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The Russian-Ukrainian War of 2022 (News and battle updates only)

"I very rarely post combat footage, for various reasons, but this one was totally worth it. Ukrainian PR offensive into Belgorod wrecked by Russian Border Forces.Ukrainians tried to influence the information space just before the Russian elections in order to discredit the Russian leadership and military, by launching "a PR invasion of Belgorod"

At the junction of the Kharkov and Sumy regions, the Armed Forces of Ukraine transferred the personnel of the Special Forces unit "Artan" which was given personnel, armored vehicles and artillery (5 tanks, self-propelled artillery, MLRS, more than 10 IFVs, and pickups with heavy machine guns).

As seen in the video, the invasion force tried to camouflage itself in the winter forest belts, but things took a turn for the worse when Russian Border Forces discovered them.

The whole kitchen sink was thrown at them (from "Lancets" to FAB's and Iskanders) just as they assembled their troops, which resulted in around 70 killed and wounded, 5 tanks, 3 SPG's, 1 MLRS and bultiple IFV's and pickup trucks destroyed."
Ukrainian drone raid - 12.03.2024

"Massive Ukrainian drone raid. March 12, 2024

▪️ Last night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked the rear and border areas of Russia - in total, the enemy used at least 25 drones in nine regions. Currently, the Ukrainian formations are conducting artillery shelling of the Kursk and Belgorod regions.
▪️ In the Belgorod region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched drones in the Shebekino city district and the Belgorod district: residential buildings and power lines were damaged, at least seven settlements were left without electricity. The Grayvoron urban district came under artillery fire: according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, eight Vampire MLRS rockets and one Tochka-U missile were intercepted. According to the latest information, 14 residential buildings were damaged, and temporary problems with power supply arose in five settlements.
▪️ The Kursk region was subjected to a drone raid: at least 11 UAVs were intercepted over five districts: according to preliminary information, there was no significant destruction. However, in border settlement Tetkino, one person was wounded as a result of shelling.
▪️ In Orel, a drone hit a fuel and energy complex facility - a fire that broke out at an oil storage facility was promptly extinguished.
▪️ In the Nizhny Novgorod region, a Ukrainian UAV crashed on the territory of the oil refinery in Kstovo: a fire broke out at the facility, and fire brigades are currently extinguishing it. The incident was the fourth attack on the region - previously, the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to hit industrial facilities in Dzerzhinsk and the Kstovsky region, but then damage was avoided.
▪️ In addition, air defense crews intercepted enemy drones in the Moscow, Tula, Leningrad, Voronezh and Bryansk regions.
▪️ In addition to causing economic damage, the goal of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was also to create the necessary media effect for the Ukrainian audience against the backdrop of the loss of territories during the offensive of the Russian Armed Forces and the approaching elections in Russia.
▪️ In the coming week, with a high probability, the enemy will try to increase the number of resonant strikes: objects in Moscow or the Crimean Bridge could be possible targets.
▪️ At the same time, over the past few days, Ukrainian formations have been trying to organize another PR campaign in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, which only resulted in losses in manpower and armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."
Russian air strikes - 12.03.2024
air raid12032024.jpg

"Strikes of the Russian Armed Forces against enemy facilities. March 12, 2024.

▪️ The Russian Armed Forces also launched a series of attacks on targets on Ukrainian territory with Geranium-2 kamikaze drones, as well as ballistic missiles. As before, explosions occurred both in front-line areas and remote rear areas.
▪️ In Selydove, in the occupied territory of the DPR, the location of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the building of one of the educational institutions was struck. Another strike occurred at a local utility company's truck stop.

