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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

The Russians are certainly gaining invaluable battlefield experience. How difficult is it to target a TV tower? If you are off by mere inches (sorry, centimeters), you fail. That's one hell of a shot!
The Russians are certainly gaining invaluable battlefield experience. How difficult is it to target a TV tower? If you are off by mere inches (sorry, centimeters), you fail. That's one hell of a shot!

It comes down to the guidance system: laser and optical guided munitions can strike a target with pinpoint accuracy - they still need skilled operators.
An anti-radiation missile is a "maybe" - it would more likely hit one of the antennas not the mast itself.
If, or when, there's a video from the Russian side - either from a drone, or from the missile (if it was optical guided) - I'll be sure to post it.
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 22.04.2024

"Battle for Ocheretyne. The situation as of 13:00 /Moscow time/ April 22, 2024

▪️ Russian troops are rapidly pushing through enemy defenses to the north of Avdiivka.
▪️ Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces took full control of the Ocheretyne railway station, advancing along the Zheleznodorozhnaya Street 1.2 kilometers to the northwest. Russian troops are also establishing positions along the streets located south of the railway station.
▪️ At the moment, there is no information about control over the northern part of the village behind the railway. In the surrounding area there are several more solid buildings that the enemy can use for defense: the territory of the Altkom brick factory, a school and a local water utility.
▪️ Footage published online by the enemy shows a M2A2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle from the 47th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine firing at the positions of the Russian Armed Forces, from the outskirts of the village. According to Ukrainian resources, the 47th Brigade was urgently transferred as a “fire brigade” to plug a gap in the defense after the escape of individual Ukrainian units from Ocheretyne.

▪️ The situation is developing dynamically, and it is possible that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will not have enough strength to hold back the advance of the Russian Army. If Ukrainian formations lose control over Ocheretyne, then the fall of Novobakhmutivka and Novokalynove will only be a matter of time."


"Battle for Ocheretyne. The situation as of 21:00 /Moscow time/ April 22, 2024

▪️ Russian units from the “Center” group of troops, taking advantage of the enemy’s disorganization, are moving deeper into the village of Ocheretyne.
▪️ Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces, after capturing the southern outskirts of the village, crossed the railway track and gained a foothold in the central part of the village.
▪️ Footage of the hoisting of the Russian flag on the military-civil administration building in Ocheretyne appeared on the Internet.

Russian soldiers stand at full height, without fear of shelling and calmly moving around the territory. There are practically no sounds of shooting in the background, which indicates the relative safety of being in the center of the village.
▪️ At the moment, the northern part of the settlement and the water canal area, where scattered enemy groups may still remain, are being cleared. Also, the territory of the Altkom brick factory, located on the western outskirts of the village, still remains under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine".
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NATO keeps moving in:

Pentagon spokesman Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder said the potential deployment would augment US personnel based at the US Embassy in Kyiv.

"Throughout this conflict, the DOD has reviewed and adjusted our presence in-country as security conditions have evolved. Currently, we are considering sending several additional advisers to augment the Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) at the Embassy," Ryder said.

Back in October 2022, the Pentagon announced that ODC and defense attaché personnel were back in Ukraine after being absent for the first few months of Russia’s invasion.

The Pentagon said at the time that the personnel were conducting "onsite" inspections of US-provided weapons.

Ryder said the ODC "performs a variety of advisory and support missions (non-combat), and while it is staffed exclusively by DOD personnel, it is embedded within the US Embassy, under Chief of Mission authority like the rest of the Embassy."

Ryder said the advisers would serve in a non-combat role, but the deployment would still mark an escalation of US involvement in the war and reflect the US’s long-term plans for the conflict. The US has sought to emphasize that they will not participate in battles.

