The Vivek Ramaswamy Thread

This is super cringe worthy. Vivek has my respect for sticking his neck out and talking trash, but as a Christ denying Kumar Reddy blasphemer, he will never get my vote.
So does Trump, who boasts about living in sin (another sin) into his 80's, and used the Bible as a prop to try to win votes, but never followed the teachings, get your vote?

I would rather a man who is honest about his faith get support than a man who mocks Christianity then tries to use it to his advantage when convenient only.
So does Trump, who boasts about living in sin (another sin) into his 80's, and used the Bible as a prop to try to win votes, but never followed the teachings, get your vote?
I would rather a man who is honest about his faith get support than a man who mocks Christianity then tries to use it to his advantage when convenient only.
I support Vivek, but I'm voting for Trump because I'm stupid and enjoy wasting my time.
So does Trump, who boasts about living in sin (another sin) into his 80's, and used the Bible as a prop to try to win votes, but never followed the teachings, get your vote?

I would rather a man who is honest about his faith get support than a man who mocks Christianity then tries to use it to his advantage when convenient only.

Forgive me ... But your comments are and have always been very sharp so I'll continue to speak to you sharply also. Meant with love:

It's rather presumptuous of you to decry someone else's piety...and impune their faith along the way....and to pretend to know all facits of someone's life.

Even more so to push a Hindu dude on the internet whilst proclaiming yourself to be some great awakener for Christian Men against Trump as a better guy ... Yet having to kids or family yourself to demonstrate that in matriculated values.

No-one with a progeny wants Trump out. As wrong as he was, he was good for our progeny... There's so much Internet cheering for "down with the system" as though the alternative is a good thing.... It's really quite comically repugnant.

The system is corrupt. Trump is an imperfect character but... The Only person who can carry that message forward. The rest will buckle. AND pretending like ANY Hindi dude has heritage American intersrss at heart deeply is as foolish as believing you can bottle and sell unicorn farts.

I support Vivek, but I'm voting for Trump because I'm stupid and enjoy wasting my time.
So, you do care when someone is religious but isn't a Christian, but don't care when someone mocks Christianity and uses it like a cheap prostitute when needed?

Personally, we are in such a bad condition, I don't care what religion someone is, if they can even right the ship. And guess what, neither one will right the ship, they are both phonies. But at least one doesn't have some sort of satan magical grip over Christians making them throw away their lives and hard earned money.
Forgive me ... But your comments are and have always been very sharp so I'll continue to speak to you sharply also. Meant with love:

It's rather presumptuous of you to decry someone else's piety...and impune their faith along the way....and to pretend to know all facits of someone's life.

Even more so to push a Hindu dude on the internet whilst proclaiming yourself to be some great awakener for Christian Men against Trump as a better guy ... Yet having to kids or family yourself to demonstrate that in matriculated values.

No-one with a progeny wants Trump out. As wrong as he was, he was good for our progeny... There's so much Internet cheering for "down with the system" as though the alternative is a good thing.... It's really quite comically repugnant.

The system is corrupt. Trump is an imperfect character but... The Only person who can carry that message forward. The rest will buckle. AND pretending like ANY Hindi dude has heritage American intersrss at heart deeply is as foolish as believing you can bottle and sell unicorn farts.
Trump spent his entire life living in sin and bragging about it, which is yet another sin of pride. It isn't like he tried to hide it or even correct this behavior. One thing about all truly religious people is humility, the humility before a greater being, and that is one of many things Trump doesn't have.

Trump did nothing. He did the same things as Obama, hell, he couldn't even fix the Obamacare mess, LOL. But he still got people to throw away their lives, literally going to prison for more than a decade, and giving up their social security payments rather than eating, all to support him. If there is an anti-Christ on this planet, it is him. It is one thing to be evil. But it is a whole different level to be both evil and cunning enough to get Christians to throw away their lives to support you. That is a special kind of evil and cunning that I have never in my life seen from anyone else.

If we want to fix this country, and it is way too late to do so, we need anyone but Trump. So when Biden or Newsome or Vivik is flooding the country with Africans, and they are renaming our schools, and crime is out of control, and poverty continues to skyrocket, and young people during to addiction and suicide, rather than clapping like seals for the fraud Trump, they get angry and speak out, which we see now.

