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US Border Crisis

Wouldn't cause any dent, however, this is how it can be ended, with the first state taking a stand. Things can only escalate from here, and then real change can happen.
Expect nothing from NM, AZ, or CA. Which gives unique meaning to Texas's recent declarations.

This is a long reach, but here goes (please pardon my limited legal understanding and tin foil hat):

The State of Texas declared that their borders (not specifically restricted to the National border) are enforceable by the State of Texas, as it is under invasion. Texas has installed some concertina wire along the edge of the NM border, vicinity El Paso, at the very western edge of Texas. In this location, the border with Mexico is very nearby. The area is subject to illegals crossing from Mexico, into New Mexico proper, then into Texas.

So what? Feds lean heavily on "interstate traffic" being their domain only. If Texas establishes precedence for controlling/restricting such traffic, it represents a theoretical challenge to Fed supremacy. To date, the feds have not challenged it in a substantial manner. Imagine Texas going hard and controlling interstate traffic along the I-10/US highway/I-40 points of entry. Big deal then.

Tell him to bring 20 million single Russian women with him, aged 20-40.
Zakharova trolling on the US border crisis:

BTW, this is the type of commentary one should expect from his EE girlfriend. Enjoy!

Strange/sarcastic as it all sounds, many of us discussed at length in RVF2 about the reciprocity threat that US actions have presented. Monroe Doctrine has been on our side for a long time - but that supposes weak regional neighbors and overwhelmingly powerful US .mil. Our adversaries are slipping out from under our thumb and they are now incentivized to agitate our problems.
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Originally posted this in the Iran thread but moving here…

My gut feeling is that certain Iranian or Iranian backed terrorists are using our weakened southern border to get into the country. When the neocons in Washington get their wish of a hot war with Iran, these terror groups will ‘activate’ and begin terrorist and infrastructure attacks within the US. Probably attacking the Texas power grid first. With federal law enforcement’s focus on the white supremacist angle, it makes it all the easier for these overseas groups to do this since resources are diverted.

Let's just say I'm hesitant to be optimistic. Tyrannical governments have always permitted weak coups to take place or organize so that they can round up their enemies. Turkey did that a few years ago, not to mention our own January 6. I'd encourage Republican governors to go all out and not look back, or stand down entirely. Half measures get the full weight of the guillotine coming down on you, and your supporters.

For those on normie social media, now's the time to speak up, but leave the Jew stuff out of it for now. It needs to be as normie friendly as possible.

Man nearly fell out of his chair hanging on that wall. Isn't he a WEF Young Global Leader anyways?

Abbott has been outsourcing critical border comms and cybersecurity to Israel for what it's worth. That's Unit 8200 right in the eye of the storm.
Man nearly fell out of his chair hanging on that wall. Isn't he a WEF Young Global Leader anyways?

Abbott has been outsourcing critical border comms and cybersecurity to Israel for what it's worth. That's Unit 8200 right in the eye of the storm.
I'll add as a Texan... I have been really critical of Abbot.

I voted for Huffines in the primary (he endorsed DeSantis if anyone cares)

The strength of what's going on in Texas is alllllll due to AG Ken Paxton.

Paxton is by far the most aggressive AG in the country and a big time Trump supporter.

He stopped Texas from getting blue stolen with Harris county... And Dan Phelan (Bush family) tried to have him impeached over literally nothing.

Abbott is seeing 2028 as an opportunity and knows if he doesn't do something now, he's got no chance.

But make no mistake... Any resistance that happens is because of Ken Paxton.
I'll add as a Texan... I have been really critical of Abbot.

I voted for Huffines in the primary (he endorsed DeSantis if anyone cares)

The strength of what's going on in Texas is alllllll due to AG Ken Paxton.

Paxton is by far the most aggressive AG in the country and a big time Trump supporter.

He stopped Texas from getting blue stolen with Harris county... And Dan Phelan (Bush family) tried to have him impeached over literally nothing.

Abbott is seeing 2028 as an opportunity and knows if he doesn't do something now, he's got no chance.

But make no mistake... Any resistance that happens is because of Ken Paxton.
Abbott has had nothing to do with constitutional carry, or abortion effectively being banned in Texas? Didn't Texas also not have lockdowns or vax mandates? It seems the governor deserves credit for these things. Although, seeing him in the little hat is off putting for sure.
Abbott has had nothing to do with constitutional carry, or abortion effectively being banned in Texas? Didn't Texas also not have lockdowns or vax mandates? It seems the governor deserves credit for these things. Although, seeing him in the little hat is off putting for sure.