Besides the ODC and defense attaché, the US also has a small number of special operations forces in Ukraine. The Discord leaks revealed last year that as of March 2023, 14 US special operations troops were in Ukraine.
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 25.04.2024

"Battle for Ocheretyne. The situation as of 08:00 /Moscow time/ April 25, 2024

▪️ After the success in Ocheretyne, Russian troops were able to develop their success even further. Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces from the 15th Motor Rifle Brigade and the "ArBat" Special Purpose Battalion took control of the village of Novobakhmutivka south of Ocheretyne last night.
▪️ According to incoming information, the enemy abandoned the village almost without a fight, which became problematic to hold after Russian units occupied the central and southern outskirts of Ocheretyne. The liberation of Novobakhmutivka was confirmed by the footage of Russian soldiers hoisting their flags on one of the houses in the settlement.

Nevertheless, the cleanup is still ongoing in the village itself.
▪️ At the moment, the enemy cannot stabilize the front after the escape of the 115th Mechanized Brigade, the 47th Mechanized Brigade “from the march” is not able to properly provide cover for the flanks. In addition, the loss of Ocheretyne, an important stronghold at a height, affected the ability to defend the sector.
▪️ And the capture of Novobakhmutivka by the Russian Armed Forces will significantly complicate the enemy’s already difficult position in the western part of Berdychi, from where he may have to retreat in order to avoid getting trapped in a firebag.”


"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 13:00 /Moscow time/ April 25, 2024

▪️ Almost immediately after the success in Novobakhmutivka, assault detachments of the Russian Army quickly liberated the village of Soloviove south of Ocheretyne, advancing along the road from Novobakhmutivka.
▪️ Currently, fighters of the Russian Armed Forces are clearing the remnants of the enemy, while most of the group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine fled in the direction of the village of Sokil. From where the Ukrainian formations are firing at Russian servicemen.
▪️ The liberation of Soloviove, against the backdrop of the ongoing fighting on the western outskirts of Ocheretyne creates very sad prospects for the the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since Soloviove is located on the Ocheretyne Gully, which was a natural fortification.
▪️ After the cleanup is completed, Russian troops can crush Ocheretyne by attacking the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the south, and also advance along the forest belts and ravines to Novopokrovske, which will also create a threat to the remnants of the enemy forces in Berdychi.
▪️ If the current pace is maintained, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are highly likely to retreat from the western outskirts of Berdychi to more advantageous positions at the Novopokrovske-Novoselivka Persha-Umanske line."
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Donetsk - 25.04.2024

"Battle for Krasnohorivka. The situation as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ April 25, 2024

▪️ Russian troops are successfully storming Ukrainian positions along the entire line of contact in the Donetsk direction. Footage of the hoisting of the Russian flag in a building on the territory of the Krasnohorivka Refractory Plant appeared on the Internet.

▪️This fact indicates that assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces not only broke through the defenses on the southern outskirts of Krasnohorivka, but also gained a foothold in the enemy’s most important stronghold in the settlement. In addition to the fact that the plant has a large area, it is dotted with numerous buildings and hangars that can easily be used as shelter. Moreover, it is located at an altitude of about 180 meters, while most of Krasnohorivka is at 155 and below.
▪️ It is still impossible to say for sure whether the territory of the plant has been completely liberated. However, given the pace of advance of the Russian Armed Forces, it is highly likely that they are already clearing a large part of its territory.
▪️ The complete capture of the Refractory Plant will actually mean the fall of the entire Krasnohorivka fortified area, since in the northern parts of the settlement there are only residential buildings, which will be too difficult to defend if the plant is lost."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 26.04.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 20:00 /Moscow time/ April 26, 2024

▪️ After the liberation of Soloviove and Novobakhmutivka, Russian troops continue to build on their success to the north-west of Avdiivka.
▪️ During the day, the Russian Armed Forces were able to squeeze the enemy out of the village of Semenivka: footage of a flag being installed on one of the dilapidated houses in the center of the village appeared on the Internet.

