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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

South Donetsk - 14.02.2024
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"The situation in the South Donetsk direction as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ February 14, 2024

▪️ Russian troops are developing success in the South Donetsk direction.
▪️ In Novomykhailivka they managed to advance along Timiryazeva Street, and occupy at least part of the Sintezprodservice industrial zone and establish control over the cemetery.
▪️ Further progress in the village is difficult due to development of the central part of the village, where there are capital buildings of the recreation center, Church and administration.
▪️ The forests to the north and west of the settlement are also under the control of the enemy, who relies on the logistics hub in Kostyantynivka, where artillery positions are equipped in the vicinity. The situation is also complicated by the large number of FPV UAVs the enemy has.
▪️ At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces were able to make some progress in plantings west of Solodke in the direction of Vodyane, knocking out the enemy from several forest strongholds."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 14.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 16:00 /Moscow time/ February 14, 2024

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces are advancing in the residential sector in the northern part of Avdiivka.
▪️ Despite the rather contradictory data, Russian forces were able to advance in the residential sector, as well as expand the zone of control in the Avdiivka Autobase area, cutting off enemy supply route along the Industrial Avenue.
▪️ Some sources also claim that the Russian army was advancing to the stele where the president of the so-called Ukraine, Zelensky, was photographed. However, this information looks overly optimistic, since the section of road O0542 in this place is under Ukrainian fire from the Avdiivka Coke Plant.
▪️ In addition, rumors are circulating on the Internet about the advance of the Russian Armed Forces to the Pesochne cemetery, however, it is not possible to confirm or refute this information given the lack of objective footage.
▪️ The 116th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was withdrawn from Avdiivka: only a small consolidated group of several infantry fighting vehicles and tanks remained in the "Khimik" microdistrict. Apparently, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is placing a fairly large bet on the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade "Azov", which is expected to almost "single-handedly" hold the front (due to its numbers and equipment). However, we do not exclude the fact that Mr. Syrsky may want to get rid of the formation that is too well-publicized by the media and constantly requires special treatment.
▪️ The high pace of advance of the Russian Armed Forces in Avdiivka caused a strange reaction in the media. Narratives that the front is “collapsing several blocks a day” and the enemy is “already surrendering Avdiivka” are extremely premature. Moreover, no statement was made by the Armed Forces of Ukraine that it's time to withdraw from Avdiivka - on the contrary, the emphasis is still placed on holding it for as long as possible."

Azov's MRAP on the outskirts of Avdiivka
"Strike by the Russian Armed Forces on a temporary deployment point in Selydove. February 13, 2024

▪️ This afternoon, Russian troops launched a series of attacks on targets in the town of Selydove in the occupied part of the DPR. According to incoming information, a large enemy temporary deployment point has been hit. During the raid, Iskander tactical ballistic missiles with cluster warheads were used.
The reports I read had an unconfirmed number of casualties, and stated that Ukraine will not release this data, particularly in light of the new defense minister taking over, but estimated several hundred casualties, up to possibly 1,500. This was a large staging area where troops would assemble and it was hit twice that day.

The cluster bombing and the hitting twice--killing those assisting the injured--is sad, but the Ukraine were the first to use cluster bombs, and you get what you deserve.

Crimea - 14.02.2024

"Combined strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Southern Russia. February 14, 2024

▪️ The morning strike on the large landing ship Caesar Kunikov was not the only one in the enemy attack off the coast of Crimea. The attack on the warship was preceded first by comprehensive reconnaissance by NATO forces, and then by several UAV raids.
▪️ After midnight, the Armed Forces of Ukraine sent drones to Crimea. This time the launch was carried out from three directions simultaneously: four from the Odessa region, two from the Kakhovka direction and two more from the Orikhiv area.
▪️ The first two UAVs were shot down 70 km south of Yalta, three more were destroyed two hours later 6 km south of Feodosia - all five by Su-30SM fighters. And the remainder was suppressed by electronic warfare crews on approach to Anapa - those drones fell into the water 12 km from the city.
▪️ It is characteristic that the Armed Forces of Ukraine began to carry out launches from several directions at once to cover not only the west of Crimea, but also the east. And at around two o'clock in the morning in Crimea, a missile threat was heard due to the launch of a missile decoy from the vicinity of the Alibey test site.
▪️ The change in the geography of attacks exactly before the attack on the landing ship is also interesting: both today and on Saturday, enemy drones operated along the southern coast of Crimea, and there was, as always, an RQ-4B in the air."

