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US Border Crisis

Same here. I still have my elementary school family tree research project I did with my dad showing our family’s paternal line dating back to pre-revolutionary times. I’m saving it for my son. I’m trying to learn to focus the anger and depression into something positive and productive.
It's sad but true: nothing new under the sun.

As many have pointed out here in various ways: be careful what you wish for.
The Easy Mammon to live well at the Expense of Your Blood Kin is too Tempting since this is A Dollar Democracy. Nobody is fighting for Us. They are in bed with the Tribe.

When Your So Called Natural Blood Elite become enthralled in the Economic System of Usury it's just a Race to The Bottom of Low Wages for the Common Man. Thus the need for a New Import of Wage Slaves.

Boomers really got snookered into this Capitalism vs Socialism thing, ignoring the Fact that Vulture Capitalism only serves the Well Connected Elite, until the Insolvent Nature of it Implodes...they were so Self Absorbed into Believing they had done the Right Thing and to focus on the Welfare Queen as the Sole Problem. All the While average jobs lost benefits and earning power for the next Generation.

Heck if people were too oblivious 40 years ago to see this degradation of the Middle Class no wonder they ignored the Racial Replacement.
I have a tendency to overuse parenthesis and quotation marks so I'll take a look at that, but do you realize you are not using capitalization correctly? Don't get me wrong, your posts are great but I find them somewhat difficult to read due the overuse and misuse of capitalization. It doesn't really bother me too much so no big deal on this end, just making sure this is a stylistic choice and not something you're doing on resumes, emails to your employer, letters to your girlfriend/wife, etc.
I have a tendency to overuse parenthesis and quotation marks so I'll take a look at that, but do you realize you are not using capitalization correctly? Don't get me wrong, your posts are great but I find them somewhat difficult to read due the overuse and misuse of capitalization. It doesn't really bother me too much so no big deal on this end, just making sure this is a stylistic choice and not something you're doing on resumes, emails to your employer, letters to your girlfriend/wife, etc.
It does bother me a lot actually. It doesn't even follow German capitalization rules where all nouns are capitalized, it's seemingly random, but I can't bring myself to read the whole thing. It's like an AI mimicking human written language which can't quite figure out the pattern of where words should be capitalized.

To get back on topic, here's something funny, sad, and scary.

Entire article screenshotted below.

The US military is so brown, it is now being mistaken for NGO human trafficking operations. More latinos, and far fewer Whites are joining percentage wise than ever before.

The average enlisted soldier/sailor/airman/marine serves for just under 15 years, so mathematically, if the same immigration and recruitment trends continue for another presidential term, the military is going to be majority brown.
Mention immigration negatively? Site-wide reddit ban.

Comment in question:

Isn't that strange how being even to the slightest concerned about illegal migration and blatant UN sponsored invasion is considered HATE speech? This has become the umbrella term for anything that stands in opposition with the Marxist globalist agenda. We can't vote ourselves out of this one, it will have to either break under its own weight (i.e. the cheap money based on fiat printing runs out) or it ends via a bloodshed and civil war. Personally I would prefer the former to the latter.
Isn't that strange how being even to the slightest concerned about illegal migration and blatant UN sponsored invasion is considered HATE speech? This has become the umbrella term for anything that stands in opposition with the Marxist globalist agenda. We can't vote ourselves out of this one, it will have to either break under its own weight (i.e. the cheap money based on fiat printing runs out) or it ends via a bloodshed and civil war. Personally I would prefer the former to the latter.

We would all prefer the former but I'm not holding my breath. Let's be real, the system only collapses when we collapse. It is designed to continue for perpetuity as long as Whites accept enslavement. Therefore the only way it dies out is when the last White slave dies of old age.
Mention immigration negatively? Site-wide reddit ban.

Comment in question:

They've also removed a lot of threads of relevant comments in regards to the idiot military guy that lit himself on fire in support of Palestine.

