The Vivek Ramaswamy Thread

His 2019 SOTU address about having more legal immigration than ever before. Until he addresses this, I take him at his word. As bad as illegal immigration is, legal immigration is just as bad.

I didn't say he was there to fool Trump, I said he was there to profit off of running a Trump like campaign, or maybe he is running in case Trump really can't run and means what he says. I think more the former, but who knows. But Trump is making himself look like a fool for attacking him. It isn't going to win Trump any new support. It isn't like there are people who support Vivek then here Trump say "Vivek isn't MAGA" and say "oh wow, yea, I now support Trump". Vivek's support is a mix of people who don't think Trump can run and realize the only other choices are Hillary v.2.0 and Jeb Bush v.2.0. Then you have people who see Vivek as Trump with the ability to talk like an adult. This isn't going to bring any of them over. Instead, it will make a few of them question what Trump's motives really are.

If Trump was sincere he would have said...

"I like this guy Vivek, he reminds me of a younger version of myself. But it isn't his time yet, I appreciate him running and putting out a winning message, but the time is for me to retake the White House and __insert BS___. And I think Vivek will have a spot on my team as we Make America Great Again".

I'm glad Trump and his team are this **** poor our simply this desperate, because it just exposes them more. If they had more tact and used a message like mine above, they could really fool some people who were questioning his motives.
It's not about desperation. He's so far ahead of everyone.

Trump simply pointed out that Vivek is parroting things he said previously. A statement you've made many times... Somehow pointing that out means he's desperate?

I understand your take, but I'm just telling you the vast vast vast majority of people who are sympathetic to supporting Trump don't see this in the lense you do.

Calling him cowardly and all that other stuff is all good, but these sorts of attacks only resonate with people already sharing that opinion.

There's a place for Vivek. But he ain't gonna be a VP. Might be a press secretary. But not a VP. And he's arguing that we need to save Trump by running against him.

It was a poor tweet and something that he's getting heat from.

The same stuff happened with Cruz until he was no longer useful to Trump in the primary. Then he was attacked after the disingenuous Ben Carson attack in Iowa

Vivek spoiling Haley and DeSantis is beneficial and that's about it.
It's not about desperation. He's so far ahead of everyone.

Trump simply pointed out that Vivek is parroting things he said previously. A statement you've made many times... Somehow pointing that out means he's desperate?

I understand your take, but I'm just telling you the vast vast vast majority of people who are sympathetic to supporting Trump don't see this in the lense you do.

Calling him cowardly and all that other stuff is all good, but these sorts of attacks only resonate with people already sharing that opinion.

There's a place for Vivek. But he ain't gonna be a VP. Might be a press secretary. But not a VP. And he's arguing that we need to save Trump by running against him.

It was a poor tweet and something that he's getting heat from.

The same stuff happened with Cruz until he was no longer useful to Trump in the primary. Then he was attacked after the disingenuous Ben Carson attack in Iowa

Vivek spoiling Haley and DeSantis is beneficial and that's about it.
He didn't "point out that Vivek said the same thing as him" he said Vivek is not sincere and not being honest. Talk about the pot calling the kettle, lol.

Even if I liked Trump, I would still see this as a major blunder. It reminds me of the same "strategy" from this loser and his Kushner hand picked team of losers, that cost him 5% of his White base vote from 2016 to 2020.

This could have been handled so much more professionally and diplomatically. Instead, it was a cheap shot at a guy who had been supporting him. I remember people talking about how Trump isn't loyal, and this really puts a shine on this.

Why do I call Trump desperate? Because I think they are realizing running on an empty term like "MAGA" and not using the 2016 based talking points are not going to win the general election, or if it does, this thing will turn on him very quickly as he tries to please both sides.

If I was Vivek, I would say "well, I tried, I am dropping out and I cannot support anyone at this point in time. Things will get worse and when more are ready for solutions that might hurt some feelings, I will run again".
It's not about desperation. He's so far ahead of everyone.

Trump simply pointed out that Vivek is parroting things he said previously. A statement you've made many times... Somehow pointing that out means he's desperate?

I understand your take, but I'm just telling you the vast vast vast majority of people who are sympathetic to supporting Trump don't see this in the lense you do.

Calling him cowardly and all that other stuff is all good, but these sorts of attacks only resonate with people already sharing that opinion.

There's a place for Vivek. But he ain't gonna be a VP. Might be a press secretary. But not a VP. And he's arguing that we need to save Trump by running against him.

It was a poor tweet and something that he's getting heat from.

