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US Border Crisis

Honestly this is just a flash in a pan driven by government policy. Once the money dries up, and it will before 2050 guarenteed, these cities will shrivel up and blow away. We'll see who is still sticking around in America after that, I have a feeling it will still be like 60% White, collapsing demographics and all, simply because of how many will be forced to leave.
Probably true.

I previously had a company in a blue collar service industry and knew many other similar owners. When COVID happened, lockdowns, then money drying up for companies and they couldn't hire, the illegals disappeared. What is often missed in this conversation yet is problem numero uno in service industries is, lack of labor. It is going down year on year.

The flow of illegals follows the money. The money will dry up at some point. Because many aren't working for it. Either intentionally or because the dollar collapses, hyper inflation, severe economical collapse, etc.

Some illegals will turn to crime. More will be left with nothing and will buy a one way ticket back home.

People fail to calculate what is happening in the job market at large. Labor is disappearing. Service industries are seeing boomers retire, leaving an unfilled vacuum. Retail jobs are closing down. Stores are closing because people shop online. Never mind automation, outsourcing overseas, AI....

The job market will collapse in the next decade. Many Americans will be left on the sidelines. There will be nothing for illegals as governments will be left dry. There will then be a recovery on the backs of Americans. That's how I see it anyway.

The collapse could be very ugly though. Very violent. Armed 3rd world gangs going door to door type stuff with nothing to lose. Just look at the collapse of every country and see what happens. But it's mostly liberals in large cities who will have to deal with that. But like with anything there are phases. The free money will stop at some point.
Everything dies, but the blame still ends falling on whitey.

Samseau, I like your optimism about whites still being ~60% of the population in 30 years but I dont think they're 60% of the population now.

The old values and culture of the US is still being kept alive by the old guard. But the old guard weakens day by day with each death of our red blooded American ancestors. And with their deaths go their teachings, influence, and life experiences. Things that directly pose a threat to the illusion and false safety of today's inverted and perverted lifestyles. And the layers of lies, brainwashing, corruption, and depravity grow stronger and more complicated each year.

A high priority is still the emascution of anyone of European heritage.

Weakening the males physically and mentally. Shaming any pride in their heritage. Instilling fear of complete physical or social destruction should they show any significant backbone. Making it harder for them to find employment due to state and socially approved discriminatory practices.

Socially conditioning the women to perceive their white counterparts as weak and undesirable in comparison to every other race. Encouraging them to ignore every 6th sense in regards to safety for fear of being racist. Making them vulnerable to malicious lesbians and faggots. Teaching them in indulge their every desire and shaming self restraint. Shaming Christ and any Christian values while encouraging new age satanic teachings. And to top it off, instilling the illusion that they can be passed around like a used towel in their youth but still deserve to have a man to be loyal and raise a family with.

White people can learn a few things from Hispanics. For reference Im talking about the ones with their values from their old country, not the brainwashed western ones or the recent invaders that the US govt is displaying treacherous favoritsm towards.

Heres what whites need to start doing to improve the birthrate and the future of their children but wont:

-Being less picky about a potential mate and getting rid of the idea that they should get a better deal.

-More accepting of the flaws that their spouses might have.

-Have more children if financially feasible, but definitely have children. Stop adopting virtue signalling toys. Hispanics breed often and breed young. Strength in numbers.

-Have better comminication, even at the expense of forgoing daily distractions (tv, video games, social media, etc)

-Form more organizations and outreach to others with the same other similar ethnic backgrounds.

- Stop secular beliefs and lifestyles and start going to church and forming relationships with other church members

-Embracing their parents cultures.

-Be more involved in their kids lives

-Stop considering blue collar work as low class. Caucasians gained an inflated sense of importance and self worth to the point that having a white collar job is the epitome of success even if the pay is crap. To them the thought of not working in a suit or getting dirty on a job is akin to failing at life, even if the pay is good. Your average hispanic working construction likely has no formal eduaction or barely a grade school equivalent yet likely earn better than some college grads.