▪️ The remnants of the Ukrainian infantry, under artillery and drone fire, retreated from the northern outskirts of the village to the west, towards Novopokrovske. Forest belts adjacent to Semenivka also partially came under the control of the RF Armed Forces.
▪️ At the same time, Russian troops managed to advance in Berdychi: at the moment, fighting is taking place on the westernmost outskirts of the settlement. It is unlikely that the enemy to be able to hold positions there for long due to his retreat from Semenivka.
▪️ The next direction of the Russian attack will most likely be the forest belts along the Novopokrovske-Novoselivka Persha line, where the Ukrainian formations are now hastily building new defenses."


"Battle for Novokalynove. The situation as of 21:00 /Moscow time/ April 26, 2024

▪️ In addition to successes in Semenivka and Berdychi, Russian troops are also advancing in the north, in the Novokalynove area.
▪️ Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces broke through the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the center of the village in the direction of Keramik. Sadova and Stepna streets are currently under the control of the RF Armed Forces. At the same time, Russian military personnel also cut the O0544 highway, leading to Keramik, on the Pervomaiska Street.
▪️ At the moment, fighters of the Russian Army are consolidating in the center of Novokalynove, repelling enemy counterattacks.
▪️ Taking into account the advance of the Russian Armed Forces from Ocheretyne in the direction of Arkhanhelske, it cannot be ruled out that in the near future the Russian Armed Forces will be able to completely capture Keramik."
Ukrainian drone raid - 27.04.2024

"Massive drone raid on infrastructure facilities in the Krasnodar region. April 27, 2024

▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a massive drone attack on oil industry facilities and military infrastructure in the Krasnodar region.
▪️ A wave of over a dozen drones hit a military airfield on the outskirts of the village of Kushchevskaya in Krasnodar Krai. According to preliminary data, there is destruction on the territory, the extent of which is now being established. Attention should be paid to the leaked footage from one of the Emergency Situations Ministry employees clearing the rubble of one of the buildings on the territory of the air base.
A video has appeared of the consequences of a Ukrainian drone strike on a warehouse of aerial bombs with UMPC on the territory of the Kushchevskaya airfield in the Krasnodar Krai. As always, ammunition was stored virtually in the open air, since the construction of protective hangars in the third year of events obviously requires an impossible thought process and unaffordable labor costs.

As in the case of the attacks on Crimea, some pro-Ukrainian citizens or those who simply do not understand the seriousness of the situation help the enemy assess the damage.
▪️ In addition, in the Slavyansky, Seversky and Kushchevsky districts of the Krasnodar region, Ukrainian formations tried to attack oil plants and infrastructure.
- As a result of an attack by more than ten UAVs on the territory of the plant in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, a distillation column was damaged. The resulting fire was promptly extinguished, and the refinery's operations were partially suspended.
- At the Ilskiy Refinery, the arrival of 17 UAVs was recorded. As a result, the primary oil refining unit was damaged, the fire lasted more than half an hour, but was also eliminated.
- According to some reports, the Afipsky Oil Refinery could have been another target of the raid; however there was no official information on damage on the territory of the plant.
▪️ In total, air defense forces intercepted 66 UAVs over Krasnodar Krai, and two more over the Crimean Peninsula.
▪️ In recent months, the enemy has concentrated on attacks on refineries and oil storage facilities. We noted earlier that the purpose of such attacks is not only to cause damage to enterprises as such, but also to try to provoke an increase in prices in the energy sector, which could ultimately lead to increased inflation and growing discontent among the population.
▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine are conducting one massive UAV raid after another, which indicates that there is no shortage of drones. Due to the absence of attacks on Ukrainian facilities where UAVs are assembled, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have fully adjusted their production process. Moreover, the accuracy and performance of drones have increased.
▪️ Well, we must also not forget about the activity of reconnaissance aircraft and drones of the United States and NATO, which, on the eve of a massive attack, were monitoring the Krasnodar region. Both the French E-3F and the American RQ-4B were 190 km from Sochi, and they clearly did not monitor vacationers on the Black Sea."
Russian air strikes - 27.04.2024
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"Missile strike on ukrainian energy infrastructure facilities. April 27, 2024