I know Vivek will not win, he will never be the GOP nominee because he is not related to George Soros business partner like Trump is. But Vivek is the perfect guy to use as a lightening rod to say things even gutless Trump would never say AND to call out Trump fans who, sadly, still support Trump but then can't support a guy that is what Trump pretends to be.
Judeo-Hindoo-Christian values.

Man these Ivy leaguer’s are really well trained at conning people with their glib talk aren’t they?

“Who is your God?”

“Everyone everyone gather around, I want you to hear this”

(Goes on to evade the question for 5 minutes)

I guess he doesn’t believe in many Gods or does he…he said different forms, is he trying to make a comparison to Trinity?

See this is the type of garbage lying double speak that some people continue to fall for over and over. Trump would do this too. How is he even a candidate.
There's something wrong when the only Hindu on stage sounds more Christian than all the other "Christians" running.

Trump was a Presbyterian until he switched to the non-denominational denomination in 2020. However, his idea of religiosity has more to do with the power of positive thinking than anything else.
I knew an Hindu a long time ago who said that "Bhagwan" is the "super god" to whom the more commonly known gods pray. According to this the word is a title applying usually to deities, but it may serve the same multiple function as "god" and "God" in English. This particular Hindu's usage of the word definitely implied a distinct intelligence rather than a title. This might be the idea to which Ramaswamy referred.
Reading posts from people who don't get Hinduism is funny. I'm a practicing Hindu, albeit modestly, but definitely not a devil worshipper. Some people just miss how cultures shape religious practices, maybe from just a lack of experience in the world. In my Indian hometown, we mix Christian and Hindu customs – grandpa was buried as opposed to cremated according to Hindu customs, and we celebrate Christmas. This isn't some anomaly either. An anomaly is the Muslim religion which has taken that religion and turned it into an organized cultural phenomenon and started suppressing all other religions in its path. That's what we should be worrying about.

Despite putting "Hindu" on my forum profile, I hesitated due to the ridicule faced by figures like Ramaswamy. Tried to keep identity politics out in the Vivek thread I started on the old forum, but trolling continued. Maybe my old forum history, military background and real life friendships here give me leeway, but if that wasn't the case I think the newer, more Orthodox and maybe divisive members from the new forum would have thrown me out.

I've said this before. Many white forum members blame politicians without taking personal responsibility for their own cultural preservation. I probably do more for their cultural presentation locally than they do for themselves. Then you have those that say "I don't like Vivek because he's Hindu" but then reluctantly acknowledge or even admire his actions. Truth is Trump has been just as shady if not a hell of a lot shadier in business dealings and connections than Vivek, but of course he gets a pass. It's an obvious level of cognitive dissonance that doesn't even need to be pointed out.

Personally, I think Vivek is great, because he's clearly the most intelligent and articulate one on the ballot. As someone said before, he speaks up more for the white and Christian population in the US than many Christian candidates. Look at Nikki Haley, another Indian, but a convert to Christianity, yet her warmongering values are not very American and I presume not Christian.

From where I stand, this thread is teetering between some good analysis only to be taken back by the trolling that diminishes it to no better than a race thread.
Truth is Trump has been just as shady if not a hell of a lot shadier in business dealings and connections than Vivek, but of course he gets a pass

At this point I'd guess Trump support here is sub-33%.

I don't think his business dealings are cleaner. Trump is said to have a net worth of $3b from building hotels and resorts all over the world. Vivek has a net worth of half a billion from collecting VC money for a company with little more than he, his mother and brother on the board. He's basically never done anything in his entire life.

Also, there is no evidence of a change from being dem to never Trump to just sticking up for our boy Trump. When people have those dramatic shifts there is evidence. Such as Tucker Carlson saying he's ashamed of his past neocon positions. With Trump there is at least 40 years of consistency on some core positions.

I think Vivek has just analysed the landscape and says what people want to hear. Very few people have done that, and there is a lot to be gained by representing 100 mil unrepresented people.

Another Never Trumper to MAGA Republican is JD Vance. A friend of Vivek. No evidence of his quick pivot. Also Dr. Oz.

It's obvious he is acting, such as the video I posted with him with the pastor. He told people what they want to hear to bilk $500m and he's at it again.

