The Vivek Ramaswamy Thread

100% the right wing Obama.

There will be nothing resembling a political savior of this country, even a flawed one, unless there is a nationwide repentance. Look around, do we see that? No? Then forget the presidency. Local politics are much more important.
Isn't there an uncomfortable truth in the question, "How do we have repentance when we have an anti christian country? The best we can hope for is a small remnant for which the larger portion will be spared due to their (the smaller number's) repentance.
He's on Timcast now and his motivation for staying in his now clear.

His play is to be a spoiler for Nikki Haley. Vivek says that the deep state's plan is to eliminate Trump, and then replace Biden with Nikki Haley because that allows the security state to continue with their policy goals under better branding than Biden can offer. Staying in the race means he prevents that from happening.

What is "MAGA"? Is it Trumps shameful and embarrassing first four years, where he used our tax money to enrich Blackrock and fight tooth and nail to give us as little help as possible while our businesses were shut down, but Israel kept getting their checks so they could kill innocent children?

Great, so now we know Trump will not pick Vivek. So is Trump's VP going to be Nikki. I hope so, that will be the end of the Trump spell over his supporters.
What is "MAGA"? Is it Trumps shameful and embarrassing first four years, where he used our tax money to enrich Blackrock and fight tooth and nail to give us as little help as possible while our businesses were shut down, but Israel kept getting their checks so they could kill innocent children?

Great, so now we know Trump will not pick Vivek. So is Trump's VP going to be Nikki. I hope so, that will be the end of the Trump spell over his supporters.
MAGA is a movement... And Vivek parrots it but all you need to do is watch the video of him acting like Trump and Obama simultaneously to see how inauthentic he is. H1B nightmare for us.

I'm not sure where you're connecting the dots between the first paragraph and the last.

There's zero chance he puts Nikki in as VP. He would lose his base.(me included)
MAGA is a movement... And Vivek parrots it but all you need to do is watch the video of him acting like Trump and Obama simultaneously to see how inauthentic he is. H1B nightmare for us.

I'm not sure where you're connecting the dots between the first paragraph and the last.

There's zero chance he puts Nikki in as VP. He would lose his base.(me included)
MAGA isn't a movement. A movement has stated goals, objectives and a vision. MAGA is another marketing ploy to drain righteous anger back into a donation scheme. Selling false hope. It is the transition from "America First" (never happened) to "Stop the Steal" (never happened) to four undefined words (will never happen).

Most would agree that the only guys in the GOP that Trump could pick would be someone "based" like Massie or Vivek. Now he has attacked the guy running to the right of him, and the guy who is pointing out how evil the GOP system is and how evil war for Israel is, he has to go back to the neo-con wing to pick a VP.
MAGA isn't a movement. A movement has stated goals, objectives and a vision. MAGA is another marketing ploy to drain righteous anger back into a donation scheme. Selling false hope. It is the transition from "America First" (never happened) to "Stop the Steal" (never happened) to four undefined words (will never happen).

Most would agree that the only guys in the GOP that Trump could pick would be someone "based" like Massie or Vivek. Now he has attacked the guy running to the right of him, and the guy who is pointing out how evil the GOP system is and how evil war for Israel is, he has to go back to the neo-con wing to pick a VP.
I've not seen anything that has Vivek running significantly to the right of Trump.

Massie has been anti Trump for several years... And Vivek came out to attack Trump by saying that he's an equal...

People's pundit gets it.

Meanwhile Steve King is implying the Hindu belief system of Vivek isn't contradictory to Christianity.

I've not seen anything that has Vivek running significantly to the right of Trump.

Massie has been anti Trump for several years... And Vivek came out to attack Trump by saying that he's an equal...

People's pundit gets it.

Meanwhile Steve King is implying the Hindu belief system of Vivek isn't contradictory to Christianity.

Vivek points out our losing and disastrous policy in Ukraine and attacking Putin has put us on the bring of WW3. Trump says empty BS like "the war would have never happened if I was president", gives no specifics, and even Putin himself said he doesn't care who is president, they will do what they must do.

Vivek talks about the "great replacement". Trump cheers it on, shamefully, with "more legal immigration" than ever before.

Vikek talks about our wasteful military budget and evil wars for profit. Trump wants to increase military spending.

Vivek is a few clicks to the 2016 Trump and 2016 Trump is way to the right of 2024 Trump.

Vivek seems to be a mix of "trying to profit off of Trump's popularity and pushing the envelop" and also running to the right of Trump and trying to pull him back to the right. Do I trust Vivek? No, but if he can make money by exposing Trump, that is fine by me.

The Trump team doesn't want to go to the right, they want to go to the left and be about where Nikki Haley is, because this is what the big donors want. So, while Nikki Haley runs a campaign that is almost identical to Hillary Clinton, Trump is wasting his time attacking Vivek. This is great, it only exposes Trump further as a fake.

Also, it is shameful to see Steve King still use the term 'Judeo-Christian", the donor class must have something on him.
Vivek points out our losing and disastrous policy in Ukraine and attacking Putin has put us on the bring of WW3. Trump says empty BS like "the war would have never happened if I was president", gives no specifics, and even Putin himself said he doesn't care who is president, they will do what they must do.

Well he didn't get us into new wars so...I'm not sure where this tracks.

Vivek would absolutely continue military spending apropos with what Congress pushes to his desk. Pretending that isn't the case is just silly.
Vivek talks about the "great replacement". Trump cheers it on, shamefully, with "more legal immigration" than ever before.
Trump is talking about mass deportations.

Vivek is going to bring in all his Indian buddies like every nepotistic Indian does.
Vikek talks about our wasteful military budget and evil wars for profit. Trump wants to increase military spending.
Again Vivek will sign whatever Congress sends to his desk.