▪️ In the Vinnytsia region, the target of the attack was the area of a military town and a local engineering plant in Kalynivka. It is typical that the other day there were already arrivals in the settlement area - then drones hit an ammunition depot.
▪️ In the Ternopil region, drones attacked an oil depot near the city of Kremenets: a fire broke out at the facility, which is still ongoing.
▪️ And, acccording to still unverified data, another UAV hit a fuel and energy infrastructure facility in Brody in the Lviv region."
Border regions - 12.03.2024

"The situation in the border regions as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ March 12, 2024

▪️ Early in the morning, the Armed Forces of Ukraine launched attacks on several sections of the border in the Belgorod and Kursk regions, using a total of up to three battalions and several dozen units of equipment, as well as using the “Russian Volunteer Corps” (RDK) and other formations as media cover.
▪️ The enemy concentrated forces and launched attacks from Velyka Pysarivka, Odnorobivka and Popivka. Units of the Russian Armed Forces were in their positions and entered the battle supported by army aviation helicopters.
▪️ Artillery and aviation are striking areas where Ukrainian units are concentrated. Lancet operators are also active: according to preliminary information, during this morning they managed to burn several units of enemy equipment. However, a high density of electronic warfare interference is recorded in the combat zone.
▪️ Ukrainian formations are firing at border settlements with artillery and MLRS, and one of enemy's UAVs hit the administration building in the center of Belgorod, breaking out several windows.

▪️ Russian air defense systems are actively working, and in the morning they shot down several Tochka-U missiles and drones. Clusters are also observed in the Goptovka area.
▪️ Currently, clashes in the border area of the Belgorod region are still ongoing. The enemy also launched an attack in the direction of Tetkino in the Kursk region, but was repulsed - reports about the alleged entry of the Armed Forces of Ukraine into the village are fake.
▪️ Like almost a year ago, the sortie is purely demonstrative in nature - the enemy command did not abandon the PR campaign even after the day before yesterday the Russian Armed Forces revealed the enemy’s activity and worked on targets, causing him losses in manpower and equipment."
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Donetsk - 12.03.2024

"Offensive west of Donetsk. Situation as of 18:00 /Moscow time/ March 12, 2024

▪️ Today, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the liberation of the village of Nevelske, west of Donetsk. So far there have been no photos or video materials from the settlement, but once assault detachments of the Russian Armed Forces are secured in the village, they will definitely appear.
▪️ If the information is confirmed, then it will be possible to say with confidence that Russian troops have achieved significant tactical success due to the geographical location of Nevelske - the village and its surroundings are located at an altitude of more than 200 meters, which is the highest point on the Krasnohorivka-Pervomaiske line, and control over it improves the situation in the assault on both settlements.
▪️ From Nevelske, thanks to its location, Ukrainian formations shelled Donetsk and its suburbs for many years. As the Russian forces advance in this area, attacks on civilians will be reduced.
▪️ However, one cannot lose vigilance. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is also aware of the importance of Nevelske, so there will be attempts to recapture the village. In addition, even after the liberation of the settlement, Russian troops still have to advance through a network of strongholds and natural fortifications, complicating their movement to the west."
Border regions - 12.03.2024

"The situation in the border regions as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ March 12, 2024

▪️ During the morning and afternoon battles, Russian troops successfully repulsed the enemy’s attacks on several sections of the state border in the Belgorod region - the Armed Forces of Ukraine suffered losses and retreated to their original positions.
▪️ Within a few hours, videos appeared on the Internet showing destroyed and abandoned Ukrainian armored vehicles, including T-64BV tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, anti-aircraft installations and scarce engineering vehicles. Some of these targets were destroyed by Lancet operators and army aviation crews.
▪️ Bombers of the Russian Aerospace Forces also worked on clusters of enemy manpower. At the same time, flights of several helicopters that operated unguided rockets from a pitch-up position at extremely low altitudes were also recorded.
▪️ At the moment, it is premature to talk about the end of the fighting: the Armed Forces of Ukraine are regrouping and transferring equipment, including tanks, armored personnel carriers, cannon artillery and MLRS. It is highly likely that in the coming hours they will launch a new attack in the direction of Grayvoron.
▪️ For the Ukrainian Armed Forces, today’s PR campaign has so far only cost tangible losses without any success “on the ground.” At the same time, the enemy resorts to his favorite tool - terror of populated areas in the Belgorod region, which damages civilian infrastructure and creates a threat to civilians."

