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US Border Crisis

Not much to say outside of seething rage.

Has there even been anything so openly nefarious as this in the history of the world?

These criminals coming in for the purpose of our destruction know what they're getting themselves into.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 4.14.27 PM.png


"The purpose of a system is what it does"

If our immigration and policy people have ensured that foreigners are getting jobs when native born Americans are not, the purpose of those institutions is to demographically replace Americans. It's not a glitch in the system. This is the easiest problem in the world to fix.
Here you go Americans. Get your crosses and your rifles and your body armor and your 300 blackout rounds and be ready to finish what Cortez started 500 years ago before you and your family end up on a liveleak clip as part of these demonic cannibal subhuman's daily rituals.

Here is a video that contains a piece of Montana Pastor Chuck Baldwin's recent sermon called "God is not to be mocked" on protecting one's life:

"The American People have no clue about the type of subhumans pouring into the US"

This guy is really animated, wish more were like him.

The jews are purposefully and ultimately responsible for this and all future suffering to come. The organization HIAS (Hebrew Immigration Aid Society) , funded to no end, pulling the strings to "escort" more than half a million savages into the US.

If you are cornered by these demons, remember to never let them take you alive. Go out fighting and take as many of these fiends with you as you can. Only a righteous crusading inquisition, the likes of which the jews have had nightmares about, can put a stop to these heathens who are planning to poison, dismember, and kill everyone.

He mentions two beheadings by invading aliens working for cartel operations that occurred since the floodgates have been opened in Minnesota and California that have been recorded, and that we do not know how many beheadings have taken place that have been hidden by the jews.

They have also become a considerable force on Indian reservations, prime areas for their operations. The reservation's funding for law enforcement comes from the federal government, who refuses to supply enough personnel there to keep the peace, so many vigilante groups have formed there as a result of this. The red man is going to wish for the White man to come back after dealing with these aztec fiends.

"The cartels are just getting started on organizing, and the streets of every American city will be awash with blood. Don't be shocked when it comes to a town where you live. This is deliberate policy on behalf of the jews. The more crime these invaders commit, the more excuse it gives the federal government to institute a police state against the people of the United States."

"What is coming to this country because of the open border policy of this admin is going to wreak havoc for decades to come. If you're not prepared to deal with it as an individual and as a community of individuals, you have no hope except for the mercy of people who have no mercy."

"Passing laws to disarm the American people by prohibiting the purchase and or carrying a firearm for self-defense mocks the natural laws of God for self-preservation and protection of God's natural creation. It is a God-given duty, not just a right. Self-preservation is a duty given to us by our Creator."

As for the savages, don't ever let your guard down. Embrace racial realism. Christ could never be found in the hearts of people like this. These other, darker races are only able to pay lip service to the Laws of God and the Gospel.
Here you go Americans. Get your crosses and your rifles and your body armor and your 300 blackout rounds and be ready to finish what Cortez started 500 years ago before you and your family end up on a liveleak clip as part of these demonic cannibal subhuman's daily rituals.

Here is a video that contains a piece of Montana Pastor Chuck Baldwin's recent sermon called "God is not to be mocked" on protecting one's life:

"The American People have no clue about the type of subhumans pouring into the US"

This guy is really animated, wish more were like him.

The jews are purposefully and ultimately responsible for this and all future suffering to come. The organization HIAS (Hebrew Immigration Aid Society) , funded to no end, pulling the strings to "escort" more than half a million savages into the US.

If you are cornered by these demons, remember to never let them take you alive. Go out fighting and take as many of these fiends with you as you can. Only a righteous crusading inquisition, the likes of which the jews have had nightmares about, can put a stop to these heathens who are planning to poison, dismember, and kill everyone.

He mentions two beheadings by invading aliens working for cartel operations that occurred since the floodgates have been opened in Minnesota and California that have been recorded, and that we do not know how many beheadings have taken place that have been hidden by the jews.

They have also become a considerable force on Indian reservations, prime areas for their operations. The reservation's funding for law enforcement comes from the federal government, who refuses to supply enough personnel there to keep the peace, so many vigilante groups have formed there as a result of this. The red man is going to wish for the White man to come back after dealing with these aztec fiends.

"The cartels are just getting started on organizing, and the streets of every American city will be awash with blood. Don't be shocked when it comes to a town where you live. This is deliberate policy on behalf of the jews. The more crime these invaders commit, the more excuse it gives the federal government to institute a police state against the people of the United States."

"What is coming to this country because of the open border policy of this admin is going to wreak havoc for decades to come. If you're not prepared to deal with it as an individual and as a community of individuals, you have no hope except for the mercy of people who have no mercy."

"Passing laws to disarm the American people by prohibiting the purchase and or carrying a firearm for self-defense mocks the natural laws of God for self-preservation and protection of God's natural creation. It is a God-given duty, not just a right. Self-preservation is a duty given to us by our Creator."

As for the savages, don't ever let your guard down. Embrace racial realism. Christ could never be found in the hearts of people like this. These other, darker races are only able to pay lip service to the Laws of God and the Gospel.

