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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

South Donetsk - 28.03.2024
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"The situation in the Vuhledar direction as of 18:00 /Moscow time/ March 28, 2024

▪️ In the Vuhledar direction, Russian Armed Forces continue the assault on Novomykhailivka from two directions, systematically striking enemy positions in the village.
▪️ At the moment, Russian units are consolidating in houses on the Lenin Street in the center of the village. The enemy is trying to prevent this by launching artillery strikes on the infantry of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ The building of the House of Culture and school has finally come under the control of Russian troops, at the same time, there has been no information about the occupation of the village council building yet: most likely, fighting is still ongoing there.
▪️ Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces coming from the north, after recently taking control of the farm, are trying to move west in the direction of the Mashinostroitel gardening partnership.
▪️ On the southern flank, Russian troops are advancing from the dairy farm towards the center of the village. The forward group advanced several hundred meters and reached the cowsheds on the Timiryazev Street, but came under fire from cluster munitions.
▪️ At the moment, about half of the settlement remains under enemy control. Despite the deteriorating situation, there is no evidence of retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The enemy compensates for the loses in manpower and equipment in the village by actively using FPV drones and cluster munitions, which significantly complicates the offensive of Russian troops."

South Donetsk - 29.03.2024
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"Battle for Heorhiivka. Situation as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ March 29, 2024

▪️ Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces are advancing along the Lenin and Gagarin streets towards the western outskirts of Heorhiivka.
▪️ According to the latest data, the buildings of a school and kindergarten, where previously the Armed Forces of Ukraine defended for several weeks, have come under the full control of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ The enemy retreated to the territory of the former agricultural enterprise "Selkhozkhimiya" - where are several surviving buildings suitable for defense. On its western outskirts, the Armed Forces of Ukraine created a network of trenches for the movement of troops.
▪️ To the north of Heorhiivka, the enemy retains control over the Krasnohorivka Nature Reserve, while units of the Russian Armed Forces are consolidated in the forest belts to the south. Further advance to the west without “pulling up” the northern flank and taking control of the dominant heights is difficult, so it is logical to expect attempts of the Russian Armed Forces to attack precisely in this area."

Donetsk-Avdiivka - 29.03.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 17:00 /Moscow time/ March 29, 2024

▪️ After liberating Tonenke and clearing the surrounding area, Russian troops cut off the “wedge” at the Tonenke-Pervomaiske line, and have taken several forest belts north-west of Tonenke under control.
▪️ After the front line is leveled, units of the Russian Armed Forces have the prospect of simultaneous advance both towards Yasnobrodivka to the west and towards Pervomaiske in the south.
▪️ According to the latest data, the offensive along the Tonkaya Gully to the west in the direction of Umanske also continues. Subject to a simultaneous attack from Orlivka, Russian troops will be able to cross the Durna River and gain a foothold along the section of the C051801 road leading to Umanske.
▪️However, the advances of the Russian Armed Forces are not made without losses. The presence of a large number of enemy unmanned aerial vehicles and FPV drones slows down the advance of the Russian Armed Forces. Russian UAV operators respond in turn, and managed to destroy one of the enemy’s field warehouses."
Ukraine is through the heart of the winter and Russia is now turning out the lights with these power plant hits. Putin let them keep their heat for the winter, but I think things are about to get less static. Notice no talk of any "summer counteroffensive" on the Ukraine side (that's all we heard about 12 months ago). It bodes for a Russian summer push.

Before, it appeared that both sides were playing "not to lose." Now that Putin secured an overwhelming reelection, he's more likely to get aggressive. OTOH, Biden desperately needs to not lose this war before election. This summer will see if US .mil has developed any new tricks or wunderwaffen. NATO mobilization is madness and just impractical. Ukraine can only equip, train, and arm so many men at one time. Advantage Russia.

My 2 cents at least.
Patrick Lancaster is the single most credible journalist for on the ground news from Ukraine.

I met with Avdeevka / Avdiivka / Avdeyevka Residents / refugees and they exposed many war crimes committed by the Ukraine forces during the battle where Russia captured the city. As these people state, the Ukraine forces used tanks to fire directly on homes, used resident as human shields, targeted civilians, regularly kidnapped people. They all said how they have been waiting for Russian forces to come help them.
April 2, 2024 - ukrainian drone strikes in Tatarstan, Russia.

"UAV raid on the Republic of Tatarstan. April 2, 2024.