▪️ At night, the Russian Armed Forces attacked electricity generation facilities in the Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk and Ivano-Frankivsk regions. According to DTEK, four thermal power plants were damaged.
▪️ We are talking, apparently, about Dobrotvorskaya, Krivorozhskaya, Prydneprovskaya and Burshtynskaya thermal power plants, which are part of the DTEK structure. A photo of a fire that appeared on the Internet, presumably at the Burshtynska Thermal Power Plant, indicates that the blow fell on operating power units.
▪️ We have previously talked about the importance of destroying those thermal power plants that have special equipment that allows them to maneuver the power of the energy system. This plays a very important role in the conditions of failure of at least 60% of the capacity of the Dnieper hydroelectric power plants.
▪️ The Burshtynska and Dobrotvirska power plants that were attacked today are equipped with secondary frequency regulation devices. The most important for the Ukrainian energy system is the Burshtynska Thermal Power Plant: it had 10 turbogenerators with secondary regulation of turbine speeds (after previous strikes, there were probably 4 left in operation) - they made it possible to compensate for short-term fluctuations in electricity consumption. And there was another one such generator at the Dobrotvirska TPP."
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"Consequences of a missile strike on energy infrastructure facilities of Ukraine. April 27, 2024

▪️ By evening, the details of today's missile attack on four thermal power plants on the territory of the so-called Ukraine began to become clear.
▪️ At the Burshtyn TPP, the rocket hit the turbine room between the 7th and 8th turbogenerators, closer to the 7th. It looks like the generator transformer of the 7th generator and possibly the 8th one also burned out. The station is most likely shut down. At the same time, earthen protective ramparts were erected in the area of generator transformers No.11 and No.12, and the generator transformer on the 10th turbogenerator is missing - apparently, it was moved somewhere.
▪️ Dobrotvir TPP continues to operate, although it was damaged. Due to two hits in the turbine room, boilers No.3, No.4, No.7 and No.8 were damaged. However, boilers and turbogenerators No.1 and No.2 were not damaged, and the station operates on them. In the best case, 2 power units of 100 MW each were lost during the strikes, in the worst case - just one. And in any case, the possibility of electricity exports from Poland remains (which was planned by Ukrenergo today, despite the blows).
▪️ There are no specifics on the damage caused to the Prydniprovska and Kryvorizka thermal power plants. There is indirect evidence of damage to the latter object, but there is no data confirming the infliction of serious damage. Perhaps these stations continue to operate.
▪️ Impacts on thermal power plants will complicate power maneuvering during peak load consumption and frequency regulation. But we should not forget that the Ukrainian energy system is now supported by assistance from Moldova and EU countries. Therefore, attacks on substations connecting the Ukrainian energy system with the EU and Moldova are necessary. Those substations cannot be disabled once and for all; they can be repaired and restored (including by simplifying the circuits). However, systematic work towards these goals will have a detrimental effect on the energy sector of the so-called Ukraine. Without such an impact, it will not be possible to create conditions for shutting down the main source of energy in the country - nuclear power plants."
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Kupyansk - 27.04.2024

"The situation in the Kupyansk direction as of 17:00 /Moscow time/ April 27, 2024

▪️ After a rather long stagnation, the Russian Armed Forces launched a new assault in the Kupyansk direction, attacking the positions of the 104th Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kyslivka.
▪️ Assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces took control of about three dozen houses, on the eastern outskirts of the village, and a railway station. Information about the complete liberation of the village has not yet been confirmed by objective footage, however Ukrainian resources monitoring the situation at the front confirm a breakthrough in the village, speaking about the plight of the Ukrainian formations in the area due to the lack of heavy weapons.
▪️ With a high probability, the Ukrainian formations retreated to the neighboring Kotlyarivka, the distance to the outskirts of which is no more than three hundred meters. However, with Russian success in Kyslivka, the position of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Kotlyarivka will noticeably worsen. Considering the location of Kyslivka on a hill relative to the surrounding settlements, we can talk about potential fire control of the adjacent territory by Russian troops after the complete liberation of the village.
▪️ Success at the Kyslivka-Kotlyarivka line will allow Russian troops to significantly advance along the N-26 highway leading to Kupyansk - a large fortified area and an important transport hub in the Kharkov region."
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Donetsk-Avdiivka - 27.04.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 21:00 /Moscow time/ April 27, 2024