Vivek is a few clicks to the 2016 Trump and 2016 Trump is way to the right of 2024 Trump.

Vivek seems to be a mix of "trying to profit off of Trump's popularity and pushing the envelop" and also running to the right of Trump and trying to pull him back to the right. Do I trust Vivek? No, but if he can make money by exposing Trump, that is fine by me.
Except he's not really exposing Trump... Merely getting more people to coalesce around Trump while driving Haley and DeSantis down.

The Trump team doesn't want to go to the right, they want to go to the left and be about where Nikki Haley is, because this is what the big donors want. So, while Nikki Haley runs a campaign that is almost identical to Hillary Clinton, Trump is wasting his time attacking Vivek. This is great, it only exposes Trump further as a fake.
Except he's going to crush all of them in the primary... So 1 tweet does nothing but show Vivek that he's aware of the game he's playing.
Also, it is shameful to see Steve King still use the term 'Judeo-Christian", the donor class must have something on him.
Yep... Pretty funny. But he has to bend the knee after getting smeared as a white Supremeeeeee
Well he didn't get us into new wars so...I'm not sure where this tracks.

Vivek would absolutely continue military spending apropos with what Congress pushes to his desk. Pretending that isn't the case is just silly.

Trump is talking about mass deportations.

Vivek is going to bring in all his Indian buddies like every nepotistic Indian does.

Again Vivek will sign whatever Congress sends to his desk.

Except he's not really exposing Trump... Merely getting more people to coalesce around Trump while driving Haley and DeSantis down.

Except he's going to crush all of them in the primary... So 1 tweet does nothing but show Vivek that he's aware of the game he's playing.

Yep... Pretty funny. But he has to bend the knee after getting smeared as a white Supremeeeeee
Putin's attack into Ukraine had nothing to do with Trump or Biden, it was the same policy there under both presidents. It had to do with the right time to attack. Had Trump been in office, Putin still would have gone in, and Trump's response would have been the same, with the Trump fan boys clapping like seals in support of it and the anti-war left would reappear under the top down controlled message.

Of course, Vivek would do the same. We are not voting our way out of this. But at least Vivek is talking about it, where Trump gives us the Bush talking point of a "strong military".

Yes, Trump is talking mass deportations, and then bring them back legally. So, that the same people have even more rights and benefits.

Vivek's plan wasn't to expose Trump, Trump is exposing himself by attacking Vivek. I do love he used the term "MAGA". "Vivek isn't MAGA". Of course Vivek isn't "MAGA", there is no such thing as "MAGA" it is a fanboy term that means nothing but what Trump determines it means in that second.

I understand Vivek not being Christian, but I trust a Hindu over fake Christians who use the term "Judeo-Christian" and stand by none of the teachings of Christ.
Putin's attack into Ukraine had nothing to do with Trump or Biden, it was the same policy there under both presidents. It had to do with the right time to attack. Had Trump been in office, Putin still would have gone in, and Trump's response would have been the same, with the Trump fan boys clapping like seals in support of it and the anti-war left would reappear under the top down controlled message.

Of course, Vivek would do the same. We are not voting our way out of this. But at least Vivek is talking about it, where Trump gives us the Bush talking point of a "strong military".

Yes, Trump is talking mass deportations, and then bring them back legally. So, that the same people have even more rights and benefits.

Vivek's plan wasn't to expose Trump, Trump is exposing himself by attacking Vivek. I do love he used the term "MAGA". "Vivek isn't MAGA". Of course Vivek isn't "MAGA", there is no such thing as "MAGA" it is a fanboy term that means nothing but what Trump determines it means in that second.

I understand Vivek not being Christian, but I trust a Hindu over fake Christians who use the term "Judeo-Christian" and stand by none of the teachings of Christ.
Where's he saying he wants to bring all them back legally.

You've pivot back and forth on Vivek... One minute you agree then the next you say he is there to fool Trump.

Viveks plan was to raise his own profile and to grift.
Nothing more nothing less.

Only people who've taken your incredibly sour take on Trump see him as spoiling himself by pointing out Vivek is a grifter.
Where's he saying he wants to bring all them back legally.

You've pivot back and forth on Vivek... One minute you agree then the next you say he is there to fool Trump.

Viveks plan was to raise his own profile and to grift.
Nothing more nothing less.

Only people who've taken your incredibly sour take on Trump see him as spoiling himself by pointing out Vivek is a grifter.
His 2019 SOTU address about having more legal immigration than ever before. Until he addresses this, I take him at his word. As bad as illegal immigration is, legal immigration is just as bad.

I didn't say he was there to fool Trump, I said he was there to profit off of running a Trump like campaign, or maybe he is running in case Trump really can't run and means what he says. I think more the former, but who knows. But Trump is making himself look like a fool for attacking him. It isn't going to win Trump any new support. It isn't like there are people who support Vivek then here Trump say "Vivek isn't MAGA" and say "oh wow, yea, I now support Trump". Vivek's support is a mix of people who don't think Trump can run and realize the only other choices are Hillary v.2.0 and Jeb Bush v.2.0. Then you have people who see Vivek as Trump with the ability to talk like an adult. This isn't going to bring any of them over. Instead, it will make a few of them question what Trump's motives really are.

If Trump was sincere he would have said...

"I like this guy Vivek, he reminds me of a younger version of myself. But it isn't his time yet, I appreciate him running and putting out a winning message, but the time is for me to retake the White House and __insert BS___. And I think Vivek will have a spot on my team as we Make America Great Again".

I'm glad Trump and his team are this piss poor our simply this desperate, because it just exposes them more. If they had more tact and used a message like mine above, they could really fool some people who were questioning his motives.