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Ukrainian drone raid - 13.03.2024

"Massive Ukrainian drone raid. March 13, 2024

▪️ For the second day in a row the Armed Forces of Ukraine are carrying out massive attacks on the border and rear regions of Russia. According to official information, over the past 24 hours, air defense units have destroyed more than 60 unmanned aerial vehicles.
▪️ In Belgorod, one unmanned aerial vehicle crashed into an apartment building, and the second UAV fell into the river. In the Gubkinsky and Novooskolsky urban districts, Krasnensky and Prokhorovsky districts, several private houses, gas supply and power lines were damaged as a result of UAV attacks.
▪️ In the Bryansk region, air defense crews shot down eight drones. The same number were destroyed over the Kursk region when approaching the regional capital: there were no casualties or destruction on the ground.
▪️ The Rostov region was also attacked by drones. Electronic warfare systems suppressed three UAVs that fell onto the territory of the Novoshakhtinsk Oil Refinery. At the moment, all technological processes at the enterprise have been stopped.
▪️ Air defense systems destroyed 40 drones over the Voronezh region. Most of them were intercepted over the city of Voronezh, where fragments of several devices fell onto the territory of the market. Apparently, the target of the raid were the airfields in Buturlinovka and Voronezh.

▪️ In Ryazan, the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked two oil refining installations on the territory of the Ryazannefteproduct JSC refinery with Mugin-5 Pro drones. A fire broke out and two plant workers were injured.
▪️ In the Leningrad region, a mobile rifle group destroyed a drone on approach to the KINEF oil refinery. Over the past two days, this is the second attack on the Kirishi region."
Border regions - 13.03.2024

"The situation in the border regions as of 14:00 /Moscow time/ March 13, 2024

▪️ Even after yesterday’s unsuccessful attacks, Ukrainian formations did not give up attempts to cross the state border of the Russian Federation and enter the border villages of the Belgorod region.
▪️ At the moment, formations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are concentrated in several areas, including Velyka Pysarivka and its surroundings, as well as Popivka. During the night and morning, fighting was recorded on the approaches to Kozinka.
▪️ The enemy continues to move armored vehicles to the front line, and also uses FPV drones.
▪️ At the same time, the Russian Armed Forces are also striking the targets with various types of drones and artillery, as well as army aviation helicopters.
▪️ In the Tetkino area, after yesterday’s clashes, the situation has not changed: the videos of outcasts from the “RDK” allegedly entering the village were actually filmed in Ryzhivka in the Sumy region, and the Ukrainian units located at this sector are not taking any actions, fearing Russian strikes.

▪️ Although the Armed Forces of Ukraine, at the cost of tangible losses, were unable to achieve even media success, they do not yet intend to give up new attacks. Therefore, the next attack attempts are highly likely to be expected in the near future.
▪️ At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to strike settlements and facilities in the Belgorod region, creating a threat to civilians and economic costs for the region."

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Donetsk - 13.03.2024

"Offensive west of Donetsk. Situation as of 19:00 /Moscow time/ March 13, 2024

▪️ After the recent successes of Russian units in the Donetsk direction, the next goal of the Russian Armed Forces is to cut off the salient at the Vodyane-Nevelske line.
▪️ Thanks to footage published online, it was possible to establish the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in Pervomaiske, where fighting has been going on for almost a year and a half.

12,03,24 Pervomaiske
Active hostilities in the southern area of Avdiivka. Attack of the Russian Armed Forces with armored vehicles in the central part of Pervomaiske. Attack of FPV drones of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on an infantry fighting vehicle.
48.08893, 37.61197

▪️ Russian units were able to advance along Pervomaiska Street, getting close to the ruins of the Pershotravnevka-35 substation in the center of the village. This became possible, among other things, thanks to the use of FPV drones for targeted strikes on positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ At the same time, despite the reports that have appeared about the control of the Russian Armed Forces over a WOG gas station there is no objective confirmation of this yet. And given the current configuration of the front line, it is unlikely that Russian troops would be able to cover such a significant distance to the west in a short time.
▪️ In the southern part of Pervomaiske there is progress along the E40 highway leading to Netailove. However, the dried-up reservoirs between the village and Nevelske are still under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine - there is no information about the enemy’s withdrawal from there.
▪️ Success in this sector will allow the Russian Armed Forces start to the battles for Netailove with the prospect of an offensive in the Karlivka region, and will also move the front line away from Donetsk."
"Destruction of two helicopters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Novopavlivka. March 13, 2024

▪️ The Russian Ministry of Defense published footage of the Russian Armed Forces attack on a jump airfield of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, located near the settlement of Novopavlivka in the east of the Dnepropetrovsk region, 50 km from the line of combat contact.
▪️ First, the helicopter parking lot was covered with cluster munitions, and then precise missile strikes were carried out on two former Afghan Mi-17V-5s transferred to the United States in 2022-2023. At the same time, one of the aircraft that were there, judging by the footage, was still able to escape.

