The Vivek Ramaswamy Thread

He's not Christian, and he's not a product of Western Civilization. He will just do what seems expedient for his career. It seems expedient to him right now to make barn burner MAGA speeches, but I don't think that comes from any internal value system of his.

I'd argue he is actually a product of Western Civilization. More specifically, what Western Civilization has become. I think about this often at my corporate job. I work with many different nationalities but all strangely have this commonality of view. It is something like "corporate values". And all of them actually have this interesting disdain for their own traditional world. Yes, they respect their culture deep down but they are in the process of distancing themselves from their roots. They've escaped, in some sense, for the "better life" in the secular world. In addition, all these third world countries are scrambling to modernize and basically become more secular. But secularism IS the West. It is basically Christianity-lite. It's shallow, fake, and really just a show. Vivek actually embodies this quite well.

I figured this was the case. But have to ask, if the choices end up being in November : Haley, Ramaswamy (let’s say Desantis runs out of money and drops out, Trump is canceled or killed), on the Republican side and Biden/(or Harris is Biden dies from a stroke),

Who is the best option for the American people? All of these choices suck but at least Vivek is telling me what I want to hear. The others are telling the donor class what they want to hear.

Arguably Biden or Haley would be preferable because at least you know they are globalist stooges from the start. They are telling us they want more wars and will give more money to Israel/Ukraine.

I have no idea what Vivek would do if he took office. My guess his staff would be all irts who are borderline retarded and act really thirsty and make decisions based on pedastalizing white women , sort of like Silicon Valley.

Edit, I’m mostly asking about 2024 but in 2028, we could realistically be choosing between Gavin Newsome or Kamala Harris on the left, and Nikki Haley or Vivek Ramaswamy on the right . This is the political reality in the 2020s United States
Edit, I’m mostly asking about 2024 but in 2028, we could realistically be choosing between Gavin Newsome or Kamala Harris on the left, and Nikki Haley or Vivek Ramaswamy on the right . This is the political reality in the 2020s United States
Also, the money ain't lasting, so it doesn't really matter. It's not like Trump is even turning this ship around, so it's all time limited for a major crisis moment, regardless.
Building separate/parallel systems. And this is going to take a lot of work and a lot of mental toughness and a lot of planning ahead. Organization as well of like-minded red pilled men.
I agree, but I was playing off Blade Runner's song reference. It's a good song, and its lyrics make the same point as the last few posts in this thread, including yours.

Good bass line though Sting is the consummate new world order shill. Who knew?
Do you think they are in on it because the spirits give them the ability to make music? Are they controlled by their success and it is unspoken? Does wealth and ego lead to changes in "spirit" that are unrealistic and lead to zeal in telling others what "should be done"?

I bring up a famous example of many, which pertains to the police too. Stewart Copeland's father was a top OSS/CIA official and founder. It's amazing how this seemingly is so, so common. It's funny he had a pseudonym at one time called Klark Kent.
Do you think they are in on it because the spirits give them the ability to make music? Are they controlled by their success and it is unspoken? Does wealth and ego lead to changes in "spirit" that are unrealistic and lead to zeal in telling others what "should be done"?

I bring up a famous example of many, which pertains to the police too. Stewart Copeland's father was a top OSS/CIA official and founder. It's amazing how this seemingly is so, so common. It's funny he had a pseudonym at one time called Klark Kent.
If I remember correctly....Jim Morrisons father was the captain of the Navy ship in the Gulf of Tonkin also...
Do you think they are in on it because the spirits give them the ability to make music? Are they controlled by their success and it is unspoken? Does wealth and ego lead to changes in "spirit" that are unrealistic and lead to zeal in telling others what "should be done"?

I bring up a famous example of many, which pertains to the police too. Stewart Copeland's father was a top OSS/CIA official and founder. It's amazing how this seemingly is so, so common. It's funny he had a pseudonym at one time called Klark Kent.
I would say the members of the Police are certainly ticket takers. However, the lyrics of this song are very good. I've heard them for 40 years, but never quite put the whole message of the song together.

There is no political solution. Governments, revolutions, constitutions, leaders; these will all let us down. The answer in life is to live day to day.

I'm still interested in politics and history and the news and all that, but there's a lot to this song. Even if we are heavy followers of politics and the news, it's best to not get too hung up on those things. They are in God's hands, and we can't control them. It's best to focus on living our lives day to day in Christ.
I would say the members of the Police are certainly ticket takers. However, the lyrics of this song are very good. I've heard them for 40 years, but never quite put the whole message of the song together.

There is no political solution. Governments, revolutions, constitutions, leaders; these will all let us down. The answer in life is to live day to day.