The same stuff happened with Cruz until he was no longer useful to Trump in the primary. Then he was attacked after the disingenuous Ben Carson attack in Iowa

Vivek spoiling Haley and DeSantis is beneficial and that's about it.

What is Vivek angling for if you had to guess? A cabinet position or he figures there’s a decent shot the rnc removes trump at the convention and he will be there to pick up the delegates?

At this point I have a hard time picturing delegates rallying around Vivek over a stooge like Haley or a candidate with (((backing))) like Desantis . Which makes me curious
Sometimes you have to walk away from things, get your mind off of it, and then answers come to you. I just realized why this attack by Trump will look very bad to those on the fence.

If Trump was supposed to be this legit guy. The "successful" businessman, who was willing to lose money to save this country, because of his grandkids, and all this other nonsense the fanboys push, then why attack the next best option? If Trump was legit at all, he would at worst just pretend like Vivek didn't exist.

If Trump really was facing prison, and we all know he isn't, and if Trump really cared about this country, he would find the next closest option to endorse if he was prevented from running. Instead, this phony attacked the guy who is closest to him because it is all fake and bluster. I'm glad Trump exposed himself, it makes it easier to point out to the people still in the cult.
What is Vivek angling for if you had to guess? A cabinet position or he figures there’s a decent shot the rnc removes trump at the convention and he will be there to pick up the delegates?

At this point I have a hard time picturing delegates rallying around Vivek over a stooge like Haley or a candidate with (((backing))) like Desantis . Which makes me curious
I'm thinking a cabinet position like spokesman or some other appointment... Maybe FDA or Some other position that lines his pockets and raises his visibility.
Sometimes you have to walk away from things, get your mind off of it, and then answers come to you. I just realized why this attack by Trump will look very bad to those on the fence.

If Trump was supposed to be this legit guy. The "successful" businessman, who was willing to lose money to save this country, because of his grandkids, and all this other nonsense the fanboys push, then why attack the next best option? If Trump was legit at all, he would at worst just pretend like Vivek didn't exist.

If Trump really was facing prison, and we all know he isn't, and if Trump really cared about this country, he would find the next closest option to endorse if he was prevented from running. Instead, this phony attacked the guy who is closest to him because it is all fake and bluster. I'm glad Trump exposed himself, it makes it easier to point out to the people still in the cult.
or he could see that the TDS folks would really have him put in prison and then only way to stop them is to win an election.
There's a place for Vivek. But he ain't gonna be a VP. Might be a press secretary. But not a VP. And he's arguing that we need to save Trump by running against him.

Counterpoint: we've seen how important Kamala Harris has been for securing Biden's position.

I directly asked some glowies on an OSINT Discord what happens if we get rid of Trump. Most of them believe that if we can get rid of Trump, then "MAGA" dissipates and we get back to business as usual. Having a successor ready prevents that from happening and means that it's no longer as simple as just crushing Trump for them.
Counterpoint: we've seen how important Kamala Harris has been for securing Biden's position.

I directly asked some glowies on an OSINT Discord what happens if we get rid of Trump. Most of them believe that if we can get rid of Trump, then "MAGA" dissipates and we get back to business as usual. Having a successor ready prevents that from happening and means that it's no longer as simple as just crushing Trump for them.
Kamala's a smart choice for Biden because she has such high negatives... It prevents Dems from being ok with her hopping into the seat and letting the corruption of Bidens gain political traction. She solidifies his role as President.

DeSantis would be the successor if he hadn't bungled this 2024 campaign so poorly.
The successor has yet to be named, but I suspect there will be Matt Gaetz should be want it. I don't see it as Ramaswamy... But I could be wrong. Tons of people like what he says.

the MAGA successor will have to be backed by Bannon War room posse. Which Gaetz is the only one so far I see.
Kamala's a smart choice for Biden because she has such high negatives... It prevents Dems from being ok with her hopping into the seat and letting the corruption of Bidens gain political traction. She solidifies his role as President.

DeSantis would be the successor if he hadn't bungled this 2024 campaign so poorly.
The successor has yet to be named, but I suspect there will be Matt Gaetz should be want it. I don't see it as Ramaswamy... But I could be wrong. Tons of people like what he says.

the MAGA successor will have to be backed by Bannon War room posse. Which Gaetz is the only one so far I see.
Gaetz would be the ideal candidate for it.

