at the end of the day. It will come down to race. Even if the migration was done as painlessly as possible you will still suffer. It’s called replacement for a reason. Even if they’re nice people now.

What I’m saying is very well understood by the non-white camp. They know that all these anti-illegal whites have only one card to play. Our only card is “send them back, they don’t belong here”. It’s a race card, like it or not.

The non-whites will never co-sign such a movement and the more us whites move in that direction with the cat jokes the more we’re going to start losing the non-white support.

I hope my comment helped someone understand Trump’s behavior and why not everyone is jumping for joy.
What just doesn't make sense to me is why other countries shoot and k!ll invaders, but here we see employees of the government actively working to bring them in ILLEGALLY. Absolute peak clown world.
Do not promote illegal activities
I'm probably going to get grilled for this but the writing has been on the wall for so long it needs a fresh coat of paint.

If this comes to a town near you (which it will, there are literally millions upon millions of these mindless swarthoid savages coming into the USA and Europe every day) what you must first do is make logistical overlays of your surroundings. The tuck tail and bugging out to the sticks with your peace of mind that you can live on lethal levels of fake sodium-laced MREs waiting for the singularity of collapse isn't the way to go. Tribe and train, a small group of 4-5 guys is enough to start an entire town from nothing, you can certainly work together clandestinely against the conspirators who are targeting your lives.

Remember you just have to be able to overpower the authorities in terms of the level violence, outwit them with training, gear, technology, and maneuverability. It will be local for the most part. The feds won't get sent in unless someone stops the flow by messing with the logistics of the supply chain of blacks and browns (the commodity for the jews). In the USA the BP guys usually are somewhat involved in site visits to the "centers" they set up for the invaders. They gave these cannibals "protected status" as a legal reason for White Americans to suffer endlessly. Some Police whose hands are tied may sit back and allow vigilantism to succeed but I still would not trust any one of them and involve any one of them in your plans to save your town.

-Find out where the buses will be coming from, where they will be dropping the invaders off at, and the routes they take in and out of the city.
-Go outside of town, a good 10-20 miles and lay traps on the road when the bus is near. This requires precise timing so you don't inadvertently hurt bystanders or damage innocent White drivers and vehicles. Traffic spikes can be bought or made pretty cheaply from the right sources.
-Once the bus is disabled carrying the swine, use a cell phone jammer that you bought with a series of pre-paid cards that you paid in cash for, or obtained some other way and had delivered to a PO box with a phony name on it, use it to block all signals. Leave them stranded and slash the tires of the bus, while you disappear back into the bush with your preconceived infil/exfil route.
-Then (no I'm not going to tell you to shoot the bus and kill every demon inside of it) when the authorities are too busy helping these wretched heathens, return to the town and set fire to their centers. Yes, commit arson, they're not that dumb they will run away from the fire to not get burned, this will cause further strain on the fiat system to build more homes or force them to reveal their despotism further by taking the homes of American citizens and giving it to cannibals.
-Study the layout of CCTV cameras surrounding the center before you torch it. To get a better idea, go at night and use a thermal camera (going for 1k-2k but a worthy investment) to see where hidden sources of small cameras are concealed (they will emit heat signatures at night), the syphilitic brains behind these schemes like to cover their Kalergi centers with eyes in in most larger towns. Now you know all angles that are recorded, do this ahead of time or have someone else who will not participate discover the location of the cameras so that person who may be identified with biometric tech has a legit alibi during the mission.

Project mayhem their dwellings, ideally at the same time someone should be sending a personal message to all local and state politicians who allowed this to happen. In your free time you should be publicly shaming any gutless white liberal or money-grubbing conservative that objects.

God help us all. Every single one of us will be forced into a kill or be killed situation in the next ten years, it is unavoidable now. We will all know hunger and pain and experience bloodshed. This is the fate of the descendants of those who fall under the auspices of the jew.
Stop calling them migrants Torba... they are illegals.
They can become "legal" with a simple passing of a bill. Others are legal and brought here just to attack Whites and Christianity.

No matter how they got here, legally or illegally, the same problem is going to occur. Torba is right, use their "migrant" word against them. Turn the world "migrant" into what it really has become, biological weapon to destroy the west.