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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

One suspect is in custody

Just wanted to point out, no handcuffs on that suspect. The guy is wanted for murdering dozens of innocent civilians, and the Russian masculine cops are confident enough to bring him in mano a mano, wild west style.

In America, they will throw handcuffs on an old grandmother who didn't pay a parking ticket. One is real power, the other is fake authority.
133 confirmed dead so far, this must be one of the worst terrorist attacks in Russian history! Surprising that security was not tighter I must say. Putin indicates Ukraine was involved;

"...The attackers were caught fleeing “towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window to cross the border was prepared on the Ukrainian side,” he added..."

Chasiv Yar - 23.03.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation as of 17:00 /Moscow time/ March 23, 2024

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces were able to make significant progress in the Soledar direction, knocking out the enemy from Krasne/Ivanivske and occupying several strongholds. The first information about the success of the offensive began to appear yesterday, and today the Russian Ministry of Defense announced complete control over Krasne/Ivanivske, but apparently the clearing of the settlement is still underway.
▪️ Fighting continues on the western outskirts of Krasne/Ivanivske. This part of the settlement is adjacent almost closely to the Stupki tract, in which well-fortified enemy positions are located on a hill, offering views of the western outskirts of the town.
▪️ In addition, on the northern outskirts of Krasne/Ivanivske, the enemy was knocked out of part of the fortified area on Mount Baba on the eastern outskirts of the Stupki-Golubovskie-2 Nature Reserve, but the Russian Armed Forces either could not or did not want to go deeper into these woodlands.
▪️ To the north, the Russian Armed Forces advanced along the O0506 highway, knocking out the enemy from several forest belts, and, at a minimum, approached the outskirts of the forest overlooking the Kanal Microdistrict of Chasiv Yar, also known as the settlement of Novoye.
▪️ To the south, according to some data, there is also an advance of the Russian Armed Forces: several forest belts were occupied towards the south-eastern outskirts of the Stupki tract.
▪️ In addition, according to some data, there is progress in the Klishchiivka area, where the Russian Armed Forces were able to knock out the enemy from several positions in the Alabaster headquarters area."
Ukrainian missile attack on Crimea - 24.03.2024

"Combined strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Crimea. March 24, 2024

▪️ The very next day after the terrorist attack in Moscow, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a massive combined attack on the Crimean Peninsula, which involved at least 12 tactical aircraft. Nine aircraft (presumably Su-24M and Su-27) took off from Starokonstantinov, two MiG-29 from the Uman airfield and another Su-27 from Mirgorod. After reaching the Zatoka-Nova Odesa-Snihurivka line, Storm Shadow/SCALP, ADM-160 MALD decoys, as well as Neptune missiles were launched.
▪️ Sevastopol was subjected to the largest attack.
- Two missiles tried to hit the warship parking lot. The targets were shot down, but debris fell near the pier in Sevastopol Bay; no serious damage was recorded.
-The use of SCALP cruise missiles was noted at the ship repair yard. The warhead of one of the missiles did not explode, and the second hit the pier. There is currently no data on the nature of the damage, but the absence of any smoke may indicate that the fire was quickly localized.
- Two more Storm Shadows were used to attack a building previously used by the Black Sea Fleet in the central part of the city. However, it was empty, so apart from physical damage to the infrastructure, there were no casualties.
- The same can be said about the Cossack Bay area. Ukrainian channels talked all night about monstrous strikes, but only a single rocket fell in a field not far from a military training ground. There were no casualties.
- However, this time the Ukrainian Armed Forces began to strike the civilian infrastructure of Sevastopol. The targets were two apartment buildings in two municipalities. The hits killed one civilian and injured four others.