With that said, it's better to have one person out there saying what he is saying. And if he ends up as VP, which I think is his play, then he can be judged by his actions. Unlikely to be worse than ZioPence.
Despite putting "Hindu" on my forum profile, I hesitated due to the ridicule faced by figures like Ramaswamy. Tried to keep identity politics out in the Vivek thread I started on the old forum, but trolling continued.

I have met and worked with a lot of Indians and most are nice people, but I highly highly doubt Vivek would do jack squat for the white / non Indian population. The ones I have know and one I knew very well (I’ll get to that) mostly just hung out with each other and helped each other and looked down upon almost everyone else. I will admit that Indians looked most favorably upon whites and I even had one Brahmin woman claim she was Aryan. Don’t even get me started on Ghandi’s opinion on black people. Only naive black people would vote for Vivek because of some lame oh he’s a POC too thing.

But the caste system still plays a role with many modern Indians and many can be so arrogant it’s intolerable and they walk around with their Indian superiority complex. Vivek seems no different and believe me, if he did win (he has no chance) he would offer Nikki Haley a cabinet position. It’s all a show brother.

I once dated a Gujrathi woman and dealing with her family and the garbage because she was considering marrying me was ridiculous because I am non Indian. Not only did I make more money than her and most of her relatives, and got along with her but the family dynamics made me cut it off. I couldn’t deal with that, she’s now in an arranged marriage to an alcoholic, great pick dad!

I've said this before. Many white forum members blame politicians without taking personal responsibility for their own cultural preservation. I probably do more for their cultural presentation locally than they do for themselves.

We thank you for this, but you are not the norm.

Then you have those that say "I don't like Vivek because he's Hindu" but then reluctantly acknowledge or even admire his actions.

Some Hindu customs are weird and will be weird to outsiders. My ex would perform a pooja?? as a deity offering and ask for money. How is this different than say making a demonic pact for riches? Or even thinking of God as some type of Genie?

Truth is Trump has been just as shady if not a hell of a lot shadier in business dealings and connections than Vivek, but of course he gets a pass.

No he doesn’t. Trump is also a conman.

It's an obvious level of cognitive dissonance that doesn't even need to be pointed out.

Personally, I think Vivek is great, because he's clearly the most intelligent and articulate one on the ballot. As someone said before, he speaks up more for the white and Christian population in the US than many Christian candidates.

Articulate and intelligent yes, but he’s a product of the Ivy League establishment and can not be trusted.

Look at Nikki Haley, another Indian, but a convert to Christianity, yet her warmongering values are not very American and I presume not Christian.

They are probably laughing behind stage and to the bank.

Ever been to a trial where the attorneys put up an act and go after each other and then you see them sipping whiskey, laughing, and slapping each other on the shoulder at the bar right after?

Same concept bro. It’s all a circus.
I have met and worked with a lot of Indians and most are nice people, but I highly highly doubt Vivek would do jack squat for the white / non Indian population. The ones I have know and one I knew very well (I’ll get to that) mostly just hung out with each other and helped each other and looked down upon almost everyone else. I will admit that Indians looked most favorably upon whites and I even had one Brahmin woman claim she was Aryan. Don’t even get me started on Ghandi’s opinion on black people. Only naive black people would vote for Vivek because of some lame oh he’s a POC too thing.

But the caste system still plays a role with many modern Indians and many can be so arrogant it’s intolerable and they walk around with their Indian superiority complex. Vivek seems no different and believe me, if he did win (he has no chance) he would offer Nikki Haley a cabinet position. It’s all a show brother.

I once dated a Gujrathi woman and dealing with her family and the garbage because she was considering marrying me was ridiculous because I am non Indian. Not only did I make more money than her and most of her relatives, and got along with her but the family dynamics made me cut it off. I couldn’t deal with that, she’s now in an arranged marriage to an alcoholic, great pick dad!

We thank you for this, but you are not the norm.

Some Hindu customs are weird and will be weird to outsiders. My ex would perform a pooja?? as a deity offering and ask for money. How is this different than say making a demonic pact for riches? Or even thinking of God as some type of Genie?

No he doesn’t. Trump is also a conman.

Articulate and intelligent yes, but he’s a product of the Ivy League establishment and can not be trusted.

They are probably laughing behind stage and to the bank.