▪️ Russian troops consolidate the success achieved after the liberation of Ocheretyne, Semenivka and the advances in Novokalynove.
▪️ According to the latest information, Novokalynove, east of Ocheretyne, came under the control of Russian troops. At the moment, pockets of resistance from scattered enemy groups are being cleared out.

▪️ At the same time, in the adjacent Keramik, assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces have entrenched themselves on the eastern outskirts of the village, which is confirmed even by Ukrainian resources. There are oncoming battles in the settlement. After the complete clearing of Novokalynove, the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from Keramik will become only a matter of time due to the geographical location of the village in the lowland.
▪️ On the western outskirts of Berdychi, servicemen of the 74th Motor Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces installed the battle banner of the “Mad Dogs” unit on a destroyed building. Cleanup is underway in the liberated village.

After the breakthrough to Ocheretyne and the loss of Semenivka, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were forced to retreat from this settlement due to the high risk of encirclement. According to reports from the field, a large number of Ukrainian soldiers chose to surrender.
▪️ The successful actions of Russian troops over the past 24 hours will likely make it possible to soon level the front at the Ocheretyne-Umanske line and continue the offensive westward to a new frontier. In total, in April of this year, Russian troops managed to to liberate more than 60 sq. km of territory in this sector of the front."

Biden Looks To Prevent Future President From Ending Ukraine War With 10-Year Agreement​

"We are discussing the specific foundations of our security and cooperation. We are also working on fixing specific levels of support for this year and the next 10 years."

He indicated it will likely include agreements on long-term support centering on military hardware and joint arms production, as well as continuing reconstruction aid. "The agreement should be truly exemplary and reflect the strength of American leadership," Zelensky added.

But ultimately a key purpose in locking such a long-term deal in would be to keep it immune from potential interference by a future Trump administration.

Below is what The Wall Street Journal spelled out last year:

The goal is to make sure Ukraine will be strong enough in the future to deter Russia from attacking it again. More immediately, Ukraine’s Western allies hope to discourage the Kremlin from thinking it can wait out the Biden administration for a potentially more sympathetic successor in the White House.
Western officials are looking for ways to lock in pledges of support and limit future governments’ abilities to backtrack, amid fears in European capitals that Donald Trump, if he recaptures the White House, would seek to scale back aid. Trump has a wide lead in early polling in the Republican presidential primary field, but soundly lost the 2020 election to President Biden and has been indicted in four criminal cases in state and federal courts.
We and others have previously underscored that NATO and G7 countries are desperately trying to "Trump-proof" future aid to Ukraine and the effort to counter Russia.
Crimea - 28.04.2024

"Missile strike on Cape Tarkhankut. April 28, 2024

▪️ At night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out an attack on Cape Tarkhankut. For the strike, as in the case of the attack on Dzhankoy, ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles with cluster warheads were used. At least 15 missiles were reported.
▪️ The attack once again occurred at night, in poor visibility conditions, and its target was an air defense unit stationed in the area. According to preliminary data, casualties were avoided.
▪️ It is unclear what modification of the missiles was used. When launched from the vicinity of Ochakiv, the Armed Forces of Ukraine could have used older versions with a range of no more than 165km - in a straight line, they can easily reach Crimea. However, against the backdrop of official news about the transfer of modifications with a combat range of up to 300km, Ukrainian formations could have launched the attack from the Odessa region, for example, from the Alibey training ground - last year, the Armed Forces of Ukraine repeatedly, but unsuccessfully, attacked Crimea from this area with the Grom-2 tactical ballistic missiles. It was precisely because of the lack of success that the decision was made to stop using them against Crimea.
▪️ The enemy’s tactics can be explained by their desire to reduce the capabilities of the air defense units covering the peninsula. Before the planned attack on the Crimean Bridge, the Armed Forces of Ukraine want to achieve superiority with missiles and UAVs, and Russian air defense forces are the main obstacle."
Kupyansk - 28.04.2024

