US Border Crisis

There is no question that it is to turn red states blue. What the politicians and elites are humanitarians who want to help people? Help outside people over their own people no less?

There is no argument beyond that, tell that to anyone who is okay with the invasion and they have no retort. Mind you I don't think many people are okay with this other than the most brainwashed of pawns. It makes no sense any way you want to look at it.
There is no question that it is to turn red states blue. What the politicians and elites are humanitarians who want to help people? Help outside people over their own people no less?

There is no argument beyond that, tell that to anyone who is okay with the invasion and they have no retort. Mind you I don't think many people are okay with this other than the most brainwashed of pawns. It makes no sense any way you want to look at it.
Not to mention the way the US electoral college works, representation is based off of total state population, citizen or not. This means if a congressional district is 800,000 people, and California gets 8 million illegal immigrants, they get another 10 electoral votes, equal to the voting power of several smaller red states.
Not to mention the way the US electoral college works, representation is based off of total state population, citizen or not. This means if a congressional district is 800,000 people, and California gets 8 million illegal immigrants, they get another 10 electoral votes, equal to the voting power of several smaller red states.

Excellent point, I did not even consider the electoral votes aspect of inflating the population.
Why is the governor of a state that's being invaded in another country???
So he can be pampered by hot stewardesses in first class, eat foie Gras and caviar, drink $300 bottles of champagne, and stay in 5 star hotels. Probably something he'd never do on his own dime because with his boot licking entourage in tow he's probably racking up a 200K+ bill on the taxpayer's dime.

If there's anything he needed to talk to anyone in India about he could of Skyped, but no, "I think I'll run off to India on a luxury vacation to talk face to face with Kumar Reddy about bringing more HB1's to Texas while my state is being invaded by illegal hispanics." Either way, expect more browns in your rural, formerly white Texas towns and cities in 2024.
So he can be pampered by hot stewardesses in first class, eat foie Gras and caviar, drink $300 bottles of champagne, and stay in 5 star hotels. Probably something he'd never do on his own dime because with his boot licking entourage in tow he's probably racking up a 200K+ bill on the taxpayer's dime.

If there's anything he needed to talk to anyone in India about he could of Skyped, but no, "I think I'll run off to India on a luxury vacation to talk face to face with Kumar Reddy about bringing more HB1's to Texas while my state is being invaded by illegal hispanics." Either way, expect more browns in your rural, formerly white Texas towns and cities in 2024.
More bobbleheads, great....

And talk about a Good Ol Boy Network regarding the Indians when they get rooted in.
He's Boomer... they were So Indoctrinated by Globo-Ho-Mo and DieVersity and they saw some poor minority get abused in the town they were from...or something to that nature...especially when they joined the Judeo-Masonic Corporate State after WW2 to get that good mammon and mortgage and 2 cars they had to tow the line...but retain the silly talking point of "We were all Immigrants" or if they "Do it Legally"...

Well did they stop and think how many is enough to satiate their Cosmopolitan Progressive Desires....where it would put their children and their children in a bind Culturally?

Nope it was just about getting stuff and retiring with that 2.2mil in the Portfolio.

I guess my Good Ol Boy Bohemian Czech and German country boys i grew up around aren't on the Govenor's Concerned Identity Ethnicity? They look so much more right at Home wearing the Maroon Aggie Polo Blue Jeans and Boots than Mr. Patel and friends...

Goodness what a Situation?
I think you guys in US treat these illegals to well that why they come over, the guards should shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas and let dogs loose on them, this would cause them fear, when they inside your country you shouldnt talk to them or get them any jobs or do any favors, make their lives hell the they wont want to come over
Problem with that is most everyone is under the "We were all Immigrants" "Well they work Hard"
Or just basically apathetic towards it and have No Agency to back them up if they tried. You Remember we have quite a Few Bolshevik Attack Organizations that have a Deep relationship with most of the Deep State and Courts.