Ever been to a trial where the attorneys put up an act and go after each other and then you see them sipping whiskey, laughing, and slapping each other on the shoulder at the bar right after?

Same concept bro. It’s all a circus.

You are spot on with this.
The pooja (prayer) and asking for money sums up 'Hindu' culture very well. They are all about money, material comfort and ease. Very similar to Jews, and the complete opposite of Christianity. A fear driven people. Not God fearing, but fearing a lack of material comfort and status.

Indians both worship whites and are also resentful of them. I'm one of the lighter skinned/caucasoid looking Indians you'll see (I'd share my picture here if I was allowed), and even my own uncle and cousins have acted belligerently to me and my family because of that.

The 'high caste' and rich ones are usually spiritually bankrupt.
Cobra, I think you're an awesome dude, appreciate you as a fellow vet... but I don't see how the below challenges the assertion that Vivek is making a politically calculated maneuver for self-serving purposes and certainly should be subject to scrutiny.
Reading posts from people who don't get Hinduism is funny. I'm a practicing Hindu, albeit modestly, but definitely not a devil worshipper. Some people just miss how cultures shape religious practices, maybe from just a lack of experience in the world. In my Indian hometown, we mix Christian and Hindu customs – grandpa was buried as opposed to cremated according to Hindu customs, and we celebrate Christmas. This isn't some anomaly either. An anomaly is the Muslim religion which has taken that religion and turned it into an organized cultural phenomenon and started suppressing all other religions in its path. That's what we should be worrying about.
Let me put a counter question to it:

So you celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, The Son of God through the Virgin Mary? Or just give gifts and have a family get together.
Despite putting "Hindu" on my forum profile, I hesitated due to the ridicule faced by figures like Ramaswamy. Tried to keep identity politics out in the Vivek thread I started on the old forum, but trolling continued. Maybe my old forum history, military background and real life friendships here give me leeway, but if that wasn't the case I think the newer, more Orthodox and maybe divisive members from the new forum would have thrown me out.

I've said this before. Many white forum members blame politicians without taking personal responsibility for their own cultural preservation. I probably do more for their cultural presentation locally than they do for themselves. Then you have those that say "I don't like Vivek because he's Hindu" but then reluctantly acknowledge or even admire his actions.

I should also mention that my mother lived in Indonesia for a period as a teenager due to my grandfather working as a Petroleum Engineer.... She had Vishnu statues and all sorts of other things from the time there...I have hindu friends from work... I dont think that they are bad people and I enjoy learning about their culture and experience from a curiosity point of view.... but as in my understanding of it all.... it is worshiping deities that I equate to pagan/demonic idolatry... and its pretty black and white on that book. Therefore its anathema to me to vote for a Mormon/Hindu/Muslim.

I mean when I see Vivek go on tv and talk about one God... knowing that he doesnt believe it... its about as cringe/phoney as it gets.
Truth is Trump has been just as shady if not a hell of a lot shadier in business dealings and connections than Vivek, but of course he gets a pass. It's an obvious level of cognitive dissonance that doesn't even need to be pointed out.
Care to name some that are concretely fleshed out?
Personally, I think Vivek is great, because he's clearly the most intelligent and articulate one on the ballot. As someone said before, he speaks up more for the white and Christian population in the US than many Christian candidates. Look at Nikki Haley, another Indian, but a convert to Christianity, yet her warmongering values are not very American and I presume not Christian.
He's doing good things to be useful in pointing out to the republican party that the base still wants the agenda Trump spouts. I enjoy listening and watching him take people down.... but that's the only purpose he serves. To bring the party apparatus back to accept Trump's agenda which is defined by American Populism.

Nimrod I mean Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley is a total creation of the elites.... and I enjoy watching her get lambasted by Vivek.

I appreciate him for what he is.... and the good he can do... but I do not trust him.
From where I stand, this thread is teetering between some good analysis only to be taken back by the trolling that diminishes it to no better than a race thread.
I agree there is an element of frustration expressed here about the indian interaction with many in their corporate lives/inability to break through certain H1B issues ect. Its understandable to a degree... and I do think some are concerned (Like I am) that Vivek would absolutely do things that would increase the H1B injection of Indian workers.
This is a reasonable fear given the in-group preference that seems to only be unacceptable if whites do it....