"The situation in the Kupyansk direction as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ April 28, 2024

▪️ Soldiers of the 272nd Regiment of the 47th Tank Division of the Russian Armed Forces established control over at least the eastern part of Kyslivka and hoisted the Russian flag there.

Apparently, units of the 104th Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were forced to retreat either to the west of the village or to the neighboring Kotlyarivka.
▪️ Russian troops are currently clearing Kyslivka, but the situation in the western part of the village is still hidden under the “fog of war”. However, it is noteworthy that Ukrainian resources do not particularly believe in the ability of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to maintain the control over the village and announce the withdrawal of forces to the south.
▪️ The control of the Russian Armed Forces even over the eastern part of Kyslivka significantly worsens the enemy’s position in Kotlyarivka, which is in fact already semi-encircled. Taking control over the western outskirts of Kyslivka will allow Russian fighters to close the ring.
▪️ The current situation gives the Ukrainian command two choices: try to hold Kotlyarivka for as long as possible at the cost of losses, or withdraw the bloodless forces to new defensive lines and try to stabilize the front. Holding Kotlyarivka is a losing tactic, since Kyslivka is located at a commanding height, which allows Russian troops to establish fire control over the adjacent village.
▪️ In addition, the complete liberation of Kyslivka will also contribute to increasing the pressure on Ivanivka, located to the north."
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Donetsk-Avdiivka - 29.04.2024

"Battle for Ocheretyne. The situation as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ April 29, 2024

▪️ In recent days, Russian troops have been systematically developing their success to the north of Avdiivka.
▪️ The situation in Ocheretyne is gradually becoming clearer: judging by new footage, the Russian Armed Forces have advanced almost one and a half kilometers to the west, including taking control of the territory of the Altkom brick factory.

▪️ There are battles in the area of the kindergarten, on the eastern outskirts of the settlement, where enemy activity still remains. Also, Ukrainian formations are holding defenses in five-story buildings, where they have equipped strongholds.
▪️ At the same time, the assault on the remaining positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the outskirts of Soloviove was completed, after which Russian troops will most likely advance both west towards the village of Sokil and south towards the Novopokrovske-Novoselivka Persha line."

Donetsk - 29.04.2024

"Battle for Krasnohorivka. The situation as of 17:00 /Moscow time/ April 29, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue to advance in the Donetsk sector, achieving further successes in Krasnohorivka.
▪️ Judging by the footage published on the Internet, the Russian Armed Forces advanced inside the industrial zone: a column of vehicles with electronic warfare equipment and “grills” - welded armor sheets - reached the Gogol Street and landed troops.