▪️ The strikes at targets in the vicinity of the village did not end there. Russian UAV operators discovered the location of a warehouse of unguided aircraft missiles on the territory of the Chuguevo farm, after which a glide bomb from a Su-34 bomber hit the hangar.

▪️ In recent days, the defense department have been pleasing us with such publications - within a week, videos appeared of the destruction HIMARS MLRS and Patriot air defense systems, not counting footage of burnt armored vehicles. So we can note some clear improvements in the information sphere of the Ministry of Defense, especially in comparison with 2022. And such materials also demonstrate the reconnaissance-strike capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces. Each new video shows qualitative changes to ensure the prompt destruction of identified targets behind enemy lines."
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The Ukrainians have been launching drones at Rostov nuclear power station. All were shot down. The refinery at the Ryazan oil power plant was also attacked and damaged.

FPV Drones have been used in attacks on personnel and facilities at the ZNPP, meaning that there are likely still plans to capture and hold it for nuclear blackmail.

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Border regions - 14.03.2024

"The situation in the border regions as of 12:00 /Moscow time/ March 14, 2024

▪️ For the third day in a row, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to attack with the aim of crossing the state border in the Belgorod region. The enemy is actively using armored vehicles, including Western-made ones.
▪️ At the moment, there is an ongoing battle in the area of Spodaryushino and Kozinka in the Belgorod region, where the Armed Forces of Ukraine attacked with up to 50 people with the support of several armored vehicles, as well as in the area of Tetkino, Kursk region. Russian artillery is working intensively in both sectors.
▪️ At the same time, shelling of the rear settlements, including Belgorod and Grayvoron, continue. In the regional capital, six people were injured, and another local resident died. Air defense crews of the Russian Armed Forces are actively shooting down targets over other villages and towns in the region.
▪️ Transport helicopters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine periodically take off and land at Kharkov airport: apparently, the Ukrainian formations use them to evacuate the wounded to Dnepropetrovsk and hospitals in other regions away from the line of contact.
▪️ Although the enemy has not yet been able to achieve even media success, the situation is far from resolved. There are heavy battles on the border, and the Ukrainian Armed Forces still have enough resources to continue attacks even after all the losses suffered.
▪️ At the same time, Ukrainian TsIPsO (PsyOps) and collaboration structures have become more active, actively disseminating information about DRGs entering Russian territory and other similar information.
▪️ Precision strikes against promptly identified targets play a major role in reducing the combat potential of Ukrainian formations in the area. Which, in turn, is ensured by the timely delivery of ammunition in sufficient quantities: this will increase the frequency of strikes and completely disrupt the enemy’s plans."


"The situation in the border regions as of 15:00 /Moscow time/ March 14, 2024

▪️ More and more objective footage from the border areas of the Belgorod region is appearing on the network.
▪️ The enemy does not abandon attempts to break through the border and transfers reserves in the direction of Velyka Pysarivka, opposite which the Armed Forces of Ukraine managed to achieve their greatest success in the form of reaching the administrative boundaries of the village of Spodaryushino, where several dozen storm troopers with yellow armbands remained lying.

▪️ According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the enemy lost at least five tanks, four armored fighting vehicles and three UR-77 and IMR mine clearing vehicles of various types. Objective footage partially confirms the information. Only in the ditches on the outskirts of Spodaryushino lie several dozen bodies of the attackers, and footage of abandoned and destroyed armored vehicles began to appear almost from the very beginning of the escalation on the border.

▪️ However, the enemy has far from lost its offensive potential. In the border area of the Sumy region there are enough personnel to continue attacks and attempts to advance in new areas.
▪️ At the same time, the Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed at least one bridge in Velyka Pysarivka to complicate the enemy’s logistics."

