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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

South Donetsk - 20.02.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 24:00 /Moscow time/ February 20, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue to develop their offensive in the South-Donetsk direction - increasing efforts in this area is critical both to relieve pressure on the Russian group advancing on Heorhiivka and Kurakhove, and to cut off communications of Ukrainian formations to the northeast of the long-suffering Vuhledar.
▪️ On the northern flank, soldiers of the 20th Motor Rifle Division of the Russian Armed Forces managed to reach the eastern outskirts of the village of Pobjeda after several days of heavy fighting. Part of the village southeast of the O0532 highway came under the control of Russian forces. The assault detachments of the Russian Army advanced with the support of tanks and heavy flamethrower systems.
▪️ However, the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not reduce the pressure and are trying to squeeze Russian troops out of the occupied farms, actively counterattacking from Kostyantynivka, a major defense hub of the Ukrainian Army in the South-Donetsk direction. Tanks are also involved here: according to reports, at least one German Leopard was destroyed.
▪️ At the central site in Novomykhailivka, battles continue: Russian troops have captured a fourth part of the village and are trying to advance towards the center, inflicting fire on administrative buildings where the enemy entrenched himself.
▪️ To the south, from the direction of Solodke, continuous attempts are being made by the Russian Armed Forces to advance in the direction of Vodyano and the Vuhledar-Kostyantynivka road. If Russian troops enter the crossroads, one of the lines of communication of Ukrainian formations in the South-Donetsk direction will be cut."
South Donetsk - 21.02.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ February 21, 2024

▪️ A few hours ago, Russian military personnel hoisted the Victory Banner over one of the houses in the center of the village of Pobjeda, for which fighting had been going on for months. The settlement came under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ Around Pobjeda, the Armed Forces of Ukraine built a defense along the Marinka-Pobjeda-the “Menagerie” stronghold line. It was the fortified area near the village that did not allow Russian troops to move to Kostyantynivka, located on the logistics route to Vuhledar.️ The importance of the settlement is emphasized by how desperately the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to hold it: over the course of several weeks of active defense, there were paratroopers from the 79th and 95th Air Assault Brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as units from the 33rd Mechanized Brigade - two assault detachments of which were sent yesterday for a counterattack, but to no avail.
▪️ Most likely, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will try to slow down the advance of the Russian Armed Forces by equipping strongholds in the forests west of Pobjeda - they are located on slightly higher hills, which simplifies their defenses. From Antonivka and Katerynivka, the Ukrainian formations randomly fire at Russian positions, holding back the advance.
▪️ However, the enemy’s position on the Kostyantynivka-Novomykhailivka line is becoming more complicated every day, as the Russian Armed Forces are advancing further in the Novomykhailivka area - information has emerged that Russian troops were able to expand the zone of control on the southern outskirts of the village, as well as from the northeast. Considering that the “Menagerie” has long been under our control, the Russian Armed Forces probably approached along route 00531."

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"What to expect after Pobjeda, situation as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ February 21, 2024

▪️ The prospects for cutting off the logistics of the Ukrainian group in Vuhledar are not the only ones that open with the taking of the village of Pobjeda under Russian control.️ However, in the short term, we should expect the enemy to try to regain lost positions, since the settlement area is tactically important not only for building defense, but also for attacking further.
▪️ The personnel of the 33rd Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine moved west to the forests adjacent to the village. Their numbers and positions on the hill, will allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to hold back Russian advances.
▪️ However, now Russian troops can move not only to Kostyantynivka, but also to Heorhiivka from the south along the H15 highway. Heorhiivka itself lies in a lowland near a reservoir, which is why positions there are very easily shot through. But the H15 road lies on a hill, which, if controlled, will greatly simplify the assault on Heorhiivka, where two groups of the 46th Airmobile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived the other day.
▪️ If so far the front line in Heorhiivka has remained without any significant changes, then from the north near Krasnohorivka there are some rather joyful news: the Russian Armed Forces have gained a foothold on the southern outskirts of the settlement. There is no confirmation of this yet, however, if this is true, then with a high degree of probability Russian fighters advanced along Geologichnaya Street in the direction of the gas station. However we shouldn’t expect quick success here. Krasnohorivka lies on a hill, which is also crossed by a railway. And in the central part there are several objects that the Armed Forces of Ukraine use as fortified areas, for example, the fire station."
NATO reconnaissance activity - 21.02.2024
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"Preparing for new strikes on Russian territories. February 21, 2024