▪️ This morning, The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out an attack with several drones on the Republic of Tatarstan. Specifically, the cities of Yelabuga and Nizhnekamsk came under attack.
- One of the drones, visually reminiscent of a converted A-22 light aircraft, hit a dormitory near a plant in the Alabuga Special Economic Zone. There are people injured.
- Another device was suppressed by electronic warfare equipment over Nizhnekamsk, but it fell on the territory of the Taneco oil refinery, hitting one of the installations. The fire was extinguished within 20 minutes.
▪️ The drones were launched from the border areas of the Kharkov and Sumy regions and they covered a distance of over 1200 km, flying at low altitude over the western part of Russia. This was the first attack by Ukrainian Armed Forces drones in Tatarstan.
▪️ The purpose of the attack is obvious. In addition to refineries, attacks on which have become increasingly frequent in recent weeks, the Armed Forces of Ukraine intended to hit a plant, which in the West is called the Shahed UAV manufacturing plant.
▪️ It is not yet clear what specific type of UAV was used. But with a high degree of probability, these are the same drones that were recently used to attack an oil refinery in the Leningrad region. And they are produced at the complexes of the Antonov plant, which easily fulfills orders from the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine. Why such enterprises are still functioning in the so-called Ukraine is a rather interesting question. Maybe people in high places still think that Ukrainian UAVs are unable to cover such distances, but this has not been the case for a long time. Examples of recent attacks are illustrative.
▪️ Why weren’t the drones shot down? Also a very good question. There are plenty of systems to counter low-flying targets. The Ukrainian formations effectively use mobile rifle squads and anti-aircraft guns to shoot down Geraniums.
▪️ Failure to understand the impending danger from such raids is fraught with consequences. And the sooner we understand this, the better we will cope with the coming attacks."

South Donetsk - 03.04.2024
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"The situation in the Vuhledar direction as of 08:00 /Moscow time/ April 3, 2024

▪️ Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces continue to storm Novomyhailivka from several directions.
▪️ In the north, Russian troops are expanding their zone of control on the territory of the "Mashinostroitel" gardening partnership. At the moment, the fighting is going on for the first row of houses. Success here will depend on the advance of Russian troops in the center of Novomykhailivka along the Lenin Street, which will secure the flanks of the attacking units.
▪️ Heavy fighting is taking place on the southern approaches to Novomykhailivka. After several attempts to advance in the settlement in the area of Timiryazev Street, Russian troops advanced in a westerly direction south of the residential sector. The Russian infantry managed to advance 500 meters, to the trench network which the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to equip over the past few months. Despite statements of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that Russian units failed to gain a foothold in this area, based on the footage available online, it cannot be reliably stated that the attack of the Russian Armed Forces failed. However, it will not be possible to take the trench network of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is more than a kilometer long, quickly."

Donetsk-Avdiivka - 03.04.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 09:00 /Moscow time/ April 3, 2024

▪️ Russian troops are advancing west of Tonenke, towards the Umanske-Netailove line: over the past few days they have not suffered losses, but managed to advance up to one and a half kilometers in width and depth. The enemy attempted a counterattack with several armored vehicles in the area south of Umanske, but came under fire and retreated to the starting point, losing one unit of equipment.
▪️ The “fog of war” in the Semenivka area has cleared up a little: it was possible to establish that units of the Russian Armed Forces advanced along the Durna River and gained a foothold on the southern outskirts of the Central Street. It is still unknown who controls the network of trenches on the outskirts of the village.
▪️ In Berdychi, after a recent assault on positions in the center of the village, Russian troops advanced two kilometers to the west along the Kazberova Street: the Armed Forces of Ukraine probably withdrew part of their forces to Novobakhmutivka.
▪️ In Soloviove, a few kilometers north of Berdychi, a Russian FPV drone hit an M1A1 Abrams tank: this is at least the fifth unit of this type of equipment hit."
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WW3 Coming to a Theatre near you!


Told ya'll this would happen, but as usual few wanted to accept reality. Now here it is. Total war is coming, billions dead, nothing will ever be the same, decades and decades of war.
Ukies claim to have scored a massive hit on Russian air base near Rostov, probably exaggerated but still:



"Massive Ukrainian drone raid. April 5, 2024

▪️ At night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched a massive drone raid into Russian territories.
▪️ The main target was the Morozovsk airfield in the Rostov region, where Ukrainian formations sent 44 drones. Their exact type is unknown, it will be clear when examining the debris, but with a high degree of probability these are the same UAVs that the enemy has been using in recent weeks.
▪️ 26 drones were shot down by crews of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system, and 18 by rifle detachments. Judging by the videos that appeared on the Internet, the drones were flying at an extremely low altitude, which increased their secrecy from radar detection.
▪️ No serious damage to the infrastructure was recorded; the debris touched several buildings at the site. A local substation was also damaged, causing a temporary loss of electricity.
▪️ At the same time, the enemy also attacked the airfield in Yeisk, where local air defense units destroyed ten UAVs. They all flew from the coast of the Azov Sea, apparently from the Zaporozhye/Dnepropetrovsk region.
▪️ Also, at least one more UAV of the Ukrainian Armed Forces was hit while approaching the strategic aviation airfield in Engels. It is not entirely clear why there was only one drone: perhaps there were more devices flying in this direction, but they were shot down on the way.
▪️ Thanks to the actions of the air defense crews, it was possible to avoid serious consequences of the raid - reports from Ukrainian sources about the alleged destruction of six aircraft are the fruit of the imagination of enemy propagandists.
▪️ The example of recent attacks shows how much the enemy’s ability to hit targets at a distance from the line of contact has increased. This again raises the question of countermeasures (rifle detachments have proven their effectiveness time after time) to protect aviation at bases. The protective hangars, which have been mentioned more than once, for some reason are still something unusually difficult to implement."

