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US Border Crisis

So is your advice “if you are more intelligent than most people get into a field that requires you to use your brains and don’t take a job or career that allows you to be mentally lazy or is a blue collar trade?”
Pretty much.
Some blue collar jobs require a high degree of specialization and intelligence. Such as underwater welders.
Yes there are some blue collar exceptions. I observed something interesting once when I got a job offer at this manufacturing plant in Los Angeles (I had to decline the offer when I saw the owner curse out some poor employee right in front of me, and then asked me to work 11 hour days for peanuts). The managers and paper pushers in the office were almost all White. There were a few Blacks in support positions such as janitorial or stocking roles. The workers who did the bulk of the mechanical grunt work on the machines, which was strenuous but fairly simple, were mostly Hispanic. However, the technicians operating the state-of-the-art precision machines which require solid math and technical skills... every single one was Asian.

You see many blue collar jobs have already been taken over by Hispanic immigrants. Well their kids are growing up speaking fluent English and with birthright citizenship, so the next batch of jobs threatened is going to be much bigger because the new generation will be more employable. They're also going to want the cushy jobs of the paper pushers in the office. But I'd say those Asian techs aren't going to be replaceable for awhile unless the average Hispanic IQ suddenly jumps up 20 points.
Its really about having a Common Blood for better ease of our day to day struggles. 90IQ and 140IQ Aryans or whatever the Big Brain people are, Working hand and Hand. Was everyone in the Midwest factories Super Nerds 60 years ago? No....You had a General get a long culture until The Cosmopolitan Elite squashed it and started putting the focus on the Mammon instead of the Labor. Creating all sorts of Economic and Cultural Distortions.

I wouldn't worry about IQ. It's about being a people not some kinda atomized crap about American Dream and 3.5 million in the bank 2 homes 6 cars....ad nas. Folks became so Brainwashed by alleged Racism they gave it all away...and I guess they forgot what some of theie ancestors knew about a certain group that evidently hated them from Eastern Europe.
Along with a get along society but above all a Functioning Civilization where your role was more important not just following the money..and a Mostly High Trust Society in most cases...
Along with a get along society but above all a Functioning Civilization where your role was more important not just following the money..and a Mostly High Trust Society in most cases...
Also, in those days...

This was mostly before the suburbs, or more accurately called, White people refugee camps, after they were chased out of their ethnic homes in the city. So, the janitor's kid went to school with the doctor's kid, and they were best of friends, and didn't look down at each other at all.

The pay difference in a blue collar/factory type job and a doctor or lawyer or c-team exec was probably about 1/5th of what it is today. They maybe didn't live in the same neighborhood, but their kids still went to the same schools and they went to the same churches and they loved and respected each other for performing a useful role.
. But I'd say those Asian techs aren't going to be replaceable for awhile unless the average Hispanic IQ suddenly jumps up 20 points.
So I think what you are saying is that with all of the immigration to US over the last 20+ years, even higher IQ white Americans can’t take most of the tech jobs from Asians because there are so few with the smarts to win and keep those positions? This just sounds more like just a red pilled realization of survival of the fittest and not a solution for the average American man to carve out a successful and happy life.
Right... I don't want to put words into someone's mouth but it seems like if you Don't have the most Technologically advanced people making the Most Complex Devices you can't have a Good Life. I mean I enjoy lots if Smart Folk's Inventions and what not, but for now at least laymen speaking it's become quite a Distraction from life's more important things like having Functioning societies with little to know strife, broken homes, mental illness, etc.

And yes folks of all Economic backgrounds got along....for instance my Grandfathers who a poor dirt farmer one of his good Hunting Buddies was an airline pilot who enjoyed being around rural salt of Earth folks....that Generation didn't have all these moronic moder Distractions of meaningless Image Economic Status foolishness to care about...

Basically my point is Common Man isn't compromised as a Floormat when the high iq
Elite start plotting this Hi Tech Utopia they envision with all this alleged intelligence is actually a ruse to keep the power. Granted we have the Chose Tribe factor too moreso now..
Brilliant, could make it into game show. Maybe call it "Can you hop the hopper." Maybe get it hosted by the Dwayne Johnson 🤔
Start a go fund me to send volanteers to go shoot illegals over the fence with rubber bullets for a weekend away, they always in season, the tree huggers will be happy too because instead of going turkey hunting everyone will be having fun at the borders, bed and breakfast included
Ya they're treated better than citizens as you know.

Getting put up in hotels, given three meals per day, put on welfare and getting thousands per month while not having to cover rent/utilities/food, and in states like CA they'll get free healthcare. But an ER can't legally turn anyone away so they show up and get free healthcare anyway.

I was of the opinion for awhile you really want to avoid major blue cities. To an extent you do, although even when I recently lived in NY I never felt unsafe in NYC. A place like SF is much worse as they general NY attitude is the polar opposite of the fags populating LA/SF who wouldn't step on an ant without ******* their panties.

But now they're flying these illegals all over the damn country. They're popping up by tens of thousands in places like Tenn. The concern there is even in a red state with more gun owners, it doesn't take nearly as many illegals to become a significant part of the population.