▪️ While Russian troops are achieving successes at the front, Ukrainian formations are preparing for new attacks in the south of Russia, primarily on Crimea.
▪️ For several days now, NATO intelligence has been patrolling the borders of the Russian Federation from the Black Sea with increased intensity. The peak day was yesterday, when there were at least eight aircraft in the air.
▪️ Moreover, two long-range radar detection aircraft operated over the Black Sea - the French E-3F and the Turkish E-7T, which is unusual, given that the Turks had not previously participated in such events.
▪️ And since last year, the presence of the French E-3F was always considered a harbinger of future attacks on the southern territories of Russia.
▪️ And today, a US Air Force RQ-4B is “hoovering” in the sky south of Crimea.
▪️ In addition, for a week now, Ukrainian ports have been experiencing increased activity of cargo ships and ship cranes, which may be associated with the unloading of various weapons, including unmanned boats.
▪️ And the recent “idle” flights of Su-24M bombers are extremely suspicious and more like pilot training - there were only decoy launches with an intermediate landing at airfields in the central part of the so-called Ukraine.
▪️ So new air raids are expected, especially against the backdrop of territorial losses at the front. The Ukrainian authorities really need to interrupt the information feed, and a missile strike or attack by naval drones is their favorite tactic."


"Activity of NATO long-range radar aircraft along Russian borders. February 21, 2024

▪️ Another factor determining the preparation for new attacks on Russia is the high intensity of NATO AWACS aircraft not only in the Black Sea zone, but also in other areas bordering the Russian Federation.
▪️ In addition to the routine E-7T and E-3F, a NATO E-3A periodically flies to the shores of Romania. As a rule, they take turns on duty, so flying two AWACS units at the same time is a rather unique situation.
▪️ Airplanes of this type also fly alternately over Poland: either the Australian E-7A circles along the Belarusian border, or the E-3A from Geilenkirchen.
▪️ The Swedish AWACS aircraft Saab 340 Global Eye took over the Baltic zone. He patrols either near the Kaliningrad region, or near the Pskov region, or near the Leningrad region, under the guise of an operation to “contain Russia.”
▪️ Of course, all this can be justified by the active stage of the "Brilliant Jump" exercises, but the last time, when such high activity persisted for a long time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to attack St. Petersburg. And "exercises", as we know very well, are just a convenient cover for actions of a slightly different nature."
Kherson - 21.02.2024

"The situation in the Kherson direction by the end of February 21, 2024

▪️ In the Kherson direction, Russian troops continue to clear Krynky from the remaining pockets of resistance of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ Despite the losses, the contingent of Ukrainian marines remains in Krynky. According to the latest information, there are from 20 to 40 members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine operating in the northern part of the village.
▪️ Complete clearing of the settlement is complicated by the active work of enemy artillery from the opposite bank. In addition, Ukrainian mortar crews were stationed on nearby islands, creating problems for Russian units.
▪️ Over the past three days, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have tried several times to deliver reinforcements to the left bank, but to no avail. The day before yesterday, five boats were stopped by artillery fire, and yesterday one craft was hit.
▪️ However, there are about 200 Ukrainian marines in the island zone of the Dnieper, starting from Zabych Island and ending with Frolov Island. And against the background of the enemy’s failures in other directions, attempts at PR forays on the left bank are quite possible. Moreover, a couple of days ago a batch of Zodiac boats was delivered to Kherson, which will probably be used to cross the Dnieper."
Zaporozhye - 21.02.2024