This is not a battle worth flighting, brothers. Better idea: Learn Russian, make friends there, find yourself a beautiful slavic wife, have as many children as possible. The West is lost, don't be a victim, think ahead, consider your best options, and take commensurate steps.
This is not a battle worth flighting, brothers. Better idea: Learn Russian, make friends there, find yourself a beautiful slavic wife, have as many children as possible. The West is lost, don't be a victim, think ahead, consider your best options, and take commensurate steps.
Never said it was "worth" fighting in the USA, only that the people there should be aware of the breadth of depravity of what these devils do to each other and will have no problem inflicting on the millions of innocents in heartland America. Tens of millions of Whites there will not be able to do what we can nor will it be logistically possible for them all to flee.

To your other sentiment, I wholeheartedly agree. Find a European wife, whether that be Teutonic, Slavonic, Romanic, Celtic, or Greek. We naturally are inclined towards our own preferences within that strata.
This is not a battle worth flighting, brothers. Better idea: Learn Russian, make friends there, find yourself a beautiful slavic wife, have as many children as possible. The West is lost, don't be a victim, think ahead, consider your best options, and take commensurate steps.
I disagree.

I am staying and fighting. My family and ancestors have put too much into this nation for me to turn it over the unwashed heathens without fighting.

I'm not Russian, I have zero desire to be a Russian, and I already have a family here. Economically, there is still wayyyyy more opportunity here than anywhere I could find overseas. I'm quite confident there aren't a lot of $200k+ jobs out there when moving to Russia for an Expat....
I disagree.

I am staying and fighting. My family and ancestors have put too much into this nation for me to turn it over the unwashed heathens without fighting.

I'm not Russian, I have zero desire to be a Russian, and I already have a family here. Economically, there is still wayyyyy more opportunity here than anywhere I could find overseas. I'm quite confident there aren't a lot of $200k+ jobs out there when moving to Russia for an Expat....

I agree. My family arrived here in March of 1634. They fought in every war even when it looked bleak. They built something special that has lasted. I owe it to them and the future to do some heavy lifting of my own. I'm not going anywhere.

Let's begin with a series of news headlines that show Chilean crime gangs have been on a nationwide burglary spree, targeting wealthy neighborhoods from coast to coast:
  • NBC7 San Diego: "Chilean break-in crew is back, and burglaries are on the rise in La Jolla"
  • Fox 2 Detroit: "High-end Michigan burglaries tied to Chilean crime ring, prompts police task force"
  • NBC 10 Philadelphia: "Another Chilean man arrested as Montco targeted by 'South American Theft Groups'"
  • ABC 7 Los Angeles: "OC judge throws out plea deal in case involving alleged Chilean burglary ring"
  • NBC 12 Scottsdale: "'These are professionals': Latest arrests in East Valley burglary cases tied to Chilean crime ring"
  • Oklahoma News 4: "Million-dollar OKC homes burglarized, possibly connected to Chilean crime ring"
  • ZeroHedge: "South American Gangs Target Dozens Of Mansions In Detroit"
  • AP News: "3 Chilean nationals accused of burglarizing high-end Michigan homes"
  • Vanity Fair: "Thieves in the Night: A Vast Burglary Ring From Chile Has Been Targeting Wealthy U.S. Households"
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This is not a battle worth flighting, brothers. Better idea: Learn Russian, make friends there, find yourself a beautiful slavic wife, have as many children as possible. The West is lost, don't be a victim, think ahead, consider your best options, and take commensurate steps.

So we should just give up and let the arrogant, bloodthirsty, merciless and atheistic yids win? Along with their golems of third world lowlife savages, incompatible recent cultures and long-standing violent low IQ, unable-to-adapt-to-the-bell-curve dark races?

Umm, like no effing way, dude.
Stay and Fight for sure, but how do you effectively get an atomized Mammon-American Dream Focused, and dwindling Group of Mixed Europeans to organize against the International Forces of ZOG?

Mr. Moustache Man mostly had to focus on a Common Ethnicity that was split with Christian Sects as his main hurdle of organizing a large enough politic of people to make the Internationalist Uncomfortable.

Most Boomers just can't get over that Sacred WW2 Good Guy, Daddy was my Hero Brainwashing...and Chews were Undeservingly persecuted. Same goes with Gen X and some Millenials....

Need some kind of hijacked global Signal Feed to pipe in "Europa the Last Battle" across the Nation, in living rooms and in churches.
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Stay and Fight for sure, but how do you effectively get an atomized Mammon-American Dream Focused, and dwindling Group of Mixed Europeans to organize against the International Forces of ZOG?

Mr. Moustache Man mostly had to focus on a Common Ethnicity that was split with Christian Sects as his main hurdle of organizing a large enough politic of people to make the Internationalist Uncomfortable.

Most Boomers just can't get over that Sacred WW2 Good Guy, Daddy was my Hero Brainwashing...and Chews were Undeservingly persecuted. Same goes with Gen X and some Millenials....

Need some kind of hijacked global Signal Feed to pipe in "Europa the Last Battle" across the Nation, in living rooms and in churches.

How do we, as Christians, draw the line here without breaching our beliefs and bringing judgement upon ourselves? It's the same problem here in the UK and the average Christian welcomes them, the liberal ones with bleeding hearts help them and pray for them, calling them God's children, whilst the cynical ones at least question their status. I just can't help having an adverse reaction to the advancing newcomers who arrive completely at random in this parochial part of the world and who will clearly not fit in with the culture, never mind the cold, damp weather.

When you look at the bigger picture, I suppose they are lost and being used, so should at least be preached to, but to the best of my knowledge, receptivity to The Gospel is relatively low.