I'm still interested in politics and history and the news and all that, but there's a lot to this song. Even if we are heavy followers of politics and the news, it's best to not get too hung up on those things. They are in God's hands, and we can't control them. It's best to focus on living our lives day to day in Christ.
I've noticed the last few years when you tell people the realities of the world they don't want to hear it, and even Christian believers don't want to believe that this world is not our home. I'm not wishing for bad things on any people but there is always this yearning for Christ almost not to come to end this nonsense on the earth. It's an interesting thing to think about. I wouldn't tell young people this, by the way, but it's the old people that I've found actually don't want to hear it equally as much. They are emotionally sensitive to the abuses and planned aspects of this fake existence we all enjoy, or seem to, of course since most of us are lucky Americans.
Do you think they are in on it because the spirits give them the ability to make music? Are they controlled by their success and it is unspoken? Does wealth and ego lead to changes in "spirit" that are unrealistic and lead to zeal in telling others what "should be done"?

I bring up a famous example of many, which pertains to the police too. Stewart Copeland's father was a top OSS/CIA official and founder. It's amazing how this seemingly is so, so common. It's funny he had a pseudonym at one time called Klark Kent.

Whether they are raised in it like Stewart Copeland or recruited in because of talent, the ones who become incredibly famous and are promoted have to agree to go along with the program. Otherwise, they won't last and even those who give everything for their music or art can easily be replaced or left in irrelevancy as the controllers promote new genres and tastes while dropping previous ones. Example - hair metal being replaced by grunge almost overnight with the promotion of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit and the non-stop play of the video to usher in a new era.

I'm not sure about Sting's early life background and whether he was in an insider in the "cult" but it's possible. Nonetheless, he is (or was) supremely talented as a pop writer and performer. Stewart Copeland is also one of the most amazing and unique drummers in pop/rock history and Andy Summers is the guitar texture master. So the Police no doubt had great talent but are they famous because Stewart Copeland is the son of Mile Copeland Jr., famous CIA spook and author? Basically - YES. Miles Copeland III was the Police's manager, Ian Copeland was a famous booking agent who represented the Police and many others. No matter how talented someone is, you won't get famous and promoted without connections like those. It simply just doesn't happen.

This album "Ghost in the Machine" ( is based on the book by globalist Arthur Koestler, yes the same tribe member who promoted the Khazar Jew theory in his book The Thirteenth Tribe. On this album they are pushing many new world themes including no borders (One World - Not Three), mysticism (Secret Journey), nihilism and hopelessness (Spirits, Invisible Sun, Darkness, Omegaman, Rehumanize Yourself, Too Much Information). Sting writes as if he has no hope for the future like the working man he describes, yet he has disdain for someone who would try to stand up for his country.

Example from Rehumanize Yourself

Billy's joined the National Front
He always was a little runt
He's got his hand in the air with the other c-nts
You've got to humanise yourself

So Sting's overwhelming message is to be depressed about your situation (nihilism) but don't stand up for your country and certainly don't look for the answer in Christianity. The answer for him seems to be embracing globalism aka world communism and just to be more loving. Somehow I doubt that Sting would be welcoming the third world to stay in his mansion estate any time soon.

To end on a positive note, the album itself is an incredible production with the aural landscapes an absolute pleasure to listen to. One of the best sounding albums of the decade. Just don't take the lyrics to heart.
No matter how talented someone is, you won't get famous and promoted without connections like those. It simply just doesn't happen.
Yes. This has also become quite clear to me. Many artists that were interviewed along the lines of what makes one successful, even businessmen, will tell you that networking is by far the most important part. When you realize there are crap tons of good looking, talented, and hard working people, this reality becomes very obvious.
Somehow I doubt that Sting would be welcoming the third world to stay in his mansion estate any time soon.

Notice that the gynocentric/feminist inversion is always present in this mother earth/global communism nonsense with feel good vibes and is usually accompanied by drugs or alcohol. That's the way they influence people, to dream in possibilities and not probabilities (feminist agenda), not hard work and principle, standing up for the right things (masculine energy).

Modern media has also elevated people with particular traits to be the halo effect teachers, opining on things that are unrelated to what they ever were any good at - or even worse.
Cobra, I think you're an awesome dude, appreciate you as a fellow vet... but I don't see how the below challenges the assertion that Vivek is making a politically calculated maneuver for self-serving purposes and certainly should be subject to scrutiny.
Agree he should be subject to scrutiny as do all the others (not that it matters much any more since he dropped out). Appreciate you as well, and think we would get along just fine.

Let me put a counter question to it:

So you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, The Son of God through the Virgin Mary? Or just give gifts and have a family get together.

He is not my lord and savior, but he is yours, and I can respect that, but I ask for the same respect in return. My personal belief is that the act of charity is superior to the act of reverence and worship. There are plenty of Hindus that worship deities but are terrible people, just as there are Christians who pray in Church and don't live up to their responsibilities either. I don't prescribe to that philosophy as a whole. Again, it doesn't mean I disrespect Christ or any other god in any way. For what it's worth, I do think that Christians and Christianity are the more charitable group and religion on the planet. But there are too many White Christians that basically just complain and don't get politically involved enough to do anything to change their future. When a local brown guy like me does more for them than they do for themselves, it's bad. I think it's also as bad through the country. I say the them, wake up.