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector by the end of February 21, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue their attack in the Robotyne salient.
▪️ During the fighting, the Russian Armed Forces managed to gain a foothold on both the southern and western outskirts of Robotyne, as well as expand the “gray zone” along the Nesterianka-Kopani-Robotyne-Verbove line. The enemy faces a situation where, in the absence of countermeasures, the forces deployed in the sailent may find themselves in a cauldron as Russian troops approach their main supply routes.
▪️ Against this background, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is urgently sending reinforcements to the front line. A battalion of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, combined from the reserves of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was transferred to Robotyne, and the 2nd battalion of the 78th Separate Special Purpose Regiment of the "Topaz" tactical group was transferred to the Chubenkova Gully.
▪️ At the same time, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are visible to the naked eye. Due to a lack of people and failures at the front, the tactical group “Marun” was disbanded, which last summer was supposed to storm Tokmak and Pologi, but has now disappeared into the annals of history.
▪️ At the same time, units of the 141st Rifle Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, formed just about two months ago, are expected to arrive at the Robotyne-Verbove area. Currently, detachments of the 141st Brigade are located in Shcherbaky, but the state of affairs forces them to be sent to another site.
▪️ In the reserve, formations of the 116th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine took over the defenses. The tank battalion of the 116th Brigade arrived in Mala Tokmachka the day before, and a battalion of the 44th Artillery Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was stationed in Preobrazhenka.
▪️ As we can see, the Armed Forces of Ukraine intend to hold the line no matter what. Sending so many troops proves this. Due to fears of a loss of morale, the command wants to maintain the positions occupied in the summer. Even at the cost of hundreds of lives of their soldiers.
▪️ At the moment an unprecedented number of Ukrainian units, that have launched a counterattack and are trying to recapture the lost positions, have been recorded at Robotyne. The fighting continues."

Zaporozhye - 22.02.2024

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector as of 13:00 /Moscow time/ February 22, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue to develop an offensive in the area of the Robotyne salient: at the moment they have managed to level the line of contact, in a 5km long area, to a depth of about a kilometer.
▪️ In Robotyne itself, fighting is taking place near the ruins of a school in the center of the village, from where gunfire opens into the surrounding area. If Russian units are able to maintain control over it, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will be forced to retreat to the northern outskirts of the village.
▪️ To the east, the Russian Armed Forces knocked out the enemy from several strongholds near Verbove, pushing Ukrainian formations away from the Kryva Gully. In addition, they regained control over the Shirokaya Gully: here the enemy was also forced to retreat under the pressure the Russian Army.
▪️ In general, the situation is not going well for the group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The shortage of personnel and the successes of the Russian Armed Forces in the South Donetsk direction force them to spread manpower into several sectors, preventing the Armed Forces of Ukraine from concentrating forces for a counterattack."
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NATO reconnaissance activity - 21.02.2024
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"Preparing for new strikes on Russian territories. February 21, 2024

▪️ While Russian troops are achieving successes at the front, Ukrainian formations are preparing for new attacks in the south of Russia, primarily on Crimea.
▪️ For several days now, NATO intelligence has been patrolling the borders of the Russian Federation from the Black Sea with increased intensity. The peak day was yesterday, when there were at least eight aircraft in the air.
▪️ Moreover, two long-range radar detection aircraft operated over the Black Sea - the French E-3F and the Turkish E-7T, which is unusual, given that the Turks had not previously participated in such events.
▪️ And since last year, the presence of the French E-3F was always considered a harbinger of future attacks on the southern territories of Russia.
▪️ And today, a US Air Force RQ-4B is “hoovering” in the sky south of Crimea.
▪️ In addition, for a week now, Ukrainian ports have been experiencing increased activity of cargo ships and ship cranes, which may be associated with the unloading of various weapons, including unmanned boats.
▪️ And the recent “idle” flights of Su-24M bombers are extremely suspicious and more like pilot training - there were only decoy launches with an intermediate landing at airfields in the central part of the so-called Ukraine.
▪️ So new air raids are expected, especially against the backdrop of territorial losses at the front. The Ukrainian authorities really need to interrupt the information feed, and a missile strike or attack by naval drones is their favorite tactic."


"Activity of NATO long-range radar aircraft along Russian borders. February 21, 2024

▪️ Another factor determining the preparation for new attacks on Russia is the high intensity of NATO AWACS aircraft not only in the Black Sea zone, but also in other areas bordering the Russian Federation.
▪️ In addition to the routine E-7T and E-3F, a NATO E-3A periodically flies to the shores of Romania. As a rule, they take turns on duty, so flying two AWACS units at the same time is a rather unique situation.
▪️ Airplanes of this type also fly alternately over Poland: either the Australian E-7A circles along the Belarusian border, or the E-3A from Geilenkirchen.
▪️ The Swedish AWACS aircraft Saab 340 Global Eye took over the Baltic zone. He patrols either near the Kaliningrad region, or near the Pskov region, or near the Leningrad region, under the guise of an operation to “contain Russia.”
▪️ Of course, all this can be justified by the active stage of the "Brilliant Jump" exercises, but the last time, when such high activity persisted for a long time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to attack St. Petersburg. And "exercises", as we know very well, are just a convenient cover for actions of a slightly different nature."