My comments for Ramaswamy were in regards to the primary. As it stands we all know that a Trump elimination would result in a runaway Vivek primary victory, which is a dramatically better outcome than Nikki Nuland
I'm thinking a cabinet position like spokesman or some other appointment... Maybe FDA or Some other position that lines his pockets and raises his visibility.

or he could see that the TDS folks would really have him put in prison and then only way to stop them is to win an election.
If this were true, he would figure out what Vivek has support and try to welcome it. Childishly attacking Vivek isn't going to do it.
Gaetz would be the ideal candidate for it.

My comments for Ramaswamy were in regards to the primary. As it stands we all know that a Trump elimination would result in a runaway Vivek primary victory, which is a dramatically better outcome than Nikki Nuland
I don't think the GOP will allow Vivek to have it. He doesn't have the firepower and financial backing Trump had in 2016 to pull it off. If Trump can't run, I think Nikki Haley is the person the GOP picks.
If this were true, he would figure out what Vivek has support and try to welcome it. Childishly attacking Vivek isn't going to do it.
No he doesn't. All he has to do is differentiate himself from Vivek and point out he is the face of the movement.

Vivek will still endorse him. Trump has panned all sorts of people that ultimately came into his good graces over time. Look at Ted Cruz.

His attack was very very very mild. Trump merely wants to get as much of Iowa support as possible. Letting Vivek take some of that away from him is antithetical to his strategy of gaining a BIG win in Iowa....

Its purely a political strategy that he believes will win. It may be wrong... but we shall see.
What is Vivek angling for if you had to guess?
He's probably already got what he came for, namely, fame (which equals power). I had never heard of Vivek until 6 or so months ago and it sounds like he's already got enough money to last a lifetime. One should never underestimate the human desire to be the center of attention. In my younger, pre-spiritual days, I would have loved to get on TV every night and ram my opinions down millions of people's throats without them being able to clap back. It still sounds like fun, but now I'm wiser and know better. In the early days I once warned our benevolent predecessor, "Be careful, there's a lot to be said for anonymity and flying under the radar." But attention seekers gonna seek.
Gaetz would be the ideal candidate for it.

My comments for Ramaswamy were in regards to the primary. As it stands we all know that a Trump elimination would result in a runaway Vivek primary victory, which is a dramatically better outcome than Nikki Nuland
Absolutely agree on Gaetz. One of the few politicians I like.

I believe for the VP slot he's going to get Ben Carson... who's been storming Iowa for Trump. Robert Barnes pointed this out tonight. Trump's been calling Nikki is a globalist, and I dont see Vivek being supported by Trump as anyone who ran against him...

Vivek is going to want a high profile administrative position.

I think Vivek is better than Nimarata.... but when its the battle of the Indians... i am dubious that there are any real winners.

If DeSantis doesnt get a very very very strong showing...I dont see how he salvages his current political viability.
Absolutely agree on Gaetz. One of the few politicians I like.

I believe for the VP slot he's going to get Ben Carson... who's been storming Iowa for Trump. Robert Barnes pointed this out tonight. Trump's been calling Nikki is a globalist, and I dont see Vivek being supported by Trump as anyone who ran against him...

Vivek is going to want a high profile administrative position.

I think Vivek is better than Nimarata.... but when its the battle of the Indians... i am dubious that there are any real winners.

If DeSantis doesnt get a very very very strong showing...I dont see how he salvages his current political viability.
Gaetz has the Nestor problem.

Gaetz has the Nestor problem.

Yeah I've looked into this. Seems like it was a diversity thing his rich father pushed on. Very similar to Amy Coney Barret adopting a black child for clout.

The dude's got a very very attractive young wife... and had multiple FBI honeypot attempts foiled. I am not under the impression he's a homosexual if that's what the suggestion is.
I am not under the impression he's a homosexual if that's what the suggestion is.
Now I'm under that impression. And the whole adopt a non-white kid thing is not congruent either. These guys are all "not right." Anybody who aspires to be in state or federal government at this point in history should always be considered guilty until proven innocent. It's a full on Clown World out there. Honk! Honk!
Now I'm under that impression. And the whole adopt a non-white kid thing is not congruent either. These guys are all "not right." Anybody who aspires to be in state or federal government at this point in history should always be considered guilty until proven innocent. It's a full on Clown World out there. Honk! Honk!
Haha yeah I get it.

Believe me... That was my first inclination/concern.

But apparently he's got a reputation for getting with college girls... Hence how the FBI tried to honey pot him.

Eta... He's been one of the few congressman pushing the middle class issues, excess gov military spending, and foreign intervention.