-Most important of all: network and help each other out when needed. Defend each other ferociously when threatened even to the point of getting extremely physical or vocal.

A house divided against itself cannot stand.
This is a great post with a lot of great advice, but it misses the mark on a few things.

#1) Most White people are genetically K-Select. They are not just going to spit out kids if they know their kids have no future ahead of them. Whites have two main weaknesses. #1 Most are K-Select, meaning they would prefer to have smaller families and pass down a better life to their kid. You can't just turn this off. #2 Most Whites, due to harsh winter climates, are too willing to help others, which ends up costing them dearly when the people they help have no desire to help back and instead continue to ask for mre.

#2) Due to the Civil Rights bill, having White Only organizations can be legally risky, and if you make sure to stay legal, you will have Antifa and other satanic elite soldiers ready to attack you and satanic elite DA's ready to throw you in prison for 10 years for defending yourself. You have to be very careful with this one. You can do it, but it has to be very well planned.

The rest is really great advice.
#1) Most White people are genetically K-Select. They are not just going to spit out kids if they know their kids have no future ahead of them. Whites have two main weaknesses. #1 Most are K-Select, meaning they would prefer to have smaller families and pass down a better life to their kid. You can't just turn this off. #2 Most Whites, due to harsh winter climates, are too willing to help others, which ends up costing them dearly when the people they help have no desire to help back and instead continue to ask for mre.

I think this K-Selection dynamic is what will lead to whites losing demographic therefore democratic power in the countries their forefathers founded at exponential rates - especially when the migrant invasion shows no signs of relenting.

In the UK, foreign-born residents of social housing now exceed 50% (granted some of these residents are European). In comparison to volatile 5-year mortgage fixes, high rents in the private residential sector and house shares (Anarchy Communism shares communal living with late-stage inflationary Capitalism); social tenures are extremely secure and this leads to an overcrowding problem in social houses. Overcrowding is code for non-British excessive fertility within domestic spaces that were designed to accommodate the 1950s and 60s British family and its housewife.
So he can be pampered by hot stewardesses in first class, eat foie Gras and caviar, drink $300 bottles of champagne, and stay in 5 star hotels. Probably something he'd never do on his own dime because with his boot licking entourage in tow he's probably racking up a 200K+ bill on the taxpayer's dime.

If there's anything he needed to talk to anyone in India about he could of Skyped, but no, "I think I'll run off to India on a luxury vacation to talk face to face with Kumar Reddy about bringing more HB1's to Texas while my state is being invaded by illegal hispanics." Either way, expect more browns in your rural, formerly white Texas towns and cities in 2024.

Exactly, that’s why I posted that tweet. Guy seems like a paper tiger to me, tries to acts tough to stand up to Biden to rile up the conservative base…but let me just go to
India and to bring in more workers to Texas.

Guys, I’ve said it over and over, you / we are all being manipulated and I don’t get how people can keep falling for these politicians over and over. George Carlin had a skit on this and ‘we continue to elect these rich (expletive) who don’t care about you at all.’

When you see people of either party get into power with a net worth of a few hundred k and ten years later have a net worth in the 30-50 million range on a 180k salary it tells you all you need to know.