I really don't get why the Russians allow NATO planes to conduct ISR support for Ukrainian long range attacks on Crimea and their Black Sea fleet. They can easily shoot these planes down. Maybe they'll start doing that after the elections in November.
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Chasiv Yar - 22.02.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation as of 20:00 /Moscow time/ February 22, 2024

▪️ Russian troops pushed through the enemy’s defenses on the northeastern outskirts of Krasne/Ivanivske. At the moment, it is known that several dozen houses have been taken under control and assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces have been stationed there. Nevertheless, the exact configuration of the front is hidden by the “fog of war,” especially since at least part of the forests to the east of the settlement are in a “gray zone" if not under enemy control.
▪️ To the north, in the direction of Chasiv Yar, the situation remains without significant changes. The enemy published footage of attacks on the forward positions of Russian units in the area of the Valyanivka stopping point, which confirms the lack of progress in this direction. At the same time, on the section of the O0506 Khromove-Chasiv Yar highway west of the Popovsky Forest, the Russian Armed Forces continue to conduct cautious offensive actions.
▪️ To the south, thanks to objective footage of Russian FPV operators, the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were established at the Alabastrovy Pond, in the Klishchiivka area.
▪️ The advances of the Russian Armed Forces has been continuing to one degree or another for the last two months. At the moment, it is important that the Russian Army does not to lose the initiative and gains a foothold on the captured positions: the enemy does not intend to give up settlements without a fight."
February 23 - Russian plane, reportedly, an A-50 AWACS was shot down over Krasnodar Krai, Russia.

A-50 is lost. It is currently unknown who shot it down. All assumptions go to the garden. But 256 km from line of contact...
From this video it is clear that the crew had information that a missile was flying at them. They knew. They did what they could. What they should.
Eternal flight...

At this range - over 200km - it's an obvious own goal, and not the first one to happen - either Russia has some inherent C3 issues or someone is tampering with their IFF codes.
Russian air strikes - February 23, 2024
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"Russian Armed Forces massive strike on Ukrainian facilities. February 23, 2024.

▪️ Russian Armed Forces launched massive attacks on enemy targets in several regions of the so-called Ukraine, including using kamikaze drones "Geran-2" and cruise missiles. This time, the targets of the Russian Armed Forces' strikes were objects of the military-industrial complex and port infrastructure.
▪️ Odessa: the bulk of arrivals were recorded in the northeastern part of the city in the Suvorovsky district. Several UAVs hit the territory of the Odessa Nonwoven Materials Factory, where the service base for the naval drones was located. A fire broke out at the site of the impact. There are reports of damage to port infrastructure facilities in Odessa and the region, as well as air defense operations in the area of Tairov and Nerubaysky. At the moment there is no more detailed information.

▪️ Dnepropetrovsk: the industrial territories of the state enterprise “Southern Machine-Building Plant named after A. M. Makarov” and OJSC “Dneprtyazhmash”, which carried out orders from the Armed Forces of Ukraine, were affected. After the impact, a fire started at the site of the impact and a secondary detonation was recorded, accompanied by the emission of columns of flame.

▪️ Our team managed to identify another hit target: it became an oil depot on the territory of the former Dneproelectromash enterprise.The fuel tanks were built relatively recently, but their location was not chosen by chance: there is an extensive railway network nearby, which allows fuel to be quickly transported on demand, including to the front lines.Coordinates: 48.48860 34.96682
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"Geran-2" drones destroyed one of the tanks, and the fire is currently being extinguished at the facility. However, the rest remained undamaged, so a second strike is necessary to completely destroy the object.