So...I'm going to give him a benefit of the doubt.
Trump is an agent for Jews who realised the disaster of the Kristol axis. The decline of the US since Bush has been unfathomable. When talking to Norms about how bad things ate and how much worse they are going to get, they get angry, saying I am being over the top. Point out this epic decline since 2000. Where's that slowed down? No answer.

Some have realised the US is on the way out by their own hand, and they need to shore it up. The end of the US = the end of Isreal. Trump just represents some sort of preservation attempt.

The Kristol axis is dead. Haley is on that axsis and Trump won't pick her.

Trump represents leaving Russia alone - already controlled by Jews - and a non military solution of hanging Epstein tapes over the heads of Arabs who like to pee pee and poo poo, because that is the best way to secure Israel.
Some of you guys really want to make America browner as quickly as possible, huh?

When looking at politicians you have to employ the same mindset as with women: only actions matter, words mean nothing. A politician will lie, feign empathy, play on weaknesses / vulnerabilities / insecurities, and overall just tell you what you want to hear to get your vote. Your continued support means nothing once they get in power. Vote however you want but dont delude yourselves into believing anyone will reverse the damage done to the USA these last 4 terms.

It's a different world now in all aspects thanks to the seed planted with Obama's wretched presence. Because of him:

- Homosexuality was destigmatized and greatly empowered to the point where it now has a focal point in politics, education, military, entertainment and the workforce.

- The general public view on illegal immigrants shifted from a place of slight, subtle contempt to a radical change of extreme, irresponsible, altruistic empathy for peoples who only care about themselves and have no desire to truly integrate. Remember DACA? Remember the large crowds of illegal hispanics boldened by Obama's words to demand rights equal to or greater than what citizens had. There was no meaningful pushback and the virtue signaling by democratic politicians and brainwashed NPCs just made it worse. That set a precedent for the hordes of invading South Americans these last 4 years with even greater demands and less respect for the idiots facilitating their journey and setting them up here (again, demanding better stuff than what native citizens already have.)

- The anti-white (and straight) agenda was made acceptable to be implemented in the workforce, military, education, politics, entertainment, other institutions/groups and the general public opinion. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Affirmative Action. BLM. All of these have played a part in weakening the USA to the sad state it is now. Through a mix of tactics such as playing on the empathy/compassion of whites, installing fear of retaliatory violence, presenting white men as inferior/incompetent, racist blacks and other minorities have skewed public perception and mentally castrated weak minded white people. MLK must be rolling in his grave: " I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character"

It definitely was a dream. His own people make a mockery of his efforts and still have the nerve to refer to him as their champion when convenient.

Now politics aside, we all know that South Americans, Indians, and other non Europeans have a tribalistic culture and mindset and when moving to another country will NOT assimilate. Instead they'll try and muscle their culture to challenge the ones of the people in the host country. No matter how many years they've been here.

With indians, like others have said, once there is one in an area (and there rarely is only ever one), you can expect many more to follow. This is true for Indians, Haitians, american black people, South Americans, faggot rich liberals/degenerates and Brazilians in my experience.

In the workplace like others have mentioned Indians are notorious for bringing in the tribe little by little until they are the majority. God help you if one of them becomes responsible for hiring/firing. Regardless of upbringing or education level they'll always put other Indians before any other race regardless of qualifications. This goes double for american blacks. It seems whites are the only ones that actually used to hire based on qualifications and fired based on unproductiveness/bad behavior but now seem to eager to be replaced.

With all that being said, you have a country now that is absolutely swarmed with South Americans. In a few years with their irresponsible reproductive habits they will outnumber the native population. And they are not shy about throwing that in your face. Now imagine semi educated Indians would do with their massive superiority complex.

Now, you think an Indian president wont open up the hb1 gates for his own people? Look at Canada, they have an Indian immigrant population problem thanks to the treacherous policies from Castro's son. That country is already on its way to becoming 3rd world. Same will happen here.

There are always exceptions to these cases and for those very few immigrants or children of that dont bring their cultural baggage and become a productive member of society here then I can applaud that. But that is an increasingly shrinking minority. To think otherwise is foolish.
Now, you think an Indian president wont open up the hb1 gates for his own people? Look at Canada, they have an Indian immigrant population problem thanks to the treacherous policies from Castro's son. That country is already on its way to becoming 3rd world. Same will happen here.
Every president has opened up H-1B visas more than the previous, going back to the creation of H-1B in 1990. If Vivek were to open it up more, which I would expect, it would be the same thing Trump or Newsome or Haley or whoever else our next president will be.

You don't vote your way out of this.