Chasiv Yar - 05.04.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation as of 08:00 /Moscow time/ April 5, 2024

▪️Russian troops are developing an offensive in the direction of Chasiv Yar. According to preliminary information, units of the Russian Airborne Forces managed to reach the outskirts of the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal through the Stupky Tract.
▪️ At the same time, information appeared about assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces reaching the outskirts of the Kanal microdistrict of Chasiv Yar - soldiers of the 98th Airborne Division entered the outskirts of the settlement through the forest from the side of the O0506 highway and broke through the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in this area.
▪️ Available enemy footage confirms the Russian attack and their engagement on the Zelenaya Street on the outskirts of the microdistrict.

And taking into account the fact that the propaganda resources of the Armed Forces of Ukraine usually post materials that are only favourable for them, the real advances of the RF Armed Forces may be even greater."
Chasiv Yar - 08.04.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation as of 12:00 /Moscow time/ April 8, 2024

▪️ In the Bakhmut sector, Russian troops continue to expand the zone of control towards Chasiv Yar.
▪️ According to preliminary data, units of the Russian Armed Forces occupied the southwestern outskirts of Bohdanivka. To the north of the settlement, Russian military personnel advanced at least to the farm, and in the south they reached the Orlova Tract. The enemy was forced to retreat from Bohdanivka towards Kalynivka, on the eastern outskirts of which, according to some information, fighting already broke out in the area of Lesnaya Street.
▪️ In the Kanal Microdistrict, on the eastern outskirts of Chasiv Yar, there are clashes in the area of the Gorbatov Street. In recent days, servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces have been fighting near the school No. 77, but so far there is no footage to confirm the control of the Russian Armed Forces over the building.
▪️ At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are building a new line of defense along the banks of the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal, where a strip of mine-explosive barriers was already installed. The Ukrainian command intends to hold the defense in the remaining part of the Kanal Microdistrict for as long as possible until the defense line at the Seversky Donets-Donbass water barrier, to the west of which most of Chasiv Yar is located, is finally ready.
▪️ The positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Chasiv Yar are constantly being attacked by artillery strikes, and Russian aviation is “working" on the multi-story buildings where the enemy has equipped observation points and positions of ATGM operators. There are also reports of strikes on enemy temporary deployment points within the city.
▪️ To the west of Ivanivske, Russian paratroopers are already fighting on the bank of the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal. At the same time, assault detachments of the Russian Army are trying to occupy dominant heights in the area of the Stupky-Holubovski-2 Nature Reserve.
▪️ Despite the successes of recent days, heavy battles are still ahead. At the moment, the goal of the Russian Armed Forces is to cross the Seversky Donets-Donbass Canal, along which a new line of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is being built. If successful, the position of the Ukrainian formations will become significantly more complicated and the enemy command will be faced with the question: is it worth making another PR "fortress" out of Chasiv Yar, or is it better to preserve the already exhausted units, withdrawing them to new positions."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 08.04.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ April 8, 2024

▪️ To the west of Avdiivka, Russian troops are conducting offensive operations in several areas along the Berdychi-Pervomaiske line.
▪️ In the Berdychi area, the enemy is exerting flank pressure from Novobakhmutivka, counterattacking with infantry groups supported by armored vehicles. However, at the moment Berdychi is almost completely under the control of the Russian Armed Forces. And it was also it was also possible to reduce the “pocket” between Berdychi and Orlivka that arose after the first days of the breakthrough from Avdiivka.
▪️ Moving from Orlivka, Russian units managed to enter the southern outskirts of Semenivka: according to preliminary information, they took control of at least half of the village. At the same time, the enemy retains the possibility of supplying his forces through the tree lines along the O0542 road and through the gully to the north.
▪️ To the west of Tonenke, Russian Armed Forces were also able to advance in the direction of Umanske, although they have not yet been able to reach the outskirts of the settlement. However, without the occupation of Semenivka and a subsequent attack from Orlivka through the vicinity of the S051801 road, we can hardly expect the start of battles for Umanske.
▪️ Russian troops are also advancing in the Pervomaiske area. The assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces launched an attack north of Staroavdiivka Pond on the Vodyane River and are fighting for the positions north of Utyatnik Pond, which are located less than a kilometer from the eastern outskirts of Netailove."