▪️ Kharkov: strikes took place at warehouse premises in the village of Mokra Rokytna near the local civil aviation airfield. The extent of damage to the enterprise is currently unknown.
▪️ Occupied parts of the DPR: strikes were recorded in the Pokrovsk district. The territory of the Kapitalnaya Mine was hit by missiles.
▪️ Information is also being received about damage to residential buildings due to the operation of enemy air defense systems.
▪️ It is noteworthy that this time, within Odessa, the dense operation of enemy air defense systems was not recorded, as was the case in past attacks - mainly shoot down attempts were made using small arms. This indicates a shortage of missiles for air defense systems among the enemy due to a significant decrease in assistance from the United States and Western countries.
▪️ As we have noted more than once, in order to weaken the production potential of the Ukrainian military-industrial complex, it is necessary to wisely select targets and allocate a sufficient number of missiles to them. A hit from just one or two missiles will not cause significant damage to the enterprise."
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Russian air strikes - February 24-25, 2024
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"Russian Armed Forces massive strike on Ukrainian facilities. February 24, 2024.

▪️ Last night, Russian Armed Forces again launched a series of attacks on enemy targets in the so-called Ukraine. Both "Geran-2" drones and cruise missiles were used to engage targets.
▪️ Kirovograd: explosions were heard on the territory of the Kanatovo military airfield. According to incoming information, garages and warehouses in the facility's vehicle fleet were hit - several fuel tankers were destroyed, and cargo vehicles and a machine for installing ammunition on aircraft were also damaged. A fire broke out on the premises. In addition, local authorities reported damage to administrative and utility buildings due to falling debris.
▪️ Odessa: as a result of air defense work in the city, a residential building was damaged. Some sources report damage to military-industrial complex facilities, but there is no evidence of this.
▪️ Also, air defense work was recorded within the Nikolaev and Dnepropetrovsk regions.
▪️ Artillery strikes were carried out on the front-line areas of the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region and the DPR: according to some reports, the enemy forces’ deployment points in Velyka Novosilka and Kurakhove were hit.
▪️ The last two nights on the territory of the so-called Ukraine does not pass without attacks on targets in several rear regions. Authorities traditionally claim to have intercepted almost all targets, while the damage is attributed to falling debris and drones.
▪️ At the same time, Odessa was not without confessions: the southern group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine indicated that as a result of intercepting a drone over a residential area, a fire occurred, which led to the death of one person. As a rule, such incidents are blamed on Russian UAVs, and not on the air defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

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"Massive strike by the Russian Armed Forces against enemy facilities. February 25, 2024.

▪️ Throughout the night and morning, Russian Armed Forces carried out massive combined strikes on enemy targets in different regions of the so-called Ukraine. The targets of the strikes were enemy personnel bases, industrial facilities and military airfields. Both kamikaze drones "Geran-2" and ballistic missiles were used for fire destruction.
▪️ Airfield infrastructure: strikes were carried out at aviation bases in Martynovka, Nikolaev region and Starokonstantinov, Khmelnytsky region, there is no information about the damage caused. An attack on the Kanatovo airfield in the Kirovograd region was also reported: according to preliminary data, Ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners managed to intercept all targets.
▪️ Information is also being received about the night operation of air defense systems in the Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions, as well as in Zaporozhye. However, at the moment there is no information about hits.
▪️ Chernigov: a blow was struck at the territory of the Belkozin plant in Priluki - the only enterprise in Ukraine engaged in the production of collagen casings for meat products.
▪️ Sumy: in Shostka, a hit was recorded in one of the workshops of the Polikhim enterprise, which produces paints and foundry materials.
▪️The occupied part of the DPR: strikes were recorded at the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ bases in Kurakhove, Selidove, Krasnohorivka, Siversk, Chasiv Yar and Novoselivka Persha.
▪️ In Kostyantynivka, guided air bombs destroyed the local railway station and station infrastructure; the building cannot be restored. In addition, the temporary deployment point of the 22nd Mechanized Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Ulyanovskaya Street was hit. Other targets included the territory of a boarding school No.8 and vocational school No.39, which were also used by the enemy to house personnel.
▪️ The next strikes of the Russian Armed Forces on the rear regions of the so-called Ukraine were aimed at weakening the industrial potential and combat capabilities of the enemy air force.
▪️ At the same time, the number of affected military bases of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the front-line areas of the occupied part of the DPR has increased significantly, which is especially important during major offensive operations of the Russian army in this area."