I should also mention that my mother lived in Indonesia for a period as a teenager due to my grandfather working as a Petroleum Engineer.... She had Vishnu statues and all sorts of other things from the time there...I have hindu friends from work... I dont think that they are bad people and I enjoy learning about their culture and experience from a curiosity point of view.... but as in my understanding of it all.... it is worshiping deities that I equate to pagan/demonic idolatry... and its pretty black and white on that book. Therefore its anathema to me to vote for a Mormon/Hindu/Muslim.

I think you're characterizing Hinduism using a narrow lens. That's understandable given your limited exposure. Ultimately there's the supreme reality Hindus believe in named "Brahman." Many manifestations of Brahman exist in the form of many gods. However, it is easier to understand if seen from a symbolic perspective. For example, certain gods represent fertility, and others represent rage. The truth is that there are many variations of beliefs out there outside of the fundamental Brahman based belief.

Also, voting for who you want is your right. My belief on who to vote for may be different from yours, but again that is my right. I don't vote for people just because they have the same religious belief as me, because a lot of times, again, people who share that same religious belief are worshippers and not charitable, giving people who care about others. I care about character, not religious fervour. I supported, walked and even still fundraiser for many strong Christians but because they are genuinely good people, as well as candidates. That includes female conservatives.

I mean when I see Vivek go on tv and talk about one God... knowing that he doesnt believe it... its about as cringe/phoney as it gets.

Hindus, again have one supreme entity, "Brahman." Not sure if this is what Vivek means, but, again, I'm not judging him based on religious fervour.

Care to name some that are concretely fleshed out?

Well, Trump contributed to Democrats' campaigns consistently and I do believe he even contributed to Disney. On top of that, I do believe he took money from George Soros for a building. I actually don't hold this against him. But, my problem is that people would hold it against Vivek if that was the case. That's cultish behavior and not reasonable. When you support Trump for his policies and criticize him on his behavior, you are a Trump supporter, not cultist. These are mutually exclusive but both as relevant as ever.

He's doing good things to be useful in pointing out to the republican party that the base still wants the agenda Trump spouts. I enjoy listening and watching him take people down.... but that's the only purpose he serves. To bring the party apparatus back to accept Trump's agenda which is defined by American Populism.

Nimrod I mean Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley is a total creation of the elites.... and I enjoy watching her get lambasted by Vivek.

I appreciate him for what he is.... and the good he can do... but I do not trust him.

I agree there is an element of frustration expressed here about the indian interaction with many in their corporate lives/inability to break through certain H1B issues ect. Its understandable to a degree... and I do think some are concerned (Like I am) that Vivek would absolutely do things that would increase the H1B injection of Indian workers.
This is a reasonable fear given the in-group preference that seems to only be unacceptable if whites do it....

Nimrata sold out by renouncing Sikhism and converting. Again, I don't have a problem with Christianity, but I reject the notion that 'in politics, I need to convert in order to get the white people to like me.' I'm comfortable with who I am and how I identify. If people don't like that, the door is nearby. I don't convert for anybody and sell out. That's what I like about Vivek.

Again, you have lack of exposure to the Indian culture. There are many of us who were either born here or identify as more American than Indian. Those of us don't really care much for our brethren who are Indian from India and take advantage of our system. Babysitting them is a pain. Just take me for example. My client list has a very few Indian folks from India because I don't want to deal with them. I prefer more reasonable, genuine and personable white clients. Seriously. So the notion that someone like me wants Indian immigrants who are nothing like me to be around, is plain dumb. I presume Vivek feels the same way, but just a calculated presumption.

Don't mean any of this to be offensive. Just trying to be truthful. Also, I've been busy. Would have responded sooner if not. I do regret that, sincerely.
Cobra means well. He's like slick Rick though, he'll walk that line, because that's what you gotta do (woo!)

Reverence and Worship cannot be disentangled from charity (the Christian sees Christ in his fellow man), so Cobra-man is on to something, which is a general misunderstanding about life for simple or selfish people. We are all some degree of one or the other, but most around here I like better because they are generally honest about their attributes, if still competitive given our personalities.

People take politics, even here, way too seriously. There's only so much we can do. No, no one is saving us. I think if you can't admit that Vivek has gone a country mile further than any of us expected, you're not being very honest.

I'm impressed. But I still want the secession movements to take place. DC can go up in flames, as far as I'm concerned.

If we're honest, Trump keeps the money printers rollin'. There's no other option. We'll see how that works out for everyone (lol)