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"The role of the US Air Force RQ-4B Global Hawk UAV in attacks on the Black Sea Fleet. February 9-14, 2024

▪️ The destructive activities of American and NATO intelligence in the Black Sea have already been discussed many times. Both today and Saturday this was confirmed again.
▪️ On the night of Friday to Saturday from February 9 to 10, a Project 22160 patrol ship was attacked by naval drones while escorting a Russian tanker from the Bosphorus Strait.
- Seven unmanned boats tried to hit the side of the ship, but the crew noticed the drones, and fire was opened on them. As a result, one USV was destroyed, and the rest retreated in the direction of the Odessa region.
- All this action was observed by the US Air Force RQ-4B UAV, which since the morning of February 9 had been patrolling south of the coast of Crimea, and was directly above the Russian ship at the time of the attack.
▪️ The same thing happened today. A US Air Force drone flew into the Black Sea at 12 o'clock yesterday and began patrolling 70 km from the southern coast of Crimea.
- In the afternoon, the Russian landing ship left Sevastopol and headed to the holding area south of Yalta, where it parked under the close attention of the UAV.
- And at 6:16AM seven Ukrainian naval drones attacked the Caesar Kunikov. Two drones were destroyed by machine gun fire, and four, unfortunately, were hit on the side.
- The seventh drone was shot down by the crew of the rescue tug in the area where the landing ship was located. At that moment, Russian helicopters were already circling in the air, and the crew was being evacuated from the landing craft.
▪️ And all this time RQ-4B was a little to the south, watching and directing USVs, which was noted by Russian engineers. After the end of the rescue operation of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy at 09:30, it flew away from the Black Sea, ending its participation in the attack on Caesar Kunikov. And this is just one of the episodes during the SMO.
▪️ What conclusion should be drawn? We think that everything is clear and without any explanation. Everyone understands perfectly well what NATO intelligence officers are doing off our coasts, but for some reason we do not resist it.
▪️ Periodic exposure to electronic warfare does not produce the desired effect, as do the measures taken to combat naval drones. There are however practical solutions - the RQ-4B shines like a New Year's star on any radar. No one wants to succumb to an obvious provocation, but no one has canceled the proven method of “dumping fuel”.
▪️ Yet planes and drones have both flown and continue to do so with enviable regularity. And we can only guess why this is so. Probably, the Americans forbade shooting/impact, and we obeyed."

Ukrainian shelling of Belgorod - 15.02.2024

"Shelling of Belgorod. February 15, 2024

▪️ Today, Ukrainian formations dealt the most massive blow to Belgorod since the beginning of this year.
▪️ The enemy fired at the city with Serbian-made 122mm extended-range ER Grad 2000 missiles launched from the Czech RM-70 Vampire MLRS.
▪️ Russian anti-aircraft gunners intercepted some of the munitions, but the rest hit one of the shopping centers and the territory of school No. 42. Some of the fragments fell on the school stadium, where a woman with a baby was walking at that time, the baby died.
▪️ According to the Russian Ministry of Health, six people were killed as a result of the shelling, another 17 people, including five children, were injured of varying degrees of severity. At the moment, all the victims are receiving all necessary medical care.
▪️ The last time Ukrainian forces shelled Belgorod on a massive scale was at the end of December 2023. Then, as a result of the attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 25 people were killed, five of them children, 109 were injured, and large-scale damage to residential buildings and civilian infrastructure was recorded throughout the city.
▪️ To prevent such incidents, it is necessary to at least strengthen counter-battery warfare with an increase in the number of drones conducting reconnaissance along the Russian border. And at the most, create a “sanitary zone”, which would require the organization of a Russian offensive in the Kharkov direction."

