US Border Crisis

Seeing what's happening to the US and its sovereignty, I wonder how many or few people realize that this has happened before, and it's why "authoritarian" measures or dictators pop up. Right or wrong, most of the people or politicians in DC should be prepared for the gallows, according to our Constitution.

I’m not sure that’s ever going to happen. The globo homo rot has power at every level: military, judicial, federal alphabet agencies, I mean arguably it’s always been like this it’s just more up front and in your face now but it’s not good.
I’m not sure that’s ever going to happen. The globo homo rot has power at every level: military, judicial, federal alphabet agencies, I mean arguably it’s always been like this it’s just more up front and in your face now but it’s not good.
Just looking at the last 110 years of Russian history we can see how things can change very, very fast, despite a uniparty or monarchy and very well established lines of power.

Millions of people pouring into the country every few months, rampant corruption, and losing war after war is societal change at least on par with what preceded the fall of the USSR and the Russian Tsardom. The bad news is what followed either of those events was worse than what preceded it for quite some time. At a level, certain people know this, so until the cost-benefit analysis comes up with "Yeah it's worth risking my life to end this system" for the average fighting age male, we are going to get not just more of the same, but worse and worse.
"Yeah it's worth risking my life to end this system"
Remember my link to the discussion with the roman catholic guys, Clarey and the older guy that said yeah it's best to check out for most men? That's what they were asking the single men to do, so that "conservatives" could win in 100 years due to population effects. Knowing that demographics is a BS topic, that made me both angry and sick.
Physiognimy is real.
I actually saw his physiognomy earlier, said to myself "He looks like a pedophile" so I looked him up and saw he used to be the president of a Baptist church camp for kids, then I was like "WHOA this guy really is a pedo!" and THEN I saw that article saying he thinks 13 year olds can consent.

Physiognomy is really powerful. And to clarify why he looks like a pedophile... he looks like he could be anywhere between 30 and 65 years old. Those weird child-like or excessively youthful faces in men is a red flag. That, combined with his sunken, dark face, is a significant indicator of childhood abuse, homosexuality, or low testosterone.

Edit: Compare to Milo Yiannopoulos, a former homosexual who was sexually abused as a child.
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I actually saw his physiognomy earlier, said to myself "He looks like a pedophile" so I looked him up and saw he used to be the president of a Baptist church camp for kids, then I was like "WHOA this guy really is a pedo!" and THEN I saw that article saying he thinks 13 year olds can consent.

Physiognomy is really powerful. And to clarify why he looks like a pedophile... he looks like he could be anywhere between 30 and 65 years old. Those weird child-like or excessively youthful faces in men is a red flag. That, combined with his sunken, dark face, is a significant indicator of childhood abuse, homosexuality, or low testosterone.

Edit: Compare to Milo Yiannopoulos, a former homosexual who was sexually abused as a child.
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I'm sad to say I think you are on to something here.
I actually saw his physiognomy earlier, said to myself "He looks like a pedophile" so I looked him up and saw he used to be the president of a Baptist church camp for kids, then I was like "WHOA this guy really is a pedo!" and THEN I saw that article saying he thinks 13 year olds can consent.

Physiognomy is really powerful. And to clarify why he looks like a pedophile... he looks like he could be anywhere between 30 and 65 years old. Those weird child-like or excessively youthful faces in men is a red flag. That, combined with his sunken, dark face, is a significant indicator of childhood abuse, homosexuality, or low testosterone.

Edit: Compare to Milo Yiannopoulos, a former homosexual who was sexually abused as a child.
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Deep State probably has blackmail material on him. Why else stick his neck out like this, destroying his political career.


“Rapper 50 Cent is no fan of Mayor Adams’ plan to distribute $53 million to city migrants on pre-paid credit cards, blasting the idea in an Instagram post Saturday.

“WTF mayor Adams call my phone, I don’t understand how this works 🤷🏽‍♂️somebody explain,” the rapper wrote after sharing a screengrab of the Post’s coverage. “Can’t explain this I’m stuck maybe TRUMP is the answer.”


