The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

Donetsk-Avdiivka - 18.03.2024
"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 17:00 /Moscow time/ March 18, 2024

▪️ Heavy fighting continues to the north and west of Avdiivka. As expected, the enemy undertook one or more attacks north of Petrivske and northwest of Krasnohorivka, from Ocheretyne and Novokalynove.
▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine were able to occupy part of the forest southeast of the "Zarya" gardening cooperative, but were unable to advance any further; attempts to advance were thwarted by fire from the Russian Armed Forces. One of the assault groups was covered by TOS heavy flamethrowers at the time of advancement, and a landing of troops from an infantry fighting vehicle was covered by mortar crews of the Russian Armed Forces. In addition, a nomadic tank operates at night near the forest; it has not yet been caught.
▪️ The very fact of the enemy’s attempts to advance in this area should not come as a surprise, since pressure on the northern flank of the Russian Armed Forces units advancing to the west helps at least gain time for the Armed Forces of Ukraine to organize defenses in Semenivka and to the west of it.
▪️ The situation in Berdychi and Orlivka remains difficult, there are oncoming battles, but neither side is able to take full control over the settlements. Most of Orlivka is under the RF Armed Forces, and most of Berdychi under the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ To the south, in the Tonenke area, Russian troops continue to advance, which is confirmed by enemy footage of FPV drone attacks on armored vehicles of the Russian Army. Despite the fact that at least several pieces of equipment were damaged during the attack, the very fact of advance in this area makes it possible to determine the absence of enemy infantry in the tree lines and farms to the west of the Tonenke."

Donetsk - 18.03.2024
"Offensive west of Donetsk. Situation as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ March 18, 2024

▪️ To the west of Donetsk, heavy fighting is taking place in Krasnohorivka, where the Russian Armed Forces are trying to advance with armored groups and assault detachments. Despite the initial advance in the south of the settlement, significant success has not yet been achieved.
▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine, transferred reserves and were able to, first stop the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces near the railway, and then partially squeeze out Russian forces from the residential sector to the southern part of the city. The presence of the RF Armed Forces remains at the south-eastern outskirts in the area of Heolohichna Street and the forest belt near the railway track and warehouse.
▪️ At the same time, Russian Aerospace Forces continue to strike, with FABs, the industrial zone of the Krasnohorivka Refractory Plant, on which the enemy relies in the defense of the city. Apparently, this is partly what prevents the Armed Forces of Ukraine from completely ousting the RF Armed Forces from the settlement.
▪️ In this situation, it is likely that the Russian Armed Forces may launch a strike towards the city from the east, from the neighboring Staromykhailivka, but this is associated with obvious difficulties in the form of well-organized enemy defenses in the forest belts and high-rise buildings on the eastern outskirts of Krasnohorivka."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 19.03.2024
"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ March 19, 2024

▪️ Despite all the difficulties, the Russian Armed Forces continue to advance west of Avdiivka.
▪️ According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the village of Orlivka came under the full control of Russian forces. The clearing of the settlement was completed at by the morning of March 17, but the delay in communication was due to repelling enemy counterattacks and consolidation of occupied positions.
▪️ With the capture of the village, the Russian forces open up the possibility of not only strikes, but also advance to the south of Semenivka, with the support of which the enemy is putting strong pressure on Berdychi, where heavy fighting is still taking place. Accordingly, this will affect the ability to stabilize the northern flank of the offensive west of Avdiivka, which is under the threat of an enemy attacks from Novobakhmutivka, and subsequently allow the Russian Armed Forces to completely liberate Berdychi, and possibly Semenivka.
▪️ However, further advance of the Russian Armed Forces to the west in this area is unlikely. To the west, the enemy is building a line of defense with an emphasis on natural obstacles in the form of rivers and heights, and to the north there is the Ocheretyne fortified area - advance to which without advancing from the Gorlovka area is, if not suicidal, then an extremely difficult task."
Border regions - 19.03.2024
"The situation in the border regions as of 17:00 /Moscow time/ March 19, 2024