▪️ The missiles that hit Belgorod were indeed Serbian.
▪️ There is a version that they were sold to Canada, but ended up in the so-called Ukraine along an unclear route. The Serbian company Krušik allegedly sold them to the Canadian company Canadian JNJ Export & Import in early 2023.
▪️ However, last March a defense exhibition was held, at which several contracts were concluded (for example, for the supply of missiles to Greece) by the Serbian company EdePro. Officially, EdePro many times denied direct deliveries to the so-called Ukraine, but they really had enough contracts including those concluded in previous years. Well, it was their products that now ended up in Belgorod.
▪️ The Serbs do not supply weapons to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but their counterparties could easily do so, violating the ban on the re-export of weapons. However, will anyone really expect honesty from Western partners and their tame countries?
▪️ There is one more important detail in this whole story with the shelling of Belgorod with Serbian-made missiles. These missiles had been lying around for God knows how long, but they decided to fire them at Belgorod, at a civilian target, not anyday, but today. Today, February 15, is Serbia’s statehood day, a major national holiday.
▪️ Such coincidences simply do not happen: usually it's the British, who really love symbolism and everything connected with it, sin like this. This is in addition to yesterday’s incident with the sunken “Caesar Kunikov” - exactly on the day of the death of the real Kunikov.
▪️ The Ukrainians, of course, did what the Whitehall gentlemen said. But the customer for the action with far-reaching geopolitical consequences is not the Ukrainian General Staff."
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The Russian flag is flying as of this morning in the ruins of the Ukrainian "Zenith" stronghold in the southwest of the Avdiivka sector. This was one of Ukraine's most significant strongholds in their whole fortification network for the Donetsk suburbs campaign since 2014.
The collapse of Ukraine's defenses in Avdiivka has accelerated again in the last couple days with Russian advances in both the north and the south.
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 15.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ February 15, 2024

▪️ Russian troops are advancing in the residential sector of Avdiivka after a successful assault on the Autobase. At the same time, the consolidation of the positions taken in previous days continues.
▪️ Many Russian and Ukrainian media channels are running ahead of the locomotive: despite the obvious desire to bring victory closer, the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces still have hard work ahead of them.
▪️ The information about taking control of the forest belt, where the Avdiivkaa Stella is located and the road to Lastochkyne opens, was not true: as of the morning of February 15, there were several hundred meters left to the entrance sign.
▪️ Russian troops began to envelope the flooded Avdiivka quarry from the western side: the advance of the Russian Armed Forces along the southern bank to Shestakova Street is confirmed.
▪️ In the south, in the area of the “Tsarska Ohota”, no progress has yet been recorded, although rumors have appeared on the Internet about Russian fighters crossing the railway and storming the “Vinogradniki-2” garden cooperative. Some channels claim partial control of Russian troops over the gardens, but so far this has not been confirmed.
▪️ The enemy still holds the ruins of the old anti-aircraft base and the "Cheburashka" fortified area, and in Old Avdiivka is partially withdrawing forces to the "Khimik" microdistrict.
▪️ At this stage, units of the Russian Army participating in the assault operations have focused their efforts on expanding the breakthrough zones and clearing out the gray zones.
▪️ Despite the obvious control of the Russian Armed Forces over Industrial Avenue, the communication of Ukrainian formations between Lastochkyne and Avdiivka is not interrupted: supplies are carried out through the Durna Gully right in the middle of the fields."


"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 18:00 /Moscow time/ February 15, 2024

▪️ Just before our previous report on the situation in Avdiivka had come out, there was finally confirmation of the advance of Russian troops towards the Stella, about which there had only been rumors before. Footage from the intersection of Industrial Avenue and the O0542 highway with a soldier of the Russian Armed Forces waving the Russian flag appeared online.

▪️ This is the first evidence of the presence of the Russian Armed Forces at the crossroads and, accordingly, confirms the capture of the Brevno fortified area. Previously, only battles were reported northwest of the Avdiivka Autobase.
▪️ Taking the crossroads does not mean a complete collapse of the defenses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. There are battles ahead for the Avdiivka Coke Plant and the "Khimik", in which powerful enemy fortifications are located. Moreover, the Ukrainian formations retain the supply route through the Durna Gully from Lastochkyne - however, this is already a lottery with low chances, but the possibility of transporting troops still remains."
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The Russian flag is flying as of this morning in the ruins of the Ukrainian "Zenith" stronghold in the southwest of the Avdiivka sector. This was one of Ukraine's most significant strongholds in their whole fortification network for the Donetsk suburbs campaign since 2014.
The collapse of Ukraine's defenses in Avdiivka has accelerated again in the last couple days with Russian advances in both the north and the south.
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Developments are now happening by the hour, it seems. The Russians after capturing the air base in the morning have since also captured the Ukrainian stronghold at Donetsk filtration station and have substantially advanced in the north as well. The White House even called the situation "critical". But as soon as Russia wins this battle, you can be sure Avdiivka will become a "strategically insignificant town" in Western media.
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 16.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 14:30 /Moscow time/ February 16, 2024