Not really. No. At most.... Very little. Don't get me wrong... He's better than many many many government officials, but fails on many years for Texas, which is a generally very libertarian state.

He did lock us down during COVID. I think a little better than Florida...but my folks absolutely had to close their seating at their business.

Constitutional Carry and gun ownership was product of the culture here.

So no. He'll tow the party line when he has to.

Like I said. Paxton is the driver here. I'm assuming you're not a Texan?

Eta... He's better than Beto for sure though
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Man nearly fell out of his chair hanging on that wall. Isn't he a WEF Young Global Leader anyways?

Abbott has been outsourcing critical border comms and cybersecurity to Israel for what it's worth. That's Unit 8200 right in the eye of the storm.

It’s things like this made made me lose faith in the political process. It’s looking like his actions are just more and more theatre.
It’s things like this made made me lose faith in the political process. It’s looking like his actions are just more and more theatre.
This is why I have hope in the current crop of younger members of congress that will at least look at Israel with a neutral if not questioning eye. I agree with virtually nothing the Muslim members of TEH SKWAD stand for except their anti-Zionist stance.
Yeah...among Boomers who were Brainwashed by the WW2 Propaganda they are a lost cause, but sadly had the Cognizant Ability to produce a Leader and Defender of Europeans and European Christians moreso than some of the Younger Generations who have been Tarnished of their Manhood By Harpies who needed a good ol Sean Connery Slaaap to straighten them up and curtail their Feminist Ways. Granted Younger Gen have the 4chan knowledge of the JQ and other Historically Inaccuricies...but don't too me at least don't have the Gutteral Manliness and Charisma to pull it off. Look at the Current State of Bland so called Rock stars which is useless I know, but accentuates the Hollowness or Soulless State of younger Gens who still seem in a very Juvenile State.

Texas' other Problem is the Endless Fake Growth of Suburbs and bringing in folks from other States... I would like to know the Instigators Developer types around Abott who are pushing this silliness.. It's certainly no Fun for Us Heritage Bohemian German Rural types who are seeing a Relatively Nice place that was Cheap to Raise families and have Community being wiped out for Rootless Work at Home Cosmopolitanism lifestyle pushed on everyone as a New Way.
Complete Garbage. I mean the Good Job thing making a $180k a year only goes so far till that inflation catches up to your insulated suburban living. Bottom Line It's Unsustainable.
Yeah...among Boomers who were Brainwashed by the WW2 Propaganda they are a lost cause, but sadly had the Cognizant Ability to produce a Leader and Defender of Europeans and European Christians moreso than some of the Younger Generations who have been Tarnished of their Manhood By Harpies who needed a good ol Sean Connery Slaaap to straighten them up and curtail their Feminist Ways. Granted Younger Gen have the 4chan knowledge of the JQ and other Historically Inaccuricies...but don't too me at least don't have the Gutteral Manliness and Charisma to pull it off. Look at the Current State of Bland so called Rock stars which is useless I know, but accentuates the Hollowness or Soulless State of younger Gens who still seem in a very Juvenile State.

Texas' other Problem is the Endless Fake Growth of Suburbs and bringing in folks from other States... I would like to know the Instigators Developer types around Abott who are pushing this silliness.. It's certainly no Fun for Us Heritage Bohemian German Rural types who are seeing a Relatively Nice place that was Cheap to Raise families and have Community being wiped out for Rootless Work at Home Cosmopolitanism lifestyle pushed on everyone as a New Way.
Complete Garbage. I mean the Good Job thing making a $180k a year only goes so far till that inflation catches up to your insulated suburban living. Bottom Line It's Unsustainable.

Maybe members who live there can chime in. I have coworkers from Texas who moved out because of relocation, but didn’t want to. They say many liberals are moving in from blue states, some of which are wealthy.

Add in the border invasion and to me just seems like a calculated plan to turn Texas blue. Once that happens a Republican will never win the presidency again.

52% to 46.5% isn’t exactly a wide margin…

Just for reference look at the electoral map in 1984 just 40 years ago.

Crazy how much things have changed. Many of those states will never be red again.
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