▪️ In the west of Crimea, Chernomorske came under attack.
- At first, the Armed Forces of Ukraine intended to hit the barracks with four aircraft-type drones. The UAVs flew at an extremely low altitude, but were shot down by air defense crews.
- A little later, several Neptune anti-ship missiles were fired from the Odessa region, which were shot down on approach to the Black Sea by aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces.
▪️ In the central part of Crimea, Ukrainian formations attacked an oil depot in Hvardiiske in the morning with drones flying at an extremely low altitude.
- Six of them were destroyed by the crew of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system of the 31st Air Defense Division of the Russian Armed Forces.
- Three more hit the territory of the energy facility, causing a fire. But the main oil tanks were not damaged, which made it possible to extinguish the fire quickly and without casualties by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

▪️ In the south of the peninsula, the enemy also tried to hit the deployment point of the 126th Coastal Defense Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces in the Perevalne area with missiles. Thanks to air defense units, nine missiles were shot down.
▪️ As we can clearly see, this time the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to hit several targets at once. This can be clearly seen in the geography of the raid: starting from the west of Crimea and ending with the southern part and in Sevastopol. In total, over 40 missiles and drones of various types were used. Once again, Ukrainian formations used decoy missiles to try to mislead the 31st Air Defense Division of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ Unfortunately, not all targets were intercepted. However, timely measures taken made it possible to reduce the damage from attacks both on the Black Sea Fleet and in other units on the peninsula.️ The saddest thing is that civilians were injured in the attack and became the target of the attack, which again raises the question of what to do with the so-called Ukraine."
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Russian air raid - 22.03.2024
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"Strikes of the Russian Armed Forces on Ukraine's energy infrastructure. March 22, 2024.

▪️ Last night, Russian troops launched the first systematic raid on energy facilities on the territory of the so-called Ukraine since spring 2023. Colorful footage on the Internet and the reaction of Ukrainian officials clearly demonstrates the surprise of the raid for both Ukrainian and Russian media.
▪️ Substations and power plants across the country came under fire from the Russian Armed Forces: hits were recorded in 10 regions of Ukraine. Cruise and ballistic missiles, as well as kamikaze drones "Geran-2" were used to engage targets.

▪️ The most massive blow hit critical infrastructure facilities in Kharkov. All three 330 kV substations in the city were affected: Zalyutino 330 substation, Losevo 330 substation and Kharkovskaya 330 substation. Autotransformers were chosen as the main targets.
▪️ Also, attacks were carried out on Kharkov Thermal Power Plant-5 and Zmievskaya Thermal Power Plant, the main generating stations in the region.
▪️ Strike on the CHPP-3 itself was not confirmed, but, preliminary, the open 110 kV switchgear of the station was damaged. The station itself has an installed generation capacity of 80 MW and is significantly inferior to CHPP-5 with its 540 MW and Zmievskaya TPP with its 2200 MW. The extent of damage to power plants is currently unclear, but the lack of power supply in Kharkov for more than eight hours indicates that the damage is quite serious and it is not possible to quickly activate emergency circuits. Apparently, the 330 kV power supply to the city has been interrupted.
▪️ However, it is premature to talk about the complete destruction of autotransformers yet; at the Losevo 330 substation there remains one undamaged autotransformer, and at least two at the Kharkovskaya 330 substation. At the same time, another substation was hit in the Kharkov region; it is currently being determined which one.

▪️ In the Zaporozhye region, the DneproHES, which actually consists of two different power plants installed on the same dam, came under fire.
- The main blow fell on the DneproHES-2 located on the eastern bank: two missiles hit the central and western part of the turbine hall, which led to a fire at the facility. Based on the available footage, it can be stated that more than two hydroelectric units with a capacity of 120 MW were damaged. In addition, pipelines and auxiliary equipment and one of the generator transformers were damaged.
- The third missile hit the dam, damaged rail tracks and two gas pipelines, which caught fire.
- The fourth missile hit a dam in the area of overhead line supports from DneproHES-1, causing short circuits.
▪️ However, the turbine hall of DneproHES-1 was not damaged during the strike. Therefore, it is clearly premature to consider even DneproHES-2 completely destroyed.
▪️ At the same time, representatives of the Ukrainian authorities announced that the DneproHES was out of commission, however, there are some doubts about this: not all generating equipment came under attack in the DneproHES-2 turbine hall, and the DneproHES-1 turbine hall itself was never hit, so statements of the Ukrainian authorities can be regarded as an attempt to secure the facility from a new raid which could lead to a real destruction of the power plant.