▪️ Ukrainian formations continue their gradual withdrawal from positions unfavorable for defense in the south and north-west of the city.
▪️To the north, in the area of Industrial Lane, Russian units are establishing themselves in a forest belt towards Lastochkyne. The territory of the gas station and the adjacent section of the road is under the confident control of Russian Armed Forces.
▪️ Russian fighters also installed a flag on the Stella at the entrance to Avdiivka, expanding the control zone to the west of the Brevno fortified area by at least 300 meters.

▪️ On the eastern outskirts of the city in the area of the Donetsk Filtration Station, the situation has not changed since yesterday evening. However, objective footage has appeared confirming the capture of the Station by fighters of the 15th Pyatnashka International Brigade.

▪️ At the moment, to the south, reports about the control of the Russian Armed Forces over the fortified area “Cheburashka” on the outskirts of the Donetsk ring road are confirmed.

▪️ In addition, the Russian Armed Forces are carrying out additional cleaning of the “Vinogradniki-2” garden cooperative. The remnants of the Ukrainian formations leave the remaining positions or are captured.
▪️ Despite the rapid pace of advance in the south and east of Avdiivka, it is not yet possible to say with complete confidence that Ukrainian formations are leaving the city. The enemy still has a sufficient number of personnel available: from three to five thousand troops."
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After yesterday's major Russian advances, the reports from today are more or less indicating that Russia has won the battle in the whole city except the Coke Plant and the "Citadel" district – two Ukrainian strongholds that they are still trying to hold. But for the whole rest of the city, the reports of Russians capturing positions are now coming in hourly – the city park, the hospital, the train station.... the Russians are saying the Ukrainians are pretty much giving up one position after another as they retreat to consolidate at the two aforementioned strongholds.
Hundreds if not thousands of Ukrainians are encircled within Avdeevka, with dozens trying to escape the cauldron through open fields under heavy shelling and air strikes.

Epic disaster for the Ukrainians. They should have pulled out weeks ago.
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 16.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation by the end of February 16, 2024

▪️ The enemy’s defenses continue to burst at the seams. More and more reports are appearing on the Internet about Ukrainian formations abandoning the city and attempting to escape through fields and mined roads in the direction of Lastochkyne.
▪️ Footage of Russian Armed Forces personnel in Avdiivka City Park has appeared on the Internet. In addition, there are reports of the Zheleznodorozhnikov Hospital being taken under control.
▪️ To the south, Russian units advanced several hundred meters along Industrial Avenue to the southeast in the direction of the 9th "Khimik" microdistrict. According to the latest data, battles have begun for the Reinforced Concrete Structures Plant.
▪️ Taking into account the beginning of the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the panic among the front line soldiers, new footage from other locations of Avdiivka may appear in the near future, which will allow us to assess the scale of the advance of the Russian Army.
▪️ However, there is no point in running ahead of the locomotive: assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces still have hard work ahead of them. As of February 15, the southern enemy group in the city numbered about 2.5-3 thousand people."

Donetsk-Avdiivka - 17.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 05:00 /Moscow time/ February 17, 2024