▪️ Despite periodic reports that the fighting in the border area has almost ended, Ukrainian formations still remain active in several sectors.
▪️ As before, clashes are taking place in the Kozinka area: the enemy is trying to advance towards the Church of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, next to which administrative buildings are also located. Fighters of the 2nd Special Purpose Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces repel attacks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ The enemy has become less likely to use armored vehicles due to the threat of precision strikes, which indirectly confirms the decreased footage from Lancet crews. Also, on both sides there is a high density of electronic warfare equipment.
▪️ Russian aviation is working on targets in the Kharkov and Sumy regions. According to the resources of the Kiev regime, about 200 bombs flew to Velyka Pysarivka alone, not counting other ammunition.
▪️ Ukrainian formations continue massive shelling of the Belgorod region. In Razumnoe, four people were injured, including a 14-year-old teenager whose arm was partially torn off. Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov announced the evacuation of 9 thousand children to other regions.
▪️ At the same time, Russian UAV crews often detect the location of the Ukrainian rocket artillery, but the MLRS manage to leave the position. The reason is organizational issues that prevent the timely delivery of fire damage to uncovered targets. The issue of eliminating them is now extremely urgent: this will not only significantly increase the effectiveness of counter-battery warfare, but will reduce the intensity of enemy attacks on Belgorod and other populated areas."

Border regions - 20.03.2024
"The situation in the border regions as of 12:00 /Moscow time/ March 20, 2024

▪️ Since yesterday evening, in several areas, there has been a decrease in the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which have been launching attacks in the border area throughout the week.
▪️ During the fighting, Russian military personnel completely knocked out the enemy from the vicinity of the village of Kozinka.

▪️ The surviving forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have moved away from the state border line and are not making new attacks.
▪️ At the same time, Ukrainian formations continue to shell settlements in the Belgorod region, firing a package of rockets at Belgorod just this morning - one person was killed. Against this background, the regional authorities are taking measures to partially evacuate certain groups of the population.
▪️ If we evaluate the results of the Ukrainian actions, then, at the moment, the enemy has achieved neither military nor media success. The attacks cost him hundreds of killed and wounded, as well as dozens of pieces of equipment, the destruction of which was confirmed by objective footage, while losses of the RF Armed Forces during all this time turned out to be an order of magnitude smaller.
▪️ At the same time, regular shelling of the Belgorod region led to civilian casualties, destruction and economic damage to the region. This makes the elimination of organizational issues, that do not have the best effect on the effectiveness of counter-battery warfare, particularly relevant."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 21.03.2024
"The situation in the Avdiivka direction by the end of March 21, 2024

▪️ After clearing Orlivka, Russian troops achieved new success west of Avdiivka. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, today the village of Tonenke has been completely liberated. So far there is no confirming footage from the settlement, however, according to our data, the enemy actually left Tonenke, and the village came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ It is still premature to talk about further advance towards the Umanske-Semenivka line. The Armed Forces of Ukraine still hold the forest belts north and south of Tonenke, and it was not possible to dislodge them from there yet. Russian assault detachments, supported by armored vehicles, continue to attack positions of the Ukrainian formations in those forests. The fighting is ongoing.
▪️ If the current pace is maintained, the withdrawal of Ukrainian formations to the opposite side of the Durna River is just a matter of time. And then, when the entire bridgehead of the Armed Forces of Ukraine along the Orlivka-Tonenke line is cleared, it will be possible to talk about the liberation of Berdychi and the offensive on Semenivka."
Russian air raid - 22.03.2024
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"Strikes of the Russian Armed Forces on Ukraine's energy infrastructure. March 22, 2024.

▪️ Last night, Russian troops launched the first systematic raid on energy facilities on the territory of the so-called Ukraine since spring 2023. Colorful footage on the Internet and the reaction of Ukrainian officials clearly demonstrates the surprise of the raid for both Ukrainian and Russian media.
▪️ Substations and power plants across the country came under fire from the Russian Armed Forces: hits were recorded in 10 regions of Ukraine. Cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as kamikaze drones "Geran-2" were used to engage targets.

▪️ The most massive blow hit critical infrastructure facilities in Kharkov. All three 330 kV substations in the city were affected: Zalyutino 330 substation, Losevo 330 substation and Kharkovskaya 330 substation. Autotransformers were chosen as the main targets.
▪️ Also, attacks were carried out on Kharkov Thermal Power Plant-5 and Zmievskaya Thermal Power Plant, the main generating stations in the region.
▪️ Strike on the CHPP-3 itself was not confirmed, but, preliminary, the open 110 kV switchgear of the station was damaged. The station itself has an installed generation capacity of 80 MW and is significantly inferior to CHPP-5 with its 540 MW and Zmievskaya TPP with its 2200 MW. The extent of damage to power plants is currently unclear, but the lack of power supply in Kharkov for more than eight hours indicates that the damage is quite serious and it is not possible to quickly activate emergency circuits. Apparently, the 330 kV power supply to the city has been interrupted.
▪️ However, it is premature to talk about the complete destruction of autotransformers yet; at the Losevo 330 substation there remains one undamaged autotransformer, and at least two at the Kharkovskaya 330 substation. At the same time, another substation was hit in the Kharkov region; it is currently being determined which one.