Border regions - 14.03.2024

"The situation in the border regions by the end of March 14, 2024

▪️ The most “hot” part of the front is still the Grayvoron region: the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue attacks with the aim of entering the border settlements of the Belgorod region.
▪️ During the day, movements and concentrations of Ukrainian units were recorded in Velyka Pysarivka, Popivka, Lukashivka, Oleksandrivka and Shostka. Judging by the scale of the forces involved, the enemy is actively preparing for offensive actions.
▪️ Army aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is also involved. One of the helicopters managed to land a group in an open field on the state border near Kozinka. The enemy group tried to break through to the Church of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. There are plenty of places on this nickel that are suitable for filming TikTok videos due to the abundance of remarkable buildings.
▪️ Despite the hype and panic in the RU segment of Telegram, reality turned out to be much more cruel to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result of the battle, the Ukrainian landing force was thrown back, and the reserves of the Russian Armed Forces were transferred to the site. At the moment, forces of the 2nd Motor Rifle Division of the Russian Armed Forces are conducting a counter battle along the entire line of contact.
▪️ At the same time, Ukrainian army aviation is deployed from the jump site on the territory of the partially bombed civilian airport of Kharkov - several aircraft are based there on a permanent basis.
▪️ In parallel, the enemy continues artillery terror, shelling Belgorod and other settlements in the region with cannon and rocket artillery, as well as launching drones at them. During the day, one civilian was killed and more than a dozen were injured.
▪️ By all indications, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are planning a major attack in the near future, trying to disrupt the starting presidential elections. All this corresponds to the love of the Kiev regime and its owners for PR campaigns. And these actions are often difficult to explain logically against the backdrop of a clear discrepancy between the results and the costs of their implementation.
▪️ We would like to separately note another unpleasant moment: in recent days we have repeatedly pointed out that, unlike the attack in the spring of 2023, this time the Armed Forces of Ukraine have not yet been able to achieve even a PR success, however suddenly some jaundiced domestic resources and media came to their “aid,” and they raced to talk about the landing in Kozinka, making the landing near a border village almost like an operation in Gostomel. And this, of course, contributed to the dispersal of rumors in Grayvoron and the spread of panic among the civilian population.
It is very sad that after two years of hostilities, some individuals still have not realized what information warfare is and how it works."
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Border regions - 15.03.2024

"The situation in the border regions as of 16:00 /Moscow time/ March 15, 2024

▪️ Throughout the night, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continued their attacks on a section of the border near Grayvoron in the Belgorod region, trying to build a success after the helicopter landing at Kozinka. However, Russian units repelled all attacks and thwarted the enemy's plans.
▪️ During the clashes, soldiers of the 2nd Special Purpose Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces destroyed all the enemy forces near Kozinka, preventing them from gaining a foothold in the village and waiting for the armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to arrive there. The settlement is under full Russian control.
▪️ During the day, Ukrainian formations tried once again to enter Tetkino in the Kursk region, but were unable to reach the outskirts of the village and are shelling it from the adjacent Ryzhivka in the Sumy region. Messages about “battles in the area of the railway station” are again just a common hoax.
▪️ With all this, the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not stop shelling settlements in the region from artillery and MLRS. Although Russian air defense systems work extremely intensively, some shells fall on residential streets. Unfortunately, there are casualties - one civilian died in a store in Belgorod, and more than a dozen were injured throughout the region.
▪️ Although it is too early to talk about the end of the fighting on the border, the enemy clearly suffered very significant losses in people and especially equipment. At the moment, he has not achieved any military or even PR goals.
▪️ At the same time, in retaliation for failures, the Kiev regime will traditionally try to “get even” on civilians, continuing indiscriminate shelling of cities and villages in the Belgorod region. Which will raise the question of response actions on the part of the RF Armed Forces, especially in conditions when the Armed Forces of Ukraine have partially “used up” their potential in the battles of recent days."
Donetsk-Avdiivka - 16.03.2024

"The situation in the Avdiivka direction as of 10:00 /Moscow time/ March 16, 2024