Footage of the assault on Krasnohorivka 27/04/2024
Again the breakthrough of armored vehicles into the city and landing of troops to support assault operations in the city. There is intense fire in the city from both sides.
This was at least the third successful foray into the area. It is characteristic that videos of Russian vehicles being hit by FPV drones in this area are almost completely absent: this may indirectly indicate the effectiveness of these technical solutions and tactics.
▪️ In the center, Russian troops managed to reach the “Grand Alliance” gas station at the intersection of Heolohichna and Central streets, where the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces came under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine - the enemy attempted to counterattack, but retreated under artillery fire.
▪️ On the eastern outskirts of Krasnohorivka, the Russian Armed Forces advanced more than one and a half kilometers from the direction of Staromykhailivka and established control over the hunting house (aka the “Monk House”). On the approaches to it, the enemy over the course of 10 years erected a system of strongholds with many trenches, turning the area into a fortress. The front line has been here since 2014, and previously it was not possible to advance here. However, after the success in the southern parts of Krasnohorivka and the liberation of Nevelske, located on the hill to the north, the path to the “Monk House” was opened. At the moment, assault detachments of the Russian Army are gaining a foothold in the area and are preparing to move further to the west."
This was at least the third successful foray into the area. It is characteristic that videos of Russian vehicles being hit by FPV drones in this area are almost completely absent: this may indirectly indicate the effectiveness of these technical solutions and tactics.
▪️ In the center, Russian troops managed to reach the “Grand Alliance” gas station at the intersection of Heolohichna and Central streets, where the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces came under fire from the Armed Forces of Ukraine - the enemy attempted to counterattack, but retreated under artillery fire.
▪️ On the eastern outskirts of Krasnohorivka, the Russian Armed Forces advanced more than one and a half kilometers from the direction of Staromykhailivka and established control over the hunting house (aka the “Monk House”). On the approaches to it, the enemy over the course of 10 years erected a system of strongholds with many trenches, turning the area into a fortress. The front line has been here since 2014, and previously it was not possible to advance here. However, after the success in the southern parts of Krasnohorivka and the liberation of Nevelske, located on the hill to the north, the path to the “Monk House” was opened. At the moment, assault detachments of the Russian Army are gaining a foothold in the area and are preparing to move further to the west."
The line has been in this vicinity since 2014. It has taken Russia 10 years to move AFU off this spot. Anyone have ideas of the fortifications prepared behind this line?

It's 220 kilometers (136 miles) from this area to the Dnieper River (at the city of Dnipropetrovsk).
The line has been in this vicinity since 2014. It has taken Russia 10 years to move AFU off this spot. Anyone have ideas of the fortifications prepared behind this line?

It's 220 kilometers (136 miles) from this area to the Dnieper River (at the city of Dnipropetrovsk).

Vovcha river, a few miles to the west, along the Prohress-Karlivka-Kurakhove line and whatever defenses ukrainians were able to built on its west bank over the past two months, will be next.
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Crimea - 30.04.2024

"Missile strike on Crimea. April 30, 2024

▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine are increasing the intensity of missile attacks on Crimea. In a week and a half, attacks were carried out on Dzhankoi and Cape Tarkhankut, and tonight - on Simferopol and again on Dzhankoy. Over the course of three missile attacks, more than 30 ATACMS tactical missiles ballistic were fired. Their use has been noted before, but after the official announcement of the new aid package, the Armed Forces of Ukraine use only ATACMS.
▪️ This night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched 12 missiles (eight at the airfield in Dzhankoi, four at the airfield in Hvardiiske). The sounds of explosions and air defense operations were heard by residents in nearby settlements.
▪️ There is no exact information about the area from which the missiles were fired. But with a high probability, the launch was carried out from the Kherson region (when Cape Tarkhankut was attacked, the launchers were located in Beryslav).
▪️ As the May events approach, primarily the inauguration of the President of Russia, the number of strikes will only increase. For now, looking at the selected targets, the enemy’s task is to reduce the combat capabilities of air defense units as much as possible. This is why ATACMS with cluster warheads are used.
▪️ If even the slightest result is achieved, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will switch to the eastern regions of Crimea, since in order to carry out attacks on the Crimean Bridge it will be necessary to ensure an advantage in this part of the peninsula. Moreover, satellites are already actively filming the surroundings of Feodosia, Kirov and Kerch.
▪️ And NATO intelligence is not asleep. American drones operate in the air every day. And yesterday, for the first time, an MQ-4C Triton UAV flew to the Black Sea - this is the “maritime” version of the RQ-4B. Taking this into account, in addition to attacks on air defense systems, we should expect a resumption of attacks on ships of the Black Sea Fleet."

Submunitions from a downed ATACMS missile near the Donskoye village, Simferopol district.
We are waiting for the day of judgment for Ukraine. There was one speaker who made a formidable promise.
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