Another point. The Chinese and Indians know human nature and how to buy loyalty. They will wine and dine and make these people feel good about themselves while they pump them for information and eventually ask favors. They fall for it every time, because they had little to no core values to begin with.
The flow of illegals follows the money. The money will dry up at some point. Because many aren't working for it. Either intentionally or because the dollar collapses, hyper inflation, severe economical collapse, etc.
Yes. The problem is that it does none of us any good if the collapse is actually just sustained degradation, like the nightmare the Soviets had and persisted over 70 years. At least they weren't invaded and could technically have kids, or at least try. But the propaganda was definitely a problematic point for the quality of the kids, just like the schooling abuses and lies to people's kids now.
The job market will collapse in the next decade.
I agree, since I see it's already gone. The real question is how many people are alive in 2030. If people keep believing the lie and the pols don't pay a price, inflation will just get more absurd and we'll just be asking the same questions 10 years from now.
You can do it, but it has to be very well planned.
That is correct.
Overcrowding is code for non-British excessive fertility within domestic spaces that were designed to accommodate the 1950s and 60s British family and its housewife.
Things are bad enough in the US. I don't see a way out for Europe. It was the first to eschew its roots in Christianity and was given up to the evil forces in Switzerland and Brussels, invaded and abandoned. The US is a trickier place because we don't have a problem with revolution in our blood or history, and we have guns. It's becoming quite clear that people are very aware of what the Cubans have done to the US, and how they are even embarrassing themselves by showing it, their hubris is so great. They actually think they are "right" just like they think they earned all this wealth by hard work. They earned many things, but the scorecard is the one that is rigged, and it's rigged to the tune of 1000 to 1MM fold.
Stop considering blue collar work as low class. Caucasians gained an inflated sense of importance and self worth to the point that having a white collar job is the epitome of success even if the pay is crap. To them the thought of not working in a suit or getting dirty on a job is akin to failing at life, even if the pay is good. Your average hispanic working construction likely has no formal eduaction or barely a grade school equivalent yet likely earn better than some college grads.
I would advise the young today to enter a field that's cognitively demanding or requires highly specialized expertise. That can be engineering, law, medicine or something similar. Because I think the US is going the way of Mexico and Brazil. In those countries you have a high IQ white elite performing these critical jobs and living in their segregated nice neighborhoods. Meanwhile, at least 2/3 of their cities' neighborhoods are no go zones full of poor brown people.

But look at the way typical blue collar workers such as construction workers are treated in Latin America. Not very good, they can barely get by. And the low IQ third world wave of immigrants we're getting isn't going to be able to perform those mentally demanding jobs, so they'll compete with American blue collar workers and undercut their rates.

Don't think your average white collar office worker is going to be okay either. Many of their jobs are simple and easily replaceable. Tons of degrees out there like MBAs are becoming more and more worthless because they don't translate to real world skills. Basically if an eighth grader can do your job, be concerned.
#2 Most Whites, due to harsh winter climates, are too willing to help others, which ends up costing them dearly when the people they help have no desire to help back and instead continue to ask for mre.
I know this is off-topic, but what's your opinion on Africa? Small teams of young middle-class Christians from my church and others head out to Africa now and again to do work, but really, as far as I can see, not much can be done to make a huge difference. They're bound to feel guilty and end up feeling worse after their visits, but to me you're only gonna relieve yourself fully if you give up almost everything and live with almost nothing, or even live amongst them permanently.
I know this is off-topic, but what's your opinion on Africa? Small teams of young middle-class Christians from my church and others head out to Africa now and again to do work, but really, as far as I can see, not much can be done to make a huge difference. They're bound to feel guilty and end up feeling worse after their visits, but to me you're only gonna relieve yourself fully if you give up almost everything and live with almost nothing, or even live amongst them permanently.

Charles Dickens described the British middle class obsession with Africa through Mrs Jellyby being more concerned of the African missions than her own children's upbringing.

The era of Africa for the Africans had no tolerance for Europeans running a relatively small region of the Cape despite building all of the cities and founding the Transvaal's diamond and gold mines - be warned.
I think this K-Selection dynamic is what will lead to whites losing demographic therefore democratic power in the countries their forefathers founded at exponential rates - especially when the migrant invasion shows no signs of relenting.

In the UK, foreign-born residents of social housing now exceed 50% (granted some of these residents are European). In comparison to volatile 5-year mortgage fixes, high rents in the private residential sector and house shares (Anarchy Communism shares communal living with late-stage inflationary Capitalism); social tenures are extremely secure and this leads to an overcrowding problem in social houses. Overcrowding is code for non-British excessive fertility within domestic spaces that were designed to accommodate the 1950s and 60s British family and its housewife.
You are 100% correct. Either Whites fight to separate themselves, such as creating small ethnostates within the current existing countries, or even completely taking their countries back, or they will go extinct.

The satanic elites know this. That is why they are doing what they are doing. They can't raise and army of people from other nations and beat Whites in a fight, so they have very carefully crafted this very evil, but at the same time very creative, ruse to genocide Whites completely.

