The Vivek Ramaswamy Thread

Vivek suspends campaign and throws support behind Trump.

Trump fanboys: This is a good thing, we can't trust Vivek, but we can trust a guy who has spent the last 8 year lying and making empty promises.

Then Trump picks Vivek to be in his cabinet or on his team. Trump fanboys: Trump picked based Vivek, great choice, perfect fit.

He's on Timcast now and his motivation for staying in his now clear.

His play is to be a spoiler for Nikki Haley. Vivek says that the deep state's plan is to eliminate Trump, and then replace Biden with Nikki Haley because that allows the security state to continue with their policy goals under better branding than Biden can offer. Staying in the race means he prevents that from happening.
Well the fact that he just dropped proves this is not the case.

In any case prepare for a very Jewish White House in 2025 which strongly smells of curry.
Vivek suspends campaign and throws support behind Trump.

Trump fanboys: This is a good thing, we can't trust Vivek, but we can trust a guy who has spent the last 8 year lying and making empty promises.

Then Trump picks Vivek to be in his cabinet or on his team. Trump fanboys: Trump picked based Vivek, great choice, perfect fit.

Sure looks like a lot of sour grapes....Vivek was always going to endorse Trump. He got what he wanted out of this.

I do not trust Vivek... and I couldnt vote for him for President of the United States. But he can be a useful surrogate as long as he knows his own profile is raised. I think the below nails it:

Sure looks like a lot of sour grapes....Vivek was always going to endorse Trump. He got what he wanted out of this.

I do not trust Vivek... and I couldnt vote for him for President of the United States. But he can be a useful surrogate as long as he knows his own profile is raised. I think the below nails it:
The was the point of my post, you can't trust Vivek, until Trump picks Vivek in some role on his team, and then he is great and based.
The was the point of my post, you can't trust Vivek, until Trump picks Vivek in some role on his team, and then he is great and based.
And my point is that he's playing a part. And that for most people, who just look objectively... realize that its a political calculation.

He will do what he believes is politically favorable among the group, and he has an incredibly high verbal IQ... so he will be a good surrogate for that. This is why I think he would be good as the Press Secretary... but I am not sure he'd want that.

His job pre-Iowa to get himself notoriety and likely a cabinet position... was simply to beclown RDS and Nikki... which he did very well. That doesnt mean we have to think he's going to be some authentic and based indain. We can merely accept that he's playing a role for his own benefit, and will hold those positions as long as they are politically viable.
And my point is that he's playing a part. And that for most people, who just look objectively... realize that its a political calculation.

He will do what he believes is politically favorable among the group, and he has an incredibly high verbal IQ... so he will be a good surrogate for that. This is why I think he would be good as the Press Secretary... but I am not sure he'd want that.

His job pre-Iowa to get himself notoriety and likely a cabinet position... was simply to beclown RDS and Nikki... which he did very well. That doesnt mean we have to think he's going to be some authentic and based indain. We can merely accept that he's playing a role for his own benefit, and will hold those positions as long as they are politically viable.
What you said about Vivek could be said about Trump as well, which is my point. They are all playing a part.
I would not like to see Ramaswamy as VP. Trump is 77 years old. The odds of his VP becoming president are too high. Ramaswamy says a lot of nice things, but I think he's going to be just like the English and Irish prime ministers, or the CEOs of various big companies. He's not Christian, and he's not a product of Western Civilization. He will just do what seems expedient for his career. It seems expedient to him right now to make barn burner MAGA speeches, but I don't think that comes from any internal value system of his.

Say what you will about Trump's decisions and support for Israel, he is running to support his vision of America that he grew up with.
I would not like to see Ramaswamy as VP. Trump is 77 years old. The odds of his VP becoming president are too high. Ramaswamy says a lot of nice things, but I think he's going to be just like the English and Irish prime ministers, or the CEOs of various big companies. He's not Christian, and he's not a product of Western Civilization. He will just do what seems expedient for his career. It seems expedient to him right now to make barn burner MAGA speeches, but I don't think that comes from any internal value system of his.

Say what you will about Trump's decisions and support for Israel, he is running to support his vision of America that he grew up with.
No one allowed to run for office, including Trump, is a product of Western Christianity. They are all puppets of the satanic regime. All of them. Every single one. If you don't go along with their plans, they kick you out, bar none.

I would rather Vivek be up there v. anyone else I can think of, simply because every other GOP clown is either okay with the great replacement, or acts like it isn't happening, or even says it is a good thing. Personally, I hope Trump picks Nikki, time to rip off the mask and show everyone what a fraudulent process voting is.
No one allowed to run for office, including Trump, is a product of Western Christianity. They are all puppets of the satanic regime. All of them. Every single one. If you don't go along with their plans, they kick you out, bar none.

I would rather Vivek be up there v. anyone else I can think of, simply because every other GOP clown is either okay with the great replacement, or acts like it isn't happening, or even says it is a good thing. Personally, I hope Trump picks Nikki, time to rip off the mask and show everyone what a fraudulent process voting is.
I don't understand. Vivek would be an example of the great replacement. So that means you are in favor of the great replacement too, even though you make it sound like you are against candidates who are in favor of it.
I don't understand. Vivek would be an example of the great replacement. So that means you are in favor of the great replacement too, even though you make it sound like you are against candidates who are in favor of it.
Yes, Vivek is the example of replacing us, but then he realizes he next will be replaced. So he wants to close the door behind him on the way in.

