The Vivek Ramaswamy Thread

I’ve pretty much agreed and bought into most everything Vivek has promoted. Of course execution of those plans mentioned on the campaign trail or 1st day in office are always derailed by nearly every president it seems. Only thing I strongly disagree with Vivek on is his method of “draining the swamp” specific the the one point of eliminating 75% of federal civilian jobs. It’s the corrupt senior leaders in the Government that need to go, not the worker-bees just living paycheck to paycheck. Sure most of their jobs are completely non-essential, but just firing majority of the workforce doesn’t fix corruption in government which is the major problem, just saves some budget temporarily. A better solution might be to do force out/ give early retirement to everyone over 60 years old (which would be a lot of Gov civilians) then for every department, the manager only gets to rehire/ backfill 1 junior level staff for every 3 that are let go/retire , each year for several years. That will drain the swamp and prevent BS empire building by leaders and inneficiency.
I'm not wanting to join the anglo-countries-with-Indian-leaders club, but this guy says a lot of good things. It's good to have people finally saying the emperor has no clothes.

It's like the sad truth of so many other things in swamp life. The law doesn't matter, they're brazen, they don't care etc - violence is the only thing that might work at this point. Sad to say, but unless you get a coordinated removal of these people with physical force, they will not go away and no law means anything to them.