Whites simply will not outbreed other races and Whites simply cannot stop wanting to help others. So, we either have our own areas to live how we evolved to live, or we will disappear within 100 or so years.
I know this is off-topic, but what's your opinion on Africa? Small teams of young middle-class Christians from my church and others head out to Africa now and again to do work, but really, as far as I can see, not much can be done to make a huge difference. They're bound to feel guilty and end up feeling worse after their visits, but to me you're only gonna relieve yourself fully if you give up almost everything and live with almost nothing, or even live amongst them permanently.
I'm not an expert on Africa, nor have I been there, nor do I plan to ever go there. But I have read the mind boggling stories of the people who have gone there to help, and I don't think Africans can be helped without some serious changes.

I think the best way to look at Africa is that they had always had famines and other natural issues, due to their inability to raise enough food, that their natural population remained probably between 100 and 250 million. Due to immigration to the west, goody two shoes sending food relief, and modern technology, their population is exploding. Right now there are over a billion Africans on the planet and if things continue, they will be half the world's population in 100 years. This is a serious issue, not just for westerners, but for all people to have to address and deal with.

As far as helping others, if the Christians really want to help, they will start to help the White families who are seeing their nations destroyed, whose kids will never get hired due to discrimination, whose sons will turn to porn and worse and whose daughters will become Only Fans prostitutes. Christians still helping Africans is a huge sign that it is subverted Christianity.
They might be able to shorten that timeframe somewhat with some type of eugenics program to move the average IQ from mentally retarded levels to something approximating YT’s average IQ.
Actually E. Michael Jones talked about this.

EMJ was talking about how an African can move to Poland and learn the language and he would be Polish then. And he was getting roasted by whomever he was debating with. And then EMJ admitted that if it were one African, that is fine, but when it is thousands of them, it is a problem because the Europeans already had a great self eugenics program though thousands of years of...

- Criminal punishment stopping bad genetics from spreading.
- Civilization for thousands of years changing behavior
- Food production allowing people to focus on greater needs/advances
- Harsh winters killing off the dumber/weaker

And it would take a considerable amount of the same environment pressures on Africa to produce the same results. Them coming to the west is a grave mistake for all involved. And of course is recreating the tower of Babel.
I would advise the young today to enter a field that's cognitively demanding or requires highly specialized expertise. That can be engineering, law, medicine or something similar. Because I think the US is going the way of Mexico and Brazil. In those countries you have a high IQ white elite performing these critical jobs and living in their segregated nice neighborhoods. Meanwhile, at least 2/3 of their cities' neighborhoods are no go zones full of poor brown people.

But look at the way typical blue collar workers such as construction workers are treated in Latin America. Not very good, they can barely get by. And the low IQ third world wave of immigrants we're getting isn't going to be able to perform those mentally demanding jobs, so they'll compete with American blue collar workers and undercut their rates.

Don't think your average white collar office worker is going to be okay either. Many of their jobs are simple and easily replaceable. Tons of degrees out there like MBAs are becoming more and more worthless because they don't translate to real world skills. Basically if an eighth grader can do your job, be concerned.
So is your advice “if you are more intelligent than most people get into a field that requires you to use your brains and don’t take a job or career that allows you to be mentally lazy or is a blue collar trade?”
So is your advice “if you are more intelligent than most people get into a field that requires you to use your brains and don’t take a job or career that allows you to be mentally lazy or is a blue collar trade?”
I can't speak for @analyst_green but I believe what you are asking and he is saying, is the only path. Some blue collar jobs require a high degree of specialization and intelligence. Such as underwater welders. But if your job could be done by someone with a 90 IQ, then you will either be replaced or see your pay drop to almost 0 .

There are almost 2 billion, poor, desperate, young men with the intellect to do many blue collar jobs. And our satanic elites have opened the gates and said "all of you are welcome". Even a lot of higher IQ jobs will be under threat of the Indian/East Asian immigration to the west. But the more you can do to insulate yourself from these pressures, the better the chance you have.