Ukrainian drone raid - February 24, 2024

"Massive raid of Ukrainian UAVs. February 24, 2024

▪️ While the Russian Armed Forces were striking military targets in the so-called Ukraine, Ukrainian formations also did not sit idly by and tried to attack targets in several regions of Russia with drones.
▪️ In Lipetsk, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the Novolipetsk Metallurgical Plant, located in the left bank part of the city. A fire broke out on the territory of the ore sintering and preparation shop, which was quickly extinguished. There is no threat of release of hazardous substances. In addition, not far from the scene of the incident there are the Lipetsk Thermal Power Plant-2, which plays a key role in the region’s power supply, as well as the 260th Central Missile Artillery Base, which deals with the disposal of ammunition and explosives.
▪️ Three drones were destroyed by air defense systems over the Tula region. According to eyewitnesses, traffic was temporarily blocked on Odoevskoye Highway, where explosions were heard. According to official information, there were no casualties or damage.
▪️ One drone was intercepted in the Kursk area, without consequences. And in the border Korenevsky district, after artillery shelling, power supply was temporarily disrupted in the villages of Vnezapnoye, Gordeevka, Viktorovka, Troitskoye and Uspenovka.
▪️ In the Bryansk region, one unmanned aerial vehicle was destroyed over the Starodub municipal district. There were no casualties among the population or damage to infrastructure.
▪️ In the Donetsk People's Republic, more than 20 drones were intercepted over Donetsk and Makeyevka per day. One of the drones was neutralized in the area of a military unit, after which it was neutralized by explosives technicians."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 23.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 20:00 /Moscow time/ February 23, 2024

▪️ After Avdiivka and the Coke Plant were taken under control, the Russian Armed Forces were faced with the opportunity to develop an offensive in neighboring settlements. Previously, this was fraught with great danger due to the presence of the enemy on the territory of the plant, from which the surrounding fields could be seen for many kilometers.
▪️ At least part of the positions to the west of Avdiivka was abandoned by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but it was not possible to jump in “on the shoulders” of the retreating enemy. There are battles in the Lastochkyne and Sjeverne areas.
▪️ At the same time, the enemy published footage of a tank attack on the position of the Russian Armed Forces in Petrivske/Stepove. Abrams of the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at the southwestern outskirts of the village, however, with an unknown result, and there was no further attack by Ukrainian formations. Thus, the control of Russian troops over Petrivske/Stepove is confirmed.

▪️ As for Lastochkyne and Sjeverne, according to some data, the Russian Armed Forces at least tried to occupy the villages, but with an unknown outcome. In the absence of objective footage, it is at least premature to claim the capture of the village, although information about the battles on the western outskirts of Lastochkyne are partially confirmed."
Chasiv Yar - 23.02.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation as of 21:00 /Moscow time/ February 23, 2024

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces were able to make significant progress in Krasne/Ivanivske, knocking out the enemy from the heights north of the settlement, and occupying several dozen more houses on the eastern outskirts of the city.
▪️ Advancement is recorded in the park area at the intersection of Vostochnaya Street and Shkolny Lane, as well as on Sadovaya Street. The northern outskirts of the village remain under enemy control or in the gray zone, since Shirokaya Street is located in a lowland and is under fire from the adjacent heights.
▪️ At the same time, attacks on the enemy’s rear do not stop. Thus, several artillery and air strikes were carried out on Chasiv Yar, including the use of 203mm Malka guns."

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Donetsk-Zaporozhye - 23.02.2024

"The situation in the Donetsk direction by the end of February 23, 2024

▪️ In the Donetsk direction, strikes against enemy concentrations and attempts to advance by the Russian Armed Forces continue.
▪️ According to some reports, after artillery preparation and UAV strikes on enemy positions in Nevelske, the Russian Armed Forces were able to reach the outskirts of the village, as well as knock the enemy out of the plantings and reservoir to the southwest. This opens up the possibility of assaulting the settlement located on a hill, after which it will become easier to knock out the enemy from the ravine and fortified area to the north of it. And this, in turn, will somewhat facilitate progress in Pervomaiske.
▪️ At the same time, air and artillery strikes continue on Krasnohorivka, the largest settlement on this sector of the front line. In particular, the Krasnohorivka Refractory Plant, where the accumulation of enemy forces had previously been repeatedly recorded, was hit by a guided bomb."