Other regions of the so-called Ukraine
▪️ Sumy region: as a result of the strikes, power supply was disrupted in Sumy, Konotop and Shostka. Presumably, PS Konotop 330 was affected.
▪️ Dnipropetrovsk region: Ukrenergo reported the disconnection of the 750 kV overhead line to the Zaporozhye NPP. This gives reason to assume that the Dneprovskaya 750 substation, from which this overhead line is powered, was also hit. Also, supposedly, the Pavlogradskaya 330 substation was damaged. At the same time, in Krivoy Rog, according to unconfirmed information, the Krivoy Rog Thermal Power Plant was damaged, there are serious power outages in the city itself, and a shutdown schedule has been introduced.
▪️ Nikolaev region: information was published about the defeat of a certain electrical substation, but it is difficult to establish which one without additional information and personnel.
▪️ Kirovograd region: power outages, an emergency schedule for power supply to consumers has been introduced. Most likely, one of the 330 kV substations was hit, presumably the Ukrainka 330 substation.
▪️ Poltava region: a blow was struck at the Mirgorod 330 substation, power outage schedules have been introduced across the region.
▪️ Vinnytsia region: Ladyzhinskaya TPP was affected. There is no information about damage, but judging by the greatly increased flows of electricity from Moldova to the so-called Ukraine, its work has not yet been restored.
▪️ Khmelnytsky region: attacks were made on the Shepetivka 330 substation and the Khmelnitsky 330 substation. There are serious power outages in the region.
▪️ Ivano-Frankivsk region: attacks were allegedly carried out on the Burshtyn thermal power plant. There is no direct information, but based on changes in electricity flows with Romania and Slovakia, work has not yet been restored.

Results of the raid
▪️ Summarizing all this, we can draw an obvious conclusion - the strikes have become much more meaningful and systemic. As a rule, not just one missile or drone flew into objects, but several, which immediately affected the level of power outages. There is a logic in the choice of targets, and the raid itself was clearly not expected.
▪️ The extent of the damage suffered by the Ukrainian energy system will become clear in a few days, but nevertheless, all the country’s large thermal power plants were under attack.
▪️ On the downside, once again the strikes were not carried out on the territory of open switchgears of nuclear power plants. And other large hydroelectric power stations in Ukraine - Novodnistrovskaya, Kremenchugskaya, Kanevskaya - were not hit. We would like to hope that the strikes on the energy sector will not be episodic, but systemic. And without disconnecting the nuclear power plant from the networks, the collapse of the energy system of the so-called Ukraine will not be achieved."


"Consequences the Russian Armed Forces strike on Dnipro Hydroelectric Power Plant.

What is DneproHES
▪️ First, let's remind you what a hydroelectric power station is and how it works. The principle of operation of a hydroelectric power station is simple: water falling from a height rotates a turbine with a generator that generates electricity. One of the most important functions of hydroelectric power plants in the country’s energy system is to cover peak demand loads. A properly operating hydroelectric power station can be turned on at full power in a matter of minutes, and turned off just as quickly. In the current conditions for the energy system of the so-called Ukraine, each hydroelectric power station is a critically important element.
▪️ DneproHES are two independent hydroelectric power stations on the Dnieper River, connected by a common dam.
- DneproHES-1 on the western bank has 9 hydro generators (devices for generating electricity) with a total capacity of about 650 MW. Each generator is connected to the power grid through its own generator transformer (it increases the voltage by 11.15 times for more profitable transmission of electricity over long distances).
- DneproHES-2 on the eastern bank has 8 hydro generators with a total capacity of about 820 MW. A special feature of HES-2 is that not one, but a pair of generators are connected to each generator transformer.
▪️ Together, these hydroelectric power plants are the most powerful hydroelectric power station of the so-called Ukraine. Or rather, they were: on March 22, 2024, the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant stopped working. The general director of Ukrhydroenergo hastened to declare that restoration would take “not months, but years”.