▪️ In the Zaporozhye region, the DneproHES, which actually consists of two different power plants installed on the same dam, came under fire.
- The main blow fell on the DneproHES-2 located on the eastern bank: two missiles hit the central and western part of the turbine hall, which led to a fire at the facility. Based on the available footage, it can be stated that more than two hydroelectric units with a capacity of 120 MW were damaged. In addition, pipelines and auxiliary equipment and one of the generator transformers were damaged.
- The third missile hit the dam, damaged rail tracks and two gas pipelines, which caught fire.
- The fourth missile hit a dam in the area of overhead line supports from DneproHES-1, causing short circuits.
▪️ However, the turbine hall of DneproHES-1 was not damaged during the strike. Therefore, it is clearly premature to consider even DneproHES-2 completely destroyed.
▪️ At the same time, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities announced that the DneproHES was out of commission, however, there are some doubts about this: not all generating equipment came under attack in the DneproHES-2 turbine hall, and the DneproHES-1 turbine hall itself was never hit, so statements of the Ukrainian authorities can be regarded as an attempt to secure the facility from a new raid which could lead to a real destruction of the power plant.

Other regions of the so-called Ukraine
▪️ Sumy region: as a result of the strikes, power supply was disrupted in Sumy, Konotop and Shostka. Presumably, PS Konotop 330 was affected.
▪️ Dnipropetrovsk region: Ukrenergo reported the disconnection of the 750 kV overhead line to the Zaporozhye NPP. This gives reason to assume that the Dneprovskaya 750 substation, from which this overhead line is powered, was also hit. Also, supposedly, the Pavlogradskaya 330 substation was damaged. At the same time, in Krivoy Rog, according to unconfirmed information, the Krivoy Rog Thermal Power Plant was damaged, there are serious power outages in the city itself, and a shutdown schedule has been introduced.
▪️ Nikolaev region: information was published about the defeat of a certain electrical substation, but it is difficult to establish which one without additional information and personnel.
▪️ Kirovograd region: power outages, an emergency schedule for power supply to consumers has been introduced. Most likely, one of the 330 kV substations was hit, presumably the Ukrainka 330 substation.
▪️ Poltava region: a blow was struck at the Mirgorod 330 substation, power outage schedules have been introduced across the region.
▪️ Vinnytsia region: Ladyzhinskaya TPP was affected. There is no information about damage, but judging by the greatly increased flows of electricity from Moldova to the so-called Ukraine, its work has not yet been restored.
▪️ Khmelnytsky region: attacks were made on the Shepetivka 330 substation and the Khmelnitsky 330 substation. There are serious power outages in the region.
▪️ Ivano-Frankivsk region: attacks were allegedly carried out on the Burshtyn thermal power plant. There is no direct information, but based on changes in electricity flows with Romania and Slovakia, work has not yet been restored.

Results of the raid
▪️ Summarizing all this, we can draw an obvious conclusion - the strikes have become much more meaningful and systemic. As a rule, not just one missile or drone flew into objects, but several, which immediately affected the level of power outages. There is a logic in the choice of targets, and the raid itself was clearly not expected.
▪️ The extent of the damage suffered by the Ukrainian energy system will become clear in a few days, but nevertheless, all the country’s large thermal power plants were under attack.
▪️ On the downside, once again the strikes were not carried out on the territory of open switchgears of nuclear power plants. And other large hydroelectric power stations in Ukraine - Novodnistrovskaya, Kremenchugskaya, Kanevskaya - were not hit. We would like to hope that the strikes on the energy sector will not be episodic, but systemic. And without disconnecting the nuclear power plant from the networks, the collapse of the energy system of the so-called Ukraine will not be achieved."
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Initial report of 40 dead and 100 injured.

Earlier today, the FSB made arrests of alleged 'Russia Volunteer Corps' members in Moscow.

With the war lost, the predicted shift to terrorism has begun. Another Victoria Nuland sponsored 'nasty surprise', perhaps?
Paternos has been banned out of this thread and off-topic replies moved to the lounge. I have nothing against discussing just how serious or real this war is, but off-topic replies are disruptive, rude, and cannot be tolerated. No points added to anyone's account. I figure it's just a thread issue.
Two weeks ago both the US and the British embassies advised their citizens to avoid crowds.
Yep, more than a little suspicious.

“We do not encourage or enable attacks inside of Russia,” an NSC spokesperson said. The CIA declined to comment. In Kyiv, a spokesperson for the SBU declined to comment. Officials at GUR and Zelenskyy’s office did not respond to requests for comment.