▪️ For the last few days, heavy fighting has been going on, in the Avdiivka direction in Berdychi and Tonenke, where the Russian Armed Forces were able to “jump in on the shoulders” of the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine retreating from Avdiivka.
▪️ However, the enemy recovered quickly enough and was able to quickly transfer reinforcements to the site, creating a numerical superiority in the entire sector, pulling together over 15 brigades by March 6. Thus, the Ukrainian Armed Forces were able to stop the rapid advance of the Russian Armed Forces, even if at the beginning they had to cut off evacuation of their own personnel with artillery barrages.
▪️ Despite the numerical superiority of the enemy, the battles turned into positional nature. The Russian Armed Forces maintain a presence in Tonenke and Orlivka, as well as in the eastern part of Berdychi. The enemy counterattacks, from Semenivka, using armored vehicles, but cannot dislodge Russian forces.
▪️ The most difficult for the RF Armed Forces and the most important for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, is the northern flank. Offensive in Berdychi rests on Petrivske, and is supported ftom the Coke Plant and its ash dump. Although reconnaissance UAVs have reduced the value of commanding heights, they still cannot completely neutralize it. The Armed Forces of Ukraine actively use armored vehicles, while assault groups apparently lack anti-tank weapons.
▪️ The fact the enemy is organizing an evacuation point in the village of Prohres, west of Ocheretyno, also raises concerns. The enemy may well try to organize attacks on the flank of the advancing Russian units, relying on Soloviove and Novobakhmutivka, where there is enough dense forest belts for a relatively covert advance.
▪️ South of Berdychi, in Orlivka and Tonenke, the situation for the Russian forces is somewhat better, since only two roads lead to Orlivka from Semenivka, and to the west of Tonenke there are 4-6 kilometers of open fields to Umanske and Yasnobrodivka, it creates difficulties for the enemy in organizing counterattacks.
▪️ Nevertheless, even taking into account the current situation, the Russian Armed Forces continue the offensive. To the west of Tonenke, an armored group with infantry occupied the ruins of a dairy farm. And even in the Berdychi area, a breakthrough was made to the outskirts of Semenivka, but without further consolidation: the enemy was able to stop the assault with its own infantry fighting vehicles.
▪️ At the same time, “pockets” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine that emerged in the first days of the offensive to the north and south of Orlivka were at least partially cleared. The remnants of the enemy infantry were subjected to massive strikes by TOS heavy flamethrowers with an obvious outcome: the enemy was simply burned out.
▪️ In general, the situation is greatly complicated by the abundance of enemy drones. Not only armored vehicles, but even single soldiers are subject to grenade drops and FPV strikes, which indicates that there is no shortage of weapons among the Ukrainian formations. And this, in turn, complicates not only further advance, but also consolidation of the previously occupied positions.
▪️ At the same time, engineering work is underway in the same area along the S-051801 Orlivka-Umanske-Netailove road. And the heights west of Umanske and Yasnobrodivka on the eastern bank of the Karlivka Reservoir represent an extremely convenient natural line of defense."
Ukrainian drone raid - 17.03.2024

"Massive Ukrainian drone raid. March 17, 2024

▪️ Last night, eight Russian regions were subjected to massive raids by Ukrainian drones. As before, the targets of the Kiev regime’s attacks are facilities of the oil and gas industries.
▪️ The Slavyansk-Eco oil refinery was attacked in the Krasnodar region. Of the 17 drones, two flew to the enterprise territory, and the fire at the crash site was extinguished. According to preliminary information, one of the plant workers died.
▪️ A modified S-200 missile was destroyed on approach to Bryansk, and three drones were destroyed in the Kursk region. Another UAV was intercepted in the Kamensk-Shakhtinsky area in the Rostov region.
▪️ In the Kaluga region, air defense crews managed to shoot down three drones in the Kirov region and another one in the sky over Kaluga. Two more drones were destroyed in the Oryol region on approach to the administrative center of the region.
▪️ Over the Moscow region, air defense units on duty destroyed five drones. At the same time, explosions also occurred in the Domodedovo area, where the airport of the same name is located: fragments of the devices fell on the territory of a parking lot and warehouse - there was no serious damage or fires.
▪️ An attack by four UAVs was repelled in the Yaroslavl region - explosions were heard in the area of the Slavneft-YANOS oil refinery. According to official information, there is no destruction on the ground. The previous attempt to attack this oil refinery complex was made on January 29, when the drone was neutralized by electronic warfare.
▪️ At the same time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue shelling border regions. Unfortunately, there are casualties among the civilian population: in Belgorod, as a result of the enemy strikes, a 16-year-old girl was killed and her father was injured. And four drones attacked the village of Oktyabrsky where residential buildings were damaged."