▪️ Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Syrsky announced the decision taken by the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to leave Avdiivka in order to save the lives of Ukrainian military personnel and occupy more advantageous defense lines.
▪️ The Ukrainian group of troops “Tavria” announced that troops have already been withdrawn from Avdiivka. In fact, this is a lie: pockets of resistance remain in the city, numerous groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have lost contact and control, so they may not even know about these orders.
▪️ As darkness fell, Russian troops stormed the Reinforced Concrete Structures Plant in the city center and continued to advance.
▪️ A poorly organized retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with heavy losses went through the fields in the direction of Lastochkyne along the Durna Gully and the surrounding area. The approaches to Lastochkyne and the exit from the Gully were mined by the Russian ISDM Zemledeliye "Agriculture" remote mining system on February 15, so the escape was possible only through the bodies of Ukrainian military personnel.
▪️ It is unlikely that the Armed Forces of Ukraine will leave the Avdiivka Coke Plant, nor will they retreat further than Lastochkyne: the Ukrainian formations had enough time to equip reserve positions.
▪️ If the Armed Forces of Ukraine cling to the Coke Plant, the commander of the operation, Lieutenant General Andrei Mordvichev, will most likely decide to bypass it and starve it out. Everything is similar to the Ilyich Plant and Azovstal in Mariupol: there he made a similar decision.
▪️ Clearing the city will take at least several days: it is necessary to carry out demining and thoroughly inspect residential areas.
▪️ The main thing is not to lose momentum and not allow the disorganized, out-of-control enemy to come to his senses and give him the opportunity to take up a stable defense."
"Massive Ukrainian drone raid on rear regions of Russia. February 17, 2024

▪️ At night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine carried out a massive drone raid on Russian civilian infrastructure. The defense department announced the destruction of 33 drones over Russian regions.
▪️ The leader in the number of attacks is the Bryansk region - 18 UAVs were launched there. The drones were destroyed over the Pogarsky, Klintsovsky, Bryansk and Unechsky districts. The village of Sushany was shelled, three residential buildings and outbuildings were damaged, but there were no casualties.
▪️ Seven drones were intercepted over the Kaluga region. The Lyudinovsky and Kozelsky districts were attacked. There were no casualties or destruction of infrastructure.
▪️ Four drones were intercepted by air defense forces over the Belgorod region. Two of them are in the village of Wislaya Dubrava, Gubkinsky urban district. There are no consequences on earth.
▪️ Four devices were also destroyed in the Voronezh region on approach to the regional capital. There were no casualties; private property was damaged in the Leninsky district.
▪️ One UAV in the Kursk region was destroyed near Kurchatov, where the Kursk nuclear power plant is located. The village of Kulbaki, Glushkovsky district, was also shelled. The gas pipe and the administrative building were damaged. There were no casualties."
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Donetsk-Avdiivka - 17.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 16:00 /Moscow time/ February 17, 2024

▪️ More and more footage of the hoisting of the Russian flag over buildings abandoned by Ukrainian formations is appearing on the Internet. And now we can draw preliminary conclusions about the change in the configuration of the front.
▪️ Ukrainian positions at the Avdiivka Coke Plant were partially abandoned - the Armed Forces of Ukraine moved to Orlivka. Pockets of resistance remain. There have been reports about the Ukrainian proposal to exchange prisoners and killed: military expert Boris Rozhin believes that it is under those conditions that the surviving units will now withdraw.
▪️ Control over high-rise buildings at least in the east of the Coke Plant for the RF Armed Forces. From the heights of the Coke Plant it is convenient to set up repeaters for UAV operation, as well as to control the surrounding villages.
▪️ Most likely, the enemy is trying to entrench himself at the Berdychi-Semenivka-Orlivka line. According to preliminary information, the village of Lastochkyne has been abandoned by the Armed Forces of Ukraine: it is under full fire control from the Coke Plant, and it will not be possible to build a defense there.
▪️ In the direction of Lastochkyne, reconnaissance operations are already underway; most likely, in the near future the Russian Army will attempt to occupy the village and nearby territories.
▪️ The cleanup of the "Khimik" microdistrict with high-rise buildings continues: scattered enemy groups may remain there in the same way.
▪️ The territory from “Khimik” in the direction of Opytne is, with a high degree of probability, also deserted. The nearest enemy strongholds should be located east of Sjeverne.
▪️ Clearing the liberated territories will take time: the main thing is that the assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces continue to move forward."
Dima is saying that Adiivka has fallen. Four types of video are being posted across the Telegram channels:
Ukrainian requests for evacuation.
Large groups of POW's being taken.
Huge number of dead strewn about.
Ukrainians evacuating Adiivka.

There are also the videos of Russians raising flags at key locations.