And for this reason, he seems to be the only one talking about it, or allowed to talk about it. Regardless, him talking about it is getting the lower IQ blue pilled “as long as they come legally” conservatives to hear something different.


A few things about the above. I think it's mildly amusing. I'm not offended by it, but this is definitely a really offensive joke for Indians. Let's take note of who runs/manages the Babylonbee. Just like practically everything else, it's run by Jews and Zionist gentiles. None of us, despite being skilled in the art of racist jokes, would be welcome at the Babylonbee.

Let's take a look at what sort of Jewish related articles they publish.


You have articles defending Jews for the most part. "Democrats do something anti Israel so Jews need to hide in attics again!" "Democrats don't like Jews!" "Inconsiderate Jews are still alive against Palestinian wishes!" or else it's just completely mocking conspiracy theories, such as the last one there with the space laser. And by the way... the idea that Democrats are anti Jewish is just ridiculous... we don't need to rehash that here but come on.

None of them shine a light on the rampant child sex abuse in the many Jewish communities out there. None of them shine a light on their usury, or their warmongering -- in fact it paints them in a very innocent light.

So I'm not one to go around saying race isn't real, and racism is a made up concept for "elites" to divide us, and I do not think different gentile nations should be mixing together in the same country, such as Indians and White Americans. However, what we see here with the BabylonBee is Jews trying to pit the gentiles against each other, insulting any race or ethnicity with really offensive articles, moving the Overton Window in that direction, while protecting Jews from the same treatment, really dancing around the subject of anything that would offend them. Does anyone think Jews feel offended by their article on the Jews accidentally tunneling into Canada? No. But they won't hesitate to offend Indians, Palestinians, rednecks, or anyone else who isn't Jewish or black.
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Yes, Vivek is the example of replacing us, but then he realizes he next will be replaced. So he wants to close the door behind him on the way in.

And for this reason, he seems to be the only one talking about it, or allowed to talk about it. Regardless, him talking about it is getting the lower IQ blue pilled “as long as they come legally” conservatives to hear something different.
I see no reason to believe he wants to close the door behind him. I see every reason to believe a Vivek administration would contain a very high number of Indians.

Also, he is talking about it or allowed to talk about it, because "they" know he probably doesn't really mean it, and in fact will never really implement the kinds of things he's talking about. It's all just campaign rhetoric to fool those MAGA rubes, or so the people 'allowing' Vivek to talk like Trump would think.

"They" hate it when Trump says this stuff, because Trump mostly believes what he's saying, but "they" allow Vivek to say it, because they think he's really their guy.
I see no reason to believe he wants to close the door behind him. I see every reason to believe a Vivek administration would contain a very high number of Indians.

Also, he is talking about it or allowed to talk about it, because "they" know he probably doesn't really mean it, and in fact will never really implement the kinds of things he's talking about. It's all just campaign rhetoric to fool those MAGA rubes, or so the people 'allowing' Vivek to talk like Trump would think.

"They" hate it when Trump says this stuff, because Trump mostly believes what he's saying, but "they" allow Vivek to say it, because they think he's really their guy.
No one wants to close the door. You don't vote to close the door. It Trump does anything, he will legalize the illegals and then say "from now on we will let in records numbers of legal only again" and then the Reagan process repeats.

Vivek is probably allowed to talk about it because he isn't White and it turns the Great Replacement from the truth of the Global White population going from 30% in 1900 to 8% in 2020, and turns it into a fake term of "western values". But at least he puts it out there, forces the left wing media to defend it or deny it, and wakes up the lower IQ blue pilled conservatives.

If Trump "believes" what he says, he would have done it in his first term. He didn't, then he pardoned a bunch of hardcore communists and let his supporters rot in jail and went months without even mentioning them until he was forced to by his crowd at his embarrassing rallies.
You apparently don't know much about Mr. King.

I'll help you.
View attachment 3877

Levison had a dream - that all Whites would be replaced by mongrel hordes in their own country and be unfairly discriminated against due to the color of their skin and that inbred Yids would be the master race in charge of it all.

Levison had a dream!
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No one wants to close the door. You don't vote to close the door. It Trump does anything, he will legalize the illegals and then say "from now on we will let in records numbers of legal only again" and then the Reagan process repeats.
Why do you say this? He's given ZERO indication he wants to give amnesty. In fact he said he wants to do a mass deportment all. You're atributing intent and actions that dont have basis in fact.

You can say he failed to do XYZ... but its ludacrious to say he will push an amnesty bill.
Why do you say this? He's given ZERO indication he wants to give amnesty. In fact he said he wants to do a mass deportment all. You're atributing intent and actions that dont have basis in fact.

You can say he failed to do XYZ... but its ludacrious to say he will push an amnesty bill.
He says lots of things. If I remember correctly, he did float the idea of amnesty for a "deal" during the govt. shutdown, so it isn't out of character for him.

I totally expect him to push amnesty, in exchange for a "deal", just like Reagan got and then he is "lied" to, as he does his job to quell righteous anger that is growing.