Ukrainian drone strike in Transnistria - 17.03.2024

"Drone strike on the Tiraspol airfield. March 17, 2024

▪️ Around noon, an explosion occurred at the Tiraspol airfield in Transnistria: as it turned out later, it was caused by a drone strike on a Mi-8MT helicopter at one of the parking lots. As a result of the incident, the aircraft was completely burned.
▪️ According to the official statement of representatives of the PMR (Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic), the drone arrived from the north from the Odessa region. However, the destroyed helicopter was inoperative and had not taken off for decades.
▪️ Since 2022, Ukrainian formations have shelled settlements in Transnistria several times, and also carried out sabotage on the territory of the republic. However, for the first time, it was a military facility that was attacked by the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ Although this raid is clearly timed to coincide with the Russian elections, it is unlikely to be the last such attack using a UAV. Especially against the backdrop of the policy of the current pro-Western government of Moldova to economically strangle the PMR and establish ties with NATO in preparation for the forceful “reintegration” of the region."

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Hulyaipole - 17.03.2024

"The situation in the Hulyaipole sector as of 13:00 /Moscow time/ March 17, 2024

▪️ For a long time the situation in the Hulyaipole sector remained static, if we don’t take a slight revival at the end of February with the advance of the Russian Armed Forces near Martfopil. However, now a rather noticeable event has occurred there.
▪️ During an offensive, units from the 35th Combined Arms Army of the RF Armed Forces established control over the village of Myrne, knocking out the forces of the 203rd battalion of the 108th Territorial Defense Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
▪️ Ukrainian formations tried to counterattack in order to recapture the lost positions, but were unsuccessful. In total, during the latest clashes, the enemy lost over 15 killed, as well as at least one vehicle.
▪️ Regardless of whether the offensive near Hulyaipole is part of a larger plan or not, Russian activity in this area will force the Armed Forces of Ukraine to transfer artillery and drone crews. Which, in turn, could weaken the onslaught of Ukrainian formations in the Orikhiv sector where the enemy is counterattacking in order to regain the positions lost at the end of February in the Robotyne area."
Border regions - 17.03.2024

"The situation in the border regions as of 16:00 /Moscow time/ March 17, 2024

▪️ For the sixth day in a row, fighting has continued in the border area in the Belgorod region, where Ukrainian formations do not stop trying to break into Russian territory.
▪️ The enemy is still active in the Kozinka area, which on Thursday he even tried to take with the help of a helicopter landing. At the moment, clashes are taking place on the western outskirts of the village.
▪️ The Armed Forces of Ukraine are supported by army aviation, which launches unguided missiles from a pitch-up position towards the positions of the Russian Armed Forces. One of these sorties ended with soldiers of the 138th Motor Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces catching and shooting down a Ukrainian Mi-24 with a Verba MANPADS, which crashed near the village of Lukashivka.

▪️ Another episode was the publication of archival footage of the enemy’s foray into Gorkovsky, which occurred a few days ago. The DRG route ran along a continuous forest belt running from the border, which then made it possible to reach the border village unnoticed.

However, judging by the posted footage, the Ukrainian formations did not move any further than the southern outskirts of the village and limited themselves to taking photos near the school, after which they retreated along the same route to the territory of the so-called Ukraine. Gorkovsky itself is empty - the population and administration were evacuated from there a long time ago.
▪️ Although, against the backdrop of the ongoing elections in Russia, the enemy still maintains increased activity in the border zone, the losses of recent days in people, armored vehicles and artillery affect its combat capabilities and ability to launch serious attacks.
▪️ As always, in retaliation for its own failures, the Kiev regime is hitting the cities and villages of the Belgorod region with whole packages of MLRS. Unfortunately, as a result of the shelling there were casualties: in the morning in Belgorod, a 16-year-old teenage girl died and her father was injured.
▪️ All of this again raises the issue of appropriate retaliation on the part of the Russian Armed Forces, especially in light of heavy losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the partial exhaustion of their combat potential in this area."