Attacks on the DneproHES-1
▪️ The turbine hall of HES-1 has already been hit several times on December 16, 2022, and its switchgear even earlier, in October 2022. As a result:
- One of the nine generator transformers burned out - this means that electricity from one generator stopped flowing into the network.
- In the turbine hall of HPP-1, one of the nine hydroelectric generators was damaged - for three weeks, until it was repaired, it did not generate electricity. The second hydrogenerator was under long-term repair at the time of the strike and in any case did not generate electricity.
▪️ During the strike, on March 22, 2024, the blast wave broke the wires of high-voltage overhead lines, which caused short circuits in the turbine hall itself and on one of the nine generator transformers behind its wall - which means that the energy of one of the hydrogenerators will not be able to be transmitted to the power grid even if the generator itself will work.

Attacks on the DneproHES-2
▪️ The turbine hall of HES-2 was first seriously damaged by the strike on March 22. As a result:
- Three out of four generator transformers were destroyed, as well as all equipment of the 154 kV open switchgear - which made it impossible to transmit the generated electricity and distribute it throughout the power grid.
- The explosion and subsequent fire seriously damaged six of the eight hydroelectric generators - that is, most of the generating capacity of HPP-2.
- The turbine hall itself, with the exception of the eastern part, and the equipment in it were practically destroyed.
▪️ Two spans of crane tracks for the gantry crane at the top of the dam were destroyed - with the help of this crane the hydraulic valves are opened and closed, this is how the discharge of water from the reservoir is regulated. These failures resulted in the loss of the ability to open/close approximately 40% of the hydraulic gates in the eastern part of the dam. However, the ability to partially regulate the discharge remains: three spillways operate at the hydroelectric dam.

Bottom line
▪️ The strike on March 22, 2024 completely disabled DneproHES-2, most of the generating capacity was lost. The remaining part will not be put into operation soon due to damage to auxiliary equipment and switchgear.
▪️ In the photographs of DneproHES-1, the damage is not noticeable, but the equipment in the turbine hall and behind its wall was still partially damaged. Nevertheless, the damage to HPP-1 was not that significant, and after repairing the equipment and restoring overhead communication lines with the DneproHES-1 substation, a relatively quick return to operation is possible. To completely disable the entire station, it is necessary to strike again at the turbine hall of DneproHES-1."
Update on March 22 air strikes, part 2 - Kharkov.

"Consequences the Russian Armed Forces strike on CHPP-5 in Kharkov.

▪️ Footage of the destruction at the Kharkov CHPP-5 that appeared on the Internet made it possible to determine the scale of damage to the facility as a result of the Russian missile attack on March 22. The photographs clearly show traces of missile hits in the turbine room, which partially collapsed.

▪️ Judging by the place of arrival, turbine No.2 was completely destroyed, and turbine No.3, at best, received serious damage. The most powerful turbine No.1 is located in another part of the building, but with a high probability it was also disabled by the explosion. Now it can be argued that now CHPP-5 has really stopped working and is not generating energy.

▪️ Taking into account all the stations and transformers remaining in the region, a maximum of up to 1300 MW can be transferred to Kharkov, which is not enough for uninterrupted supply. Not only has electric transport stopped working in the city, but even military-industrial complex enterprises are forced to stop working or introduce restrictions, “switching over” to generators.
▪️ All this indicates truly serious problems with electricity in Kharkov and the region, which did not exist even during previous strikes. If the strikes on the energy system continues, there is a real chance to achieve the effect that was planned to be achieved during the "Geran-2" attacks of 2022/23.
▪️ The energy shortages in the Kharkov and Sumy regions can not only lead to the shutdown of military enterprises, but also force part of the population to leave these areas. Which in the future, given a certain development of events, can be very useful."