Mayor Adams calls on 50 Cent to ‘hit me up’ after rapper disses migrant credit cards: ‘Maybe he’ll write a song about me’
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What’s going on in Las Vegas during Super Bowl week?
50 Cent sued by Power 106 host for allegedly throwing microphone at her face

The city program will offer asylum seekers at the Roosevelt Hotel with hard cash, intended to help them pay for food, according to city records.

The program will begin with 500 migrant families in short-term hotel stays.

A family of four could receive nearly $1,000 a month.

50 Cent, also known as Curtis James Jackson III, was once one of the biggest rappers of the 2000s.“
5k a day - before they even try to enforce anything. You know they'll have system errors that let in another 2k before the red light comes on for that day.

5k a day is 1.825M/year. That's enough to swing Texas blue - and any other state for that matter. Ronald Reagan's folly was the 3M illegals he legalized. It lost California for good, and the dems never held up their end of his deal (imagine that). Democrats have been playing Republicans like a violin for years, and any Republican that votes for it now is part of the act.

Gaetz, Desantis, and Trump are right - we don't need a deal for the border. The deal was made in the Constitution. States joined the Union and the Union secures the border - agreed. That's the deal. The Union has failed to hold up its end of the deal. Many States continue to petition for the Union to hold up the deal, and the Union disregards.

All this "we need a border deal" talk is nonsense. Republicans have had multiple "deals" with democrats for decades - babbling about some theoretical border enforcement that never happens.

Some customers are never satisfied and always break their end of version 2.4.b.6 of your relationship. Their whole plan is to elicit a new favor or better deal, get agreement on that, then elicit another concession (all while they are withholding pay/performance). At this point, one must just hold firm, deny goods/services, stop responding to their gaslighting.

At a certain point, the contract is broken - in fact if not in word. It only takes one party to de facto void the agreement. That's life.

Hard as it sounds, there is truth to the line "the party saying 'no' has all the power." Republicans can simply say no to this nonsense. No explanation needed.
5k a day - before they even try to enforce anything. You know they'll have system errors that let in another 2k before the red light comes on for that day.

5k a day is 1.825M/year. That's enough to swing Texas blue - and any other state for that matter. Ronald Reagan's folly was the 3M illegals he legalized. It lost California for good, and the dems never held up their end of his deal (imagine that). Democrats have been playing Republicans like a violin for years, and any Republican that votes for it now is part of the act.

Gaetz, Desantis, and Trump are right - we don't need a deal for the border. The deal was made in the Constitution. States joined the Union and the Union secures the border - agreed. That's the deal. The Union has failed to hold up its end of the deal. Many States continue to petition for the Union to hold up the deal, and the Union disregards.

All this "we need a border deal" talk is nonsense. Republicans have had multiple "deals" with democrats for decades - babbling about some theoretical border enforcement that never happens.

Some customers are never satisfied and always break their end of version 2.4.b.6 of your relationship. Their whole plan is to elicit a new favor or better deal, get agreement on that, then elicit another concession (all while they are withholding pay/performance). At this point, one must just hold firm, deny goods/services, stop responding to their gaslighting.

At a certain point, the contract is broken - in fact if not in word. It only takes one party to de facto void the agreement. That's life.

Hard as it sounds, there is truth to the line "the party saying 'no' has all the power." Republicans can simply say no to this nonsense. No explanation needed.
I mean at 2mil a year... Not even factoring in the ones they won't catch.

It'd also give the Biden admin a win in the legislation department right before the election.

Accelerated Suicide of a Nation if it gets signed.

Thankfully currently it's DOA at the house currently.
I mean at 2mil a year... Not even factoring in the ones they won't catch.

It'd also give the Biden admin a win in the legislation department right before the election.

Accelerated Suicide of a Nation if it gets signed.

Thankfully currently it's DOA at the house currently.

Looks like the only outcome of this bill will be the end of Lankford's political career. This is good, a fresh scalp will scare the rest of the cucks in the GOP into submission. They will know not to try and betray America on the immigration issue. "The Red Line."
Just looking at the last 110 years of Russian history we can see how things can change very, very fast, despite a uniparty or monarchy and very well established lines of power.
Different times, different countries, different outcomes. Essentially "apples and oranges." Rolling blackouts in 1914 Russia vs constant electricity in the US in 2024. No comparisons available.

losing war after war
The US hasn't lost any wars, it just hasn't won any. All thanks to the JQ "perma-war" military industrial complex master plan of course.