"The situation in the Vremivka sector by the end of February 23, 2024

▪️ Another place of local success for the Russian Armed Forces was the Vremivka sector, where in the area north of Pryyutne they managed to knock out the enemy from the Hrusheva and Kutsaya ravines.
▪️ Tactical success not only made it possible to improve the situation in this sector, but also fits well into the strategy of dispersing enemy forces, whose attention is now partially switched to stabilizing the front near Avdiivka and containing the attacks of the Russian Armed Forces near Robotyne.
▪️ If the Russian Armed Forces develop success , the enemy will be forced to transfer reinforcements to Novodarivka from the settlements of Novopil and Zelone Pole, where a limited presence of enemy personnel and armored vehicles is recorded.
▪️ At the same time, new attempts to advance the Russian Armed Forces in other similar areas are quite likely, where for a long time there was no activity other than mutual strikes with artillery and FPV drones."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 24.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ February 24, 2024

▪️ Russian units are developing success in the Avdiivka direction. The Russian Ministry of Defense posted footage from the territory of the Avdiivka Coke Plant, which confirms the end of the cleanup.

▪️ At the same time, this fact made it possible to attack Lastochkyne from both sides. From the north - from the side of the Coka Plant, and from the south through the Durna Gully. Due to the threat of being surrounded from the flanks and constant airstrikes, the enemy retreated from the village. The settlement came under the full control of the Russian Armed Forces.

▪️ In addition, there are numerous reports of the capture of Sjeverny by fighters of the 1st Slavic Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces. There is no confirmation of this yet. However, given the capture of Lastochkyne, the Russian Armed Forces could achieve success in this sector as well, since the defenses of Sjeverne had seriously deteriorated. The lack of objective footage in the settlement does not make it possible to understand the real situation. It is possible that clearing out the remnants of Ukrainian formations is still underway, while the main enemy forces retreated to the northwest, towards Tonenke.
▪️ At the same time, it is still unclear what is happening at the forest belt between Lastochkyne and Sjeverne - information about its capture has not yet been received. But if the Ukrainian Armed Forces withdraw from Sjeverne, it will simply be impossible for them to hold these positions."
Zaporozhye - 24.02.2024

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector by the end of February 24, 2024

▪️ Russian units, after occupying the school in the center of the village, continued their attack on the eastern and northern parts of the village.
▪️ Units of the 70th Motor Rifle Regiment of the Russian Armed Forces landed troops in the central part of the village and to the east near the Palace of Culture, which the enemy ultimately could not hold.
▪️ The objective footage shows an almost complete absence of fire from the enemy, except for a single shot in the direction of the attacking infantry fighting vehicles - apparently, the Ukrainian formations did not expect such a daring approach by Russian armored vehicles. While the armored vehicles conducted suppressive fire, the assault detachment secured a foothold at the landing site and advanced to the area of enemy positions in the northern part of the village. The enemy, under heavy fire and artillery strikes, retreated to the cemetery area, leaving the eastern and central part of the village.
▪️ Ukrainian formations made several attempts to recapture the position, but were unsuccessful. Units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are being hastily transferred to the Robotyne area from the Vremivka sector.
▪️ In order to slow down the pace of the offensive of Russian units, Ukrainian formations are remotely mining the approaches in the Novoprokopivka area, on the northern outskirts of Robotyne and west of Verbove.
▪️ At night, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine plans to try to restore lost positions in the area of the post building and the House of Culture in the center of the village. However, in case of failure, most likely, the remnants of the Ukrainian formations will be forced to leave the northern part of the settlement, which will be extremely difficult for them to hold due to the control of the Russian Armed Forces over the prevailing heights."

Fourth night of Russian air strikes - February 26, 2024
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"Massive strike by the Russian Armed Forces against enemy facilities. February 26, 2024.