So its pretty much at this point...either something catastrophic happens to break the spell where folk's survival instinct kicks in and they Go John J. Rambo and get others or folks fade into Extinction..
I think you guys in US treat these illegals to well that why they come over, the guards should shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas and let dogs loose on them, this would cause them fear, when they inside your country you shouldnt talk to them or get them any jobs or do any favors, make their lives hell the they wont want to come over
Ya they're treated better than citizens as you know.

Getting put up in hotels, given three meals per day, put on welfare and getting thousands per month while not having to cover rent/utilities/food, and in states like CA they'll get free healthcare. But an ER can't legally turn anyone away so they show up and get free healthcare anyway.

I was of the opinion for awhile you really want to avoid major blue cities. To an extent you do, although even when I recently lived in NY I never felt unsafe in NYC. A place like SF is much worse as they general NY attitude is the polar opposite of the fags populating LA/SF who wouldn't step on an ant without pissing their panties.

But now they're flying these illegals all over the damn country. They're popping up by tens of thousands in places like Tenn. The concern there is even in a red state with more gun owners, it doesn't take nearly as many illegals to become a significant part of the population.

As of now I don't know what this means for my family. I live in a red part of a blue state with beautiful nature nearby, and most of my neighbors are conservative gun owners. I am personally not concerned for myself. I am however very concerned for the country my children will inherit in 20 years.

There are arguments for staying put, up and moving to red states or up and moving abroad.

Honestly I think the best outcome long term is civil war short term and states seceding.
But an ER can't legally turn anyone away so they show up and get free healthcare anyway.
This was a key problem when I still lived in the US. Because illegals don't have healthcare, and don't have a primary care physician, but get free ER visits, they flood the ERs with sniffles and basic stuff, blocking access to those with real emergencies. For example, there's the ever-pregnant Hispanic women who show up at the ER at 6-8 months, with some issue/question/problem, never having seen a prenatal physician that whole time. I worked IT in hospitals for several years and saw this stuff first-hand. What a nightmare.
I think you guys in US treat these illegals to well that why they come over, the guards should shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas and let dogs loose on them, this would cause them fear, when they inside your country you shouldnt talk to them or get them any jobs or do any favors, make their lives hell the they wont want to come over
Brilliant, could make it into game show. Maybe call it "Can you hop the hopper." Maybe get it hosted by the Dwayne Johnson 🤔
I think you guys in US treat these illegals to well that why they come over, the guards should shoot them with rubber bullets and tear gas and let dogs loose on them, this would cause them fear, when they inside your country you shouldnt talk to them or get them any jobs or do any favors, make their lives hell the they wont want to come over
Rubber bullets?
As of now I don't know what this means for my family. I live in a red part of a blue state with beautiful nature nearby, and most of my neighbors are conservative gun owners. I am personally not concerned for myself. I am however very concerned for the country my children will inherit in 20 years.

What country they will inherit? Look around you right now, and then add a few million invaders and you have a pretty good idea of what your children will be facing. If I was you I'd sign them up to a Russian language class. The entire West has been demographically ruined, and there's no turning back the clock.
This is intentionally being done and I personally believe the long term goal is to establish one party rule in the US. The majority of these illegal immigrants will be dependent on government benefits and at some point, they will be given amnesty. Once that happens they will probably be allowed to vote in elections. Once this happens, they will vote for democrat, liberal and far left progressives.

No Republican or conservative candidates will ever have a chance at winning, this despite the fact that so called conservatives talk a good game about doing something about illegal immigration but really do nothing but hold useless committee hearings in the Congress and Senate. These hearings look good on the surface, but in the end nothing changes and they just bark a lot of hot air.

This will change the demographics of the country forever and we will see Latin American style corruption and incompetence on a level never seen before. I, personally, am very concerned about the direction this is going and I’m starting to give serious thought to moving elsewhere at some point.
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