The bad news is what followed either of those events was worse than what preceded it for quite some time.
Yes, but in the US right now many things are improving (like the personal freedom to let your freak flag fly, whether that be looting a Rite Aid for under $900 or driving without a seat belt). The cops are currently on "stand down" in America and are letting anything but the most egregious crimes fly. Ironically, this adds to the freedoms of law abiding citizens who can now "safely" speed up to 5 mph over the speed limit without getting an unwarranted, overpriced ticket for $400 (+JQ scam "insurance" increases) which puts them in mortgage/rent distress for the month in which they get the ticket.

At a level, certain people know this, so until the cost-benefit analysis comes up with "Yeah it's worth risking my life to end this system" for the average fighting age male, we are going to get not just more of the same, but worse and worse.
Gen Z'ers are not willing to die for any cause except for a Tik Tok jackass challenge in which they choke on a Tide pod.
Ironically, this adds to the freedoms of law abiding citizens who can now "safely" speed up to 5 mph over the speed limit without getting an unwarranted, overpriced ticket for $400 (+JQ scam "insurance" increases) which puts them in mortgage/rent distress for the month in which they get the ticket.
I actually think about this stuff all the time; the only thing good in a big city before it really all turns to slop is the nonsense law/bureau state that was classically headlined by things like DUIs where a person's life is ruined for doing something minimally impactful for most people, at best - .08 anyone? lol, 2 drinks gets you a 10k lawyer and jail time! And maybe they'll take away your professional license too ... you can't be a barber now in California!
I am surprised too. I've watched this interview and thought it was pretty disturbing. For those who haven't seen it, Tucker interviews Bret Weinstein who traveled to the Darien Gap and reports back what he saw. He said that it's very apparent that it's being funded and facilitated by the US as the NGOs proudly display their banners at many of the transit camps. The amount of coordination required to move these people through all of these countries is immense and the countries along the route apparently go along with it because of the understanding that these people are only passing through on their way to the US.

He implies that US politicians are being bribed / coerced / corrupted by foreign interests to adopt policies that are plainly self destructive. “Somebody has persuaded us to endorse a policy that is decidedly not in our interest,” he says. Americans, he says, are used to the idea of corporate interests and their corrupting influence into politics, but stated that we may be dealing with a whole new level of corruption.

More concerning though, one of the camps he visited was filled with Chinese nationals whom described as being rather hostile to questioning. They were by and large military aged males in contrast to the other camps that also had women and children. His speculation was that the Chinese are using the mass migration as cover to come into the US, for what purpose he did not know. He states, “The Chinese migration is actually being cloaked by the economic migration coming from South America, and that that is consistent with the observation that it has some different motivation.”

In the interview he delves into China's one child policy and talked about how unusual it was for them create a surplus of males, because from a biological standpoint societies tend to even out in that regard. He said that from an evolutionary perspective, creating a surplus of males makes sense for societies planning on waging war. Essentially, these excess males are like a weapon and it appears the weapon is being deployed.

He also talks towards the end of the interview about how the COVID mRNA vaccines may be (again speculating) be used to make the portion of the American population that took these vaccines vulnerable to some bioweapon to be used at some later date. He delves into the biological changes that take place when people have taken multiple jabs and how that makes them vulnerable to such a weapon.

I don't agree with Weinstein's politics but he is a very engaging speaker and despite what my writeup suggests comes across as very measured in reporting what he saw. His speculations are simply him trying to connect the dots as to why these things are occurring and what the larger picture may be.

Well worth watching the whole interview - it touches on a lot of topics but it's how he ties them together that I found very fascinating.

Michael Yon has been reporting on this for years. He was the first one on both sides of the Darien Gap, he has been documenting this stuff before it became fashionable. He's a tad dramatic and sensationalist (+ most likely fits somewhere in the infowar) but his work is gold. He deserves a shoutout.

Liberal politicians recently increased calls for people to open their houses to migrants, and leftie well-to-dos are feeling the pressure:

Many red pills will be issued. The question is whether or not these people are able to learn. At this late stage, if you haven't figured it out, you might never be able to do so. Some whites indeed suffer from "pathological altruism" or "messiah complex."