Another bit of reddit censorship I recall was back when the Ukraine war started and there was a bunch of pumped up soyboys and redditors taking selfies of themselves with army surplus gear and weapons claiming they were going to help out and go fight. There was a redditor(s?) who inadvertently leaked a ukraine squad's location (they were hiding in a abandoned school) to multiple subreddits for precious internet points. Russians came across the info, located the school, amd bombed the hell out of it. Practically all evidence of this has been wiped.
We would all prefer the former but I'm not holding my breath. Let's be real, the system only collapses when we collapse. It is designed to continue for perpetuity as long as Whites accept enslavement. Therefore the only way it dies out is when the last White slave dies of old age.

Projecting forward from the current dynamics/trajectory we are not far off from that happening. Historians of the future will marvel how one of the most productive, intelligent, and culturally advanced race allowed itself to be erased from existence within a matter of a few short decades.
Projecting forward from the current dynamics/trajectory we are not far off from that happening. Historians of the future will marvel how one of the most productive, intelligent, and culturally advanced race allowed itself to be erased from existence within a matter of a few short decades.

Well, history isn't written yet. There is another option, which is to rebel, and realistically the only way to stop the decline. A large population of like-minded people, mainly Christian Whites, in a plurality of states across America, could easily make a difference.
Well, history isn't written yet. There is another option, which is to rebel, and realistically the only way to stop the decline. A large population of like-minded people, mainly Christian Whites, in a plurality of states across America, could easily make a difference.

The same applies to Europe. Will it happen? I won't hold my breath...
Aaaannddd... it's gone

Texas had a plan for the current survival of its citizens which was rational and laudable.

But the Supreme Court says "NO" - you will have to allow yourself and your family to be raped, murdered and replaced by all manner of third world low class ILLEGALLY trespassing savages and if you resist, the US Federal Govt will put YOU in prison.

If you think at some point that you won't be forced to house these low IQ criminal dirtbags in your own home next to your wife and children like the Jew Bolsheviks forced the upper classes in Russia to do, THINK AGAIN.

End of post.
Texas had a plan for the current survival of its citizens which was rational and laudable.

But the Supreme Court says "NO" - you will have to allow yourself and your family to be raped, murdered and replaced by all manner of third world low class ILLEGALLY trespassing savages and if you resist, the US Federal Govt will put YOU in prison.

If you think at some point that you won't be forced to house these low IQ criminal dirtbags in your own home next to your wife and children like the Jew Bolsheviks forced the upper classes in Russia to do, THINK AGAIN.

End of post.
Texas better start dusting off those bear arms and putting them to good use. They're being systemically invaded by deranged people with a lot of disposable income and an agenda to transform the state. If allowed to continue taking roots like they're doing now then Texas WILL fall.

Not to get too political but if Texas turns blue they know that the rest of the red states will be ripe for the picking. And with that Democrats will have total control until the end.

Logic, reasoning, common sense, and scruples are far removed from this brainwashed generation. But despite this they still have an inverted moral code and fanatical religious fervour.

I read this excerpt somewhere else but can't remember the exact wording but:

"These people will cause helf harm to both their body and spirit on behalf of their DEI masters and beliefs. They'll pay penance by sacrificing their dignity for their "sin" of being born white. They see themselves as the sinners, minorities as gods, government and globohomo as the church, and any "unrepentant" whites as the demon/evil they need to guard their gods against. They will steal from other whites to give to their "gods" and fight other fights to earn minority scorn and happily castrate themselves while willfully going to their ruin in the name of antiracism.

They are no better than the fanatical prophets of Baal who screamed and self immolated for attention from their false god.

Liberalism is nothing but western flavored Jihadism. Do not underestimate them"

Being nice and understanding doesnt work with liberals, minorities, and 3rd worlders. The only things they understand are fear and force. Texans are in a unique position being one of, if not the most, gun friendly state. They're armed to the teeth but I wouldn't be surprised if liberals are moving there to straw purchase weapons as well. If they embrace the long lost Wild West spirit again it would send a dire message to any feds and govt officials to quit screwing with them and set a precedent for the rest of the country.