Donetsk-Avdiivka - 18.02.2024

"Battle for Avdiivka, situation as of 14:30 /Moscow time/ February 18, 2024

▪️ After the capture of Avdiivka, the Russian Armed Forces are engaged in clearing and demining the liberated areas.
▪️ In the city itself, there may well still be separate small pockets of resistance - in some places the retreat of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was disorganized with a breakdown in communication between units. This is indirectly confirmed by prisoners who admit that they were not aware of the withdrawal plans.
▪️ Similar events are taking place on the territory of the Avdiivka Coke Plant: according to some reports, at night the remaining enemy groups tried to escape from there.
▪️ At the same time, Russian aviation and artillery are operating along the current line of defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in Lastochkyne, Tonenke, Sjeverne and Orlivka - the latter was hit with ODAB-1500 thermobaric bombs. Now in these settlements there are concentrations of enemy personnel who fled from Avdiivka - their withdrawal is hampered by a lack of vehicles.
▪️ At the moment, the Ukrainian formations are experiencing a certain loss of control and disorganization, which the Russian Armed Forces can take advantage of to advance west of Avdiivka. However, there is also no need to rush, because of the minefields, which previously partially disrupted the withdrawal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the city."
Zaporozhye - 18.02.2024

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector as of 21:00 /Moscow time/ February 18, 2024

▪️ Russian troops decided to take advantage of the enemy’s increased attention to the outskirts of Donetsk and went on the offensive in the Zaporozhye direction.
▪️ In the area near Robotyne, the Russian Armed Forces advanced a kilometer and returned to their control some of the positions captured by the enemy during the offensive in the summer of 2023. Currently, fighting is taking place on the western outskirts of the village.
▪️ To the northwest of Verbove Russian fighters also managed to occupy at least three forest belts. The enemy tried to counterattack, but Russian assault detachments repelled the onslaught.
▪️ On the western outskirts of the “bag” at the Kopani-Novodanylivka line, the situation is unknown for certain: according to the enemy, Russian Armed Forces launched an attack with several infantry fighting vehicles with troops, but were unable to achieve success.
▪️ At the same time, Russian artillery and aviation are striking positions in Kamyanske and Shcherbaky, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine have concentrated personnel and counter-battery stations.
▪️ In the area of Pyatykhatky and Shcherbaky, the enemy is actively mining the area, preparing for a possible offensive by the Russian Armed Forces in this area as well.
▪️ The Ukrainian command is also transferring reserves and, in order to stabilize the situation in the Robotyne area, and is preparing to bring into battle forces of the 116th Mechanized Brigade, which was previously partially being restored in the rear.
▪️ But even at a distance from the line of contact, not everything is smooth for the Armed Forces of Ukraine - just the other day, another tragedy occurred in the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, which had been “reassembled” more than once: a detonator inadvertently detonated inside a MTLB, which was transporting mines. As a result of the incident, 20 military personnel were killed, including four officers."

Zaporozhye - 19.02.2024

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector as of 01:00 /Moscow time/ February 19, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue their offensive in the so-called Robotyne salient.
▪️ According to the Archangel of Special Forces channel, Russian paratroopers and motorized riflemen managed to advance 2 km in depth and reach the southern and southeastern outskirts of Robotyne.
▪️ Most likely, the yet unconfirmed reports of battles on the western outskirts of the village are already a reality. Taking into account the vector of attacks by Russian assault detachments and the landing of foot troops to the west of the village, this scenario is quite realistic.
▪️ A fair question arises whether the enemy will have time to transfer reinforcements to hold Robotyne. The settlement was severely destroyed during the summer fighting. And to be objective, there is no way it can become a fortress.
▪️ However, Russian troops will have to “pass right through” Robotyne, because it will be difficult, to put it mildly, for them to entrench themselves in the ruins."

Zaporozhye - 19.02.2024

"The situation in the Orikhiv sector as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ February 19, 2024

▪️ Russian troops continue their attack on Robotyne.
▪️ Units of motorized riflemen and paratroopers of the Russian Armed Forces reached the southern outskirts of the village and gained a foothold on them. Now the fighting is taking place in the central part of the village.
▪️ However, there is nowhere to stay in the locality - Robotyne was completely destroyed by the fighting, so without a rapid advance to the north it will not be possible to hold the ruins for a long time without heavy losses.
▪️ At the same time, another attack was carried out in the west along the T-04-08 highway, however the enemy disabled at least several units of equipment of the assault detachment of the Russian Army; the outcome of this battle is still unclear."