▪️ For another night in a row, Russian Armed Forces are carrying out massive attacks on rear targets of the so-called Ukraine. Explosions occurred in the Kirovograd, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov and Sumy regions - ballistic and cruise missiles were used, as well as "Geran-2" UAVs.
▪️ Kirovograd: at least two MiG-29 fighters were destroyed at the Kanatovo military airfield, in addition, the enemy’s 62nd arsenal (military unit A1201) north of the village was hit. Bogdanovka, where one of the Western weapons storage facilities is located - according to available information, the detonation and fire at the facility lasted throughout the night.
▪️ Dnepropetrovsk: the strike was carried out on the territory of the Dnepropetrovsk International Airport, which is actively used by the enemy to conduct air operations and strikes in the eastern and southern directions - after the strike, a fire with signs of secondary detonation was observed at the facility. The building of Workshop No. 7 of the State Enterprise “Southern Machine-Building Plant named after. A.M. Makarov”, where the enemy organized a workshop for the assembly and maintenance of attack UAVs.
▪️ Kharkov: on the southwestern outskirts of the city and in Pisochyn, two ammunition warehouses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which were one of the logistics supply points for enemy groups in the Kupyansk and Lyman directions, were destroyed.
▪️ Sumy: updated data on yesterday's defeat of the Polikhim LLC in Shostka has been received. It is reported that the object was under the close attention of the special services of the so-called Ukraine and was involved in the military-industrial complex for the production of composite materials for armored vehicles and protective elements.
▪️ Occupied territory of the DPR: another object hit yesterday in Kostyantynivka has been identified - the enemy’s temporary deployment point in the building of a former psychiatric hospital was destroyed, at the time of the attack there were over 50 personnel there, according to the data received, at least half of them were eliminated or were injured in various ways degree of severity. Strikes were also recorded at the locations where the Ukrainian Armed Forces were based in the village. Kurakhove, Maksymylyanivka, Nikiforovka, Toretsk, Zhelezne and Novoselivka.
▪️ Active strikes against enemy rear facilities continue, aimed at weakening the military-industrial complex, destroying aviation infrastructure and disrupting logistics. It can be assumed that such activity in complex development is caused by preparations for large offensive operations of the Russian Army."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 26.02.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 17:00 /Moscow time/ February 26, 2024

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces continue to build on their success after the capture of Avdiivka, advancing on several sectors of the front.
▪️ On the northern flank there are attacks on Berdychi and Semenivka, where the presence of the enemy who retreated from Avdiivka remains. There have been no attempts to advance here yet, since Russian postions in Petrivske/Stepove are located in a lowland, and the accumulation of assault forces in secret is a difficult task.
▪️ At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces, from their positions in Lastochkyne, after the airstrikes, advanced with an armored group along the O0542 highway and latched onto the southern outskirts of Orlivka on Payukov Brothers Street north of Shkolny and Michurinsky-3 headquarters.
▪️ To the south, battles are taking place on the southeastern and southern outskirts of Tonenke, the access to which was opened after the cleansing of Sjeverne. Russian forces are advancing from at least two directions: through the fields and tree lines to the south and along the Tonenka Gully."

Donetsk - 26.02.2024

"The situation in the Donetsk direction by the end of February 26, 2024

▪️ In the Donetsk direction, Russian troops continue offensive operations and expand the zone of control west of the capital of the Donetsk People's Republic.
▪️ In Krasnohorivka, the Russian Armed Forces advanced in the residential sector, from the south, in the area of Shevchenko and Paris Commune streets. According to yet unconfirmed reports, battles are already taking place in the industrial zone of an abandoned car repair plant.
▪️ If in the south of Krasnohorivka the situation is more or less clear, then the situation in the east is covered by the “fog of war”, because from Staromykhailivka, judging by the lack of any information, there were no attempts to advance.
▪️ Artillery strikes are actively being carried out on the village."
Chasiv Yar - 26.02.2024
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"Offensive on Chasiv Yar, situation by the end of February 26, 2024

▪️ In the Bakhmut direction, the Russian Armed Forces methodically strike the positions of Ukrainian formations in Chasiv Yar and Krasne/Ivanivske.
▪️ After consolidating the heights north of Krasne/Ivanivske and on the southeastern outskirts of the settlement, Russian troops continued offensive operations in the central part of the town northeast of Shosseynaya Street. They managed to gain a foothold on Artema Street and Lane, as well as in the area of Tereshkova Street.
▪️ The exact configuration of the front line in the absence of objective footage is unknown, however, given the attacks on nearby enemy deployment points, the enemy’s defense capabilities are dwindling for obvious reasons.
▪️ At the same time, units of the 98th Airborne Division of the Russian Armed Forces continue to move north of Krasne/Ivanivske and south of Bohdanivka. Ukrainian formations were driven out of fortified areas at heights and in the forests.
▪️ At the same time, targets are being destroyed in the eastern regions of Chasiv Yar, where the presence of armored vehicles and artillery of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is recorded in the residential sector and afforestations."