Which is why I say Tucker Carlson is a terrible gate keeper. His advice to move to the rural area and give up is poison. The fight is here, we can't run any longer. And the biggest weapon we have is our ability to take money out of this system and build parallel systems.
I can't speak for @analyst_green but I believe what you are asking and he is saying, is the only path. Some blue collar jobs require a high degree of specialization and intelligence. Such as underwater welders. But if your job could be done by someone with a 90 IQ, then you will either be replaced or see your pay drop to almost 0 .

There are almost 2 billion, poor, desperate, young men with the intellect to do many blue collar jobs. And our satanic elites have opened the gates and said "all of you are welcome". Even a lot of higher IQ jobs will be under threat of the Indian/East Asian immigration to the west. But the more you can do to insulate yourself from these pressures, the better the chance you have.

Which is why I say Tucker Carlson is a terrible gate keeper. His advice to move to the rural area and give up is poison. The fight is here, we can't run any longer. And the biggest weapon we have is our ability to take money out of this system and build parallel systems.

Whites have done themselves no favours at all by pursuing easy, white-collared well paid jobs when in actual fact many of the marginally academic ones would have been better to pursue manual work and trades and be humble, like a few of the Christian men I work with who are capable of much more.
I'm not an expert on Africa, nor have I been there, nor do I plan to ever go there. But I have read the mind boggling stories of the people who have gone there to help, and I don't think Africans can be helped without some serious changes.

I think the best way to look at Africa is that they had always had famines and other natural issues, due to their inability to raise enough food, that their natural population remained probably between 100 and 250 million. Due to immigration to the west, goody two shoes sending food relief, and modern technology, their population is exploding. Right now there are over a billion Africans on the planet and if things continue, they will be half the world's population in 100 years. This is a serious issue, not just for westerners, but for all people to have to address and deal with.

As far as helping others, if the Christians really want to help, they will start to help the White families who are seeing their nations destroyed, whose kids will never get hired due to discrimination, whose sons will turn to porn and worse and whose daughters will become Only Fans prostitutes. Christians still helping Africans is a huge sign that it is subverted Christianity.
Thank you for your response. A based Christian friend I work with said we first must fix our own people (I 100% agree) before considering abroad. It seems to be a mixture of guilt, emotion and naivety and TV, but I struggle when these well-meaning folks will tell you God is placing them there (perhaps so, but it's not convincing).
Whites have done themselves no favours at all by pursuing easy, white-collared well paid jobs when in actual fact many of the marginally academic ones would have been better to pursue manual work and trades and be humble, like a few of the Christian men I work with who are capable of much more.
I'm not saying what was done in the past was smart or not smart, I am saying what the right decision going forward is.

If you do a job, that a 90 IQ person can do, and my 2nd job is a job like this and I greatly enjoy it, then you will either be replaced or see your income decline sharply. There are billions of desperate young men willing to relocate to replace you. So, you have to find a job that will insulate you from this reality. Of course, the flip side is there are also probably a few hundred million East Asians and Indians who could replace the 120 IQ Accounting/IT/advanced degree job that will be brought in as well. So, all in all, I don't have a great answer to what to do for young men.
There's one thing I that I forgot to mention earlier that many of us here should already be aware of but most of the US population probably doesn't know or give much thought to: the difference in value between the different currencies.

Every single South American immigrant sends a ton of money back home. Just last year the remittance to Mexico was more than 50 million. And that's just one country down south. Now consider the entire southern continent. Even if they get permanent status they send a significant amount of US dollars to their families and financial institutions in their countries.

This is why hispanics and brazilians dont really care if they get deported. They have enough back home to build houses, businesses, and live quite splendidly. When the money runs out many just get the idea to just risk sneaking back in later (I personally know 2 brazilians who did just this). They have their friends and contacts in the USA who'll help get them set up with a room and employment again.

Whereas can Americans do the same? We have no where else to send the money to or other place to relocate. This is our home and it's being openly used as a piggy bank for the GDP of other countries. And our taxes are being used to help facilitate this behaviour.