As of now I don't know what this means for my family. I live in a red part of a blue state with beautiful nature nearby, and most of my neighbors are conservative gun owners. I am personally not concerned for myself. I am however very concerned for the country my children will inherit in 20 years.

There are arguments for staying put, up and moving to red states or up and moving abroad.

Honestly I think the best outcome long term is civil war short term and states seceding.
This cant be happening by accident someone is trying to destroy your country, by the way can illegals vote? If yes, how? I think succession would be a good idea just make sure the place they choose has access to the ocean so you can have your own port I think this is important, a good mountain range also serves as a natural border fence, a physical barrier to prevent people from walking over without having to build too much besides closing off major roads
So I think what you are saying is that with all of the immigration to US over the last 20+ years, even higher IQ white Americans can’t take most of the tech jobs from Asians because there are so few with the smarts to win and keep those positions? This just sounds more like just a red pilled realization of survival of the fittest and not a solution for the average American man to carve out a successful and happy life.
Forget about the race thing for a second, Whites can get those jobs too. I'm simply outlining an individual formula to stay afloat in the coming decades, IF you have the requisite brainpower, determination, and work ethic. I never said this is a large scale solution. Let's accept the reality that the ship is slowly sinking, the question is what can you do to get on the upper decks?
So I think what you are saying is that with all of the immigration to US over the last 20+ years, even higher IQ white Americans can’t take most of the tech jobs from Asians because there are so few with the smarts to win and keep those positions? This just sounds more like just a red pilled realization of survival of the fittest and not a solution for the average American man to carve out a successful and happy life.
Higher IQ Whites, can compete just fine with Higher IQ anyone else in the world. This is obvious. There is a huge growing problem in the IT field with Indians using severe nepotism to promote their own over anyone else. To the point they have been sued, lost, and just continue to do it because the fine isn't a big enough punishment.

We are in a period of the opposite of the survival of the fittest. The low IQ r-select will take over the west, with their birthrates, and with it they will destroy the west. We are in a situation of survival of the least fit, funded by the fittest paying taxes, all forced at gun point by satanic elites.
Higher IQ Whites, can compete just fine with Higher IQ anyone else in the world. This is obvious. There is a huge growing problem in the IT field with Indians using severe nepotism to promote their own over anyone else. To the point they have been sued, lost, and just continue to do it because the fine isn't a big enough punishment.

We are in a period of the opposite of the survival of the fittest. The low IQ r-select will take over the west, with their birthrates, and with it they will destroy the west. We are in a situation of survival of the least fit, funded by the fittest paying taxes, all forced at gun point by satanic elites.
It's survival of those with in-group preference.

I am surprised no-one here has mentioned the Darien Gap.

I am surprised too. I've watched this interview and thought it was pretty disturbing. For those who haven't seen it, Tucker interviews Bret Weinstein who traveled to the Darien Gap and reports back what he saw. He said that it's very apparent that it's being funded and facilitated by the US as the NGOs proudly display their banners at many of the transit camps. The amount of coordination required to move these people through all of these countries is immense and the countries along the route apparently go along with it because of the understanding that these people are only passing through on their way to the US.

He implies that US politicians are being bribed / coerced / corrupted by foreign interests to adopt policies that are plainly self destructive. “Somebody has persuaded us to endorse a policy that is decidedly not in our interest,” he says. Americans, he says, are used to the idea of corporate interests and their corrupting influence into politics, but stated that we may be dealing with a whole new level of corruption.

More concerning though, one of the camps he visited was filled with Chinese nationals whom described as being rather hostile to questioning. They were by and large military aged males in contrast to the other camps that also had women and children. His speculation was that the Chinese are using the mass migration as cover to come into the US, for what purpose he did not know. He states, “The Chinese migration is actually being cloaked by the economic migration coming from South America, and that that is consistent with the observation that it has some different motivation.”

In the interview he delves into China's one child policy and talked about how unusual it was for them create a surplus of males, because from a biological standpoint societies tend to even out in that regard. He said that from an evolutionary perspective, creating a surplus of males makes sense for societies planning on waging war. Essentially, these excess males are like a weapon and it appears the weapon is being deployed.

He also talks towards the end of the interview about how the COVID mRNA vaccines may be (again speculating) be used to make the portion of the American population that took these vaccines vulnerable to some bioweapon to be used at some later date. He delves into the biological changes that take place when people have taken multiple jabs and how that makes them vulnerable to such a weapon.

I don't agree with Weinstein's politics but he is a very engaging speaker and despite what my writeup suggests comes across as very measured in reporting what he saw. His speculations are simply him trying to connect the dots as to why these things are occurring and what the larger picture may be.

Well worth watching the whole interview - it touches on a lot of topics but it's how he ties them together that I found very fascinating.
As I have been saying for several years now: We are ruled by traitors and there's no way to fix our reverse this without significant bloodshed. The West is lost. Start learning Russian.
It's pretty clear, yes. It's also funny that Weinstein doesn't "know" about Mayorkas and HIAS, or doesn't talk about it. It's just "NGOs". LOL